Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 472: The talent of the Qiu brothers


There was a flash of inspiration in Xiao Lang's mind, and he thought of Qiu Shijie's introduction about the Demon Lake Holy Land before he and others went here.



Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan laughed when they heard this.


"It turns out that Brother Xiao Lang still remembers."

"If you don't know, we brothers really thought you were taken away by the spirit seed here."

Spirit seed?

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly.

Some words that Qiu Shijie introduced to them flashed in his mind.

Information about the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is different from the real world.

Some of the creatures in the real world originally existed in this space, and they originally had a certain life, and everyone was unusually familiar.

For example, bloodthirsty star vine.

It was originally a seed and fell into a deep sleep. It was revived because of the blessing of the origin of the stars.

It is not dead.

Neither is Earth Dragon.

It must be because of some special reason that he fell asleep.

However, in the spiritual world, it is definitely not a pure creature.

It's Jingpu!

Things left behind after the death of a creature.

It is not necessarily what it is.

Perhaps it is a ray of remnant soul.

Perhaps it was a feather, a part of the original spirit.

The condensed spirit must have some of the characteristics of its life. However, it is definitely much stronger than it was before his death!

Because what blesses them is the power of the origin of the stars!

This kind of power is definitely higher than the power of Dao!

As for Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian's claim of taking homes, it is also very likely to occur.


Nature is spiritual.

If it is a ray of remnant soul, it even has the memory of the previous life.

They can be taken away.

Kind of similar to rebirth.

As for the dizziness behind them.

Xiao Lang looked at the light circle behind Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan's head again, and he couldn't help feeling proud.

Qiu Zhan was right.

Without aura, it represents a perfect fit between body and soul. From a certain aspect, it also represents the majesty of the foundation of martial arts.

The degree of fusion between his physical body and true spirit is naturally terrifying.

In the heritage of the ancient proverb star and Zhan Taizong, he spent more than 20 years fully mastering the power of the Five Elements Dao and mastering the power of the Five Elements Dao, and he has reached the peak of the mid-epoch realm.


It's Consummation!

Xiao Lang returned to his senses, smiled at Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​and did not say much about him.

Look around.

Like the real world, there are caves and tunnels everywhere here, leaning downwards, pointing to the deeper part of this place, where the origin of the stars is also located.

Although it is calm now.

But Xiao Lang knew that there must be a lot of danger inside.

"lets go."

Xiao Lang proposed.

The strength of the three of them is still weak here.

Even the strongest Qiu Zhan is just a martial arts cultivation at the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm. Although he was able to break out the power of the top venerable level.


Is it as simple as a top venerable to be qualified to come to the Demon Lake Holy Land?

I am afraid that they have already controlled their complete road of enlightenment to the extreme.

and so.

How could Qiu Zhan feel embarrassed when he said it?

When encountering Xiao Wan in the Era Realm, he can even easily kill in seconds. But if you encounter an enemy of the top venerable level, then it is him who gets killed in seconds.

When thinking like this, Xiao Lang was taken aback and smiled bitterly.

He thought of himself.

Qiu Zhan is like this.

Isn't he so?

In the face of the late Era Realm, he can easily kill in seconds.

But when you encounter the pinnacle of Era Realm Xiaoyuan, you can't beat it...

Xiao Lang was helpless.

and so.

In this place where he was not familiar with his life, Xiao Lang's first thought was to meet Chen Shou and others.

Only in this way can you guarantee your safety.

Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan naturally understood Xiao Lang's thoughts and nodded.

But before leaving, Qiu Zhan interrupted:

"But we don't know where Uncle Chen and the others are now. If we just go and look for it like this, it is quite risky. We may even encounter powerful enemies on the road.

Qiu Zhan said sternly.

"So I suggest that we be honest about the injustice."

"All talk about our abilities. In this case, if we encounter a strong enemy, we also have a good idea."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang glanced at Qiu Zhan.

There is nothing wrong with Qiu Zhan's proposal.

But obviously, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian are brothers, and they must be quite familiar with each other. Therefore, instead of saying that Qiu Zhan said this sentence to the three, it is better to say that it was said to him.


Xiao Lang nodded directly.

So much the better.

Xiao Lang knew very well in his heart that in such an environment, if a person went on his own, he would definitely not go far.

Only three people cooperate to make a living.


The three of them had already experienced a life-and-death catastrophe together just now, and their feelings were still there.

Xiao Lang was thinking how to introduce himself.

Qiu Zhandao:

"I'll do it first."

"What I am good at is actually the power of the ice system, and the ice. But because of the special blood in my body, blending with the power of the road can probably exert the strength of the top venerable."

"But my weakness is also obvious."

"I am good at attacking, but not good at defense."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Qiu Zhan had already said it more calmly.

