Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 478: Cultivation treasure!

Xiao Lang was taken aback, stopped quickly, and looked at Bloodthirsty Starvine in surprise.

Bloodthirsty Starvine was obviously taken aback by Xiao Lang's actions, and said in a panic:

"Do you want to die?"

"That is the power of the origin of the stars, or the power that is free, as long as you dare to swallow a little bit, it will find out and send someone to kill you, believe it or not?!"

so serious?

Xiao Lang frowned, somewhat uncomprehending.

"Why is this?"


Bloodthirsty Starvine sneered:

"If your power is stolen, how would you feel?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.


For myself, the Demon Lake Holy Land is of course a treasure house, but this treasure house is guarded by people, and the people who guard it are everywhere. In a flash, thoughts can reach it.

Steal the power of the stars?

That is indeed looking for death.

"You can only practice by referring to the integration of the power of the billions of great avenues here?"

Xiao Lang frowned and suddenly woke up.

Too greedy!

For myself, even the latter is enough.

As for the origin of the stars, although they are good, they are not necessarily suitable for them.

But just as Xiao Lang was about to give up, the voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine suddenly rang:

"However, you can't refine the power of the origin of the free stars, but you can't try the power of the origin of the stars produced by the death of the spirit thing here."


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

I quickly remembered the key.

It is indeed feasible!

The power of the origin of the stars is fixed, so even if I absorb a bit of it, I am afraid that the will of the origin of the stars will be discovered.

But the origin of the stars it injected into those spiritual objects is not necessarily.

The origin of the stars is limited.

But the number of spiritual things is not certain!

Kill the spirits and take them for yourself!

Xiao Lang's mind was greatly moved. At this moment, the Bloodthirsty Starvine poured cold water:

"But you must not be killed by a spirit creature then."

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank.

Regardless of the ultimate goal of Bloodthirsty Starvine, the advice at this time is very important——

Live, not die!

Xiao Lang never looked at the Bloodthirsty Star Vine anymore, closed his eyes and sank into meditation, his spiritual thoughts protruding out, falling on the power of the great power that was condensed into one by the power of the origin of stars.

If you want to experience the feeling at this time, it is like washing sand in a sea, and the sand is colorful, colorful, dazzling.

Fortunately, his spirit is strong enough, the foundation of martial arts is deep, and his perception of the power of all kinds of great powers is extraordinary. More importantly, he has the mark of colorful lotus!

After cultivating at the ancient proverb star ruins for so long, Xiao Lang has not only deepened his comprehension of the power of the Great Dao he has mastered. When the five elements of the flower of life took shape, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that his control of the multicolored lotus imprint has gone to a higher level and is no longer limited to the overall closure and opening.

Now he can turn on or off any perception of the power of the Great Dao!

Xiao Lang thought that this function was of little use, until now——

It is a good opportunity to use this ability!

"Kuang Lei Avenue!"

With a move of Xiao Lang's heart, he felt that the billions of light spots all over his body disappeared in an instant, and what was left was the power that contained Kuang Lei Avenue.


"The Avenue of Fury of Fire!"

Screen step by step!

But what surprised Xiao Lang was that after two screenings, there were hundreds of light spots around him. Although most of them were similar, there were still dozens of differences.

This means that there are dozens of different ways of fusion in the Avenue of Fire and the Avenue of Thunder!

Xiao Lang immediately reached out to check.

Not one by one, because that would be too slow. He directly separated dozens of thoughts and enlightened them together!

"This...too weak!"

"It's rough, not as powerful as my own epiphany."

"This looks good."

When Xiao Lang went up and looked at it, he realized that his previous thoughts were still too optimistic. Most of these dozens of combinations of the Avenue of Fire and the Avenue of Thunderstorm are unremarkable, not as good as the thunder and fire before.

There are only three types that are comparable or surpassed by one's own thunder and fire.

While Xiao Lang was a little bit lost, he also realized that this was not because of his bad luck.

In fact, this is quite normal.

This is because the power of these great avenues was originally integrated naturally, not man-made, and naturally mixed. Just like natural selection, in this world, there are still most of the weak.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang suddenly became more satisfied.

Immediately sink deeper into the comprehension.

At this moment--

Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed to be aware of Xiao Lang's state at this time, and couldn't help being surprised.

"So fast?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was really surprised.

How long is this?

With just three or five breaths, Xiao Lang has already begun to comprehend?

"His savvy is so high?"

"Or, does he have any special methods, or special things to use?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was surprised, and it took a long time to finally calm down, his heart was ups and downs, and he didn't know what he was thinking. But no matter what it is, it must be related to Xiao Lang.

for a long time.

