Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 518: Wild warning!

Of course, what Xiao Lang saw at first glance was Nymph.

Except for her.

Xiaodao, Dulong, Huang, Li Xueya, Zhao Feng, Li Qingshan, Chilian, Chiguoguo, Weitong and others.

They are all here.

And when Xiao Lang saw them, they also saw Xiao Lang for the first time.

"Brother Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Lang!"


A group of people jumped out from the courtyard, and everyone looked happy. Obviously, when Qiu Shijie and others learned that they were coming back, they had already told Nymph and others. Therefore, their faces were not surprised, but they were full of joy.

Xiao Lang also smiled and greeted him, grabbing Nymph's little hand for the first time.

There are very few changes in the crowd.

After all, they have been here all this time, they have never been out, and there are no special adventures and experiences.

Xiao Lang came back, and of course they asked a lot of things curiously. Of course, so far, they don't know what Xiao Lang has been doing during this time.

But when Xiao Lang said that they were leaving here in the last two days and returning to the Great World of Lihuo, the crowd suddenly fell into cheers.

Finally going back.

Next, Xiao Lang called Li Batian and others over. When they met Li Xueya and others, it was naturally a lively event.

But soon.

"Huang, come here."

While everyone was in cheers and excitement, Xiao Lang quietly yelled out of Huang and came to a bedroom.

No one was around.

Xiao Lang's expression also became extremely solemn, staring at Huang's unchanged face.

"You feel it too?"

In Xiao Lang's view, some of Huang's abilities absolutely exceeded the category of top venerables. Huang can definitely perceive the changes around Red Yan.

as expected.

Huang nodded slightly.

Xiao Lang also let out a sigh of relief, but there was more expectation in the eyes of Xiang Huang, and said:

"How likely do you think we will leave?"

Generally speaking, Xiao Lang would never ask such a question, unless he had no confidence in his heart.

As it is now.

Xiao Lang is like this.

After all, his plan was closely related to the lives of millions of people. Xiao Lang couldn't imagine how much pressure he would be under if something went wrong.

He must be sure of nothing.

But on this issue, Qiu Shijie couldn't help him either.

Only shortage.

He is the only one who can help himself.

Xiao Lang was very sure of this, so he immediately raised this question. However, Huang's answer was far beyond his expectation.

"Success is sure to succeed."

"The Primitive Teleportation Array is completely capable of taking everyone away at once, crossing the boundary."

"But I can't control life or death. Under current conditions...the death rate should be over 90%."

Huang's words were calm, as if they were talking about an established fact. But when these words came into Xiao Lang's ears, they were tantamount to thunder on the ground, and directly frightened Xiao Lang.

Death rate, 90%? !

100% success rate?

No matter how you hear this, I feel very awkward.

But Xiao Lang and Huang had been together for a long time. After being shocked, he immediately understood the meaning of these words, and his expression became even more ugly.

"You mean, the primitive teleportation circle is fine, but the process of teleportation is dangerous?"

"Is it the cause of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord?"

Huang nodded calmly.


"If the primitive teleportation circle is activated two days later, the protection of this planet is still there, he will definitely not be able to get off. However, once the primitive teleportation circle is activated, the power will penetrate the two worlds, and the protection of this planet will also It will be opened in an instant, and he will be able to act unscrupulously."

Xiao Lang trembled when he heard this.

It turned out to be because of this!

Once the Primal Teleportation Array is activated, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord has the ability and opportunity to shoot.

Will he miss it?

Certainly not!

"In that case, if we want to ensure that everyone leaves smoothly and safely, we must stop the demon lord of the beasts?"

Xiao Lang's mind was really heavy.

Can anyone do this on Red Yan?

Qiu Shijie is the strongest, but according to what Qiu Zhan Qiu Tian said before, Qiu Shijie's combat power and martial arts cultivation realm is only at the level of the five-star strongest venerable, far from the immortal realm!

Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, his eyes were like electricity, locked on Huang's body.

"Can you stop him?"

"Or use the power of this world to stop it temporarily?"

With just raising his hands, Xiao Lang could take the vision of the world when he enlightened Dao into one palm. Xiao Lang still remembers deeply and cannot forget it.

Just like Tianwei!

But what disappointed Xiao Lang was.


A hint of hesitation appeared on Huang's face, saying:

"I was able to do it before, but now I...can't do it."


Xiao Lang's expression became even more ugly upon hearing this.

He knew that part of Huang's memory seemed to be blocked, only a few clues could be detected. He used to be stronger than now, but now...

Since he said he could not do it, he was definitely not deliberately hiding something.

Xiao Lang's expression was extremely gloomy.

Now, the trouble is really big!

Can you really find someone who can stop the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts on Red Yan?

Xiao Lang fell into deep melancholy, and his brain turned rapidly. And at this moment, suddenly a light flashed across his mind.

Xiao Lang's spirits were startled, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had seen a glimmer of hope.

