Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 155: Venerable Poison Soul

"Haha, it's finally here, the five-color coriander flower is mine."

Leiyun's expression was ecstatic, his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly grabbed the five-colored damask flower on the top of the mountain.

"Leiyun, get out of my way!"

However, before Lei Yun succeeded, there was an angry shout.

Then there was a strong wind coming from behind!

Leiyun's complexion changed and he had to temporarily give up the five-color damask flower and stopped to respond.

I saw him turn around and hit out with a palm, and banged against the strong wind.


With huge power coming, Leiyun was directly forced back by two steps.

"Mo Huang, what are you doing!"

Leiyun looked at Mo Huang who had climbed the mountain and shouted angrily.

He is good at thunder attribute energy and has a certain advantage in speed, so he is the first to climb the mountain.

He thought that the five-color damask flower was already in his bag, but he didn't expect Mo Huang to catch up.

Mo Huang's strength is the strongest among this group of people, that is, he also has to be afraid of three points. Now that Mo Huang is climbing the mountain, it will be much more difficult for him to **** the five-color damask flower.

"Of course I grabbed the five-color coriander flower, what else can I do?"

Mo Huang said faintly, then his figure flew out and grabbed it toward the five-color damask flower.

"It's not so easy to grab the five-color damask flower!"

Lei Yun gritted his teeth and immediately stopped Mo Huang.

"Promise Shocking Thunder Palm!"

Leiyun directly displayed his strongest magic skills.


The power of violent thunder burst out, forming two amazing thunder and lightning palm prints, whizzing towards Mo Huang.


When Mo Huang saw this, his eyes were also stunned.

Although his strength is slightly better than that of Leiyun, in fact the gap between the two is not big. Facing Leiyun's strongest magic skills, he dare not rush to take it.

At the moment, Mo Huang had no choice but to avoid it.

Just when the two confronted each other, Bai Yaofei and Fire Fighting also reached the top of the mountain.

Seeing that Mo Huang and Leiyun were in a duel, Bai Yaofei didn't even think about it, and he immediately rushed out and grabbed the five-color damask flower.

"Go away!"

Leiyun was angry. He was the first one to come up. As a result, all three of Mo Huang Bai Yaofei extinguished the fire and caught up, which made him very unhappy.

"Boom boom boom!"

I saw that Thunder Cloud played several infinite thunder hand skills, intercepting Bai Yaofei and the fire at the same time.

"Leiyun, do you want one to beat three?"

Bai Yaofei was blocked, raised his brows, and said coldly.

"One hit three?"

Leiyun sneered. He pointed to Mo Huanghe and extinguished the fire, and said, "The five-color damask flower is more than I want to snatch. Even if I let it go to you, will they agree?"

Bai Yaofei snorted coldly: "You bother if this is not a prison."

After all, I'm going to **** the five-color damask flower.

"Bai Yaofei, stop!"

However, before Bai Yaofei could succeed, a calm voice suddenly came, but the fire extinguished chasing him up.

Leiyun was right. Everyone here wanted to get the five-color damask flower, including him to put out the fire.

Bai Yaofei thought it would be so easy to get the five-color damask flower.


Soon, Bai Yaofei and Lei Yun banged against each other, and they each stepped back a few steps.

The strength of Bai Yaofei and Leiyun is not much different, basically no one can do anything about it, and there is no benefit.

"Extinguish the fire, this is the site of White Bone County, you'd better think clearly before you do it to me."

Bai Yaofei stared at the fire and said indifferently.

Two orange flames were burning on the fire extinguisher, and he faintly said: "Don't take Bone County to crush me. If I am so afraid of death, I will not come to Bone County to grab this thing."


Bai Yaofei did not expect that the fire fighting oil would not be added, and he was very angry for a while, but he did not have a solution.

He took a look at the fire, and finally turned around and continued to **** the five-color damask flower.

"Bai Yaofei, you look down on people too much!"

Seeing Bai Yaofei ignoring himself, he snorted when he put out the fire, and shot Bai Yaofei again.

"Skyfire Spirit Snake Palm!"

The fire extinguisher gave a deep cry, and the two orange flames on his palm increased sharply, turning into two fire snakes, biting at Bai Yaofei.

Bai Yaofei had thought that even if he was attacked by the fire extinguisher, he would take the five-color damask flower, but he did not expect that the fire extinguisher would use such a powerful trick.

"Damn it!"

Bai Yaofei gritted his teeth and bitterly. If he only used ordinary tricks to put out the fire, he would suffer a bit of injury at most. It would not affect him too much, but he did not want to put out the fire so fiercely, so he directly used the World God. Technique.

If this is hit, even if he will not be killed, he will be seriously injured. After all, he does not have a defensive artifact such as a world-class body armor, and he does not have the powerful physique of physical training. There is no way to resist a magic attack of the same level.

In desperation, Bai Yaofei could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​snatching the five-color coriander flowers and resist the fire attack first.


The two quickly entered the battle, and fierce battle fluctuations suddenly broke out.