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine quietly remembered in my heart:

"Since he dared to embark on this dangerous road, it shows that there is indeed something amazing about him, which is not surprising."

"The key is how much he can grow during this period of time."

"If he can really grow up quickly, maybe he can really help me."

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine gradually faded. Xiao Lang knew nothing about this. He was immersed in the insight of the fusion of the great roads and couldn't help himself.

Avenue integration is actually a combination.

After observing these natural combinations, Xiao Lang discovered that the original combination of the two avenues is not just a simple integration.

The proportion of each of the two avenues.

The way of combination.

and many more.

The differences in these aspects will make the strength of the power that can erupt from the final integration of the avenues to be different.

Xiao Lang also found that his previous combination was not the strongest, but he did not change it.

"Since the avenues can be integrated, the combination method can naturally also be optimized."

"Raging Leilian is good, I will use it."

There is no strongest move.

Xiao Lang knew this a long time ago.

And what he knows better is that even if he has changed the combination of the powers of the two great avenues, he will definitely find a stronger combination.

At that time, still have to change?

Do not.

"There is no strongest, only the most suitable."

Xiao Lang's thoughts flickered, and he was already sinking into the optimization of the way of integrating the avenue.


Xiao Lang was awakened by Qiu Zhan.

"Qiu Tian wakes up, and when he takes a rest, we will continue to set off."

Qiu Zhan awakened Xiao Lang, and then continued to take care of Qiu Tian. Xiao Lang just glanced at each other with Qiu Tian, ​​nodded and said hello, and immediately sank to the bottom of his heart.


The power of the avenue evaporates, and the blazing fire light and the blue thunder light condenses into a lotus flower.

Angry Leilian!

Not to mention the inside, just from the looks, this furious Leilian is a little different from the furious Leilian that Xiao Lang condensed before.

It is obviously more refined.

And it's a big lap!

"The previous Rage Leilian was simulated by two avenues of pure thunder attribute, but this one is made from the power of the fire-type violent avenue and the thunderstorm avenue. It is obviously inappropriate to call it the violent rage. Why not just call it..."

"Hot Leilian!"

Xiao Lang was still very excited after only one word changed.

Because its power has increased more than just a little bit!

Xiao Lang's eyes throbbed with excitement:

"Its power should be at least 50% more powerful than the previous lightning strike... well, at least 50%!"

The corners of Xiao Lang's mouth raised.


Half the power!

This number is quite scary for ordinary martial arts moves, not to mention, this is the strongest blow Xiao Lang has currently mastered!

According to Sun Wuji's previous statement, if his thunder and fire strike were under a sneak attack, it would be enough to threaten the life of Venerable Xiaowan Peak in the Era Realm.

50% more...

"Even if it is an upright fight, my hot Lei Lin may be able to shake the Era Realm Xiao Perfect Peak Venerable!"

Xiao Lang was excited.

For him, this is a huge improvement.

However, his mood swings are so strong, the most important thing is not this, but—


If it is to give himself enough time, Xiao Lang believes that he can also optimize the thunder and fire strike to this level, but it may take decades, or even hundreds of years, than it takes him to advance from the world to the era. It must be long!

But here.

In the magic pond holy land.

With so many examples to refer to, how long did it take him?

Three hours!

In just three hours, he used his strongest moves and once again increased his power by 50%!

"Treasure Land!"

"For me, there is no better place for me than this!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were excited, and suddenly he felt--

Three months is too little!

In this kind of place, he hadn't been enough for hundreds of years!

"We must hurry up, how much can be improved, how much can be improved!"

Xiao Lang encouraged himself, the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin condensed his eyes, and his heart shook as he watched the colorful surroundings.

In addition to these benefits, there is one that brings him the greatest impact-

That is confidence!

Different avenues merge...

Can this road really work?

To be honest, Xiao Lang didn't actually have much confidence in his heart. After all, this is the martial art of his own choice, and even no one has ever done it.

Even listening to the inheritance left by Chaohou has nothing to do with this martial art.

One can imagine how difficult it is.

The most important thing is that there are no successful examples. This is also the most frightening. The road ahead is confused. I don't know how long I can go, let alone whether it will work.


Xiao Lang had already seen the answer from all this in front of him--

"It will definitely work!"

"Existence is extremely truthful!"

"Since there are examples of the power of different avenues in the deep underground, it shows that this road is recognized by the world, as for how long it can go..."

Xiao Lang raised his head, smiled lightly, grinned open, the light in his eyes was firm as iron:

"Of course you have to go to the end!"


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