"Bloodthirsty Starvine!"

Xiao Lang ignored the communication with Huang, and let out a low growl. Suddenly, the voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine in his heart sounded:

"what happened?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was really busy, and was surprised that Xiao Lang summoned him at this time, but immediately, he appeared by Xiao Lang's side. At first glance, he saw Huang and his heart was lost.

"Metal life?"

In the memory inheritance of Bloodthirsty Starvine, there is obviously a description of metal life. Xiao Lang did not care for a moment to explain it, and directly transmitted the sound of the spirit to the Bloodthirsty Starvine.

"Take me there!"

Although Bloodthirsty Starvine was extremely confused, he didn't know why Xiao Lang suddenly became so anxious, but he didn't ask too much, and immediately followed suit.


The scenery in front of them was rippling, and the three of Xiao Lang directly disappeared in place and appeared in a wilderness. But if Nymph and others were there, they would definitely find out where it was.

Jinling Mountain!

What impressed them the most here was not the Golden Spirit Stones all over the sky, nor the Golden Wolf clan, but—

Jinling Dongtian!


Hidden here is the Jinling Cave, one of the thirty-six blessed places and the seventy-two caves!

It was here that Xiao Lang knew the secret inside Ning Fu'er.

Xiao Lang came this time to find the ancestor of Jinling.

Only immortality is capable of fighting against immortality!

As for the entire Red Yan Star, the only immortal powerhouse Xiao Lang could think of was the Jinling ancestor. In other words, according to his own statement, he used to be the Monarch of the Immortal Realm, but now, he is just a puppet.

But Xiao Lang didn't believe it.

Or rather unwilling to believe it.

Does the ancestor of Jinling really have no immortal combat power?

Whether it was true or false, Xiao Lang chose to do it again and ask again. Because this is the only way he can think of right now.


Without a word, Xiao Lang rushed towards the mountain head with Huang and Bloodthirsty Star Vine. Not long after—


It's like passing through a thin film.

The scenery in front of me changed drastically.

A desolation appeared in front of everyone.

And in the void in front of them, a puppet made of unknown material sat cross-legged, seeing Xiao Lang and others, his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Little friend Xiao Lang."

"Why did you come?"

A hoarse voice came from the body of the old ancestor Jinling. Xiao Lang was not surprised that the ancestor Jinling was waiting for them here, and he immediately stepped forward and said:

"Senior, we need your help."

Xiao Lang straightforwardly said his intentions.

To be honest, there is really nothing to hide. Hearing Xiao Lang's speculation about Huang telling him, Bloodthirsty Star Vine finally knew what Xiao Lang had known at the moment when it was absent.

Xiao Lang spoke extremely fast, but his words were clear.

During this process, Jinling ancestors' eyes kept flashing.

He was just a puppet, and everyone couldn't see what he was thinking from his face. Xiao Lang didn't care about it. After he finished talking, he said:

"So, the younger generation courageously pleads with the seniors to help the millions of creatures on the Red Yan Xing, and when we activate the Primal-level teleportation array, we will block the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord."

"Just one click!"

Xiao Lang made clear his intentions, his eyes were urgent, and he stared at the Jinling ancestor with piercing eyes.

I heard a sigh from the ancestor of Jinling:


Immediately shook his head.

"Sorry, Xiao Lang, I can't do it."

Just as Xiao Lang explained his intentions after his arrival, the answer from the ancestor of Jinling was so simple and direct, but Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly.


Jinling ancestor actually chose to refuse!


"This is the lives of millions of creatures. Is it true that Senior is indifferent?"

Xiao Lang was surprised, looked at Jinling Patriarch in disbelief, couldn't believe his ears. The choice made by the ancestor of Jinling at this time really went beyond his expectations.

Perhaps it was because I had stayed with Sun Wuji, Qiu Shijie and others for too long. In Xiao Lang's view, as long as it was about demonic cultivation, everyone should be the same enemy and fight together.

But the ancestor of Jinling...

The ancestor of Jinling sighed again. Obviously, he was different from Sun Wuji, Qiu Shijie and others.

"If the little friend wants to blame me, then I can't help it."

"I have seen too many wars like this. What's more, the little friends also know my secrets. The reason why I became a puppet and hides here for hundreds of millions of years has only one purpose, and that is to live."

"The old man doesn't want to take risks."


Don't want to take risks?

In Xiao Lang's view, these words of the ancestors of Jinling are selfish, but...

Isn't he so?

Everyone is selfish.

In order to survive, Jinling ancestor chose not to take action and refused. And the reason why he came here was also because of his own thoughts, hoping to get help from the former.

Is it wrong?

There is nothing wrong.

But Xiao Lang still felt extremely uncomfortable.

The ancestor of Jinling refused, what should I do?

But at this moment, when Xiao Lang felt at a loss, he suddenly heard Huang's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"When he arrives, you can't live."


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