Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 477: Swallow it!


Xiao Lang took a deep breath before he calmed his mind and stopped thinking about it.

At this point, he has no choice.

Thought about it.

Xiao Lang suddenly shrank his pupils slightly, and said:

"But how do you know that there is still a power in my body, the level even exceeds the power of the origin of the stars?"

Xiao Lang was quite sure that after he entered the Demon Lake Holy Land, he had never used the power of the spirit body of the Great Dao. But even so, Bloodthirsty Starvine still discovered it. How could Xiao Lang not be surprised?

Bloodthirsty Starvine was silent for a while, as if thinking about paying.

for a long time.

It seemed to feel that it would be okay to tell Xiao Lang about this, and finally spoke again, faintly proud of the words, said;

"Feeling, instinctive feeling."

"This is the innate supernatural power of my bloodthirsty star vine. As long as it is the energy of heaven and earth, we can perceive it."


This statement of Bloodthirsty Starvine was indeed very bizarre, but Xiao Lang still accepted it.

The world is huge, and there are many species with special abilities. Although Bloodthirsty Starvine's ability is very powerful, it is not too bad for the sky.

Xiao Lang nodded, suddenly his heart moved:

"Have you felt this kind of power before?"

As soon as he spoke, Xiao Lang realized that something was inappropriate. As far as he knows, this bloodthirsty star vine is a seed, and because of the blessing of the origin of the stars, it re-roots and sprouts and wakes up to survive.

Strictly speaking, its age is actually only one day.

Thinking of this made Xiao Lang sigh again.

Just one day!

Bloodthirsty Starvine has grown to a level comparable to the four-star or even five-star strongest venerable. This talent is really jealous!

Bloodthirsty Starvine is so young and has never been out, naturally it is impossible to feel this kind of power.


Bloodthirsty Starvine Road:


"But I can feel that it is something I have never experienced before, and I have never heard of it. Its rank must be above the origin of the stars. But I just hold the attitude of letting you try it. I didn't expect you to It really succeeded."

Give it a try?

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and a cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back.

Fortunately, I succeeded!

Xiao Lang's face sank and said;

"Then what if I cannot succeed and die here, what shall you do?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine heard the words and was silent.

It took a long time to finally hear a voice;

"Don't underestimate yourself, I believe, you will definitely not die. After all, if you dare to walk this martial arts, if you have great fortune, or have great power behind your back, how could you die so easily? ."

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine heard, and Xiao Lang was shocked again.

This martial art?

Which martial arts?

Avenues blend together!

It must be this!

Xiao Lang looked at the Bloodthirsty Starvine in surprise, his mind shaking. Although the Bloodthirsty Starvine was not the first to see his details, Sun Wuji had seen it before, but the Bloodthirsty Starvine and Sun Wuji were different.

Sun Wuji was one of the Supreme Elders of the Tianfu Palace. He was strong in combat and didn't know how long he had lived. With his step-by-step efforts, he achieved his current super realm.

His experience is really amazing, and his background is profound.

There is even the master of Blue Moon Sovereign.

It is a matter of course that he can see his own details in one face.

But how did the Bloodthirsty Star Vine recognize it?

Where does it come from such a profound background?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the eyes, and a flash of light suddenly appeared, and there was a shock:

"You... inheritance!"

"You have a blood heritage?"

Immediately afterwards, there were waves of fluctuations from Bloodthirsty Starvine's body, and it seemed quite surprised that Xiao Lang could even think of this aspect. The reaction of Bloodthirsty Starvine once again made Xiao Lang confirm his guess.

It's really a heritage!

Xiao Lang at this time was really dumbfounded.

Of course he knew that some ancient creatures, in the depths of their memories, often had their own bloodline inheritance, which contained exercises, secret techniques, talents and magical powers, and even some ancient secrets.

For example, there is such a heritage in the line of Shenlong.

The inheritance of blood is not uncommon.

But the problem is that those are fierce beasts!

Xiao Lang had never heard of the fact that there are still fierce beasts of plants in the world, with their own blood heritage!

But obviously, Bloodthirsty Starvine is an exception!

Seeing that he had seen through this, Bloodthirsty Starvine fell into silence, and it took a long time to reply:

"So what?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

It's like a basin of cold water splashing from the top of the head.

It's really useless...

"I do have blood inheritance, and many. So, as long as you listen to me, I guarantee you can see the essence of the origin of the stars, live to the end, and even have a chance to live out."

Live to the end?

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed when he heard the words.

"Then, what do you decide to do after seeing the origin of the stars?"

"Since we are a cooperative relationship, you have to tell your plan. If this plan is harmful to me, I will definitely not do it."

The Bloodthirsty Starvine was silent for a moment, and said:

"Of course I won't harm you."

"As for after seeing it, it is naturally very simple. I want to..."

