Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 451: Magic Pool Holy Land

"The distinguished guest, Jin Kui, don't be presumptuous!"

The old man passed through the void and had a domineering aura. It seemed that the growth of years and age did not make him more gentle, a burst of temper, and more domineering.

When he first revealed his figure, Xiao Lang felt the grandeur of his aura and his brows trembled slightly.

Top Venerable!

And it is the kind of martial arts that has extremely deep foundations, and has accumulated countless top venerables, and the aura is not below the Qingyun veteran he has ever seen before, and even appears more powerful because of the practice.

If it's a one-on-one match, Venerable Qingyun is definitely not his opponent!

The youth was reprimanded, his body trembled suddenly, and his face appeared excited:


The old man frowned and glared at Jin Kui fiercely. The latter gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to shoot, and stepped aside. When the old man saw this, his expression softened a lot, and he turned to look at Xiao Lang.

From beginning to end, Xiao Lang remained calm and composed, with a blank expression on his face, as if he didn't care about the arrival of the old man at all.


Jin Kui looked in his eyes, annoyed in his heart.

But what he didn't know was that he really misunderstood Xiao Lang this time.

Xiao Lang is not the real Su Han. He doesn't even know who this old man is, so naturally he will not speak first. In this case, there is no doubt that not speaking is really smart.


"Old man Jin Shuntian, I've seen the first master demon envoy."

Jin Shuntian bowed slightly and saluted.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he also bowed his hand in return:

"I have seen Senior Shuntian."

Jin Shuntian smiled slightly, his gaze flicked over everyone around Xiao Lang, and a suspicion flashed in his eyes:

"Why don't you see Brother She?"

Xiao Lang was prepared for this question and simply answered:

"I don't have to take Uncle She with me from time to time, right?"

"Now that nearly 80% of the territory of Scarlet Star is occupied by my Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, can anyone else threaten my life?"

Xiao Lang's words were full of arrogance, Jin Shuntian's pupils shrank slightly when he heard the words, and said with a smile:

"What the Master Superintendent said is."

"I just don't know, Master Superintendent is here this time, what is the so-called?"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank upon hearing this.

He only heard these words from Jin Shuntian. Before Jin Kui found them, Jin Shuntian had already noticed them. Maybe they don't know their identities, but they have already guessed that the purpose of themselves and others is Golden Mountain!


With regard to Jin Shuntian, Xiao Lang unknowingly became a little more alert, his eyes flashed, and he smiled lightly:

"It seems that Senior Shuntian has a keen observation of juniors."

"Well, since the seniors have already seen it, the juniors won't sell them anymore. The juniors do have a mission when they come this time."

Xiao Lang faced Jin Shuntian and said:

"I need golden source stone, a lot."

"About a million square meters."

Jin Shuntian heard the words, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but before he could answer, suddenly--

"Millions of squares? You are crazy!"

Jin Kui shrank his pupils and shouted:

"Who doesn’t know that my Golden Wolf tribe relies on the golden source stone for cultivation, which is the most indispensable thing for my tribe. When my Golden Wolf tribe was invited to come to Chiyan Star, I already said that if it is in Chiyan Star The golden source stones found on the site belonged to my Golden Wolf tribe. There was an agreement."

"Su Han, do you want to break the contract?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Is there such an agreement?

Su Han knew if he knew, Xiao Lang didn't know, but he definitely didn't know. However, Xiao Lang didn't look at Jin Kui.

Now that Jin Shuntian appeared, Jin Kui naturally had no right to speak.

Whether he can get the golden source stone depends on Jin Shuntian's performance.

"you shut up!"

Jin Shuntian's eyes flashed sharply, and he scolded mercilessly. Jin Kui slumped, but he didn't dare to speak anymore, just staring at Xiao Lang with a pair of eyes, angrily.

Jin Shuntian turned to face Xiao Lang, and said with a smile:

"Quil is ignorant, Master Demon Supervisor must not have general knowledge with him."

Seeing Xiao Lang not speaking, Jin Shuntian continued:

"This place is the Golden Mountain. There are indeed a lot of gold source stones in it. If you want a million squares of gold source stones, it is not impossible, but if the old man does this, it will inevitably harm the interests of my Golden Wolf tribe. Will become the sinner of our tribe."

Jin Shuntian pretentiously said, as if he wanted to give it but couldn't.

"Besides, we had an agreement before..."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed. He has a delicate mind, how can he fail to see Jin Shuntian's intention to do this?

Immediately interrupted without mercy:

"Senior Shuntian has any needs, just say directly."

"It's best if it can be exchanged."

"If it can't be exchanged, even if I owe a favor to the expensive tribe, how?"

ask for help?

Xiao Lang just opened his mouth.

It doesn't matter, it's Su Han that he is impostor now, and he owes favors, which is also what Su Han owes, and it has nothing to do with him.

Jin Shuntian obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct. A hint of surprise flashed on his face, his expression was low, he thought about it, his eyes flickered, and he looked at Xiao Lang with a smile.

"It seems that these million squares of gold source stone are very important to the Lord Superintendent."

Jin Shuntian wants to explore Xiao Lang's tone, but how can Xiao Lang be that kind of stupid person?

