Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 197: Venerable Opportunity

As Chen Lao's spirit dissipated, even if he knew what the fate of himself and others would be next, all the spirits showed sadness.

But when they thought of what Old Chen said before, they were relieved again.

It is better to dissipate in this way than to fall into the hands of the Tongyou Sect demon and be refined into a puppet and become a soldier of the disaster.

When all the souls thought of this, their expressions slowed down and looked at Xiao Lang.

"Little friend, we also have something to do, so if we want to ask the little friend for help."

Xiao Lang quickly responded after hearing this:

"Senior, please say."

The spirits trapped in the Nether Demon Orb must have been full of justice before they were alive, otherwise they would not risk their death to deal with Tongyou Sect.

For these spirits in front of him, Xiao Lang respected from the heart.

"As long as the younger generation can do it, I will definitely go all out!"

Xiao Lang promised with a solemn expression.

When all the spirits saw his serious appearance, they laughed.

"The little friend is serious. In fact, we don't have any serious matters. The little friend can report the sins of Tongyou Sect to the Tianfu Palace over the years, and we are very content.

"It's just that the old man walked in a hurry before going with these brothers to eradicate Tongyou Sect. I am afraid they only know that the old man is dead, but I don't know why the old man died. I still hope. The little friend can help the old man pass a message, and say that the old man died on the road to eradicate the evil way, this life is enough!"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect the request to be so simple.

"And me! The old man told his grandson before he left that he wanted to bring him toys back. Now he can't do it. If the little friend has free time to go to the famous capital, I hope the little friend can go to Wang's house and talk. Tell me the ancestor of the Wang family, his son Wang Zexin, did not shame him!"

"me too!……"

A group of spirits opened their mouths, their eyes excited, if they turned back to light, but most of the requests they made were to visit or send news to the family, and Xiao Lang was stunned.

He thought that these spirits hoped that he could take care of the younger generations of their family in the future, but he didn't expect that they were all trivial things.

But are these really trivial?

Do not!

This is their life!

As they described one by one, scenes gradually emerged in front of Xiao Lang, one by one middle-aged people with gray hair or clothes, standing tall, smiling and saying goodbye to the family, and stepping on the crusade without hesitation. The road to the Youjiao is bound to be without hesitation or weakness.

Even if they knew it, once they went this time, they would most likely die forever!

Xiao Lang was shocked, and the confusion in his mind came out of doubt: "Don't you...are you not afraid of death?"

Among the souls, the figure of someone has begun to dissipate, and he smiled: "Fear of death? Who is not afraid of death since ancient times? But, there are always things in this world that are more terrifying than death. For us, Tongyoujiao etc. This is the case with the magic sect."

"We are afraid of death, but we are even more afraid that the younger generations will still live in such fear in the future. It is a pity that it is impossible for the old man to see the destruction of Tongyou Sect in his life, but since the little friend is willing to report what Tongyou Sect has done in recent years Tianfu Palace, this day is coming soon."

Immediately, he got a lot of nods from spirits:

"Yeah, coming soon, coming soon!"

All the souls laughed, and they were so happy, they didn't seem to see their souls gradually escaping. The scene before him had brought an unprecedented shock to Xiao Lang.

It wasn't until all the spirits and bodies dissipated that Xiao Lang's spirits shook, and he woke up again, his eyes bright and uncertain, full of shock.

"Magic Way!"

"In order to eradicate Tongyou Sect, so many people fly moths to the fire, and they are willing to try even if they die. How great is this?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

Because he believed that these people risked fighting against Tongyou Sect, definitely not only for themselves, but also for the thousands of people behind them!

This is righteousness!

And Xiao Lang was shocked by this kind of justice for the first time. Holding the Nether Demon Orb, he didn't even know how to get back to White Wind City. He was awakened only when he walked to the gate of the city.

He didn't even take precautions along the way, if he was chased by the Nether Demon Cult, it would be really troublesome!

It can also be seen how much today’s events have touched Xiao Lang!

Xiao Lang converged his mind and entered the City Lord's Mansion. Because Xiao Lang had been here before, this time Xiao Lang went in without telling him. When he came to the hall, City Master Baifeng had silver hair and sat in the first place. Seeing Xiao Lang coming in, he couldn't help but frowned.

"Think about it clearly?" White Wind City Master stretched his brows and said: "But it's okay, you just go rashly, you will only lose your life, you should go back, let a few golden armor disciples come, and it will be possible to complete this task……"

Xiao Lang was taken aback, and immediately understood that City Master Baifeng had misunderstood, thinking that he had been hesitating for a few days, and now he came to give up. Xiao Lang didn't care, smiled, and flipped his wrist, and a pitch-black bead immediately appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Master City Lord misunderstood. I have completed the task."


The White Wind City Lord's eyes widened, and his whole person suddenly bounced from his seat, and he leaped up to grab the Nether Magic Orb in Xiao Lang's hand. Xiao Lang frowned slightly, hesitated, and did not retract his palm, letting the White Wind City Master grab the Nether Magic Orb away.

