Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 454: Nymph, disappear?

"Thirty-six caves, seventy-two blessed land?"

The first time he saw Jinting Dongtian, Xiao Lang thought of this name that was famous in the Lihuo Great World.

Thirty-six cave days, seventy-two blessed places.

This is what Lihuo Great World calls some special places.

As we all know, there are heritage relics in the West Desert Star Sea, which originated in ancient times and was transformed by the rupture of the previous generation of the world. But they are not formed naturally, they are the inheritance of large sects or large families, relying on their own strength to force themselves to leave behind.

Most of them were broken when the last world was broken.

Very few can survive.

It is even rarer for the Zhan Taizong inheritance and the relics of the ancient proverb star to be similar.

When Xiao Lang was choosing the ruins to roam, he learned about the existence of 36 Dongtian and 72 blessed land from the information given by Sun Wuji.

It is different from the ruins of the ancient proverb star.

They are fixed.

Almost eternal!

For example, the ancient proverb star ruins where the Zhan Taizong inheritance is located, it can be said to be the most stable ruins in the entire Lihuo Great World. It is opened every twenty years. Since it was discovered, it has never changed.

But how long can this last?

Millions of years or billions of years?

When the inheritance and distribution are completed, or the power in it is exhausted and it is no longer able to continue, the ancient proverb star relic will naturally cease to exist.

If the Great World of Lihuo is shattered again, it will naturally not be able to sustain it anymore, and will eventually disappear in the long river of time, perhaps leaving a legend, but no one will ever see it again.

But the thirty-six cave sky is different from the seventy-two blessed land.

They really are like immortal monarchs, possessing eternal life, self-contained, even if the whole world collapses, they will not be affected by the slightest.

Of course, it is the space, not the people, that will not be affected.

People are still going to die.

The world is shattered and everything is dead.

Even the most peak immortal monarch will die!

This was not something Xiao Lang had imagined, but it happened in reality, and he learned it from True Monarch Ice and Fire.

The old Zhan Taizong was strong enough, right?

There are hundreds of immortal monarchs, not to mention the so-called top sages and the strongest sacreds, there are countless, it can be described as the absolute heyday of a hundred flowers contention.

What happened after the last generation of the world collapsed?

It's all dead!

The reason why some people left the remnant soul and injected them into True Monarch Ice and Fire, they did not survive by fluke. There is no fluke between life and death, and they survived in the form of remnants of souls under the protection of all the strong men and methods of Zhan Taizong.

The only meaning of surviving is to pass on the accumulation and inheritance of Zhan Taizong to this new world.

Thirty-six caves, the immortal monarchs in the 72 blessed land will also die.

But Thirty-Six Dongtian and Seventy-two Blessed Lands will continue to exist.

This is what makes them special!

It is precisely because of this characteristic that every time the 36 Cave Heavens or the Seventy Two Blessed Lands appear, it will cause a lot of competition from the strong and the forces.

Because the space is immortal, it means there are too many treasures in it!

As far as Xiao Lang knew, there were already more than thirty 36 caves and 72 blessed places discovered in the Great World of Lihuo. These are still on the bright side, and there are signs to follow.

No one knows how many are hidden in the dark.

"Thirty-six blessed land!"

At this moment, Li Xueya and others also saw the plaque floating on the Shimen, their eyes shrank suddenly, and they were surprised.

After coming out of Moxue Tiandi for so long, they have also learned a lot about the Lihuo Great World. They also heard about the existence of 36 Dongtian and 72 Fudi from Xiao Lang's mouth, so they recognized it at a glance. Surprised.

They accidentally found a special space that is ranked thirty-six blessed land?

What kind of luck is this?

Moreover, Nymph has also said that she was summoned from here...

"Profound blessing!"

The sights of Li Xueya and others couldn't help but circulate on Ning Fuer and Xiao Lang.

In their opinion, Nymph and Xiao Lang's luck was particularly good.

And, in one respect, the 36 blessed land is even better than the ancient proverb star ruins. Because once you enter it, you are its master!

What a blessing to own a strange space by yourself!

Of course, the premise is that this Jinting Dongtian was left over from the previous era, and the owner of it is dead, so that Ning Fuer can take the lead.

Is it ownerless?

Just as everyone was thinking about it in their hearts, suddenly—


Shimen, open!

A breath full of vicissitudes of life was like a tide, filed out of it, everyone hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, and before the smoke cleared, everyone's expressions had suddenly become solemn.


With the help of their dim eyesight, they saw that after Shimen opened, a figure appeared.

Everyone is rigorous, and the depths of their eyes are full of guard.

But what is surprising is that he didn't even take action against himself and others.

Finally, the smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone finally saw the person behind Shimen, a Taoist boy of only seven or eight years old. His clothes had long been tattered and dirty, but his expression was calm, looking at the Ning Fuer in the crowd. Bend over:

"Everyone please come in."

"The master has been waiting for you for a long time."

the host?

Xiao Lang and others were startled when they heard this.

Is this Jinting Dongtian already occupied?

