Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 519: The transformation of Jinling ancestors!

When Huang's voice sounded, the body of the ancestor of Jinling trembled suddenly.

He was completely a puppet now, and there was no change in his expression, but from the trembling of his body, Xiao Lang and others could still feel his anger at this time.

Especially, his voice immediately became gloomy and cold.

"What do you mean by this?"

When Huang spoke, Xiao Lang's heart violently twitched. He looked at Huang in surprise, and subconsciously wanted to stop him from continuing.

no way.

Now is a special time, but also the most dangerous time.

As far as he could think of being able to resist the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Lords, I am afraid that only Jinling ancestors would have this possibility. Under such circumstances, Xiao Lang certainly didn't want to make the relationship between them completely rigid.

But before he could stop him, Huang had already spoken directly.

"This is inevitable."

"And you also know that although Jinling Dongtian is hidden under this mountain, if the real immortality comes here, you will definitely find the existence of Jinling Dongtian."

"You can't live."

After Huang explained, he once again expressed his views. At this moment, the atmosphere and air between the people completely froze.

This is too cruel.

What is the difference between cursing him to die?

The moment Huang said these words, Xiao Lang's heart shook, and an ominous foreboding occurred in his heart.

as expected.

The anger in the eyes of the ancestor Jinling suddenly erupted, and the spirits overflowed, glaring at him, his voice furious:

"You guys, get out of here!"

"I will never agree to this matter!"

That's it!

Xiao Lang's heart sank suddenly, feeling a gloomy face in front of his eyes.

The ancestor of Jinling broke out completely.

Now, he didn't even have the opportunity to persuade him.

"Huang, you..."

Xiao Lang looked at Huang with a helpless expression, he didn't know what to say. Before that, Huang had killed him more than once, and Xiao Lang couldn't bear to blame him.

But at this moment.

Huang gave him a reassuring look.

Xiao Lang had never seen such a humane scene of Huang before, and he was taken aback, and at this moment, Huang spoke again.

"If you want to live, it can only be possible with us."


The ancestor of Jinling almost broke out when Xiao Lang and the others hadn't left, but when he heard Huang's words, he was taken aback.



This is his greatest expectation.

It was also the reason why he rejected Xiao Lang. Because he knew that in his current state, he was definitely not the opponent of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord.

Hidden, may still be able to save a life, continue to wait, wait for the opportunity to live and be human again.

But once exposed, Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord will definitely not spare him, he will definitely die!

Of course, he also knew in his heart that, as Huang just said, once the demon lord of the beasts found him, no matter whether he made a move before, he could not continue to live.

Therefore, when he heard that Huang said that only by cooperating with Xiao Lang and others can he continue to live, he was taken aback for a moment, forcibly resisted the outbreak, glared at Huang, and said coldly:

"What do you mean by this?"

At this moment, Huang did not answer his question at the first time, but turned to look at Xiao Lang, and said:

"Young Master, you should have integrated the Five Elements Avenue, right?"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Lang was still astonished, and saw that the body of the ancestor Jinling trembled again, as if he had heard some incredible news, and looked at Xiao Lang in amazement.


"Have you enlightened the Five Elements Avenue?"


The situation at the scene suddenly changed dramatically. Both Huang and Jinling ancestors' eyes fell on him, making Xiao Lang unable to react for a while, and subconsciously asked Huang:

"How did you know?"

A trace of confusion flashed between Huang's eyebrows, but he answered immediately.

"I feel it."

"Recently, I feel that my memory is slowly waking up."



Xiao Lang was extremely surprised when he heard this.

He had known that part of Huang's memory should have been banned by Ting Chaohou, but what did it feel like?

Is it perceiving the five complete avenues of the five elements in my body, or the multicolored lotus mark on my true spirit?

Xiao Lang thought for a while, and immediately determined that it was the latter.

"It shouldn’t be the power of the Five Elements Avenue. Before that, I had already comprehended the power of the Five Elements Avenue, but Huang never said anything. It must be because I controlled all the Five Elements Avenue in the Demon Lake Holy Land this time. , It caused the deep activation of the multicolored lotus mark to get his feeling!"

Xiao Lang thought about it in his heart.

But there is still confusion.

Can Jinling ancestors survive? What is the difference between whether they have mastered the Five Elements Avenue?

Xiao Lang was about to ask.

At this time, the Jinling ancestor on the side obviously couldn't help it, and roared:

"Boy, is it true that what he said is true? You understand the Five Elements Avenue?"


An extremely strong pressure suddenly diffused from the Jinling ancestors, magnificent, even more powerful than the coercion that Xiao Lang transformed into the bloodthirsty star vine and the star origin core during the battle of the earth dragon. , At least reached the level of the Five-Star Strongest Venerable!

Xiao Lang only felt that his chest was suddenly pressed down like a mountain, making his chest tight and out of breath.

But the pupils suddenly lit up.

"He really has great strength!"

Xiao Lang could not tell whether the remaining strength of the Jinling ancestors reached the immortal level, but, because the momentum was so amazing, he was definitely the strongest on this Red Yan star!

This sense of oppression is too strong.

It was so strong that Xiao Lang's expression changed, and he couldn't even answer, so he waved his hand--


A cage condensed by the power of colorful colors suddenly condensed into the void.

Five Elements Town Prison!

In Motan Holy Land, Xiao Lang used this trick to suppress She Jun, Yue Lao San and others. Only now, what he suppressed was not the ancestor of Jinling, but himself!



As soon as the Five Elements Prison appeared, there was a crisp sound that almost burst directly. Xiao Lang's complexion changed drastically, and he really wanted to exclaim at this moment when the pressure suddenly weakened. He only felt that the surrounding pressure had suddenly weakened, and the trembling voice of the ancestor Jinling was so excited:

"The Five Elements Avenue... It's really the Five Elements Avenue!"

