Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 182: : Full-scale war

Is this debt given or not?

Of course not!

Yin Guoyuan was extremely angry. Longmu Forest was one of his Yin family's largest industries. Half of the Yin family's income would benefit from Longmu Forest. If they were sent out, their Yin family would collapse.

"Hong Wanfeng, stop talking nonsense, fight if you want. As for Longmu Forest, I won't hand it over." Yin Guoyuan gave the answer directly.

"Okay! If that's the case, don't blame me for being impolite." Hong Wanfeng said coldly, he also has lost his patience, and he doesn't say much now.

"Everyone listens to the order!" Hong Wanfeng shouted directly, and the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him stood up straight, waiting for his order.

Hong Wanfeng did not procrastinate, waved a big hand, and shouted: "Ready to attack the city!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere inside and outside Yin City was instantly tense. Everyone knew that a storm was coming soon.

"Get me in!"

At this time, Hong Wanfeng gave another order, and the tens of thousands of people behind him immediately rushed out of the roar and directly killed the gate of Yin City.

Looking at the menacing Hong Family Army and Fang Nie's family, everyone in Yincheng's complexion was extremely serious, and they all cast their eyes on Yin Guoyuan on the wall.

At this time, Yin Guoyuan's complexion was very gloomy. Since Hong Wanfeng announced the start of war, he doesn't have to be polite.

Right now, Yin Guoyuan waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone, set up immediately!"


I saw thousands of figures flying out of Yin City, quickly forming various formations in the air.

"Anyone who forcibly enters Yin City will kill him without mercy!" Yin Guoyuan shouted murderously.

"Yes!" All the children of the Yin family responded loudly, and everyone's face was boldly wary.

At this time, the Hong family's vanguard had already reached the front, and the Yin family's children immediately greeted him, and the fighting between the two sides broke out instantly.

boom! boom! boom!

Outside Yin City, the men and horses of the two sides quickly fought together, and saw various magical skills on the battlefield frequently, hitting Yin City and shaking the ground, making the scene very fierce.

Because the children of Yincheng occupy the right time and place, and are guarded by a large formation behind them, whenever there is a crisis that cannot be dealt with, they will automatically return to the formation to avoid the danger of being killed.

The Hong Jiajun does not have this advantage. If there is a danger, there is nowhere to escape and can only be killed.

Therefore, although the Hong family army was huge in number, it did not take advantage of the Yincheng children.

Hong Wanfeng saw this too. He expressionlessly turned his head and said to Fang Mingfeng beside him: "Brother Mingfeng, you will help me stop Yin Guoyuan in a moment. I will attack Yincheng's moat. As long as this Once the battle is broken, Yin City will surely break without attack.

"Okay, just do what Wan Feng said." Fang Mingfeng nodded.

"Well, let's do it now!" Hong Wanfeng stopped talking nonsense, and flew out after speaking, and went directly to the sky above Yin City.

Yin Guoyuan saw Hong Wanfeng, his eyes flashed, and he saw through the latter's intention: "This **** wants to break the formation!"

While talking, Yin Guoyuan flew straight up, ready to stop Hong Wanfeng. The city defense formation was their only advantage. Once it was broken, Yin City would be in danger.

"Hey, Yin Guoyuan, I think you should stay here honestly!" But at this moment, a sneer came, and it was Fang Mingfeng who suddenly came from below.

As soon as Fang Mingfeng appeared, he directly displayed a magical skill, blocking Yin Guoyuan's path, forcing Yin Guoyuan to stop temporarily.

"Fang Mingfeng, your son and the elders of your Fang family are in my hands. Are you sure you want to fight me?" Yin Guoyuan was forced to take a step back, and immediately looked at Fang Mingfeng with indifferent eyes and said coldly.

"If I don't fight you, you can let go of my son and let the elders of our Fang family?" Fang Mingfeng sneered.

"At least you can keep everyone in your family safe." Yin Guoyuan said.

"So, unless you release my Fang family immediately, don't blame me for doing it to you." Fang Mingfeng spread his hands.

Yin Guoyuan felt helpless. He glanced at Hong Wanfeng, who had already attacked the city defense formation, and couldn't help but shout: "Fang Mingfeng, don't be obsessed with it!"

Fang Mingfeng had not heard of it, but still stood there, blocking Yin Guoyuan's path.

"Patriarch Yin, Hong Wanfeng, leave it to me!" Fortunately, Xiao Lang, who had been observing, finally made a move. He said to Yin Guoyuan before he flew directly into the sky and flew towards Hong Wanfeng in the sky.

Yin Guoyuan was joyful in his heart, holding his fist and said: "There are fellow Taoists, Xiaolang."

Speaking and looking at Fang Mingfeng, he smiled and said, "Fang Mingfeng, you really think that if you stop me, no one will deal with Hong Wanfeng?"

Fang Mingfeng still looked indifferent and said, "Even if you stop Brother Wanfeng, you should know what the real combat power of the Hong family is."

This sentence caused Yin Guoyuan to suppress his smile. Indeed, behind the Hong Family, there was a real strong man hidden. If that man made the move, even if they had Xiao Lang's help, he might not be able to stop that person's pace.

