Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 479: Capture the power of the origin of the stars!


Live to the end!

When Xiao Lang and others were still in Tianyu City and did not set off, these two sentences were the two most spoken by Qiu Shijie besides introducing the various situations that may occur in the Demon Lake Holy Land.

Xiao Lang has always been convinced.


Surviving, living to the end is king.

Only if you are alive can you have unlimited possibilities. If it is dead, then there is nothing, no matter how great the previous gains are.

However, although Xiao Lang knew this truth before, he didn't have a deep understanding of it. The reason is that his martial art realm and combat power are completely out of the ranks among all the people who traveled this time.

It can even be said to be one of the weakest group of people.

How to save life?

As a weak person, there is actually quite no right to speak in places like Demon Lake Holy Land.

Just like those teams of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

In their ranks, the weak have no right to speak at all, unless your status is respected. Of course, it is precisely because of the respect of your identity, even if your strength is not good, but there are top powerhouses willing to obey you, this is also part of your strength.

Only these people are qualified to speak.

Others don't even have the qualifications to speak.

You can say that they are domineering, you can also say that they are cold and ruthless, but you have to admit that this is indeed the most realistic.

Therefore, at the beginning, Xiao Lang did not feel that whether he could survive to the end had much to do with him, because his combat power was indeed very weak, and there were too many who could kill him in the Demon Lake Holy Land. Too many, countless dangers.

Whether he can survive to the end seems to depend on the protection of Chen Shou and others.

But at this moment, Xiao Lang's thoughts changed.

"Perhaps from now on, I also have the power to control my own destiny!"

Xiao Lang's star pupils flickered, bursting with breathtaking brilliance.

Confidence comes from the growth of strength.

Although this time the power of comprehension of the Great Dao, it only improved the Burst Leilian and turned it into a violent fire lotus. Although the strength has skyrocketed by a full 50%, it is only the pinnacle level of Xiaoyuan in the era, and Chen Shou and others still have no Any comparability.

And Xiao Lang also knew that this was the first time he had merged the power of the Great Dao in the Demon Lake Holy Land, and the effect was obvious. If he learns about it next time, he probably hasn't made such a big improvement.

However, Xiao Lang is still confident.

Even if the future progress is far from today, Xiao Lang knows that he has found a path to strength!

This is the most critical.

There is no need to be the same as before, just relying on savvy and accumulation, and growing stronger over the long years.

He doesn't want this anymore.

Because for him, this Fang Motan Holy Land is a superb cultivation treasure, where the power of various avenues between the heaven and the earth are blended, and the methods are changeable and unbelievable. There is no need for him to retreat alone to build a car, and the surrounding avenues. His power can point him to thousands of paths and hundreds of thousands of choices.

He only needs to choose the strongest among them and the one that suits him best.

Xiao Lang could completely imagine what kind of breakthrough his own strength would make in this environment!

Era Realm Xiao Perfection peak?

Do not!

This is definitely not his limit!


Xiao Lang stood up from the ground with great fighting spirit and immediately attracted Qiu Zhan's attention. Suspiciously, when his gaze fell on Xiao Lang, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.


Xiao Lang heard the words and saw that his eyes were shining with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong, Brother Qiu Zhan?"

Qiu Zhan looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, and after hesitating for a while, he seemed to finally think of the right words, and shook his head:

"It's nothing."

"It feels like you are a little different from before."

"Did you break through?"

Xiao Lang shook his head when he heard this, and said:

"No breakthrough, just a little more refined."

When Qiu Zhan heard Xiao Lang's words like this, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded slightly, and then he missed his eyes.

Since Xiao Lang hadn't made a breakthrough, he didn't care.

Because in his consciousness, only a breakthrough can combat power be greatly improved. Take Xiao Lang, for example, if his realm breaks through, his combat power will surely soar!

Qiu Zhan knew that in addition to being in a treasure robes, Xiao Lang was actually quite talented. According to his own words, the mid-Era realm peak could compete against the Era realm small perfect powerhouse.

Qiu Zhan was also curious, if Xiao Lang broke through to the late stage of Era Realm, whether his combat power could break through again.

If Xiao Lang's combat power could reach the level that could easily kill Era Realm Xiao Perfection, his pressure would be much less.

Three-person team.

Although the number of people is small, but because they are good at different abilities, the combat power is definitely not too bad!

Qiu Tian's frontal combat power should be the weakest of the three, but because he has a special talent and magical powers, he also has the ability to change the situation in an instant.

With Qiu Zhan, you can instantly kill the enemy.

Cooperating with Xiao Lang's robes, it can also make an opponent's lore vanish.

But the most important of the three is Qiu Zhan!

His combat power determines the upper limit of the strength of the entire team.