"You are the heir of the ancestor of the Five Elements?!"

Five Elements Patriarch?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

He knows who the ancestor of the Five Elements is. He has heard from True Monarch Ice and Fire. He is the master of the great world that was the predecessor of the Great World of Fire, and he is the master of the world!

He is certainly not a descendant of the ancestor of the Five Elements.

He didn't even know what the ancestor of the five elements looked like.


Xiao Lang did not choose to deceive, even if he could see it, the attitude of the ancestor of Jinling suddenly changed drastically because of his use of the Five Elements to suppress prison.

But he didn't want to use him with this.

The ancestor of Jinling obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang's answer to be so straightforward. He was taken aback for a while and took a deep look at Xiao Lang.


"Then how did you comprehend this magical power?"

"This is one of the magical powers of the ancestors of the Five Elements."

Xiao Lang was also stunned when he heard this.

The Five Elements Town Prison is the natal supernatural power of the Five Elements Patriarch?

This is a coincidence!

But Xiao Lang soon realized that this might really be more than a coincidence.

Does the Five Elements Prison really have nothing to do with the Five Elements Patriarch?

Do not.

The reason why he was able to comprehend the Five Elements Prison Control was not because he took the initiative to comprehend it, but after he had a deeper control over the multicolored lotus mark above his true spirit, it took the initiative to appear.

And the multicolored lotus imprint, I originally got it from Ting Chaohou's road map scroll.

You can get the imprint of the colorful lotus, then, what about the ancestors of the five elements?

Can he get it too?

"Could it be that, as the ancestor of the Five Elements in the last era and the world, I can't explain the unclear relationship with Ting Chaohou?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help but fell into thought.

It's not impossible!

And when Xiao Lang couldn't help but fall into these thoughts, the ancestor Jinling seemed to think of something when he saw the expression on his face.

"You got the inheritance of the ancestors of the Five Elements, but you don't know it yourself?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words and nodded slightly.

There seems to be nothing wrong with that.

However, when the ancestor of Jinling saw him nodding, his next reaction was far beyond his expectations.

I saw the ancestor of Jinling took a deep breath, seemed to be caught in endless struggle and hesitation, hesitating, his expression changed again and again, and finally gritted his teeth, a trace of fierceness flashed through his eyes.

"You are right."

"If I just hide here, I am afraid that I will spend my whole life, and I will not get the chance to be reborn again. And once I am discovered by the Lord of the Beasts, I will definitely die."

"In this case, I might as well promise you directly and fight to the death!"

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the ancestor Jinling in disbelief, he couldn't believe his ears.

The ancestor of Jinling agreed!

He really agreed!

Is it just because I used the Five Elements to suppress prison?

Xiao Lang still didn't quite understand how the ancestors of Jinling had thought about it. But before he could come back to his senses, the ancestor Jinling's complexion was whole and he became extra serious:

"But for this, I have a request."


"any request?"

Looking at the expressions of the Jinling ancestors at this time, Xiao Lang could also see that his request was definitely not simple. However, even if he had already made this preparation in his heart, Xiao Lang couldn't help being stunned when Jinling ancestor's next sentence came.

"You must resurrect me!"


Xiao Lang was dumbfounded.

Is this kind of thing that spans life and death really something people can do?

Xiao Lang couldn't say half a sentence for a long time. At this moment, the ancestor of Jinling had been waiting for Xiao Lang's answer, but couldn't wait for a long time. Then he suddenly realized that he was a little imprecise in his words and quickly changed his words;

"No, it's not a resurrection."

"As long as it can help me condense a suitable physical body, so that I can live a lifetime again."

Condense the flesh?

"I can't do this!"

Xiao Lang finally recovered and said with a wry smile. He didn't want to conceal the ancestors of Jinling, and directly told the truth. However, when the ancestor Jinling heard his answer, he just smiled and said:

"Of course I know you can't do it now, but I believe you can do it in the future."

Xiao Lang was taken aback and realized the reason.

"Just because you think I am the apprentice of the ancestor of the Five Elements?"

"But in fact, I have never seen the ancestor of the Five Elements... Isn't he dead?"

Xiao Lang originally thought that this was enough for the ancestor of Jinling to recognize the truth, but what he did not expect was that the ancestor of Jinling just smiled mysteriously and said:

"Of course the ancestor of the Five Elements is dead."

"However, since you have obtained part of his inheritance, you will surely get more of his inheritance in the future, I'm sure!"

The ancestors of Jinling's eyes were brilliant and full of confidence, and even Xiao Lang didn't know where his confidence came from.

Helpless, Xiao Lang was about to sigh and continue to explain, only to see the ancestor Jinling waved his hand and said:

"Ok, deal!"

"In two days, I will take action to help you block the monster master."

"Little friend Xiao Lang, you don't need to continue to persuade me. I know, you may not know why you got the inheritance of the five elements ancestors, but my eyes will definitely not be wrong, and you will surely fulfill my requirements in the future. ."

"I'll take care of this matter!"

Xiao Lang was completely helpless when he heard this.

The ancestor of Jinling has decided, and obviously it can't be changed.


Xiao Lang sighed.

Of course, he was also very clear in his heart. In fact, the ancestor of Jinling did not have much confidence in him, but had confidence in the ancestor of the Five Elements, even if the latter was dead.

"Ancestor of the Five Elements... Lord of the World..."

"Is he really that strong?"

"Even if you die, can you bring such confidence to the ancestors of Jinling?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly became extremely curious about the Five Elements Patriarch.


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