Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 220: Defection


Xiao Lang squinted at Lang Yunfeng.


Lang Yunfeng's strength was average, but his mind turned quite fast.

As soon as Lang Yunfeng said this, the surrounding atmosphere changed suddenly, and the eyes of the Four Epoch Realm Venerables in the void suddenly focused on Xiao Lang, waiting for his response.

Not only the venerables of these eras, but also the many spectators in the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena, the crowd exploded.

"The magic door! Xiao Lang is a magic repair?!"

"No wonder he can break through from the early stage of the world realm to the peak of the world realm in the time of more than 20 years. It turns out that he is a magic cultivator! I have heard that the magic door has evil techniques that can devour the flesh and blood of others for his own breakthrough!"

For a while, everyone was talking and shaking.

However, ordinary people are inherently weak in their minds, and it is normal to behave like this. In the fighting arena, as long as the strong people above the world realm closed their mouths and did not speak, they were very cautious.

They have a faint feeling, the fact seems not to be what Lang Yunfeng said.

They certainly do not judge at will, but have a basis.

Obviously, the thundercloud lingering in the void of the Magnolia Tower just now belonged to Xiao Lang, and Xiao Lang is also doing the same now, with the holy thunder body manifesting, and the whole body is rolling with thunder, exuding the most holy and strong power.

Can a warrior who can manipulate the power of thunder be a magic repair?

Lang Yunfeng is very likely to be lying!

However, before the ancestors of the Ning family and others entered the Magnolia Tower, there were only three of them-Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, and Lang Yunli. If the Shadow Demon Puppet does not belong to Xiao Lang, then there are only two possibilities... and no matter which one of them, the wolf family will definitely not be free of responsibility!


Thinking of this, everyone took a sigh of relief, and a feeling of wind and rain faintly entangled in their hearts, and even more people had already mobilized their supernatural powers to prepare for a battle.

Inside the Magnolia Tower.

It stands to reason that the Venerable Era Realm has a lot of knowledge and experience, and of course the wisdom is also higher. They can certainly see what the strong in the outside world can see.

But at this moment, before Lang Yunfeng's voice had settled, two loud shouts rang out in the void:

"The devil, dare to sneak into my Ning family and die!"

"Magic, be punish!"

It was Ninghuo and Langwu. They had to shoot before they burst out, but someone was faster than them. A figure flashed out from the side and stood directly in front of Ninghuo and Langwu, with their backs facing them. Looking directly at Xiao Lang, his calm voice spread throughout the audience:

"Prove it to me."

The movements of Ninghuo and Langwu froze instantly.

Because it is not someone else who is standing between them and Xiao Lang, it is the great ancestor of the Ning family-Ning Yuan! Ning Yuan didn't exude any majestic aura, but standing in the void, like a high wall, seemed to isolate everything behind him, giving Xiao Lang an extremely solid feeling.

Xiao Lang looked at Ning Yuan, his pupils condensed, and the light flashed. He had a faint hunch that the small light curtain on his wrist that could manifest the number of magnolia flowers obtained by Lang Yunfeng was probably left to him by the latter.

"it is good."

"it's actually really easy."

Xiao Lang was calm and composed, as if not exaggerating at all. He no longer looked at Ninghuo and Langwu, who were full of fear in his eyes. Shi Shiran turned around and just glanced at Lang Yunfeng casually, as if he wanted to continue to say something. then--


Xiao Lang blasted out with a punch, and the power of the pinnacle of World Realm Xiao Perfect gathered on the punch, and slammed it at Lang Yunfeng with the momentum of thunder!


For a while, everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Xiao Lang is going to kill people?

Isn't he afraid of the surrounding Venerable Era Realm's sudden trouble?

The fact is that when he noticed his movements, Lang E was already furious: "Boy, you are looking for death!"


It seemed that Langwu really couldn't help but want to make a move this time, and he couldn't worry about Ning Yuan. However, if someone observes carefully, he will definitely find that his movement speed is far from reaching the level of the Era Realm Venerable, at best it is only a bit faster than the World Realm Dzogchen peak. Given the distance between him and Xiao Lang, and the distance between Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng, before he stopped Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng might have died in Xiao Lang's hands!


It seems that he just wanted Xiao Lang to kill Lang Yunfeng!


That's what he thinks.

As long as Lang Yunfeng dies, who the Shadow Demon puppet belongs to, naturally there is no proof. At that time, Xiao Lang will definitely carry this iron pot on his back!

Langwu thought was exquisite, but what he didn't expect was that since Xiao Lang chose to shoot, why didn't he think of this? Perceiving Wolf E's movements behind him, Xiao Lang sneered at the corners of his mouth, but his movements did not hesitate at all. His fists were like lightning, and they reached Lang Yunfeng in an instant, less than tens of feet!

For them, such a powerful person, it is tens of meters, but within a single thought!

Lang Yunfeng finally woke up from the horror, saw Xiao Lang's fist close at hand, and screamed, "No!"

He felt a strong murderous intent from Xiao Lang's fist! This is not fake, Xiao Lang really wanted to kill him, and in front of his wolf family ancestors, he abruptly blasted him to death!

