Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 471: perish together?


Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan's eyes straightened.


One of them was the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm, and the other was the pinnacle of the Late Era Realm. What the two of them failed to do was actually done by Xiao Lang!

But just for an instant, the two directly reflected.

Qiu Tian's face was full of shock and joy.

He didn't see anything.

He thought that the lacquer black light curtain that Xiao Lang had opened was pure earth-based power.

But Qiu Zhan is different.

He himself possessed the power of a mutated great path, so although he could not see at a glance that the power of great great power used by Xiao Lang was a combination of the power of multiple great great powers, he could also find some clues.

"He, like me, is also the power of the Great Variation?"

"This step can be done at the pinnacle of the mid-epoch realm. The blood in his body is stronger than mine?"

Regarding the bloodline in the body, Qiu Zhan was indeed right.

Xiao Lang did have a special bloodline, that was the Dao Spirit Body. But now, he did not use the power source of the Dao Spirit Body.

The inky black light curtain was completely formed by the power of the Five Elements Avenue!

He did it!

But Xiao Lang's face was not pretty.


He could clearly feel that between his condensed light curtain and the green liquid, violent erosion was erupting.

Although he blocked it.

But it is not completely blocked.

The erosion continues.

He can only maintain the transmission of power all the time and supplement those corroded places in order to maintain the integrity of the dark light curtain.

This isolation is not permanent.

The power in the body is going crazy!

Xiao Lang's face changed slightly, becoming paler.

At this moment, Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan finally discovered the problem with Xiao Lang's face, as smart as them, they immediately realized what Xiao Lang was going through at this time.

They are anxious.

But they can't do anything.

A small life was completely in Xiao Lang's hands.

"Brother Xiao Lang, come on!"

Qiu Tian shouted.

Although Qiu Zhan didn't speak, his face was full of tension, and his pupils were full of encouragement.

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly.

Doesn't he want to work hard?

After all, this is also related to his life and death.


Can still persist.

A quarter of an hour is no problem.

Xiao Lang communicated the situation to Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan, and the two of them immediately felt a little relieved, but their faces soon became serious.

A quarter of an hour.

After a quarter of an hour?

When Xiao Lang couldn't support it anymore, was it when they died?

At this moment, suddenly—


"I don't want to die!"

"God, it's not fair!"

The wailing sounds are endless, and the screams are abnormal, which makes people can't help but change their heart palpitations.


The dead one after another!

Too much!

Just listening to the voice, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian couldn't even tell how many people died around at this moment. It seems that everyone except them is dead!

"this is……"

Qiu Zhan's eyes shrank suddenly, realizing something.

What is Bloodthirsty Starvine doing?

Digested so many people at once and swallowed their spirits!

In just a moment, a bold conjecture floated in Qiu Zhan's heart.


"Bloodthirsty Starvine is desperate!"

When Qiu Tian and Xiao Lang heard the words, their hearts trembled.

as expected--

"I am who I am!"

"I am not your puppet!"

"Die me!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine's stern voice suddenly sounded, extremely sharp, and almost pierced the eardrums of Xiao Lang's trio.

Immediately after--


The three Xiao Lang couldn't see everything that happened in the battlefield, and didn't know what Bloodthirsty Starvine did at this moment. But they could also hear the earth dragon roaring frantically, and at this moment, it seemed that all combat power had exploded.



The violent detonation and tremors exploded in the ears!


Like a sky thunder straight into my heart.

Xiao Lang, Qiu Tian, ​​and Qiu Zhan only felt that unparalleled noises swept over them, just like stormy waves, and directly drowned the three of them.

Silent all around.


Because the three of them feel that they are going to be deaf!

It was like watching a silent movie. Then, the three of them were shocked to see that everything around them was cracked.

The first thing that shattered was the black light curtain gathered by Xiao Lang's concentrated energy. Like a mirror, a crack was first produced, and then it exploded suddenly.

Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan only felt their scalp numb, and their hearts were palpitating, thinking that their last moment was coming.

But the next moment, what surprised them was--


Below the black light curtain, it turned out to be empty!

Escape from the dead?

Just when Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were shocked, they collapsed and continued!

What collapsed this time was the walls of the Bloodthirsty Starvine!

Like the light curtain shattered, it was first covered with cracks and then exploded violently. In an instant, everything outside finally appeared in front of the three people again.

Just a glance, the three of them were stunned.


a mess!

I saw the entire vast void in front of me, full of debris.

Most of them are fragments of Bloodthirsty Starvine, because its body is too big.

