Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 452: Inside the mountain

Xiao Lang and others walked directly toward the depths of the Golden Mountain Range, and did not go to the place where the Golden Wolf tribe was crowded.

Don't want to be disturbed.

So they must find a relatively secret place.

And according to Nymph's investigation, the place where the Golden Wolf tribe began to dig is not the densest place of the Golden Source Stone in the Golden Mountain Range.

It wasn't until the figures of Xiao Lang and others were about to disappear at the end of the field of vision, did Jin Kui finally react, and subconsciously looked at Jin Shuntian, exclaiming:

"Grandpa, why did you... just agree to him like this?"

"The golden source stone is too important to our Golden Wolf tribe, how can we give it up!"

"And you still don't let our people follow... What if they dig too much?"

Jin Kui's eyes were full of distrust of Xiao Lang.

Jin Shuntian glared at him immediately after hearing this:

"You know what a shit!"

Jin Kui was taken aback.

Scolded again?

Jin Kui looked confused and didn't know why Jin Shuntian would scold himself. Seeing the confusion on his face, Jin Shuntian sighed helplessly, and suddenly felt a sense of hatred for iron and steel, but in the end, he waved his hand to disperse others around him. When there were no other people around, only two of them were left. When he was a man, Jin Shuntian spoke:

"Quil, I ask you, what is the most important to our Golden Wolf tribe?"

most important?

Jin Kui was taken aback, and subconsciously answered:

"Of course it is the golden source stone. If there is no golden source stone, our Golden Wolf tribe..."

But before he could finish speaking, Jin Shuntian frowned and interrupted directly:

"Can the Golden Source Stone cultivate the strongest venerable for our Golden Wolf tribe?"

When Jin Kui heard the words, his voice stopped immediately.

Of course not.

If the gold source stone can cultivate the strongest venerable, their Golden Wolf tribe is dissatisfied that Daejie is the strongest venerable?

Jin Kui stared at Jin Shuntian blankly, as if thinking of something, a light flashed across his eyes, exclaiming:

"Grandpa, what do you mean..."

Jin Shuntian didn't wait for him to finish saying these words, but interrupted again, taking over the words:


"The Demon Lake Holy Land contains the mystery that makes people become the strongest venerable. Why do you think your father and I have been telling you all these years not to focus on one avenue, but to comprehend the second Avenue?"

Jin Shuntian glanced at Jin Kui, a trace of helplessness flashed through his eyes. As for the latter, his face was already full of horror, and he was stunned.

There is still a mystery in the Demon Lake Holy Land to achieve the strongest sage?

This is real?

But at the next moment, Jin Kui suddenly frowned as if thinking of something:

"That's not right, grandpa."

"The last time the Demon Lake Holy Land in Demon Dragon Island was opened, Mo Yuzi got the spot, and he also mastered two complete avenues. Why didn't he become the strongest Venerable?"

Jin Kui speaks with facts.

When Jin Shuntian heard this, he seemed a little surprised at Jin Kui's insight, and chuckled lightly:

"Silly boy."

"How many times has the Demon Lake Holy Land of Demon Dragon Island been opened. It is older than me. After opening so many times, the power in it has already been consumed almost, and it does not have much effect. At most, it can enter it. People’s martial arts are only promoted to a large level, and the effect is very weak."

"The Demon Lake Holy Land, the effect is most amazing the first time it is opened."

Jin Shuntian's eyes were deep, and he took a deep look at Jin Kui:

"So now you understand, why the old man is willing to exchange a million squares of gold source stones for a spot, even if it is a seed spot in the trials."

"As long as you have the seed quota and only need to complete a victory, you are eligible to enter the Demon Lake Holy Land. At that time, you will leap over the Dragon Gate and fly to the top. And my Golden Wolf tribe will also be born the first and most famous in history. Strong Venerable, his position in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect has skyrocketed!"

"You said, is this million square gold source stones worth it?"

Jin Kui was dumbfounded a long time ago, and the bright future depicted by Jin Shuntian almost dazzled his head.


Of course worth it!

That is the strongest one!

The strongest under the Immortal Demon Lord!


Jin Kui swallowed deeply and nodded fiercely, his eyes gleaming, and his fighting spirit burst out.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will never disappoint you and my father!"

Jin Shuntian nodded in satisfaction when he heard this, his eyes lit up, and he was also full of expectations.

"Well, get ready."

"If the old man guessed right, this time the opening of the Demon Lake Holy Land, the righteous martial artist of Tianfu Palace will also participate, and your opponent is likely to be one of them."

"Don't stay in the mountains these days, go out and walk more, accumulate experience and experience, and be prepared for that battle."

Go out?

Jin Kui was stunned when he heard the words, and the doubts that had previously condensed in his heart rose again:

"Grandpa, isn't the Demon Lake Holy Land unique to our Heavenly Demon Realm? Why is it necessary to let the Tianfu Temple warriors participate in the demon world?

When Jin Shuntian heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he explained:

"You also know that the Demon Lake Holy Land is the best fortune of heaven and earth."

