Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 156: : Moon Worship Demon Race

"Hehe, it seems that you are very strange to the deity!"

Shao Yuanxie, who was possessed by Venerable Poison Soul, said with a smile.

"I know who you are!"

But at this moment, Bai Yaofei, who had been frowning and thinking, suddenly spoke.

"Bai Yaofei, what's the matter?"

Leiyun, Mo Huang, and when the fire was heard, they all looked over here and asked.

A trace of fear flashed in Bai Yaofei's eyes.

He stared at Venerable Poison Soul, his voice trembling: "Do any of you know what the purpose of Venerable Dragon Elephant built this ruin back then?"

Lei Yun and others shook their heads, all of whom didn't know.

There are very few records about this ruin. They have not even heard of it before. Where will they know this?

Bai Yaofei continued: "I also saw it in an ancient book. It is said that the reason why the dragon elephant built the ruins in the past was to suppress a demon head of the moon worshiping demon clan. The name of that demon head is Poison Soul. Lord."

"The demon of the moon worship demon?!"

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

They don't know Poison Soul Venerable, but they all know the Moon Worship Demon Race!

This is a very cruel demons who are good at refining souls. They have attacked the Sky Floating Star Territory many times and ingested the souls of countless people. The method is extremely cruel, and the entire Sky Floating Star Territory regards it as the number one enemy.

The supreme ruler of the Tianfu Central Empire, Tianfu Great, once gave a death order, and anyone who worships the Moon Demon Race will be killed.

It can be seen the relationship between the Sky Floating Star Territory and the Moon Worship Demon Race.

Who would have thought that the soul of this self-proclaimed Poison Soul Venerable was actually a demon of the Moon Worship Demon Race?

At the moment, a fear arose in everyone's hearts.

The cruel methods of the Moon Worship Demon Race are known to the world. No one wants to be caught by the Moon Worship Demon Race, sucking the soul, and dying in a miserable state.

"You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Leiyun gritted his teeth. If he had known that this ruin had such a history, he would never be rashly involved, and at least he would make more preparations.

Bai Yaofei smiled bitterly on his face: "The ancient book I read is just a wild history. Before I thought the content on it was all made up, who knows it's true."

"I was hurt by you."

Lei Yun cursed that many of their news came from Bai Yaofei, but Bai Yaofei neglected the most important information, which was fatal.

"Don't say so in a hurry."

Bai Yaofei was surprisingly calm at this time: "Venerable Poison Soul has been suppressed by Venerable Dragon Elephant for 100,000 years. Even if he comes out, I am afraid that there is not much strength left. With so many people here, he may not be able to how about it."

Leiyun, Mo Huang, and the firefighters were calmer when they heard the words.

"I hope what you said is true."

"Hehe, there is finally someone who recognizes the deity."

At this time, Venerable Poison Soul smiled.

"Venerable Poison Soul, what is your purpose for deceiving so many people?"

Bai Yaofei asked.

The reason why people here came to this ruin was because of news from Shao Yuan that there were magical medicines in the ruins, which attracted so many monks.

Now that they learned that Shao Yuan was Poison Soul Venerable, they felt that there was some conspiracy in it.

Venerable Poison Soul smiled lightly: "This is a good question!"

"The deity has been suppressed by the dragon elephant old ghost with the suppression of the magic peak for 100,000 years, and his strength has already disappeared seven or eight, almost to the point where his soul is scattered. If the deity wants to be resurrected, he must take new nutrients."

"More than ten years ago, a group of monks came in to hunt for treasure in the ruins. At that time, the venerable was close to the end of the oil and the lamp withered, so he separated a strand of remnant soul and secretly occupied Shao Yuan's body. News, attract more people to come in for me to eat."

"Hey, it seems that the effect is pretty good now."

Venerable Poison Soul smiled evilly.

Hearing this, Bai Yaofei Leiyun's group of people looked ashen. They didn't expect that this incident was a trap at the beginning, but they were still fighting for the five-color coriander at first.

"Well, now hand over your souls!"

Venerable Poison Soul finished speaking, and slowly walked towards Bai Yaofei and the others.

"Join hands against him!"

Bai Yaofei yelled angrily, immediately shot, and slapped it towards Venerable Poison Soul.

"it is good!"

Leiyun, Mo Huang, and Fire Fighting also nodded, and one after another shot towards Venerable Poison Soul.

"Only with you, I'm afraid it's a bit too close."

Venerable Poison Soul sneered.

Facing the four people's attack, he waved his hand, and suddenly a strange attack swept out.

"Boom bang bang!"

The next moment, the attacks of the two sides collided, and several dull crashing sounds were made.


All four of Bai Yaofei snorted when Leiyun Mohuang put out the fire, and they took a few steps backwards involuntarily.

Their complexions were a little pale, the strong wind that Poison Soul Venerable just hit was very strange, and could shock their spirits. If they hadn't been strong, they might have hurt them.

"This **** is a little weird, you all be careful."

Bai Yaofei whispered.

Lei Yun and the others nodded, and they naturally knew the situation. The Moon Worshiping Demon Race was good at refining souls and had a deep knowledge of spirits, and was even able to absorb human spirits for their own cultivation.