However, there are also fragments of earth dragons.

Among these fragments, the three of Xiao Lang saw the sharp thorns of the earth dragon's front, but they had broken into several pieces.


Skin and flesh.

There is blood in the sky!

The three were stunned.

Standing in the void, looking at a messy void, completely dumbfounded.

what is this?

perish together?

The bloodthirsty star vine died with that earth dragon?

In the end, all the people trapped by the bloodthirsty star vine, only three of them survived?


The three of Xiao Lang froze for a long time, their faces pale, and they couldn't say a word for a long time.

Wan Lai was silent.

Also dead!



Qiu Tian let out a soft cough, shocking Xiao Lang, Qiu Zhan and even himself, before reacting. It turned out that all three of them had recovered their Six Senses, but the surroundings were really too quiet, and they still felt that they were at home. In a deaf state.

"All... dead?"

Qiu Tian still couldn't believe the mysteriousness of this experience.

Qiu Zhan's face tightened and nodded gently:


In fact, this question is just nonsense.

How can there be anyone alive?

Such an explosion.

No one can survive.

Except for those who were waiting for the opportunity to enter the spiritual world, except for the three of them, everyone caught by the Bloodthirsty Star Vine was dead.

Including Earth Dragon.

Even himself.


Qiu Tian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which was extremely ear-piercing around Wan Lai's silence.

Looking at Xiao Lang in disbelief, he said:

"What about those green liquids?"

"Why is it gone?"

Xiao Lang frowned.

This problem is also bothering him.

At the moment when the light curtain he condensed with the power of the avenue shattered, he clearly felt the existence of the power of corrosion.


Why did it disappear in an instant?

Seeing the puzzlement on Xiao Lang's face, Qiu Zhan said:

"It may be because the Bloodthirsty Starvine knew that he was dead soon, and all the power burst out at that moment, including the green liquid."

Until now, there is no way to prove it, and it can only be guessed like this.

Qiu Tian nodded slightly, seeming to accept this statement.

It's like a tacit understanding.

The three of them looked at the bottom of the void, the light curtain condensed into white light.

the following.

It is the spiritual world.

for a long time.

Qiu Zhan spoke.

"Let's go."

"Uncle Chen should have taken people in, and we can't be idle either."

"Since God lets us live, we must make our own contributions."

Qiu Zhan was the first to think of entering the spiritual world.

Xiao Lang and Qiu Tian were still in shock, unable to extricate themselves. When Qiu Zhan's proposal sounded, the two talented spirits shrank, returned to reality, and nodded slightly.

It's time to go in.

Although all this happened quickly, more than a hundred interest has passed.

I am afraid that those people who have entered the spiritual world have already started a new fight and fight.

Of course they cannot stand on the sidelines.

"Let's go, Brother Xiao Lang."

Qiu Tian called Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang returned to his senses and nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Zhan stepped out immediately, his figure was like a streamer, swept towards the spiritual world.

"Follow me!"

Xiao Lang and Qiu Tian followed closely behind them, fast.


The white light curtain covering the entire spiritual world came into view. Qiu Zhan, who was racing in the front, rushed into it without hesitation. Xiao Lang and Qiu Tian naturally did not hesitate when they saw this.


At this moment, Xiao Lang felt as if he had passed through an impenetrable barrier, and as if wandering beyond the sky, the soul and the body were suddenly separated.

This is a magical feeling that happened in an instant.

The next moment, when he stood still, Xiao Lang was surprised to find that the place where he and the others were was still a crypt, exactly the same as the real world.

At this time.

Qiu Zhan's voice came from behind:

"It seems that they have already played one game."

Xiao Lang was taken aback, looked around, and immediately found traces of the messy battle, and even saw the familiar clothes, his eyes shrank suddenly.

Is a top venerable in their team!

In the previous battle, some top venerables have fallen!

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian seemed to be mentally prepared for this scene. They were not surprised, but when they moved their eyes from the battlefield and fell on Xiao Lang, their pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

"Brother Xiao Lang, your physical body is so compatible with Divine Soul?"


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this, and looked at him subconsciously, and found that he was nothing different from before, and then looked back at Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian.

The pupils shrank slightly.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian are surprisingly different from before!

Although it looked the same, it was the same, but there was a halo of different colors behind both of them.

Behind Qiu Zhan is the kind of azure blue and red color blending.

Qiu Tian had two halos.

All are cyan.

They are incompatible with each other.

what is this?

Xiao Lang looked back at his head in surprise, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

Xiao Lang was surprised.

What do these halos represent?


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