Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 455: Jin Xun, the strongest immortal!

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Lang's voice was quick and his tone was cold.

Even if you know that although the opponent is just a puppet, it seems harmless to humans and animals, but as the master of this Golden Cave Heaven, his previous life must be an immortal monarch-level power with many methods, and he can even easily kill himself and others.

However, Xiao Lang couldn't take care of it at all.

Fuer is going to disappear?

How can this keep him sane?

Jin Ting Dongzhu glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, not paying attention to the latter's disrespect for him, and said:

"You don't know the Jin Sundan tribe?"

Jin Sundanese?

What's that?

Xiao Lang frowned, a pair of star eyes staring at Jinting Dongzhu. Jin Ting Dongzhu looked at Xiao Lang carefully, and saw that his eyes were clear and there was no trace of impurity or pretense. Then he sighed:

"It seems that in this era, the Jin Xun clan has not yet appeared."

"That's right. The avatar of Our Lady of Jin Xun is so fragile that no one is looking at it. It seems that the Jin Xun clan is really not born yet. However, the world is about to be in chaos, and soon."

Our Lady of Jin Xun?


Hearing the words, Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at Ning Fuer who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes flashed with a gloomy expression.

"Senior said that the avatar of the Virgin of Jin Xun is Fuer?"

The Lord Jinting Dong nodded naturally and said:

"of course."


Hearing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but gasp.

From these words of Jinting Dongzhu, he felt the breath of conspiracy!

But I can only calm down and continue to ask:

"Who is Our Lady of Jin Xun?"

"Senior, please state it."

Xiao Lang was a little more polite than before.

One is from Jinting Dongzhu's body, he did not perceive any hostility.

Second, from the words of Jinting Dongzhu, he vaguely sensed that there seemed to be some secrets in Nymph's body, even related to her wealth and life.

In this case, Xiao Lang was of course polite.

Jinting Dongzhu seemed to confirm that Xiao Lang really didn't know anything about the Jin Xun clan. He looked at Ning Fu'er, then looked at Xiao Lang again, his metallic eyes flashed slightly, and he asked instead:

"You two, are you Taoists?"


Xiao Lang did not hide it.

In his opinion, there is really nothing to hide.

Jinting Dongzhu heard this and sighed.

Although his pupils were metallic and very cold, at this moment, Xiao Lang clearly saw a trace of...pitiful?

Xiao Lang's heart trembled slightly, only listening to Jin Ting Dongzhu finally introduced the whole question:

"It seems that you, like me, are poor people."

"It's just that, with the help of this puppet body, the old man has survived for hundreds of millions of years, hoping to get someone who is destined to reach this point and the inheritance of the old man, so that the old man's life learning will eventually return. As for you..."

Jinting Dongzhu seemed rather helpless, shook his head and said:

"You have to be mentally prepared."

Xiao Lang didn't speak when he heard the words, but stared at Jinting Dongzhu with a pair of eyes, his eyes flickering, solemn and serious, which represented his attitude.

Upon seeing this, Jinting Dongzhu said:

"The Jinxun tribe is an ancient race that has been passed down for several eras. It is quite powerful. In some eras, it even dominated the entire world."

“Among them, the patriarch of the Jinxun tribe is also the ruler, and is called the Virgin of the Jinxun tribe. Because every generation of the Jinxun tribe’s patriarch is a woman. Similarly, the Jinxun tribe is also maternally in power, and the upper ranks are almost exclusively women."


When Xiao Lang heard this, his pupils shrank slightly:

"Aren't they human?"

Jinting Dongzhu heard this and shook his head:

"Do not."

"In some eras, they are indeed human. But in some eras, they may be transformed into human bodies, but they may not be humans anymore, maybe some other creatures."

Xiao Lang was a little confused when he heard the words.

Is there such a strange race in the world?

According to Xiao Lang's understanding, things like race are probably inherited by blood and spirit as cause and effect, passed down from generation to generation, and then become race.

What is continuous change?

Xiao Lang puzzled.

Jin Ting Dongzhu seemed to have guessed that Xiao Lang would have such confusion, and directly answered:

"It's normal."

"Because of the inheritance of the Jin Xun clan, there is only spiritual inheritance, which can be described as immortal!"


Xiao Lang couldn't help but shake his heart when he heard these four words, and he suddenly thought of the Immortal Monarch. However, Xiao Lang can be considered a person who has been in contact with the immortal realm, and he also knows the changes in the world, so he knows that although the immortal monarch is known to live the same life as heaven and earth, he will still die.

When the world collapsed and began to change, everything died.

The immortal monarch will die too!

Jinting Dongzhu was also a monarch of the Immortal Realm before, and he personally experienced the collapse of the previous world, how could he say such a thing?

"The immortal monarch will die too, right?"

Xiao Lang was not welcome and asked directly.

Jinting Dongzhu glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, and said:

"It seems that the little friend knows a lot."

"Yes, the Emperor of the Immortal Realm will also die, and the world collapses, and no one can stop except the Lord of the World. This is also the reason that every era has a catastrophe to fight for the identity of the Lord of the World."

Jin Ting Dongzhu accidentally said another Xin Mi.

Xiao Lang was startled when he heard the words, and immediately thought of the battle of righteous and demons that had already begun.

