Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 219: Bite back

Lang Yunfeng was very happy.

Do not.

It should be said to be exciting!

"Hahaha, one hundred and thirty-seven magnolia flowers! More than twenty more than him! This time I'm sure to win!"

"There is less than a quarter of an hour left, no matter how powerful he is, he can't surpass me! Although he can continue to kill the beast, so can my elder brother, the gap will not be wiped out so quickly !"


Lang Yunfeng's eyes were full of satisfaction.

From the figures revealed on the small light screen on his wrist, he knew that the number of magnolia flowers on Xiao Lang had not increased during this time. Of course he was a little curious about this, but then he ignored it. In his opinion, it was probably because the outside light curtain was broken and people outside could not give him a precise amount. Think more.

He won, this result was calculated by him, full of confidence.


According to this rhythm, he is indeed unlikely to lose. After all, there are only three hundred magnolia flowers in the Magnolia Tower, and 137 have almost occupied half of them. Can Xiao Lang get all the others?

Lang Yunfeng felt unrealistic.

Therefore, he decided to stop and take back the Shadow Demon Puppet.

He knew that although the outside light curtain was broken, it was being repaired. According to the original schedule, it was a quarter of an hour. It was almost a quarter of an hour now, and of course he dared not use the Shadow Demon Puppet again.

Even though the existence of the Shadow Demon Puppet could not even be noticed by his big brother Lang Yunli, outside, there was a mighty power at the level of Venerable Era Realm!

Wolf Yunfeng didn't dare to take any risks. He wanted to put the Shadow Demon Puppet back into a brand new Blood Spirit Orb. He was still thinking that as long as the Shadow Demon Puppet was taken back, his plan would be foolproof. But at this moment, suddenly--


Lang Yunfeng only felt his eyes light up, and the terrifying purple light poured into his eyes, like thunder, stinging his eyes, and the sky full of purple thunder roaring and rushing.


Light is faster than sound!

It wasn't until thousands of thunder light rushed forward that Lang Yunfeng heard the roar of endless thunder, like a river dam bursting a bank, and even more like a stormy sea, sweeping and rushing, which was heart palpitating. Lang Yunfeng was suddenly startled by the unexpected change in front of him. shocked.

What fierce beast is this, so fierce?

Lang Yunfeng turned his head subconsciously, and saw that in the vast purple thunder light movie, a thunder dragon that was larger than a mountain range twisted and galloped, and behind the thunder dragon, there was a human-shaped electric light shining brightly.


"Xiao Lang, dare you!"

When Lang Yunfeng cleared up, even the fear and horror in his heart could not be shown on his face in the future. Behind him, Lang Yun roared fiercely. Before people arrived, the spear came first, and the sharp spear was even faster than Thunder Dragon. Hengsuo the Yangtze River, stopped in front of Lang Yunfeng, spearheaded the gods.

Of course it was Xiao Lang who shot.

Seeing Lang Yunli's shot, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed a light.

Dongyu Tianfu Palace is second in the golden armor, and it is really good!

Although the wolf cloud came first, Xiao Lang felt that the power contained in this gun even surpassed his peak power after using the Dao Spirit Body!

In a head-to-head fight, Lang Yunli is definitely a tough stubborn stubbornness. Maybe he can only lose and lose by doing everything he can, and he may not win. Unless the Dao Spirit Body can surprise itself again during the war.

Of course, what Xiao Lang wants now is not to lose both sides.

His goal is not Lang Yunli!


Xiao Lang opened his mouth and roared. Suddenly, the Thunder Dragon, who had originally galloped across the void, did not hesitate. His huge body suddenly rose with purple light, and under the horrified gaze of Lang Yun——


Thunder Dragon blew himself up!

In these days, Xiao Lang didn’t know how many sacred thunderstones he had fed Thunder Dragon. The origin of Thunder Dragon had already risen to the peak of the late world stage, and it was a pure energy body. Once self-protected, it was even better than the full power of the peak of the world realm. Strong hits!

The fact is also true.

Lang Yunli was eager to save people, and he rushed forward. When the spear was picked out, he didn't even think about protecting himself. Then he immediately said, only feeling that the violent force is bullying and being hard to resist. I was blasted out, and I went back dozens of miles before finally stabilizing my figure, although I was not injured, but...

Lang Yunli didn't care if he was injured at all. He didn't stop and yelled:

"Xiao Lang, you dare to move my brother, I vowed to destroy the nine races!"

The short-guard Lang Yun was anxious, watching the thundercloud rolling in front of him helplessly, the thunder rushing freely, at this moment, Xiao Lang's calm and cold response came from the thunder light:

"kill him?"

"Don't worry, I won't spare your wolf family so easily."

Regardless of whether what Xiao Lang said was true or not, when he heard him say not to kill Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunli immediately breathed a sigh of relief, without even realizing that Xiao Lang was talking about the wolf family, not the two brothers. I only thought that Xiao Lang was still afraid of the ancestors of their wolf family's era realm.

But then he saw that the sky full of thunder light from Thunder Dragon's self-detonation did not immediately escape, but if it was alive, it turned into a cloud of thunder. Xiao Lang's thin figure was looming in it, and there was a face full of horror beside him. The wolf Yunfeng, like being imprisoned.


Lang Yunfeng was indeed imprisoned.

The surrounding thunderclouds are cages, but they are not the only cage. Xiao Lang was in front, and only Lang Yunfeng, who was at the peak of the latter stage of the world, did not even dare to resist. He could only watch Xiao Lang flap his hands and ten fingers, and the mark was formed:

"Dragon Elephant, Zhen Mofeng!"


