Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 169: Yin Sunyin's making things difficult

That afternoon, Xiao Lang was meditating in the room, and he heard a maid's call from outside the room.

"Master Xiao, our Patriarch would like to please."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang opened his eyes.

He thought for a while, then stood up and walked to open the door.

I saw a pretty maid standing at the door with a respectful look.

"Your Patriarch called me?" Xiao Lang asked.

The maid hurriedly gave a Wanfu gift and replied: "Yes, the Patriarch asked me to send a letter, please go to the lobby to tell you Master Xiao."

Xiao Lang thought a little, then nodded: "Okay, you can lead the way!"


Under the leadership of the maid, Xiao Lang arrived in the lobby of the Yin family in a short while, where Patriarch Yin Guoyuan and Yin Fei were already sitting there.

In addition, there are three elderly people sitting in the lobby.

These three elderly people are of different shapes, fat and thin, the only thing in common is that they are all very old, they look very old, and they are very old.

What Xiao Lang paid special attention to was the clothes of the three old men. They were all gray-brown robes of good quality.

"Haha, Daoist Xiao is here."

Seeing Xiao Lang's arrival, Yin Guoyuan in the first seat immediately raised his hand and said hello. Immediately, he pointed to the three old men in the seat and smiled and said, "I'll introduce you to them. These three are our Yin family. The three oldest elders."

Xiao Lang was relieved. He had long discovered that the strength of these three elders was in the world realm. He had speculated before that the status of these three should not be low, and now it seemed that he had not guessed wrong.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang nodded to the three elders, saying hello.

The three elders were also looking at Xiao Lang. One of the lean elders narrowed his eyes and said gloomily, "Patriarch, this kid is the descendant of the wild man that Yin Yueru was looking for outside?"

Xiao Lang frowned. How could this old man speak so badly? Actually said that the Lord Dragon Elephant is Ye Lang?

Yin Guoyuan was embarrassed. Long before Xiao Lang came over, he told the three elders Qiangwan to tell them not to pretend the old things in front of Xiao Lang. I didn't expect these old guys to be so different. For the sake of face, the first sentence of his mouth was pulled to Yin Yueru.

"Cough, elder, it’s not so good for you to say that. No matter what Yin Yueru said, it’s that the elder of my Yin family is not..." Yin Guoyuan coughed twice, then said with a dry smile, taking his own elder in his heart Scolded countless times.

The great elder's name is Yin Sunyin, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and is worthy of the name.

As far as Yin Guoyuan knew, this Yin Sunyin had always had big prejudices against Yin Yueru.

This is also for a reason.

One hundred thousand years ago, when Yin Yueru was still in the Yin family, she was a well-known genius lady of the Yin family. She was famous for her extraordinary talent. In just nine hundred years, she broke through from the zero realm to the world realm.

You must know that even in the Sky Floating Star Territory, people who can break through the world within a thousand years are also geniuses. Therefore, it is conceivable how much the Yin family valued Yin Yueru.

Even the overlord of the Tianyun Continent at the time, the Tianyun Sect, was shocked by Yin Yueru's talent. The Sect Master of the Tianyun Sect personally went down the mountain to raise marriage for his son, and wanted to incorporate Yin Yueru into the Tianyun Sect.

At that time, the Yin family, which was only a small force, could not withstand this temptation, and immediately agreed.

Among them, the one who supported this marriage most was this Yin Sun Yin.

At that time, Yin Sun Yin was already the great elder of the Yin family. He was bent on facilitating the marriage of Yin Yueru and the young master of Tianyun Sect, and he spent a lot of thoughts on this.

But who knows, Yin Yueru was very opposed to this marriage, and refused to agree to Yin Sun Yin's request.

Yin Sunyin found out after investigating that Yin Yueru refused to agree to the marriage because he had a lover outside.

Yin Sunyin was very angry. For the benefit of the Yin family and his own selfishness, he used many methods to break up Yin Yueru and her lover, even secretly using the power of Tianyunzong.

However, Yin Yueru and her lover, who had not grown up at that time, could not stop the joint pressure of the two forces, and eventually had to separate.

At that time, the Liangzi between Yin Yueru and Yin Sunyin was formed.

It is said that the love man of Yin Yueru at that time fled the Tianyun Continent and went to the Qingguang Great World in order to avoid being chased by the Tianyun Sect.

Although Yin Yueru was tied back by Yin Sunyin, she wanted to escape.

On the night before the wedding of Yin Yueru and the young master of Tianyunzong, Yin Yueru successfully escaped and left the Yin family forever, and has never been seen since.

When Yin Sun Yin heard the news, he was furious on the spot and issued a wanted order to Yin Yueru.

Tianyunzong was also very upset when he learned that Yin Yueru was missing, and cut off contact with Yin Sunyin.

This intensified Yin Sunyin's hatred of Yin Yueru. To this day, 100,000 years have passed. Yin Sunyin actually remembered this grudge. When he heard that Xiao Lang was related to Yin Yueru, he immediately changed his appearance.

Yin Sunyin said in a weird manner: "Patriarch, you can't say that. This Yin Yueru rebelled from the Yin family back then, and is no longer a member of the Yin family. Why be polite with a traitor?"