Therefore, the pressure he was under was also the biggest of the three, and his experience with Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum clearly demonstrated this point.

He also has limits.

Therefore, even he himself didn't realize that why she suddenly asked such a question, it was all a manifestation of his inner pressure.

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered.

It wasn't that he was deliberately hiding his strength, but because even if he was now diligent in strength, he couldn't match Qiu Zhan, let alone relieve the pressure in his heart.

Unless, he can become stronger!


Looking at Qiu Zhizhi's thin back, Xiao Lang muttered to himself, his eyes bright.

A short while.

The three assembled and set off again.

All the poison in Qiu Tian's body has been resolved. This is good news. All three of them are at their peak, and Dao Xin is stable again.


No one spoke, it was Qiu Zhan who took the lead, Qiu Tian was the second, and Xiao Lang was the last, but he was very close to Qiu Tian, ​​and he could take the responsibility of protecting him in the first place.

The three moved quickly.

Because they know that compared with other teams, they must have fallen behind a lot.

Must be as soon as possible!

And very cautious.

However, at the spiritual level, it is obviously useless no matter how careful you are, because there are too many crypts, extending in all directions, and the deeper you go, the harder it is to tell whether this corridor has been swept past.

Therefore, in less than half an hour, Qiu Zhan stopped abruptly.

"There is danger ahead!"

Qiu Zhan perceives the danger ahead through his combat instinct. He stopped to warn him. In fact, he said to Xiao Lang and Qiu Tian. But I didn't expect that in the trio team, a second voice soon sounded.

"It's just the aura at the peak level in the late Era Realm. It is a wild lion-like beast, and its combat power will not exceed the Era Realm Xiaowan Peak. For us, there is no pressure at all."

Xiao Lang's voice sounded, and the brothers Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were shocked.

what's the situation?

He just vaguely felt that there was danger ahead, Xiao Lang had even read out the opponent's breath, combat power, and even characteristics?

How did he do that?

Qiu Zhan was startled, and subconsciously thought that Xiao Lang had just said that he had a slight improvement in strength, and in the battle with Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, he keenly pointed out the body of the latter, and his pupils suddenly brightened.

Can't help but look at Xiao Lang, an excitement flashes through his eyes.

"Is this the special ability in his bloodline?"

Qiu Zhanxin had guesses.

Strictly speaking, his guess was indeed correct. The reason why Xiao Lang could perceive things that Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian could not detect was precisely because of the power of the Dao Spirit Body, and it did come from the Dao Spirit Body. It is not too much to say that it is a special blood.

However, Qiu Zhan hasn't waited for Qiu Zhan to ask.


With a thunderous blast, at the other end of the tunnel, flames evaporated, and a fierce lion appeared, with red eyes, bloodthirsty and terrifying.

The phantom appeared!

But in Qiu Zhan's eyes, there was no fear or worry at all. On the contrary, his eyes were filled with excitement and endless fighting spirit.

Xiao Lang was right!

Before he had no insight into the ultimate powerhouse of Xiao Perfection in his era, Xiao Lang had already known all of his opponents in front of him, and his judgment was so accurate.

No matter how Xiao Lang did it, it was too crucial for their three-person team!

With Xiao Lang's exploration, they can avoid many detours!


Qiu Zhan sighed, but he didn't hesitate at all in his hand movements. He stepped out of the spear while he was swinging, his body exuding endless sharpness like a streamer, and he ran directly towards the roaring wild lion.

Although Qiu Zhan’s natural attribute is ice, he is naturally restrained by flames, but his martial arts roots are deep enough to be shocking, and his combat power is a small level higher than the wild lion before him. How could the result of this battle be? What's the suspense?

There is no suspense.

Three face each other.

The flame mad lion had already suffered heavy losses and was dying. But I don’t know if it has no spiritual intelligence or is controlled by the origin of the stars. I don’t know how to escape. It still rushes forward without fear of death, even if its combat power has been weakened to the extreme. Anyone can be killed easily.

Qiu Zhan didn't show any mercy, and with a flick of the spear, he was about to kill it.

But at this moment--

"Brother Qiu Zhan, give it to me."


Qiu Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Lang, and he was curious when he saw that the eyes of the latter were gleaming with brilliant light.

What is Xiao Lang doing?

However, since Xiao Lang made the request, and there was no suspense in this battle, Qiu Zhan certainly wouldn't forcefully stop it. He stopped his gun and stood aside, watching Xiao Lang punch the dying wild lion with excitement on his face. Smashed, couldn't help but smile.

He thought that Xiao Lang had never killed a spiritual creature since entering the Demon Lake Holy Land, so he was so excited.

It's just that he didn't see the moment when Xiao Lang punched through the crazy lion and heavenly spirit cover.

An invisible force was forcibly drawn into his body by him!


The power of the origin of the stars!


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