Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 154: Shao Yuan's changes

Above the altar, the four of Leiyun Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting received the seal key, all smiles on their faces, expressing satisfaction with their performance.

The monks below the altar were in high spirits and ecstatic, all giving thumbs up to the thundercloud on the altar.

Shao Yuan also smiled, but his eyes flashed a different kind of light.

He waved his hand, and said, "The seal key has been obtained, you all come down!"

When Leiyun Bai Yaofei Mo Huang put out the fire, the four people looted the altar one after another.

Bai Yaofei looked at Shao Yuan and asked, "Shao Yuan, what should we do next?"

Shao Yuan smiled and said: "Since the seal key is in hand, the next step is much simpler. You only need to insert the four seal keys into the seal at the same time to open that layer of seal."

Bai Yaofei nodded, was about to try, but saw Leiyun suddenly raise his hand.

"and many more!"

Seeing Leiyun speaking, everyone looked at him, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Leiyun, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Yaofei frowned and asked, the seal could be opened soon, what is Leiyun doing?

"Before opening the seal, I have to say one thing."

Lei Yun said lightly.

"whats the matter?"

Bai Yaofei frowned deeper, as did the others.

Lei Yun smiled mysteriously, then looked at Xiao Lang and others in the crowd, and said: "I want to invite a few people to leave."

Everyone was extremely puzzled and didn't understand what Leiyun meant.

Only a few people understood what Leiyun meant, and immediately followed Leiyun with their eyes.

"Do you want Xiao Lang and his accomplices to leave?" Bai Yaofei asked.


Lei Yun sneered: "Presumably everyone knows that I had a festival with Xiao Lang, and now I have had a hard time getting the seal key. Naturally, I don't want someone who has a festival with me to sit back and enjoy it."

"So! I want to ask him to leave. As long as he leaves, I will naturally cooperate with you and open the seal."

After Leiyun finished speaking, although everyone did not speak, they all tacitly agreed.

Because Leiyun's request was not excessive, he did have a feast with Xiao Lang. Before, he had a conflict between the two at the Changfeng Valley temporary market.

It is also human nature that Leiyun is unwilling to let someone who has had a feast with him enjoy the fruits of his victory.

"Okay, I support your decision!"

Bai Yaofei glanced at Xiao Lang, then waved his hand and agreed with Leiyun's decision.

Xiao Lang is just a dispensable character, and Lei Yun holds a seal key, which is very important to them.

"I have no opinion."

Mo Huang also expressed his stance.

Seeing that both of them had voted in favor, Lei Yun looked at the fire extinguishing again: "Fire extinguishing, how about you?"

"Leiyun, you are so narrow-minded!"

Extinguish the Yin and Yang and said Leiyun weirdly.

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to tell me, what is your attitude?"

Lei Yun didn't care about the yin and yang of the latter, and asked directly.

The fire put a look at Xiao Lang, and immediately said: "Although I can't understand you, a narrow-minded fellow, but I have nothing to do with that kid, so I have no opinion."

"That's good."

Lei Yun retracted his gaze, looked at Xiao Lang in the crowd, and said indifferently, "Xiao Lang, did you hear what you said just now?"

Xiao Demon God, Wuhen, Xiaodao, Dulong and others all showed anger and stared at Thunder Cloud, but Xiao Lang hadn't spoken yet, so they couldn't speak first.

"Brother, what should I do?"

The knife was very angry, and Lei Yun was too shameless. Before, he was obviously provoking first, but now he actually avenged his personal revenge.

Xiao Lang waved his hand and motioned for the knife to be safe.

His complexion was very calm, in fact, he had expected this result as early as when Leiyun was on the altar.

He is quite clear about Leiyun's personality. He is narrow-minded and will get revenge if he has any grudges. Since he has caught the opportunity, he cannot take revenge on him.

But having said that, there are many supporters behind Lei Yun, and he can't argue with each other.

Therefore, Xiao Lang said directly: "Leiyun, I have to say, your trick is quite clever."

Lei Yun sneered: "Then are you convinced?"

"Haha, Xiao Lang has been in the sky for so many years, and I still don't know how to write the word convinced."

Xiao Lang laughed, his gaze, intentionally or unintentionally, looked far away, standing still, Shao Yuan glanced at him blankly, and immediately said: "Since I am not welcome here, then I will go."

After speaking, Xiao Lang turned around and left without looking back.

"Let's go too!"

Xiao Demon God, Wuhen, Xiaodao, Dulong spit fiercely, and followed without hesitation.

When the Supreme God of Asura saw Xiao Lang and the others had gone, he gave a wry smile, and immediately followed up. Although he was a bit greedy for the magical medicine on the mountain, since he was repelling them here, he didn't need to stay anymore.

They are the disciples of the sub-rudder of the Tianfu Temple, and they don't have no channels for the magic medicine. As long as they earn more points in the future, they can also exchange for the high-level magic medicine from the Wanbao Temple.

