Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 196: rescue

Xiao Lang frowned. He didn't expect Fenghu Island to react so quickly. As soon as You Linfeng gave the order, all the people on the island came up.


At this moment, the group of flying wild beasts patrolling the sky above Fenghu Island first discovered Xiao Lang, and suddenly the eyes of those wild beasts flashed with violent luster, all chasing Xiao Lang madly.

"over there!"

In the next moment, those Tongyou Cultists on the island also discovered Xiao Lang, and they took out all kinds of divine tools and killed Xiao Lang.

You Linfeng chased up from behind, and he shouted: "This kid took the Nether Magic Orb, and stopped him by me, absolutely can't let him run away!"


As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion within Tongyou Sect. Everyone did not expect that Xiao Lang would be able to **** the Nether Devil Orb.

Didn't the Nether Magic Orb be collected on the leader?

It's a pity that the situation is urgent now, and the people of Tongyou Sect have no time to think about it. They only know that they have to stop Xiao Lang first.

Of course Xiao Lang would not sit and wait for death, letting those who pass the You Sect stop him on Fenghu Island.

He kept changing positions, looking for the weakest place to make breakthroughs.

Those flying desolate beasts and most of the people who pass You Sect are relatively weak, not enough to stop him, and only some elders of You Sect can cause a little pressure on him.

But Xiao Lang avoided them before meeting them.

As for You Linfeng, who was chasing wildly behind, it was even more impossible for Xiao Lang to let him catch up. You Linfeng was the only one who could really pose a threat to him, and he had to keep a distance from the latter.

It was precisely because of this strategy that Xiao Lang was able to avoid the most dangerous areas again and again, breaking through the defense line of Tongyoujiao again and again.

Before long, Xiao Lang had already reached the edge of Fenghu Island.

"Xiao Lang, if you dare to go, I will definitely use the power of Youjiao to chase and kill you with all my strength!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang was about to run away, You Linfeng suddenly became anxious, and he immediately shouted angrily.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to kill me!" Xiao Lang turned his head and smiled faintly at You Linfeng, not caring at all, then he turned around and rushed into the thick mist of Fenghu Lake.

"Follow me! Anyway, you must catch that **** back!" Seeing Xiao Lang run away, You Lin shouted in a desperate manner.

Those people who were taught by Youjia had to chase into the thick fog on the lake.

You Linfeng chased up with the fastest speed, the Nether Magic Orb was taken away, and he was more anxious than anyone else.

It is a pity that Xiao Lang at this time has already rushed out of the fog and fled to the opposite side of the lake.

You Linfeng chased a group of people from Tongyou Sect for two full days, but in the end he could not catch up with Xiao Lang and let him escape.

In the sky, You Linfeng looked at the endless mountain in front of him, where there was no trace of Xiao Lang.

"This **** bastard!" You Linfeng was so annoyed that Xiao Lang escaped, which meant that the probability of the Nether Demon Orb being chased back was almost zero.

"Master, who exactly is Xiao Lang?" At this moment, a black-robed old man approached and asked in a low voice.

This old man is the great elder of Tongyou Sect, with a high position, even You Linfeng will give him a bit of face, so You Linfeng had to endure the anger in his heart, and patiently answered: "That **** is the sub-rudder of the East Territory of Tianfu Palace. My disciple, I think he should have taken the task in Tianfu Palace, specifically to capture the Nether Magic Orb."

Grand Elder Tongyou Sect frowned his grizzled eyebrows and whispered: "This is troublesome, the people of Tianfu Palace are not so easy to deal with!"

You Linfeng gritted his teeth and said: "That kid has taken away my treasure of Tongyou Sect. In any case, we can't just leave it alone."

"What does the leader plan to do?" Tongyou Sect Grand Elder asked.

"Looking for someone, no matter how high the price is, you must avenge this grudge." You Linfeng said bitterly.

"It's not impossible to take revenge, but if the floating palace is held accountable, we are not their opponents!" The elder Tongyou Sect was worried and disagrees with You Linfeng's approach.

"Tianfu Palace will take care of the life and death of a disciple?" You Linfeng said coldly: "And we have so many strongholds of Youjiao, the big deal is that after killing that kid, we change the stronghold. I don't believe that Tianfu Palace will die for one The disciples who have passed away, are so aggressive."

The Grand Elder of Tongyou Sect sighed and stopped persuading You Linfeng. Xiao Lang let You Linfeng lose face in front of the Tongyou Sect. With You Linfeng's character that must be reported, it is impossible to let it go.

In the end, You Linfeng returned to Fenghu Island angrily with a group of people who were familiar with the You Linfeng, and this hunting operation ended.

At this time, Xiao Lang had already embarked on his return journey back to White Wind City.

Xiao Lang used some methods to forcibly remove the traces of Nether Linfeng left in the Nether Demon Orb, turning it into a masterless thing.

In this case, even if Xiao Lang didn't use the Suppression Demon Peak to suppress, the Nether Demon Orb would not cause trouble.