There is actually this reason for this life’s battle of righteous demons?

Secretly, is the Emperor of the Immortal Realm pushing his hand?

If it was an ordinary time, Xiao Lang would definitely ask to the end. But now, Nin Tian's secret is not as important as Nymph's life and destiny.

Therefore, Xiao Lang forcibly resisted the urge to question, and continued to listen to the Lord Jinting Dong:

"However, the Virgin of the Jin Sundan tribe is an exception."

"In a sense, she is almost immortal."

Jin Ting Dongzhu's tone was quite affirmative, and it meant that no one could refute it.

"Why is this?"

Xiao Lang finally couldn't help it, and asked directly.

Jin Ting Dongzhu did not sell Guanzi, saying:

"Because of a secret treasure."

A trace of remembrance flashed through Jin Ting Dong's eyes, saying:

"The Golden Sunda tribe has a secret treasure. It is rumored that it is transformed by the world's stone fragments in this world. It contains the world's ultimate metallic power. Once mastered, you can master the origin of the gold world and become the strongest monarch!"

"This legend should be true, because every generation of the Virgin of the Jin Sundan tribe is the strongest immortal level, at the peak, invincible in the world!"

"Of course, the collapse of the world is the reincarnation of the heavens, even if you have the world's stone fragments, you can't bear it. But the first generation of the Jinxun clan's first generation of virgin talents is so beautiful, even with great perseverance, the fragment was divided into nine pieces."

"Each piece of fragment contains the power of a golden avenue, which has been blessed by the source. One of them is the hope of the immortal monarch."

"It is rumored that whenever the world collapses, the grandmother of the Jin Xun clan will infuse her own will and the inheritance of the Jin Xun clan into these nine pieces, and carry her will into the reincarnation."

"When a new world is born, the nine fragments will also choose their masters."

"But one of the pieces contains the will of the previous generation of Our Lady. When she finds and kills the other eight people, she can gather nine more fragments to form a treasure, re-enter the peak of Immortality, and cash in the glory of the Sundanese!"

"Now you understand why the Virgin of the Jin Sundan tribe will never die, right?"

Xiao Lang's heart was shaken when he heard the words.

The Virgin of the Jin Sundan tribe does not die.

She is born again!

World Origin Fragment, there is such an effect?

Xiao Lang was shocked, but his expression became even more ugly, turning his head to look at Ning Fuer who was still sitting cross-legged, a trace of dark prey flashed under his eyes.

He got it.

He finally understood why Jinting Dongzhu looked so sad when he heard that he and Ning Fuer were Taoists.

Obviously, Nymph is not the mother of Jin Sundan from the previous generation. Because she has her own independent consciousness. However, there is a piece of Jin Xun clan inheritance deep in her soul.

This also means that one day, the Virgin of the Jin Sundan tribe will come!

In order to return to the peak of the past, she will definitely be merciless to Nymph!

"Such a vicious heritage!"

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth, and in an instant, he regarded the Mother of the Jin Xun clan as his greatest enemy!


Jin Ting Dongzhu heard the words, but couldn't help shook his head, and the color of envy flashed in his eyes.

For Xiao Lang, this kind of inheritance is naturally vicious, because it has threatened Nymph's life. However, who doesn't envy such inheritance?

The world collapses, but can still be reborn!

This is enough to drive any immortal monarch crazy!

This is the real immortality!

Jin Ting Dongzhu thought in his heart, but didn't say anything.

Because he felt that Xiao Lang didn't understand it.

Xiao Lang is only the peak of the mid-era realm, how can he know the fear in the heart of the immortal monarch?

It is not that people who are dying are most afraid of death.

Rather, he clearly has the qualification to live the same life as heaven and earth, but because of external factors, he has to face life and death again. This is the most frightening!


It is the supreme pursuit of almost every immortal monarch.

"Be with her well."

Jin Ting Dongzhu glanced at Ning Fuer who was still sitting cross-legged, and sighed softly:

"In a limited time."

limited time?

Hearing this, Xiao Lang's spirit suddenly shook, and finally woke up, looking at Jinting Dongzhu with burning eyes, and said:

"Senior, can't you stop her?"

"If you find the Virgin Mary of the previous generation of the Jinxun clan and kill her, will Fuer be in no danger?"


Jin Ting Dongzhu was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he had heard a joke, he stared at Xiao Lang with a strange look, without saying a word for a long time.

Xiao Lang was numbed by the scalp he saw.

what happened?

Am I wrong to ask?

Jin Ting Dongzhu helplessly shook his head and said:

"You can't kill her."

"Since her rebirth, she has all the memories of her previous life. Whether it is cultivation or combat power, she will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and within a hundred years, she will be able to achieve immortality."

"Perhaps, she is now the immortal monarch, why would you kill her?"

"Once she becomes the Monarch of the Immortal Realm, she will even directly possess the power of the top Immortal Monarch, you..."

Jin Ting Dongzhu shook his head and didn't go any further, but his meaning was clearly understood.

In his opinion.

Xiao Lang simply did not have the qualifications to contend with the Virgin of the Jin Xun Clan!

The fact is also true.

Xiao Lang's mind sank suddenly when he heard the words.

A heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

It was icy and even desperate!


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