Fortunately, the material of this mountain is special, it can resist the full bombardment of Dzogchen in the next world realm, and there is a large gravity array nearby, which minimizes their destructive power, so even though Leiyun is not wild, Bai Yaofei extinguishes the four-person battle No matter how intense it was, there was no damage at the scene.

However, at this time, the ordinary world-level monks who followed them had already caught up.

When they saw Leiyun Mo Huang and Bai Yaofei extinguishing the fire and the four people were fighting in a melee, the monks were first taken aback, and then they showed ecstasy, and frantically grabbed the five-color damask flower.

They had always worried that the four of Leiyun Mohuang Bai Yaofei would take the five-color coriander flower first, but they did not expect that the four of them were fighting each other. They would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

"These bastards!"

Lei Yun Mo Huang Bai Yaofei put out the fire and the four people also found those ordinary world-level monks, and they all gritted their teeth with hatred.

"I see who of you dare!"

The fire extinguishing temper was relatively fierce, and he immediately roared, and he stopped hitting Bai Yaofei, his palms blasted out, and dozens of fire snakes were shot, blasting at the ordinary world-level monks.

How powerful is the fire fighting power, even if it is just an ordinary attack, it is not something that ordinary world-level cultivators can withstand. At present, those ordinary world-level cultivators can only be forced to retreat.

"Damn, this extinguisher is such a bastard!"

Many ordinary world-level cultivators cursed secretly. It was their only chance to **** the five-color coriander, but they were still blocked by the fire.

Bai Yaofei sneered when he saw the fire fighting free to intercept the ordinary monks, then turned around and grabbed the five-color damask flower.

"Bai Yaofei, you shameless!"

Extinguishing was annoyed and immediately chased him up, but it was a pity that Bai Yaofei was already one step ahead of him, and he couldn't catch up in a short time.

"Haha, the five-color coriander flower is mine!"

Seeing the five-color daisy flower close at hand, Bai Yaofei's mood also improved. He did not hesitate to reach out and grab the root of the five-color daisy flower.

"call out!"

But at this moment, a sharp edge suddenly shot at him, extremely fast, and it was close to Bai Yaofei's head in the blink of an eye.


Bai Yaofei was startled in a cold sweat, and that sharp edge gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. If he was pierced into his head, he would most likely die on the spot.

In a crisis, Bai Yaofei had to retreat one after another, temporarily giving up the five-color damask flower.

No way, although he really wants to get the five-color damask flower, life is still more important. He doesn't want to lose my life for a single five-color damask flower.


Bai Yaofei tried his best to avoid, the sharp edge almost flew past his cheek, marking a blood mark directly on one of his cheeks.


After finally avoiding that sharp edge, Bai Yaofei looked angry, he was actually stunned just now.

But when I saw a figure flying from the bottom of the mountain quickly, he had already arrived in front of the five-color damask flower in the blink of an eye.

"Shao Yuan!"

Seeing the person, Bai Yaofei frowned. He didn't expect that the person who shot him was Shao Yuan.

"Asshole, you dare to attack me!"

Bai Yaofei scolded coldly, just now he almost died under Shao Yuan's dark arrow, suffocating anger in his heart.

"Hehe, the five-color damask flower is very important to me, I naturally can't let it fall into your hands."

Shao Yuan smiled lightly.

"The tone is not small, do you think that with your strength, you can keep that five-color damask flower?"

Bai Yaofei snorted coldly.

Shao Yuan sneered and said, "It seems that you still don't know what happened."

As he said, his eyes became completely black again, very strange and mysterious.

Upon seeing this, Bai Yaofei couldn't help staring his eyes. At this moment, Shao Yuan gave him a powerful feeling, and it was so powerful that even he couldn't beat it.

"You are not Shao Yuan...Who are you on earth!"

Bai Yaofei was shocked and couldn't help asking.

Leiyun Mohuang and the ordinary world-level cultivators also noticed Shao Yuan's strangeness and looked over.

"Haha, did you finally find it?"

"Shao Yuan" smiled coldly: "In fact, the Shao Yuan you see now is already dead, and what stands in front of you is just the body captured by the deity."


Hearing that, everyone present was shocked, and the news was too shocking for them.

In particular, this person still claims to be "the deity", is it possible that he is a Hunyuan Venerable?

"Who on earth are you?"

Mo Huang stopped confronting Leiyun and asked indifferently.

The corner of "Shao Yuan"'s mouth evoked a hint of sarcasm, and said: "Before you come here, don't you have to investigate the origin of this ruin?"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene suddenly fell into contemplation.

"Are you Lord Dragon Elephant?"

Bai Yaofei first said that after all, he is a native of Baigu County and the grandson of Baigu County's guardian. He will naturally know more about this site than others.

"The dragon elephant and the old ghost are already dead."

"Shao Yuan" snorted coldly, and said, "The Lord is the Lord Poison Soul!"

"Venerable Poison Soul?"

Hearing that, everyone at the scene, including those ordinary world-level cultivators, frowned. Obviously, most of them didn't know the name Poison Soul Venerable.

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