"Swallow it!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine's voice was cold, especially when he said the last sentence, it was even more murderous, and Xiao Lang couldn't help but trembled.


This word is really cruel!

However, the name of the bloodthirsty starvine is also quite appropriate...

Before Xiao Lang could stabilize his mind, he heard the voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine again:

"However, it is not easy to do this. After all, it already has its own independent consciousness, and its purpose should be the same as mine."


As soon as Bloodthirsty Star Vine reminded him, Xiao Lang immediately thought of the previous battle between the real world and the spirit world.

The earth dragon uttered a roar, indeed he had consciousness. But that is not the consciousness of the earth dragon, but the consciousness of the origin of the stars.

"Same purpose?"

Xiao Lang trembled when he heard this, and looked at Bloodthirsty Starvine in horror:

"You mean, it..."

This conjecture was so scary that Xiao Lang couldn't bear it for a while.

Bloodthirsty Star Vine took over and said what Xiao Lang didn't dare to finish--


"It wants to live too, really live!"

"Such cases are rare. In the memory inheritance I have received, there are indeed examples of swallowing the origin of the stars and becoming great. Many of them just have a delusional consciousness, but no sage."

"The origin of the stars on this planet is very special. Has anything changed on this planet?"

When Xiao Lang heard the analysis of Bloodthirsty Star Vine, his eyes were full of colors.

Bloodthirsty Star Vine can even guess this. Obviously, it said that it has blood inheritance should not lie to itself.

Bloodthirsty Starvine didn't speak, Xiao Lang knew that it was waiting for himself to speak. After a little thought, I arranged my thoughts and said;

"You are right, there are indeed some changes on this planet."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang told Bloodthirsty Starvine the news that the Celestial Demon Realm had swallowed the Scarlet Yan Star. Hearing this, the Bloodthirsty Starvine fell silent, and Xiao Lang couldn't perceive his sadness and joy.

for a long time.

Words came from Bloodthirsty Starvine, but he never said it again.

"It is precisely because of the spiritual intelligence that it has become more dangerous. It wants to be truly alive, and it will definitely find a person among you to take home. Therefore, before this happens, you must become stronger as soon as possible. ."

Be strong as soon as possible?

Xiao Lang frowned when he heard this.

It's very simple.

But is it easy to do it in a short time?

According to past experience, once the Demon Lake Holy Land is opened, it will take one or two months, and no more than three months at most. Even if you give yourself massive resources, how far can you grow in these three months?

Xiao Lang couldn't help shaking his head.

"What you think is too simple."

"I don't plan to break into the late Era Realm yet."

Bloodthirsty Starvine obviously did not expect Xiao Lang to say this, faintly surprised, said:

"Do you want to try your limit?"

"In that case, why don't you start now?"

"Could it be that you have never practiced here?"


Xiao Lang was also quite surprised when he heard the words of Bloodthirsty Starvine.

Bloodthirsty Starvine is right, he hasn't practiced here yet.

And listening to the meaning in its words, there seems to be any benefits and convenience for practicing in the Demon Lake Holy Land?

Xiao Lang subconsciously unlocked the five-element lotus imprint on the origin of the soul, exuding the soul, perceiving the power of the surrounding roads, and at the moment when the soul was released, Xiao Lang was shocked.

Not because of how strong the power of the surrounding roads is.

But because--


The surrounding power of the great power turned out to be in chaos. Within a few inches, Xiao Lang could even perceive the existence of dozens of powers of the great great power, fusing them together in a completely chaotic manner!


The fusion of the power of different avenues!

Here, Xiao Lang discovered for the first time the fusion of the power of different great avenues!

"this is……"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

At this moment, Bloodthirsty Starvine also seemed to know that Xiao Lang had already made an attempt, and took the words:

"It turns out that you just found out, no wonder you haven't broken through."

"Yes, this is what this place really looks like. With the power of the origin of the stars as the link, the power of the avenues here are chaotic and fused with each other. They are your best reference objects. Among them, you can definitely find your own path choice. ."


indeed so!

Xiao Lang's insight into Qiuhao, as expected, he sensed the aura of the combination of the power of the avenue of thunder and the power of the avenue of fire, which was exactly the same as his own thunder and fire!

There are also some powers that are fused together, even more mysterious than their own thunder strike!

Xiao Lang was shocked.

How did this happen?

Just as the bloodthirsty star vine said, is this the original appearance of the spiritual world?

Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement and observed carefully, and he found that the origin power of the stars as a link mentioned by the Bloodthirsty Star Vine was a silver power and was extremely mysterious.

Xiao Lang's heart was moved, and he subconsciously was about to spread his soul, but suddenly--

"You don't want to live anymore!"

The thunderous drink of the bloodthirsty star vine suddenly rang in his ears, which shocked him.

Can't this power be refined?


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