In the void, a majestic and exquisite mountain suddenly descended, entwined with the holy light, solemnly, hanging high above Lang Yunfeng and Xiao Lang himself, but did not immediately fall.

Seeing Zhen Mofeng appeared, Lang Yunli's heart immediately tightened, but when he saw Zhen Mofeng just hanging, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, facing Xiao Lang, and said cruelly:

"Xiao Lang, what are you going to do!"

"Do you want to win this gambling battle? Okay, no problem, I'll give it to you! But you must let my brother go!"

As soon as Lang Yunli said this, Xiao Lang immediately raised his brows, looked at him in surprise, and said:

"You really don't know?"

Seeing Lang Yunli frowned and the confusion on his face deepened, Xiao Lang immediately understood. Lang Yunli didn't know the fact that there was a shadow demon puppet on Lang Yunfeng, and then waved his hand:

"Forget it, you don't know, just stay by the side. Anyway, I won't do anything to your brother. After a while, someone will naturally deal with him."

Xiao Lang's words really made Lang Yunli a little puzzled, but his weakness was now in Xiao Lang's hands. He had to get rid of it. He could only suppress his anger, his brain rushed to think, and his heart was full of contortion.

He thought that he could kill Xiao Lang, but because of Lang Yunfeng, he had no strength at all and he couldn't use it at all.

The direction that Lang Yun thought about was also completely related to this Magnolia Festival. However, Lang Yunfeng, who was wrapped in thunderclouds, was already anxious.

He understood Xiao Lang's plan--

Shadow Demon Puppet!

Xiao Lang definitely discovered the existence of Shadow Demon Puppets!

Lang Yunfeng looked desperately at the surrounding thunderclouds. Lang Yunli couldn't find it, but he, as the master of the Shadow Demon Puppet, could of course see that the Shadow Demon Puppet was still outside, isolated by the thundercloud! For Shadow Demon Puppets, the surrounding thunderclouds are simply the existence of forbidden areas, and they cannot be entered at all!

"It's over!"

"He wants to expose the facts about me and the magic door!"

"But how did he know! Even my brother couldn't see the existence of the Shadow Demon Puppet, how did he discover it!"

Lang Yunfeng was going crazy. He knew that once the light curtain outside the Magnolia Tower was repaired and everything in this place was revealed to the world, he would definitely be exposed. And his exposure will definitely involve the entire wolf family!

The Tianfu Palace has zero tolerance for the magic door!

Lang Yunfeng is really going crazy.

However, he couldn't help Xiao Lang, and the Shadow Demon Puppet was outside of Thunder Cloud. The only thing that could pose a threat to Xiao Lang was probably only his elder brother Lang Yun who was severe, but he was also threatened by Xiao Lang with his own life.

In a word-

Dead end!

For Lang Yunfeng, it is now a dead end!

Of course, there is the only way to break the game——


If Lang Yunfeng committed suicide, Xiao Lang would naturally not be able to use him to force Lang Yunli into action. Once Lang Yunli was mad, Xiao Lang could only protect himself, the thunder cloud would disperse by itself, and the Shadow Demon Puppet could return to the Blood Spirit Orb. , There is naturally no evidence of the connection between the wolf family and the magic door.

Lang Yunfeng thought of the only way, but the key was... he was afraid of death, the kind!

And just as he hesitated, suddenly--

"What are you doing!"

"Xiao Lang, will you kill them?!"


Accompanied by two angry shouts, Xiao Lang only felt the huge power coming from the surrounding space. For a moment, he couldn't even catch his eyes, and four figures appeared in front of him.

Ning Yuan, Ning Guanghe, Ning Huo, Lang E!

The four great epoch realms all arrived, and they all entered the Magnolia Tower. The violent aura of the Venerable Age Realm level is the result of their deliberate suppression, otherwise the entire Magnolia Tower would be lifted off instantly!

The Lord is here!

This also means that the outside light curtain has been repaired.

Xiao Lang felt as if he was in a quagmire in an instant and could no longer move, but he was not worried at all, because he was sure that since Ning Yuan and the others had come in, they would definitely be aware of the existence of Shadow Demon Puppets.


"What is this?!"

It was Ning Guanghe who discovered the Shadow Demon Puppet. With a big hand, the Shadow Demon Puppet couldn't escape immediately, and finally appeared, the shadow of the magic shadow lingered, making Ning Yuan's four people instantly discolored.

"Magic puppet!"

"Whose puppet!"

Ning Guang and Dashou made another move, and Xiao Lang immediately felt that he had lost control of the sky full of thunderclouds. The thunderclouds disappeared. Xiao Lang was surprised by the strength of the Era Realm Venerable, but he was not in a hurry.

Now that the Shadow Demon Puppet has been discovered, it shows that his plan has been successful, and there is no need to worry. Lang Yunfeng could no longer use moths.

At the same time, Ning Guanghe and the others also restrained their auras and removed the suppression of the surrounding void. Four pairs of dripping eyes stared at the stunned Lang Yunli, the indifferent Xiao Lang, and the crazy Lang Yunfeng, waiting. Their answer.

But at this moment, Xiao Lang did not expect that Lang Yunfeng would really use the moth, and roared at the moment when he had just regained his freedom:

"It's Xiao Lang! He's Demon Xiu! Just now he was the shadow demon puppet he was puppet, trying to kill me! Patriarch, you must call me the shots!"

Lang Yunfeng, take a bite!

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