Xiao Lang and his party finally stopped in the distance. The Asura World God was a little confused and asked, "Xiao Lang, why aren't you leaving?"

Xiao Lang smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, watch a good show first."

Hearing that, Shura World God, Xiao Demon God, Wuhen Xiaodao Dulong and others all looked blank, and I don't know what Xiao Lang meant.

"You'll find out later."

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "That Shao Yuan is not easy!"

On the altar side, when Lei Dong saw Xiao Lang's group stop in the distance, he couldn't help but sneer again and again.

"Brother, does that kid still want to get a share of the pie?"

Lei Yun also smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid he thinks too much."

When the seal was opened later, they would enter the mountain as soon as Xiao Lang was so far away. When he rushed over, the treasures in the mountain would have been looted by them.

"Can you open the seal now?"

At this time, Bai Yaofei asked.


Lei Yun smiled.

"Well, we will insert the seal key into the seal now."

Bai Yaofei nodded, then waved his arm and threw the seal key.

All three of Leiyun Mohuang Fire Fighting also made this action at the same time.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

In an instant, all the four keys flew out, turned into four streamers, and shot into the seal formation.


Receiving the power of the four keys, the seal formation suddenly trembled, and then everyone saw that the light curtain of the seal formation quickly dissipated.

In the blink of an eye, that huge mountain was exposed to everyone.


At the same time, on the top of the huge mountain peak, a colorful light burst out, illuminating the world, very dazzling.

"That's a magic medicine!"

The crowd opened their eyes wide, revealing greed.

It is said that the magic medicine in the ruins is a high-level magic medicine called the five-color coriander flower!

The consumption of monks in the world realm can increase the energy world in the body several times, which is equivalent to indirectly increasing the strength, which is very rare.

Judging from the colorful light, it must be the five-color damask flower.

"Everyone, fight for the magic medicine!"

Someone shouted in the crowd.

This shout was like the torch of an oil depot, instantly igniting everyone's enthusiasm.


Everyone shouted, rushing into the mountain like wolves.

The fastest, of course, are the thundercloud Bai Yaofei Mo Huang and the four people who are fighting the fire. Almost as soon as the seal opened, they had already skimmed into the mountain and rushed towards the top of the mountain with all their strength.

Although there is gravity blessing on the mountain, they still used their speed to the extreme, and it didn't take long before they were close to the mountain.

Others, some of them know they are hopeless to fight for the magic medicine, and choose to find other treasures among the mountains.

The other part refused to give up, and followed the thundercloud Bai Yaofei Mo Huang and Mo Huang to put out the fire, hoping to win the magic medicine and increase the strength.

In the distance, Shura World God, Xiao Demon God and his group looked at the crowd rushing into the mountain crazily, and they couldn't help but feel a little envious. After all, there were many good things on that mountain.

However, Xiao Lang did not speak, and they were too embarrassed to **** the treasure, so they could only watch it here.

"Don't worry, the show has just begun."

Xiao Lang smiled mysteriously, and couldn't help looking at Shao Yuan who was still at the bottom of the mountain.

At this moment, even those ordinary Void True Gods have already entered the mountain to hunt for treasure. As a world-level perfect powerhouse, why are they still standing there?

"What happened to Shao Yuan?"

The Shura World God and others also saw Shao Yuan's abnormality and couldn't help frowning.

They couldn't understand what Shao Yuan meant.

When Shura World God and others speculated about Shao Yuan's intentions, Shao Yuan, who was standing on the edge of the altar, also slowly raised his head.

A pale face was covered with sneers and cunning.

"Hey, this king has waited so long, and the seal has finally been opened."

If someone is here at this time, you will find that Shao Yuan's voice is very hoarse, like the wind blowing into a broken sand can, very unpleasant, it is not Shao Yuan's own voice.

In addition, Shao Yuan's eyes have also changed. The original black-and-white eyes have become extremely dark at this moment, as if they were invaded by something.

"Longxiang old ghost, I have been suppressed by your demon peak for 100,000 years. You can't think of it, my Poison Soul Venerable is not dead yet!"

The corner of Shao Yuan's mouth evoked a cold arc.

He raised his head, looked at the monks who had entered the magic peak, and sneered: "My body has been suppressed for 100,000 years. These people can just be used as my nourishment. Jie Jie, dragon like old ghost, waiting for my rebirth. At that moment, it was the moment when you were frustrated."

After speaking, Shao Yuan stepped forward and slowly walked towards the huge mountain in front of him, and soon submerged in the mountain.

Shao Yuan's movements are small, so no one knows, except for Xiao Lang and others in the distance.

At this time, most monks were looking for treasures and elixir among the mountains.

And a small number of monks with good self-sustainability have already reached the top of the mountain.

"Haha, finally came up, the five-color coriander flower is mine!"

The first person to climb the mountain was Thunder Cloud. His face was ecstatic, and the five-color damask flower was close at hand.

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