Looking at each other, everyone stepped in, Dao Tong walked in front to lead the way.

Xiao Lang followed behind, staring at Dao Tong's every move, suddenly a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes, and a decisive voice resounded in everyone's ears:

"He is a puppet!"


Everyone was surprised, and immediately looked towards Dao Tong's back, and suddenly discovered that the distance he took every step was exactly the same, much more accurate than measuring with a ruler!

And in his body, everyone did not perceive the slightest fluctuation in life.

Really a puppet!

The owner of this place is a master puppet?

This puppet is too flexible, it looks like a living person.

Is the master of Jinting Dongtian manipulating him?

For a while, everyone's thoughts were chaotic, and Xiao Lang couldn't help but not want to appreciate the surrounding scenery at all.

This is a manor.

The mighty manor covers countless areas, and Xiao Lang and others cannot tell how big it is.


Passing through a wall, the willows are dark and flowers are bright, and the clouds are blooming to see the sun and the moon. Everyone only feels that their eyes are bright, and they are spacious.

This seems to be a martial arts field.

In the center of it, a golden spar was suspended out of thin air. Its shape was completely irregular, but it immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, suddenly—


Ning Fuer suddenly rushed out of the team, even though Xiao Lang was still holding her wrist a second before, she broke free. Without the stimulation of Xiao Lang's mental power, Ning Fu'er instantly lost consciousness and froze in front of the golden spar.


Xiao Lang was shocked, and subconsciously stepped forward, trying to drag Nymph back.

This place was unfamiliar, Xiao Lang didn't want to be big.

Even if you are a big brother, you don't want to use Nymph's life as a bargaining chip.

However, just when his palm was about to touch Nymph's body, suddenly--


The golden spar floating in the void trembled suddenly, and the golden brilliance turned into a pike, and it landed directly on Xiao Lang's arm. The next moment, Xiao Lang didn't even have the slightest resistance, and flew out directly.

Li Xueya and others were shocked instantly.

Lie down for a second?

Xiao Lang felt even more profound, only feeling that an unrivaled force was swept out of the golden spar, and the mighty coercion contained in it could even crush him directly in an instant!

It's not one level at all!

Xiao Lang was stunned and returned quickly. He gritted his teeth and continued to drag Ning Fuer without believing in evil, but at this moment--

"Give up, it's useless."

"The power of the world's original fragments is not something you can contend."

A dull and dry voice suddenly sounded, including Xiao Lang, everyone was surprised, and immediately followed the prestige. I didn't know when the gate of the courtyard had been opened, and a thin middle-aged man walked out slowly.

Although he was talking to Xiao Lang, his eyes were always pinned to Nymph's body, and his expression became more solemn.

Xiao Lang didn't have such good patience, and said loudly;

"What did you do to Fuer!"


Hearing this, the thin black man finally turned his gaze on Xiao Lang for the first time, his expression unchanged, and said:

"I can't stop, after all, I'm just a puppet now."

He is also a puppet?

Xiao Lang and others were surprised when they heard the words, and heard the solemn voice of the black and thin man again:

"Look, it's already started."

Everyone did not care to question the identity of the thin middle-aged man here, and immediately looked at Nymph, and saw that the golden spar suspended in the void suddenly shattered and turned into golden light, floating into Nymph. In her body, blend with her.


In the crowd, Zhao Feng subconsciously exclaimed.

However, the thin black man shook his head and said:

"Yes, nor is it."

Everyone frowned.

What does this answer mean?

The thin black man didn't care about the surprise on everyone's faces, or that he was a puppet, and he couldn't see anything from the stiffness on his face, and said:

"Of course it contains my inheritance, but it is more that the fragments of the world's origin are making up for her lost true spirit."

The true spirit of loss?

Xiao Lang was most sensitive to the word "Zhen Ling", and his heart trembled after hearing this.

Generally speaking, the true spirit source of the Venerable Age Realm will not be lost unless--

Ning Fu'er, like him, encountered the disaster of Huadao!

"Hua Dao?"

Xiao Lang asked in disbelief, and his voice trembled. The black and thin man immediately shook his head, glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, and said:

"Of course not Huadao."

"It is her true spirit that is inherently lacking."

With that, the thin black man looked at everyone suspiciously and said:

"Didn't you find out that she is dying?"


As soon as the black thin man said this, everyone's spirits stunned, and Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, and his sharp glow flickered, glaring at the black thin man as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

"What are you talking about! Who is going to die?!"

Xiao Lang's mind was shocked, and he couldn't hold himself back.

The black and thin man seemed to be taken aback by Xiao Lang's response so much, he was taken aback, and immediately shook his head and said:


"To die, it's too inappropriate. After all, she is not a complete person."

"I mean, she is about to disappear. Because among the many clones, she is almost the weakest one and is about to be eliminated."



Clone? !

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded when he heard the words, staring at the thin black man blankly.

What about Nima?

I don't understand it at all!

But Xiao Lang knew that what the black thin man said was definitely not a good thing!


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