A black line appeared on Yin Guoyuan's forehead, and he almost jumped up and cursed. The old guy Yin Sunyin is too pedantic, didn't he see what is going on now?

The Yin family is now embarrassed on all sides, in a moment of crisis, and finally a helper came, this old guy actually drove people out, isn't this old confusion?

"Elder, Shen Yan, although Elder Yin Yueru has left the Yin family, this cannot change the fact that she is the Yin family."

Yin Guoyuan used the majesty of the Patriarch and suppressed Yin Sunyin's remarks.

Just kidding, Yin Sunyin is always confused, he is not always confused as the head of the house, at this time, it is good to have someone willing to help his family, there is no reason to drive people out.

Seeing Yin Sunyin, he had to refute again. Yin Guoyuan said: "Okay, Great Elder, don’t say anything. Anyway, Xiao Daoyou came to our Yin family, and he is the guest of our Yin family. As the host, we cannot The guests are rushing out, right? Besides, Elder Yin Yueru's affairs have nothing to do with Xiao Daoyou."

Yin Sunyin was blocked by Yin Guoyuan. After all, Yin Guoyuan had said that the person who came was a guest, and even the Patriarch had spoken. He could only suppress the uncomfortableness in his heart.

"Patriarch, did you just say that this person is here to help our Yin family?" Yin Sunyin couldn't talk about Yin Guoyuan about Yin Yueru's affairs, so he shifted the focus to Xiao Lang.

"Isn't it, the elder, you don't know the current situation of our Yin family, you are not clear about the situation of our Yin family, Xiao Daoyou coming to the Yin family at this time is tantamount to giving charcoal in the snow!" Yin Guoyuan said loudly.

Yin Sunyin glanced at Xiao Lang, and then said faintly: "That's what I said, but our Yin family's affairs are not trivial. Our enemies are Hong, Fang, and Nie. If you don't have any strength, how can you help?"

How come this old guy wants to do something?

Yin Guoyuan scolded Yin Sunyin hundreds of times in his heart again. He regretted it. He had known that Yin Sunyin could do things like this, so he would not call this old guy over. Now this old guy is so troublesome, in case Xiao Lang is unhappy. What can I do if I pat my **** and leave?

"The great elder was worried. Xiao Daoyou's strength is very good. Just today, Hong Hu of the Hong family sneaked into Yincheng and wanted to take Xiaofei as a hostage. Xiao Daoyou surrendered all of them as soon as he shot." Yin Guoyuan quickly explained. Tao.

"Hong Hu of the Hong family is just an ordinary early stage of the world realm. If the person who surrenders is Hong Tianlong of the Hong family, it will be about the same." Yin Sun Yin said lightly.

You **** deliberately having trouble with me, right?

Yin Guoyuan cursed in his heart, and on the surface he smiled and said without a smile: "Elder, it's not appropriate for you to say that, or else, you can find someone more capable?"

Yin Sunyin obviously knew that he was a bit too much, so he changed the conversation and said, "Patriarch, Lao Yu does not mean that. Lao Yu is also worried about the safety of this little brother Xiao. After all, what we are facing is Hong, Fang and Nie. Tigers are not so easy to deal with."

When Yin Guoyuan was talking with Yin Sunyin, Yin Fei had already walked up to Xiao Lang and asked him to sit down in his seat.

When seeing Yin Sunyin deliberately targeting Xiao Lang, Yin Fei also looked embarrassed and kept casting apologetic glances at Xiao Lang.

Yin Fei is known as the acting little patriarch in the Yin family. Both his status and reputation are much higher than his elder brother. He is wise and can handle matters. He is a good helper for Yin Guoyuan.

It was Yin Fei who brought Xiao Lang to the Yin family, but now the great elder of the Yin family is constantly targeting Xiao Lang, so how can Yin Fei be the leader.

Xiao Lang's face was calm, Gu Jing did not wave, waved his hand, and signaled Yin Fei not to care.

It just so happened that Yin Sunyin's words had just been said, Xiao Lang adjusted his clothes, and then followed Yin Sunyin's words: "Elder Yin is too worried, since I dare to come to your Yin family, naturally I will not be afraid of your enemies."

Yin Sunyin didn't expect Xiao Lang to answer the conversation suddenly, and was taken aback, but instead he laughed and said faintly: "It's a good thing for young people to have confidence, but the enemy of my Yin family is not what you think. simple."

"Then I would like to thank Elder Yin for the reminder first." Xiao Lang said indifferently.

In fact, Xiao Lang had already seen that Yin Sun Yin's strength was an ordinary world realm Dzogchen.

This kind of strength is not bad in Changfeng County, but in his opinion, it is nothing short of you.

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't put him in his eyes at all, Yin Sun Yin was also a little unhappy. This gave him the feeling of punching his fists in the cotton, and he couldn't use it at all.

"Friend Xiao Dao, don't take it to heart. The Great Elder has no other meaning." Yin Guoyuan hurriedly came out to make the rounds. He neither wanted to offend Yin Sun Yin nor Xiao Lang.

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