Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 170: Hong family attacked

"It's okay, my Xiao's mind is not so narrow." Xiao Lang smiled lightly, but he sneered in his heart. There was no other meaning, what did that mean?

These words stung Yin Sunyin's nerves, and an angry expression appeared on a wrinkled old face. What does this kid mean? Does it mean that he is narrow-minded?

Just about to fight back, an angry shout suddenly came from outside the city.

"Yin Guoyuan, get out for Laozi!"

This shout was very loud, like a thunder explosion in the sky above Yin City, spreading to every corner of Yin City.

Yin Guoyuan's complexion changed at that time, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the void, his eyes flashed with two gleams.

"The people of the Hong family are here!" Yin Guoyuan said in a low voice: "Everyone in the Yin family, prepare for me! Three elders, follow me up and see!"

After all, as soon as he moved his body, he immediately disappeared in the first seat.

Yin Sunyin's old face also appeared solemnly, and did not continue to make things difficult for Xiao Lang, so he called the other two elders and followed Yin Guoyuan.

"Master Xiao Lang, the people from the Hong family are here. I guess they are here to ask for someone. Would you like to go and have a look?" Yin Fei asked, looking outside the lobby with a trace of anxiety on his face.

Xiao Lang thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes, let's go and take a look!"

Although Yin Sunyin’s attitude made him want to turn around and leave, he finally endured the instructions of Venerable Dragon Elephant. Venerable Dragon Elephant had suffered from Yin Sun Yin’s losses back then, and he didn’t care about so much. He is an outsider. It must be too careful.

The two got up together, quickly rushed out of the Yin family lobby, and came to the sky above the Yin family mansion.

At this time, Yin Guoyuan, Yin Sun Yin, and the other two elders had all arrived here. In addition, there were also many good players from the Yin family who also came here, waiting in full battle, no fewer than 500.

I don't know when the great formation of Yin City's city has been opened, and the entire Yin City is covered with a huge light curtain, guarding Yin City in it.

And outside of Yin City, at this time, there were many figures volleyed in the air, quickly rushing towards Yin City.

"Sure enough, it's from the Hong family!" Yin Guoyuan's eyes were electric, and he could see the faces of those figures at a glance.

"Go, let's go and take a look." Yin Guoyuan waved his hand, took the initiative to move forward, and flew forward.

Everyone immediately followed.

Xiao Lang found that the Yin family's faces were very serious. It seemed that the Hong family had caused a lot of pressure on them.

The people in Yin City also noticed the abnormal movement above Yin City and cast their gazes over.

When the people of the Hong family came to kill, a panic appeared on the faces of the people in Yincheng.

In these days, the three major families have tried their best to suppress Yincheng, making them panic.

Because, once the three major families drove their troops into Yin City, there is no guarantee that they would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Yin Guoyuan brought a group of Yin family masters and quickly came to the wall of the southern city of Yin City, where Xiao Lang, Yin Fei and others also landed.

"Yin Guoyuan!"

The Hong family members also came to the outside of Nancheng and stopped in the void outside the city gate.

Xiao Lang discovered that there were no less than three hundred people in the Hong family this time. The most striking was the middle-aged man who was headed. This man was very sturdy, with muscular knots on his arms, and powerful. Like a strong violent bear.

"That person is Hong Wanfeng, the Patriarch of the Hong Family, and my father's enemy." Yin Fei pointed to the sturdy middle-aged man and introduced to Xiao Lang in a low voice.

"Hong Wanfeng, what do you mean?" Yin Guoyuan's expression was cold, and he looked at Hong Wanfeng outside the city uncomfortably, and asked in a deep voice.

"What do you mean by me?" Hong Wanfeng's face sank and coldly snorted: "Your people arrested my son Hong Hu. What do you mean by me?"

Yin Guoyuan was unmoved, and said lightly: "Oh, the three of you are now joining hands to deal with my Yin family. My Yin family is up and down, but now I've always stayed in the city. I have never stepped out of the city gate. Where can I catch it? Your son?"

"Don't quibble!" Hong Wanfeng said coldly, "Tianlong, tell me what's going on."

A handsome young man in a blue shirt stepped out and said loudly: "Father, Huzi and I were inspecting the situation near Yincheng half a day ago. Huzi's young temperament may be boring, so he sneaked into Yincheng to play. Chengxiang was discovered by the Yin family, captured him on the spot, and killed some of my Hong family's good players. This is the information I learned after sending people to inquire, and every word is true."

Yin Fei pointed to the blue shirt youth in good time and continued to explain to Xiao Lang: "That man is Hong Tianlong, Hong Hu’s eldest brother, and also a genius that the Hong family has hardly seen for thousands of years. It is precisely because of him that the Hong family is now Talents are in full swing, and the family is prosperous, and is known as the first family in Changfeng County."

Xiao Lang nodded. In the Yin Family Hall, Yin Sun Yin mentioned the name Hong Tianlong before, but now it looks pretty good.

The strength of the latter stage of the world can also be ranked in the forefront among the peers, but unfortunately, it is not enough in front of him.

