Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 181: : The army is pressing

Hong Wanfeng glanced at Fang Mingfeng, and did not directly agree, but said indifferently: "I will consider reporting this matter to my ancestors. If necessary, I don't think the ancestors will just ignore it."

"If this is the case, then it is naturally the best." Fang Mingfeng showed joy, he thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Then when is Brother Wanfeng going to attack the Yin family?"

Hong Wanfeng stayed still, and said indifferently: "I have already written the battle book to the Yin family before. Since he has already taken the first shot, we don't have to be polite. Let's go back and prepare. Three days later, We raise our troops in Yincheng."

Fang Mingfeng was overjoyed after hearing this, and continued: "Okay, then let's make a decision."

After speaking, Fang Mingfeng turned around and walked out of the lobby, returning to Fangcheng and preparing to go.

After Fang Mingfeng left, a young man walked out of the lobby, Hong Tianlong who was outside Yincheng that day.

"Father, do you really want to cooperate with Fang Mingfeng? As far as I know, Fang Mingfeng is cunning, fickle and scheming. Will he calculate us in turn?" Hong Tianlong asked in a low voice.

Hong Wanfeng sat high on the first seat and smiled lightly: "My son doesn't need to worry, Fang Mingfeng is indeed cunning, but his cunning is just a little clever in front of my Hong family. When we finish cleaning the Yin family, we will meet sooner or later. Pack their house."

Hong Tianlong nodded, and he stopped saying more. Since Hong Wanfeng has said so, it is useless for him to say more.

"Tianlong, go down too, take advantage of time, and prepare for the battle three days later." Hong Wanfeng waved.

"I see, father." Hong Tianlong bowed his fists, then turned and left.

Hong Wanfeng also got up and left the lobby and headed to the West Garden of the Hong Mansion. The war was approaching, and it was time to invite their ancestor out of the mountain.

At this time, Yin Guoyuan and Xiao Lang did not know that Hong Wanfeng had already determined the time of the battle, but under Xiao Lang's suggestion, the current Yincheng had entered a state of high alert and was ready for battle at any time. .

However, Xiao Lang took advantage of this time to hide in the Yin family mansion to learn about the inheritance of the dragon and elephant. In the past few days, he has learned about the strength of the Hong family from Yin Guoyuan, and knows that the Hong family has a real Era Realm powerhouse. Sitting in town, the overall strength of the Hong family is much stronger than that of the Fang family and the Nie family.

Therefore, Xiao Lang must seize the time to improve his strength. The threat from the rest of the Hong family is not too big, but the Era Realm powerhouse has caused a lot of pressure on him. After all, he has never played against the real Era Realm. I don't know how strong the real strength of Era Realm is, the only thing he can do now is to improve his strength as much as possible, so as not to be caught off guard.

Yin Guoyuan knew that Xiao Lang was in retreat, and did not come to disturb him, and he repeatedly urged his servants to prevent anyone from disturbing Xiao Lang and try to give Xiao Lang enough time.

Three days later, Xiao Lang was in retreat. Suddenly, there was a huge roar from the outside world, and then the entire Yin Mansion became chaotic.

"No! The Hong family members have been killed!"

"Quick! Activate the great defense formation!"

"Yin Fei, immediately take people to the gate of the city! Be sure to keep it for me!"

Xiao Lang opened his eyes, he immediately jumped off the bed and strode outside the house.

As soon as he came out, Xiao Lang saw Yin Guoyuan waiting in the courtyard.

"Friend Xiao Dao, it's not good, the people of the Hong family have come here." Yin Guoyuan immediately ran over and said eagerly when he saw Xiao Lang leaving the customs.

"Well, I see, how is the personnel arrangement?" Xiao Lang asked.

"It's already arranged, let's go and take a look now?" Yin Guoyuan looked anxious. Right now, the people of the Hong family had already reached the gate of the city. He was worried about whether the great defense formation could hold it.

Xiao Lang also knew that the situation was urgent, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a look."

After the two reached an agreement, they flew up and flew directly toward the gate of the city.

After a while, Xiao Lang and Yin Guoyuan landed on the wall.

Xiao Lang discovered that all the seniors and elite children of the Yin family had come here.

"Father!" At this moment, Yin Fei strode over.

"Well, Xiao Fei, how is the situation now?" Yin Guoyuan asked immediately.

"The Hong family launched a wave of tentative attacks just now, but we have resisted them now." Yin Fei said.

"Well, that's good." Yin Guoyuan nodded, and immediately he and Xiao Lang moved on the city wall together, looking out of the city.

I saw that outside the city of Yin, there stood a huge army of tens of thousands of people.

The person headed is Hong Wanfeng, the head of the Hong family.

However, Yin Guoyuan also saw another person, Fang Mingfeng, the head of the Fang family, standing next to Hong Wanfeng.

"This **** really went to the Hong family." Yin Guoyuan hummed coldly in his heart.