One is that he trusts the White Wind City Lord, after all, it was arranged by Tianfu Palace.

Second, the move of the White Wind City Master also exposed his strength, but Xiao Lang was not afraid of what he could do when the world reached a perfection.

The White Wind City Lord grabbed the Nether Demon Orb and stared at it for a long time. The shock and disbelief in his eyes became more and more intense, and finally exclaimed:

"It's really the Nether Magic Orb!"

"You killed You Linfeng?!"

The White Wind City Master looked at Xiao Lang in amazement, only then did he realize that the latter's eyes were strange and his actions were inappropriate, and he quickly returned the Nether Demon Orb to Xiao Lang's hands, but he looked at him in disbelief.

Xiao Lang chuckled: "That's not true, I just took a small trick to **** the Nether Demon Orb, but this also counts as I completed the task?"


The eyes of the White Wind City Lord shrank, and his eyes looked at Xiao Lang a little more solemnly. Where was there any chance that Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation was so-so when we first met?

A word win is enough to prove that Xiao Lang has already fought against the wind!

You Linfeng, but the real Era Realm, although it is only the First Grade Era Realm, it is also a true Venerable! In the past, people who came to complete missions in vain, or crusade against Nether Demon Cult, even if it is the Great Perfection of the World Realm, there is no return!

But Xiao Lang was good. Not only did he fight You Linfeng head-on, he even won the Nether Magic Orb, which was enough to prove the horror of his true combat power!

Xiao Lang's true combat power even surpassed the Dzogchen World Realm!


Thinking of this, City Lord White Wind couldn't help but gasped.

A small perfect world realm, but the combat power surpassed the great perfect world realm, even if there are many geniuses in the Tianfu Palace can go beyond the ranks, but it is the first time that the White Wind City Lord has heard of evildoers like Xiao Lang.


This is the first time I have heard, not seen!

City Lord Baifeng immediately softened a lot, and bowed his hand to Xiao Lang: "Brother Xiao is powerful, Bai admires!"

Xiao Lang was not a person who was unreasonable. Even if City Master Baifeng questioned his strength before, Xiao Lang knew that it was City Master Baifeng who was worried about his safety and laughed:

"My Lord City Lord is polite. If it weren't for your help before, and without the information, I don't know how much money will be spent. I should thank you."

Upon hearing this, City Lord Baifeng seemed to have thought of his attitude that day, and shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No, I still want to thank you."

"You snatched the Netherworld Demon Orbs from Netherwind today, and you saved my entire White Wind City! My thanks are not for myself, but for all the people in White Wind City."

"Brother Xiao may not know that this Nether Demon Cult is around me in White Wind City, but it makes me distressed every day. I have guarded the White Wind City for many years, and I really know the demon teaching behavior of such demon like You Linfeng too much, and wait for his strength to improve. , I will definitely do something to me in Baifeng City. Until then, I don’t know how many people have been stricken by the lungs and suffered a great disaster. Whenever I think of this, I am afraid every day, and I hope that Tianfu Palace will send people to come."

"Fortunately, I met Brother Xiao this time. Otherwise, I really don't know how long to wait."

City Lord Baifeng sighed and said:

"This time Youlinfeng has lost the Nether Demon Orb, and the strength has dropped greatly. Although my strength is not strong, I can resist it with the white wind city defensive circle. I am finally completely safe in the white wind city!"

For the common people!

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank when he looked at the White Wind City Lord, and the last trace of dissatisfaction with him in his heart disappeared.

Real man!

White Wind City's main cultivation base is to reach the Great Perfection of the World Realm. This kind of martial arts cultivation base is enough to walk the world, but he is too trapped, not for anything else, just for this White Wind City!

Such courage is really convincing.

Looking at the City Lord of White Wind City in front of him, Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the spirits he released from the Nether Demon Orb again. For a while, he had mixed feelings and couldn't help muttering to himself:

"It's really that important to defeat the Demon Dao?"

This sentence was also heard by the White Wind City Lord, and his eyes immediately stared:

"Of course it's important!"

The White Wind City Lord turned his head to look inside the White Wind City, his eyes were brilliant, and he suddenly said loudly:

"In order not to be invaded by the devil's way, for the safety of this homeland, I, someone, would like to be trapped here for a lifetime!"


Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly.

It wasn't because of how much momentum the City Master Baifeng had erupted at this time, he had already been able to perfectly control his aura at the completion of the world. What made Xiao Lang's heart tremble was the burst of demeanor of City Lord White Wind!

At this moment, looking at the White Wind City Lord in front of him, he suddenly felt like facing Venerable Dragon Elephant...


It is the Lord!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

"Could it be said that in this mind of the White Wind City Lord, there is still a promotion to the Era Realm, and there is no opportunity to become a Venerable?"

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