This Poison Soul Venerable is known as Venerable, and he must have a very powerful soul-refining technique, and he really cannot be careless.

"What are you guys doing in a daze, why don't you come up to help?"

Bai Yaofei shouted to the ordinary world realm monks behind.

Even if this Poison Soul Venerable is just a strand of remnant soul, his strength has surpassed the World Realm Dzogchen and reached the Hunyuan Venerable Realm. The four of them alone are not opponents, and they must have more helpers. .

Those ordinary worlds hesitate to hear this.

The moon worshiping demons have a fierce reputation, can absorb spirits, and have cruel methods. Where can they dare to do it?

"If you don't come to help anymore, we all have to die here!"

Bai Yaofei scolded angrily.

"Let's do it together, there is still a glimmer of life!"

Those ordinary world realms looked at each other, and finally decided to face the enemy with Bai Yaofei and the others.

"Hehe, I thought you could defeat the noble one by going together?"

Venerable Poison Soul faintly looked at the new world realms, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Shoot together!"

Bai Yaofei couldn't manage that much, he screamed, and then killed the Poison Soul Venerable.

When the others saw this, they did not delay, and all the killer moves appeared.

"It seems that I won't give you a good look, you don't know the reputation of my Poison Soul Venerable."

Venerable Poison Soul sneered, and didn't care about those world realms who had been killed.

His hands clasped together, his seal changed, and a majestic soul power was released.

"The soul scorpion is now!"

I saw the Poison Soul Venerable scream, the majestic soul power surged wildly, and finally condensed into a huge soul giant scorpion.


The soul giant screamed as soon as it appeared.

On the huge scorpion tail, there is a sharp poisonous thorn, and the cold light is shining, making people shudder.

"Scorpion forbids the soul!"

Venerable Poison Soul shouted again.


The giant soul scorpion immediately moved forward, and the cold stinger shook for a while.

I could only hear a sound of "swipe"!

Countless poisonous thorns flew out, colliding with the magical skills of those world-level monks.

Some of the poisonous thorns were offset, but most of the poisonous thorns passed through the defense and penetrated into the bodies of those world realms.

"Ah! Ah!"

There was a violent howl at the scene, and a large group of ordinary world-level monks fell to the ground, foaming at their mouths and twitching all over, very miserable.

The stings released by the giant soul scorpion are not aimed at the flesh, but directly at the soul, which can poison the soul in a short period of time. The ordinary antidote can not save it, and it is very terrible.

Bai Yaofei had the strongest ability to put out the fire from Leiyun Mohuang, and they had escaped the stinger attack just now, but when they saw the group of ordinary world realms that fell to the ground, their expressions also changed a lot.

"Damn it!"

Bai Yaofei cursed secretly, he didn't expect Poison Soul Venerable's methods to be so sharp, and only one move would bring down all ordinary world realms.

"Now, it's your turn."

At this time, Venerable Poison Soul's gaze shifted to Bai Yaofei and his group.

"I will meet you!"

Mo Huang yelled, raised his hand and slapped it.

He is the strongest among this group of people, and now being suppressed by Venerable Poison Soul, he is also very angry.

"Heavenly Desolate Palm!"

Mo Huang shouted angrily, endless divine power surging out, condensing a huge palm print, with a wild aura, blasted towards Venerable Poison Soul.

"Just like an ant!"

Venerable Poison Soul was expressionless.


The poisonous scorpion spit out a poisonous gas, with a strong corrosiveness, and quickly corroded Mo Huang's palm print.

When he arrived in front of the Poison Soul Venerable, he had already lost his previous attack power.


Venerable Poison Soul smashed the latter with a wave of his hand.

Mo Huang's expression changed slightly, and the Poison Soul Venerable easily cracked his Heavenly Huang palm. It seemed that he could not deal with it alone.

Others also knew this truth, and immediately joined forces to attack Venerable Poison Soul.

When the fierce battle broke out between the two sides, a figure sneaked up the mountain and quickly came to the five-colored damask flower.


Venerable Poison Soul realized the strangeness at this time, and immediately turned his head to look.

But I saw a young man who did not know when he had come to the side of the five-color coriander and was about to pick it.


Venerable Poison Soul shouted, his heart was awe-inspiring, because he hadn't found this young man the first time.

"Xiao Lang!"

At the same time, Bai Yaofei, Leiyun, Mo Huang, and Fire Fighting also saw the young man, and then they shouted out almost in unison.

Yes, the person who sneaked up the mountain was Xiao Lang who was driven out of the team by Thunder Cloud before.

As early as when the battle broke out on the top of the mountain, Xiao Lang had already guessed the probabilities. Venerable Poison Soul appeared.

So he took advantage of the time when the two sides were fighting, sneaking up the mountain, trying to take the opportunity to steal the five-color damask flower.

Unexpectedly, it was eventually exposed.

"Hehe, you guys go on."

Xiao Lang didn't expect that he used the Dao Spirit Body to hide his aura, but he was discovered, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

He smirked, grabbed the five-color coriander and fled down the mountain.

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