After Hong Tianlong finished speaking, he backed away, and Hong Wanfeng used the question to play: "Yin Guoyuan, have you heard what Tianlong said? What else do you want to argue with?"

Yin Guoyuan didn't care, he snorted coldly through his nostrils, and said, "Since you know it, why don't you think about it. If your son hadn't sneaked into my Yin city and wanted to take my son Yin Fei, how would I treat you? Son do it?"

What he meant was that your son asked for this, no wonder we.

Hong Wanfeng’s eyes burst into light, and said: "Yin Guoyuan, I advise you not to make trouble for yourself. In the current situation, you should be very clear. Once your Yin family conflicts with the three of us, you will suffer. It's you."

Yin Guoyuan frowned, scolding Hong Wanfeng as shameless in his heart, actually using the three major families to suppress him.

And now he has to consider the energy of the three big families, after all, it is not a last resort, and he is not willing to conflict with the three big families.

"Then what do you want?" Yin Guoyuan took a step back and gave Hong Wanfeng a room for discussion.

"It's very simple. Let my son go. As for my son's intrusion into your Yincheng, I will give you a certain amount of compensation." Hong Wanfeng said.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Yin Guoyuan shook his head and said, joking, Hong Hu is a hole card in his hand, which can help him restrain the Hong family, just hand over Hong Hu, as he is a fool.

"Yin Guoyuan, are you planning to smash with my Hong family?" Hong Wanfeng said coldly.

"That's not the case. If you are willing to reconcile, I will naturally be happy."

Yin Guoyuan said neither humble nor overbearing: "But now I can't let people go. There are two reasons. First, my son Yinli is still in your hands. Second, the three of you have not lifted the target of my Yin family."

"Do you think you can change these facts by holding my son?" Hong Wanfeng was exasperated: "You will only speed up the war between the two sides, and it will not do any good to your Yin family."

Yin Guoyuan frowned, he did not expect Hong Wanfeng to be so tough.

Hong Wanfeng continued to put pressure on: "In a word, my son, don't let it go!"

Yin Guoyuan's brows furrowed deeper. He glanced at the three elders, but saw that they did not squint, obviously for him to make a decision.

Right now, Yin Guoyuan took a deep breath and said to Hong Wanfeng: "Sorry, people, I can't let them go for the time being."

"Okay, Yin Guoyuan, if your Yin family is destroyed, then you are a sinner, because you pushed your Yin family into the abyss." Hong Wanfeng scolded, he knew that Yin Guoyuan's heart was determined and it was impossible to compromise with him.

Yin Guoyuan didn't answer. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the three families of Hong, Fang, and Nie had already taken a fancy to their Yin family's Dragonwood Forest, and it was impossible to tell them.

This is a lesson learned before. When the three families of Hong, Fang, and Nie first put pressure on their Yin family, he had made concessions to the three families and made one of the five cities of the Yin family. I gave it to the three, but these three had too much appetite, and they didn't mean to stop at all, they wanted to take away their Dragonwood Forest.

Yin Guoyuan knew very well that the Longmu Forest was an important foundation of their Yin family. Once lost, it would have a huge blow to their Yin family, and it might even be devastated.

Therefore, in any case, he must guard the Longmu Forest and not let Hong, Fang, and Nie get involved.

"It seems that you insist on doing this."

Seeing that Yin Guoyuan didn't speak, Hong Wanfeng's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He knew that the threats were no longer useful for Yin Guoyuan.

"Yin Guoyuan, on behalf of the Hong family, I officially declare war on your Yin family!" Hong Wanfeng shouted loudly.

Yin Guoyuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he sighed in his heart.

However, he didn't think it was his fault. Hong Wanfeng just used this opportunity to declare war on his Yin family in advance. In fact, even if this incident did not happen, Hong Wanfeng would find other reasons to deal with his Yin family.

"My Yin family is always here!"

Yin Guoyuan took a deep breath and immediately yelled out in a round tone. Since the enemy is going to kill me, why should I let him down?

"You have the courage, I hope you don't regret it." Hong Wanfeng dropped a word in a negative test, and took a group of Hong family horses and flew away.

The atmosphere in Yincheng became extremely depressing. Countless people in Yincheng talked a lot, and the Hong family declared war, which caused a cloud of clouds to float on everyone's heart.

Yin Guoyuan waved his hand, and flew away from the Nancheng Gate, and flew towards the Yin family mansion.

The other Yin family members also followed with a heavy heart.

"Master Xiao Lang, let's go too!" Yin Fei smiled bitterly, and the Hong family declared war, which made him feel heavy.

Xiao Lang nodded. As an outsider, he didn't feel that much pressure, and the current strength of the Hong family was not enough to make him feel scared.

The group returned to the Yin family, and Yin Guoyuan gave an order, ordering the Yin family to prepare for the battle and meet the upcoming battle.

However, Yin Guoyuan led a group of senior Yin family members to discuss the details of the battle in the Yin family lobby.

As a foreign aid, Xiao Lang was also invited by Yin Guoyuan to sit in the lobby of the Yin family and discuss with them.

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