Taking out the Nether Magic Orb, Xiao Lang looked at it carefully. From the outside, the Nether Magic Orb looks like a bead made of obsidian. It is crystal clear. Through its round appearance, it can be vaguely Seeing some black energy circulating inside the Nether Magic Orb, it was very mysterious.

However, Xiao Lang soon discovered that the dark energy was actually wrapped in souls. The appearance of those souls seemed to be somewhat similar to the humanoid puppets he had seen before in Tongyou Sect.

"Swallowing spirits like this is worthy of a magic weapon." Xiao Lang was awe-inspiring. Most of these spirits came from righteous people in the blue light world. In order to walk the way for the sky, these people went to fight against the wind, but they were swallowed by the latter with the Nether magic beads. Lost the soul and turned into a humanoid puppet, it is indeed pitiful to think about it.

At the moment, Xiao Lang directly refined the Nether Magic Orb, replaced Nether Linfeng, and became the new owner of the Nether Magic Orb.

Later, Xiao Lang controlled the Nether Demon Orb and released all the spirits trapped inside the Nether Demon Orb, allowing them to regain freedom, although this freedom was very short-lived.


A series of pale white streamers flew out of the Nether Magic Orb, a total of thirteen.

The thirteen streamers dispersed, revealing thirteen human figures, which were the spirits who were trapped inside the Nether Demon Orb before.

"Huh? Where is this?"

"Why am I here?"

When those spirits were just released, they were still in a state of absence. After they were swallowed by the Nether Demon Orb, they had been in an unconscious state, without knowing what they had experienced during this period of time.

"You were swallowed by Nether Linfeng with Nether Magic Orbs, and now I have released them." At this time, Xiao Lang said softly.

"Huh?" The gods and souls only noticed Xiao Lang, frowning in puzzlement.

"Who are you? Why do you have the Demon Orb? Also, what about the demon cult demon from You Linfeng?" The spirits found that Xiao Lang's face was strange, and they asked several questions in one mind.

Xiao Lang was rather patient and explained: "I am Xiao Lang, a disciple of the Tianfu Palace. I took the sect mission and went to seize the Nether Demon Orb, the most precious treasure of Tongyou Education, so the Nether Demon Orb will be in my hand. As for You Linfeng, you should have returned to Fenghu Island by this time!"

These words of Xiao Lang caused a huge shock among a group of spirits. All the spirits looked at Xiao Lang inconceivably. They all fought against You Linfeng, knowing how powerful the latter was. They were not opponents at all, and Xiao Lang He was able to **** the Nether Devil Orb from You Linfeng and escaped smoothly. This strength is incredible.

"It turns out that Friends Xiao Dao saved us, and the old man thanked him in advance." An older cultivator was the first to react and thank Xiao Lang.

"Yes, right, Xiao Daoyou, thank you for saving us out of the sea of ​​suffering." The other spirits also reacted and quickly thanked them.

They were not afraid that Xiao Lang was lying, after all, the latter actually released them.

If it were changed to Nether Linfeng, or some other monsters, they would definitely not be released, and they would only use their spirits as the nourishment of the Nether Magic Orbs and slowly consume them.

"You are polite, although I released you, but your soul source has been damaged, I'm afraid that time is short..." Xiao Lang shook his head and said regretfully.

The gods and souls looked at each other and all smiled.

The old soul at the beginning smiled at Xiao Lang: "Friend Xiao Daoist, we are already very satisfied that we can see the sky again in this life. As for time is short... this matter was already thought of when we went to fight against You Linfeng. All right."

"Yes, Daoist Xiao don't need to take it to heart. You saved us and didn't let us die in the Nether Magic Orb. We are already very grateful." The gods and souls agreed.

Seeing how free and easy the spirits were, Xiao Lang was also in awe, and bowed his fists to the group of spirits.

"Friend Xiao Dao, there is something we want to ask you for a favor." At this moment, the old spirit said again.

"Sir, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help." Xiao Lang said.

"Although Fellow Daoist took away the Nether Demon Orbs of Youlinfeng, Tongyou Sect does many evil things. If it is not eliminated, it will eventually be a disaster. So I want to ask Fellow Taoists to report all the evil deeds of Tongyou Sect to Tianfu Palace. Ask Tianfu Temple to send a master to destroy the Tongyou Sect and eliminate harm for the people." Old Shenhun said.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he nodded in awe, and immediately nodded, "Old gentleman, don't worry, the existence of Tianfu Temple is to eradicate these crooked ways and will never allow them to exist in the world, so I will report this matter truthfully. From the Tianfu Palace."

"With your words, Daoist Xiao, I feel relieved." The old soul was relieved, stroked his beard, and smiled happily. He looked at the sky, and after a while, suddenly said, "The time for the old is almost too, since The wish is over, and the old man will leave first."

After finishing speaking, the old spirit's body exudes pale white light, a faint white gas decomposed from his body, and the old spirit's body became more and more transparent.

"Old Chen..." When all the souls saw this, their eyes were all red, with a look of dismay.

"Everyone...I'm going one step ahead." The old spirit waved his hand, said his last sentence with a smile, and then disappeared into the air with a calm face.

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