When Yin Guoyuan appeared on the city wall, Hong Wanfeng discovered Yin Guoyuan, and he immediately said loudly: "Yin Guoyuan, you are finally willing to show up. I will ask you again, my son Hong Hu, do you let it go or not?"

Yin Guoyuan responded: "Stop talking nonsense, my son Yinli is also in your hands. You can't see my son. Don't want me to let your son go."

Hearing this, Hong Wanfeng squinted his eyes and immediately said something to Hong Tianlong beside him.

Hearing this, Hong Tianlong waved his big hand and saw several Hong's guards escorting a young man out.

At this time, Hong Wanfeng said again: "Yin Guoyuan, I have brought your son here. As long as you release my son, I will immediately ask someone to send your son there."

Yin Guoyuan frowned, he turned his head to look at Xiao Lang on the side, and said, "Daoyou Xiao, do you think this person should be changed or not?"

Xiao Lang calmly said: "Change it. Holding a Honghu won't do much. If that's the case, it's better to change Young Master to save us any worries."

Yin Guoyuan glanced at Xiao Lang gratefully. To be honest, he actually wanted to replace Yin Li. After all, Yin Li was his son. How could he leave it alone?

"Come here, immediately bring Hong Hu over and replace with the Hong family." Yin Guoyuan ordered.

Soon someone ran out, and soon escorted a young man out of the city gate. It was Hong Hu who was captured by Xiao Lang that day.

People on Hong Wanfeng's side saw Hong Hu being taken out, so they waved their hands and motioned to his men to send Yin Li over.

The two sides quickly completed the exchange of hostages, and Yin Li was also brought into Yin City by Yin City's guards.

In a short while, Yin Li came to the city wall, Yin Guoyuan saw his unconvincing elder son, and his face immediately raised uncontrollable anger, walked over and slapped Yin directly.

"You're an unbelievable bastard!" Yin Guoyuan almost roared.

Yin Li clutched his cheeks with a grievance on his face. Although he is the eldest son of the Yin family, he has a dull personality and likes to gamble. The person most afraid of is his father Yin Guoyuan. Now he has caused a disaster because of gambling and put the Yin family in danger. Among them, it is not impossible for Yin Guoyuan to break his legs.

"Father, I was framed." Yin said weakly.

"Do you still dare to talk back? If it weren't for you, the Hong family wouldn't be so fast even if they wanted to attack my Yin family! Do you know, if it wasn't for my Yin family to come to a nobleman, the Yin family would have been killed by you long ago "Yin Guoyuan roared.

"How can it be so exaggerated..." Yin Li thought in his heart, but he would not say it. If it was said, Yin Guoyuan would definitely break his leg on the spot.

"Come here, take this rebellious child down and take care of it!" Yin Guoyuan roared.

Two guards stepped up immediately and took away the grievances.

Yin Guoyuan's chest rose and fell sharply, and it was obvious that he was very angry. At this time, Fang Mingfeng's gloating voice came from outside the city.

"Hehe, Yin Guoyuan, you have to take a moment, don't be **** off by your stupid son." Fang Mingfeng laughed.

Yin Guoyuan said angrily: "Fang Mingfeng, don't forget, your son is still in my hands, making me anxious, believe it or not I killed your son?"

Fang Mingfeng didn't expect that Yin Guoyuan was so angry, he closed his mouth for a while, and he said angrily: "Yin Guoyuan, brother Wanfeng and I joined forces to attack your Yin family today, I see how long you can be arrogant."

When it was said about this, Yin Guoyuan's anger finally dissipated a little. Yes, now their enemy is now, not a time of anger and anger. At this time, you must stay calm to avoid being caught by the enemy.

At this time, Hong Wanfeng spoke again, "Yin Guoyuan, since the hostages have been changed, let's discuss the compensation?"

Yin Guoyuan did not speak, and Hong Wanfeng continued: "Your son lost the entire Dragonwood Forest to us. How do you plan to end it?"

Yin Guoyuan coldly snorted: "How else can this matter be ended? I think you should know in your heart that my son is a good gamble, but it is not enough to take Longmu Forest out as a bet, and you should I also know that he doesn't have this right."

Hong Wanfeng immediately took out an IOU and said, "It is written clearly in black and white. Don't deny it. As for whether your son has the right to use Longmu Forest as a bet, I can't control it. I only know him. It is the son of your Yin Guoyuan, the eldest son of the Yin family."

At this moment, Yin Li, who had just been detained, rushed out from nowhere, and yelled at Hong Wanfeng outside the city: "Hong Wanfeng, you shameless old man, I didn’t use Longmu Forest as a bet at all. You forced me to write that IOU."

Two black lines jumped out of Yin Guoyuan's forehead, and he immediately said, "Drag him down to me, don't make trouble here."

The two guards rushed over just now, and forcibly dragged the violent jump up and down.

Yin Guoyuan coldly snorted, "Hong Wanfeng, you are using this kind of indiscriminate means to force my son to submit?"

"It doesn't matter what method is used, the important thing is that I am here to collect the debt now, so you just give me a word, this debt, will you give it or not?"

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