"The Demon Pond Holy Land was created by the first demon lord of my Celestial Demon Realm. It is rumored that it and the Celestial Demon Realm adhere to the same concept, but there is a difference in size."

"The reason it can do this is precisely because it has captured the good fortune of the heavens and the earth, provided me with the power of the true spirit. You are now in the Era Realm, and naturally you have discovered that you have a complete After the avenue, the effect and speed of the insight of other avenues will be greatly reduced. The integration of the avenues is even more difficult, because your true spirit has already undergone subtle changes when mastering the first complete avenue."

"The Demon Lake Holy Land uses the good fortune of heaven and earth to erase the shackles on your true spirit."

"And this Fang Motan holy land is on the Red Yan star. If you want to fully exert its maximum effect, you must participate in the local people in order to get the echo of the heaven and the earth. This is no way."

"Although the Demon Lake Holy Land is dubbed the name'Devil', in fact, you can think of it as a large cultivation formation."

After Jin Kui heard this, he understood.

It is not the kindness of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, but because it must be so, in order to exert the greatest effect of the Demon Lake Holy Land!

"Quil understands."

Jin Kui nodded slowly, but still frowned, looking at the place where Xiao Lang and others had left, with a gloomy expression:

"But it's too cheap for them to enter the Golden Mountain so easily for him to ask for it!"

When Jin Shuntian heard this, a glint flashed through his eyes, and smiled:

"Who said I would let them in alone?"

Jin Kui was surprised when he heard this, and looked at Jin Shuntian, surprised:

"Grandpa, what do you mean..."

Jin Shuntian smiled slightly, his eyes were full of conspiracies, and said:

"Wait a while, you follow, they will definitely dive in the deepest part of the Golden Mountain, because there is the most abundant gold source stone reserves."

Jin Kui was even more surprised when he heard this.

The deepest part of the Golden Mountain is the richest source of gold?

Then why didn't their Golden Wolf tribe start digging directly in the deepest part?

At the next moment, Jin Shuntian said the key:

"I found out on the first day I came, but in the deepest part of the Golden Mountain, I felt a bit of crisis."

"There is something under the mountain, it seems that once it is released, even I can't resist it."

Jin Shuntian looked solemn.

Jin Kui was surprised when he heard this.

He practiced with Jin Shuntian since he was a child, and no one knew Jin Shuntian's combat power better than him. The top one among the top ones can almost compete with the weakest and strongest ones without losing the wind!

Even Jin Shuntian felt a sense of crisis.

What it is?

"It must be a treasure!"

Jin Shuntian categorically cut the railway.

"I thought I would go to find three or five friends to take a look at it these days, but I was hesitating. After all, if it were to be a treasure, our Golden Wolf tribe would definitely lose more than half."

"It's good today, he actually came, let him be this little guinea mouse."

Jin Shuntian also turned and looked in the direction where Xiao Lang and others were leaving, where there was the previous politeness on his face, full of evil smiles.

Jin Kui was overjoyed when he heard the words, his eyes shone, and he couldn't help feeling in his heart——

Older gingers are more spicy!

Kill two birds with one stone!

He didn't pay almost anything on his side, and he won the spot of the seeded player in the Demon Lake Holy Land, and he also got an extra white mouse to investigate for himself.


It is wonderful!

"High! Grandpa is really high!"

Jin Kui sighed from the bottom of his heart, thumbs up, Jin Shuntian smiled triumphantly, and said:

"It's just a trail, strength is king."

"Quil, get ready to assemble your crew and go with them. With Su Han's ability, encountering danger that the old man can't resist will not kill him, but he is definitely not there, he is definitely not If you dare to go deep, you will definitely come out for the time being and wait until the old She arrives. Then you will go down and grab the chance."


Jin Kui's eyes trembled suddenly when he heard the words, shining brightly, and bowing respectfully to Jin Shuntian:

"Yes, grandpa!"

"Quil will definitely make it beautiful for you!"


Jin Kui went away excitedly.

Looking at Jin Kui's confident back, Jin Shuntian also had a satisfied smile on his face, but instead, when he looked deep into the Golden Mountain, his eyes were full of disdain.

"The first superintendent?"


"Yellow-mouthed kid!"


Here, Xiao Lang and others are still advancing to the deepest part of the Golden Mountain, completely ignorant of what is happening behind them.

At the beginning, some people praised Xiao Lang's performance just now when pretending to be Su Han, but now, including Xiao Lang, everyone's eyes are focused on Ning Fuer and Huang.

They are exploring the gold source stone veins below this mountain range.

Facts have proved that even if Liu Rong praised Ning Fu'er's talent, she still underestimated her ability.

Only for gold veins.

Nymph's perception abilities even surpassed that of being a metal life!

This has not only surprised Xiao Lang.


If Ning Fu'er was just a gift, Xiao Lang would definitely not believe it!

There is definitely a big secret in Nymph!

But now is not a good time to investigate these things, especially after leaving Jin Kui and others away. As soon as everyone entered the area of ​​the Golden Mountain Range, Nymph was suddenly shocked and said a word that shocked everyone in the audience. ——

"There seems to be someone down here!"


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