However, this kind of worry only appeared for a moment and was suppressed by Yin Guoyuan. Right now they have no retreat. Where can they manage so much?

As the so-called soldiers are coming to cover the water and the earth, if that person really makes a move, as the current Patriarch of the Yin Family, he will have to defend the Yin Family's foundation even if he died.

"Fang Mingfeng, don't confuse people here, even if what you say is true, my Yin family will never bow your head easily." Yin Guoyuan said in a high and authentic voice.

"Then you can only take the people from Yincheng to die with you." Fang Mingfeng smiled coldly.

"Even if you want to drag the people in Yincheng to death, you, Fang Mingfeng and the Fang family will die first!" Yin Guoyuan gritted his teeth.

After speaking, Yin Guoyuan didn't give Fang Mingfeng a chance to counterattack, and directly raised his hand and blasted towards Fang Mingfeng.

Just as Fang Mingfeng said, this is a war, not a battle, and a careless one will kill people. Therefore, Yin Guoyuan does not need to reason with Fang Mingfeng here. On the battlefield, only fists are the truth.

When the fighting between the two broke out, Xiao Lang had already arrived over Yin City.

At this time, Hong Wanfeng was fully attacking Yincheng's defensive formation. His strength was very strong. Every time he shot, the defensive formation would tremble violently, but there was no damage.

At this moment, Hong Wanfeng also sensed the arrival of Xiao Lang, so he paused.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Lang on the opposite side, Hong Wanfeng frowned, thinking for a moment and then said: "Are you Xiao Lang?"

"Oh, Patriarch Hong knows me?" Xiao Lang smiled.

Hong Wanfeng shook his head, and said, "I don't know what I know. I just heard of your name. Nie Wenshan and Nie Hongyuan are not your opponents. It seems that your strength is very good."

"Patriarch Hong praised," Xiao Lang said modestly.

Hong Wanfeng said: "I haven't won the award, you are indeed very strong, but..."

Having said this, Hong Wanfeng's conversation suddenly turned, and his eyes cast a gaze towards Xiao Lang, and said: "Are you sure you want to fight against my Hong family? Actually, you and my Hong family have no grievances. There is no need to fight each other. I Hong Wan Feng likes to make friends with the best in the world. If we can communicate and communicate, we may become confidants."

Xiao Lang seemed to have not heard of it, and said with a light smile: "Patriarch Hong is joking. I am only entrusted by a senior to help the Yin family overcome difficulties. It is not that I want to fight against the Hong family. Actually, if Patriarch Hong is willing We can also become friends if we take someone away."

Hong Wanfeng squinted his eyes and said softly, "Who is the senior you are talking about?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "Patriarch Hong doesn't need to know. If Patriarch Hong really wants to make friends with Xiao, then how about ending this war?"

Hong Wanfeng fell into silence, and after a while suddenly said, "You should know the power of my Hong family, right?"

"Of course I know, the first family in Changfeng County. Before I came, I had investigated the background of the Hong family." Xiao Lang smiled.

"Then you should also know that my Hong family is not comparable to the Fang family and the Nie family. People who offend my Hong family will not end well." Hong Wanfeng suddenly became fierce and looked directly at Xiao Lang. , Condensed voice.

"Maybe there will be exceptions?" Xiao Lang's expression remained unchanged, talking and laughing freely.

"There are no exceptions!" Hong Wanfeng said coldly, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. You have two choices now. The first is where to come from and where to go back; the second is to continue to fight against my Hong family, but If you fight against my Hong family, you have to bear the consequences. You have to think clearly."

Xiao Lang said indifferently: "Don't need to remind Patriarch Hong, I've already figured it out clearly, I'm not going anywhere, just here."

"Okay! If this is the case, don't blame me for being impolite." Hong Wanfeng's eyes gradually became cold, and Xiao Lang's refusal to listen to advice has already caused a trace of anger in his heart.

He took a deep breath, his eyes became more fierce and threatening, and he shouted: "Xiao Lang, take out your strength, let me see what you have, dare to support the Yin family!"

With that said, Hong Wanfeng stepped out one step, hitting a fierce gale with a single palm, and killed Xiao Lang.

Wind Dragon Palm!

As soon as the violent wind appeared, it directly transformed into a huge wind dragon, opened its huge blood basin and mouth, and rushed towards Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's expression remained unchanged, as he shot out with one palm, the huge palm wind condensed into a solid palm print in the void, slamming against the wind dragon with its teeth and claws.

Split God Prajna Palm!

In the void, the palm prints whizzed through the space, hitting on the head of the wind dragon, the rumbling sound came out, the wind dragon instantly shattered away, and the palm prints of the split **** Prajna palm lost its power and dissipated in the void Among.

"Oh?" Seeing that his magical skills were easily blocked by Xiao Lang, Hong Wanfeng also raised his brows and said, "It seems that the rumors are correct. Your strength is indeed good."

He glanced at the full-scale war outside Yin City, and immediately shouted coldly: "However, since you insist on blocking my Hong family's plan, no matter how strong you are, I must clear you out."

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