Xiao Lang nodded and said:

"My bloodline is also a little special. Although it's only the peak of the mid-Era realm, it's okay to kill the peak of the late-Era realm. If you let me block the peak of the Era realm Xiaoyuan...maybe it will last a while."

"But I have a treasure."

Xiao Lang a little bit of what looked like ordinary clothes, said;

"If it's the top-level venerable combat power, I should be able to block it. The strongest venerable, you can also try."


The pupils of Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian trembled, and they looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

At this moment, Qiu Zhan seemed to think of something and said:

"That's it."

"No wonder Brother Xiao Lang, you will come forward when Uncle Chen is in danger. It turns out that you have this kind of hole cards!"

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded without saying much.

The reason why he said Wuhen Baoyi was also for this reason.

Because he knew that Qiu Zhan would definitely think of it.

It is better to be frank and open to conceal this.

of course.

Xiao Lang didn't say it so concretely either, covering up most of Wuhen Baoyi's functions.

More than the Wuhenbaoyi can block the blow of the top and the strongest?

The immortality is all right!

However, there is no need to elaborate.

In the Demon Lake Holy Land, it is impossible for an opponent above the immortal realm to appear.

In fact, this is also the reason why Xiao Lang dared to come here.

But when Chen Shou was in danger just now, Xiao Lang couldn't help turning his head to look at Qiu Tian, ​​his eyes full of curiosity.

When Chen Shou was in danger, it was not just him who stood up, Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan both stood up.

Qiu Zhan.

Xiao Lang can still understand.

Because he can indeed display the combat power of the top venerable.

Qiu Tian.

Xiao Lang just couldn't understand.

Seeing that Xiao Lang looked at him, Qiu Tian's eyes were full of doubts. He naturally knew what the latter was thinking. He smiled bitterly and looked at Qiu Zhan subconsciously.

Qiu Zhan nodded slightly.

It seems to be encouraging Qiu Tian, ​​said;

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Brother Xiao Lang is not an outsider."

It seemed that Qiu Tian sighed secretly and summoned his courage.


"In fact, I have a special ability, which is why I took the initiative to join the team."

After Qiu Tian spoke, his words became clearer. He looked at Xiao Lang and said:

"Brother Xiao Lang, you have been in Tianyu City for some time, and you should have heard of it. I'm the Tianhu evil star, right?"

Fox evil star?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

He has indeed heard it.

But I didn't expect Qiu Tian to tell the matter at this time.


Xiao Lang didn't know how to answer for a while, as long as he bit the bullet and replied.

Qiu Tian smiled, seeming not to care, and said:

"In fact, I think my special ability is related to this."

"My special ability is that as long as I want to, any offensive I can see can be directed towards myself."


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, and suddenly thought that when they stood up to rescue Chen Shou before, Qiu Tian did yell, and then the wooden thorn flew directly towards him, as if being drawn by an inexplicable force. The same.

Xiao Lang's mind was shaken wildly.

He didn't know the reason at first, but now he knows.

Doesn't this mean that when Qiu Tian jumped out, he was ready to die?

Xiao Lang was shocked.

And when Qiu Tian saw the gleaming light in Xiao Lang's eyes, he seemed to know his thoughts, smiled softly, and said:

"Hahaha, don't you think I am so great."

"How could I want to die."

"It's just that at that time, eldest brother and I were with me, and I knew that eldest brother would be able to save me."

"Right, brother."

Qiu Tian looked at Qiu Zhan.

Qiu Zhan was obviously shocked, and then nodded slightly.

"Of course."

"Big Brother has been watching you."


Xiao Lang looked suspiciously at Qiu Zhan, doubting his statement.

The clear memory of the previous scene was in his mind, Xiao Lang could see that, no matter how tacitly the two cooperated, the wooden thorn might still kill Qiu Tian!

It is impossible for Qiu Zhan to intercept with 100% certainty and guarantee Qiu Tian's life!

At this moment.

Qiu Zhan seemed to notice that Xiao Lang had been looking at him, raised his head, a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes, and gently shook his head to signal Xiao Lang not to say more.

Xiao Lang's spirits were shocked and shocked suddenly.

Qiu Zhan knows!

this means……

Qiu Tian also knows!

Doesn't that mean--

Is it possible that Qiu Tian died on purpose?

Xiao Lang suppressed his thoughts and stopped thinking further.

At this moment--

Qiu Zhan's pupils lit up.

"In this case, our team is actually very strong."

"I'm in charge of the big shot!"

"No matter what kind of opponent it encounters, it will definitely be the first to attack me. Xiaotian, you will be responsible for interrupting its offense. Brother Xiao Lang, since you have the treasure, please trouble you to protect Xiaotian. Right."

Such a plan...

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this

It does make sense!

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang resolutely agreed.


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