Of course, Lang Yunfeng also saw Lang Wu's move. He knew that Xiao Lang killed himself, and he would definitely not be able to dodge a blow from Lang Wu. Xiao Lang would also die. But, does Lang Yunfeng still care about this now?

Don't care at all!

I'm going to die, I still care what other people are doing!

At this moment, between life and death, Lang Yunfeng was really anxious. All his reasoning and plans were completely ignored by him, leaving only the only thought in his mind——

I want to live!

No one can help him, Lang Yun is not strong, Lang E is also a step late, he must rely on his own strength!

But is he Xiao Lang's opponent?

Far from it!

Ever since, like a drowning man, he grabbed the last straw, the straw he shouldn’t grab the last--

"I fought with you!"

Lang Yunfeng let out the final roar of the dying man, and then, under the eyes of everyone, everyone saw with amazement that the shadow demon puppet that was originally grabbed by Ning Guanghe casually moved!


The Shadow Demon Puppet exploded half of its body, and the violent power exploded, causing it to get rid of Ning Guanghe’s restraint, turning into a **** light, piercing the sky, and ramming directly towards Xiao Lang, not knowing how much faster it was than Xiao Lang. Times! After all, this is a force comparable to the peak of Dzogchen in the world!


Such a scene changed the expressions of everyone in the audience.

What Xiao Lang said was right, it was really simple. He didn't even say anything to justify, but with just one punch, he revealed the real truth——

The master of the Shadow Demon Puppet is Wolf Yunfeng!

"This wisdom is really outrageous!"

Everyone sighed, and at this moment, they fully understood Xiao Lang's thoughts. No matter how perfect lies, there must be flaws. For Lang Yunfeng, that was his instinct to survive.

Between life and death, he didn't care about anything. It is precisely because of this survival instinct that he was fooled!

Ning Guanghe’s expressions changed suddenly, as did Langwu and Ninghuo, but the meanings of their changes of color were completely different——


Langwu roared angrily, but this time his target was no longer Xiao Lang, but Lang Yunfeng.


Just such a survival instinct of Lang Yunfeng, they completely exposed.

Wolf family, there are magic repairs!

Just a wolf Yunfeng, how can it be possible to get the shadow demon puppet at the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world? Langwu knew that he must be suspected, and he would even die in Ning's family!

Because he can't hide.

Once suspected, no matter how well they cover up, they will be sent to the Tianfu Palace headquarters for inspection. Although Langwu had never experienced it, as a Demon Cultivator, he also knew how powerful the Tianfu Palace Headquarters was for investigating the suspected Demon Cultivator, and he would definitely not be able to handle it if he only relied on the pill to break through.

So, the result of being suspected is -

He will die!

And he died terribly!

But he didn't want to die, so he almost—

Langwu was in the air, suddenly turned around, and black flames suddenly appeared from his raised fists, and the evil aura that was unique to Mo Xiu suddenly soared, shaking the sky!

He is no longer hiding!

The surface of the burning fist of the demon flame is more powerful and the claws come out through the body. It is obviously an expensive magic weapon. It is hideous and terrifying, and its direction changes suddenly. It directly slams into Ning Yuan's Tianling cover, and the mouth is even more roaring:

"Ning Huo, don't do anything at this time, when will you wait!"

"If I die, you can't live either!"

Langwu was cruel, and directly dragged Ninghuo into the water! Behind him, Ning Huo's face changed suddenly. He never expected the situation to change so quickly, but he could hook up with Wolf E, and he was also a hero. He accepted the reality in an instant, without any verbal response, but fierce. The ground raised his hand, and immediately, dozens of blood spirit orbs of different colors were thrown out of his hand, wrapped by the power of the venerable age level, the blood spirit orb directly broke through the inner space of the Magnolia Tower and appeared in the Yulan City Wu Over the arena!


The blood spirit orb burst like fireworks. Immediately, dozens of blood-colored figures sprang out from the rain of blood, rushing towards the crowd below like the momentum of thunder!

Ninghuo is even more ruthless!

In other words, he had anticipated this scene a long time ago, and he was prepared. He knew that once he and Langwu were exposed, even if they jointly killed Ning Yuan and Ning Guanghe, and anyone on the scene ran away and revealed today's news, they would not survive.

Even if they were Venerable Era Realm, they were nothing in front of the Heavenly Floating Palace.

He is going to kill everyone here!

Kill, kill!

All these changes came too quickly, from Xiao Lang's sudden move to Ning Huo throwing out the blood spirit orbs, dozens of demon puppets appeared, but in a flash, no one in the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena responded. Even Ning Guanghe was stunned. He never thought that his own brother would become a member of the magic repair at some point, and would go to the other side!

But just in his horror, he saw that after Ning Huo threw dozens of blood spirit beads in an instant, his wrist was turned, and a **** long sword appeared out of thin air, and it had come before his eyes with lightning speed.

"Mao Dao, devour blood!"

Suddenly, Ning Guanghe felt that half of his body was paralyzed, the blood was evaporating in the meridians, and he was out of control and disorder. Where could he resist?

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