A pair of eyes looked at Jin Shuntian without saying a word. Jin Shuntian immediately understood that he couldn't ask anything from Xiao Lang's mouth, so he sighed and said immediately:


"This deal is indeed not a loss."

"But beyond that, I have one more request."


Xiao Lang frowned slightly and said:


Jin Shuntian smiled and said:

"Supervisor, please don't worry."

"Talk about the deal first."

Jin Shuntian looked scheming, his eyes flashed, and said:

"I heard that our Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is planning to open another Demon Lake Holy Land on Chiyan Star, and we want to make Chiyan Star the main place of my Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect. Let those righteous warriors participate. Dare to ask Master Supervisor, is this true?"

Open up a new magic pond holy land?

Jin Kui, who was standing behind Jin Shuntian, opened his eyes suddenly when he heard the words, as surprise and excitement burst out of his eyes at the same time.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly.

Magic Pool Holy Land?

what is this?

It was not the first time that he heard these four words. He had heard them from Jin Kui's mouth just now. It seemed to be quite important, otherwise Jin Kui would not look desperate as soon as he saw him.

Can even the righteous martial artist participate?

What is the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect?

For a while, Xiao Lang was full of suspiciousness, but he did not show it on his face.

Once it shows on the face, it will show off!

Xiao Lang pondered slightly, clarified his thoughts, and said:

"Senior Shuntian's intelligence is very thorough."

"There is indeed such a plan, but whether this is really done is another matter."

Xiao Lang didn't say too much, because he really didn't know the truth, so he could only answer this vaguely. He didn't know whether this was Jin Shuntian's temptation. If there was a mistake, it would be bad.

Jin Shuntian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he smiled:

"It should be."

"The requirement of our Golden Wolf tribe is that if our Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect really wants to open a demon pond holy land on Scarlet Yan, I hope that the Master Demon Envoy can give Quer a place."

One quota in exchange for a million square gold source stones?

Xiao Lang frowned.

Demon Lake Holy Land, is it so important?

Although the gold source stone is not expensive, it is worth a million cubic meters, which is placed here.

What on earth is Demon Lake Holy Land?

Jin Kui even dared to find "Su Han" for a place.

Jin Shuntian needs to exchange one million squares of gold source stones for a quota...

Xiao Lang immediately realized that the Demon Lake Holy Land is not easy!

For the magic repair of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, it must be extremely important!

Xiao Lang was lost in thought for a while, and when he saw the frowning brows on his face, Jin Shuntian immediately misunderstood him, thinking that Xiao Lang felt that he had opened a big mouth, and he changed his words immediately after a grievance:

"Even if there is no place to enter the magic pond holy land, a seed place in the trials is fine."

Xiao Lang looked strange when he heard this.

Jin Shuntian even changed his mind.

The number of seeds for a trial?

Demon Lake Holy Land, is it really that important?

Xiao Lang was confused, but could not ask further. He pretended to think for a while, as if he was quite embarrassed by Jin Shuntian's request, but in the end he nodded.

"The number of seeds for the trials, right?"


Hearing Xiao Lang's reluctant words, Jin Shuntian's eyes immediately lit up, and he was overjoyed.

It's done!

Su Han agreed!

"it is good!"

Jin Shuntian stroked his palms and laughed, very happy, as if he changed his face:

"Good, good! Master Superintendent is really magnificent, I thanked Quer first."

Xiao Lang glanced at Jin Kui, only to see the latter stunned, as if he didn't expect Xiao Lang to actually agree. Xiao Lang looked at Jin Shuntian:

"The golden source stone..."

Xiao Lang didn't care what Jin Shuntian and Jin Kui thought about the seed quota for the so-called trials of Demon Lake Holy Land, because he was not the real Su Han, so he agreed to get the golden source stone more smoothly.

Therefore, Xiao Lang did not hesitate and asked immediately.

Jin Shuntian was awakened when he heard the words, his expression of joy faded, looked at Xiao Lang, and said:

"Golden source stone, of course there is."

"According to my Golden Wolf tribe, there are at least tens of millions of square meters of the source of gold in the Golden Mountain Range, which is enough to meet the needs of the Lord Supervisor.

"However, for the time being, my Golden Wolf tribe has not unearthed that much. If the Supervisor is anxious, I am afraid I will go deep into the mountain and dig it myself."

Mining yourself?

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood that this should have been the request Jin Shuntian had said before.

It seems that although Jin Shuntian is willing to hand over the Golden Source Stone, he does not want the Golden Wolf tribe to work for himself.

Is there such an operation?

Xiao Lang pursed his lips and chuckled, then glanced at Jin Shuntian.

"Okay, then we will do it ourselves."

Xiao Lang said, but never looked at Jin Shuntian and Jin Kui again, and took Li Xueya and others directly towards the Golden Mountain.

Make things difficult?

Xiao Lang didn't care at all.

Even more, this is better.

He is also happy to see that the devil cubs of the Golden Wolf tribe don't follow him and wait for others. In this way, his actions while waiting for others will be more secretive.

However, Xiao Lang, who regarded Jin Shuntian's request as making things difficult, did not notice. When he passed by Jin Shuntian, a ray of spirit flashed across the eyes of the latter, full of deep meaning.


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