Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 641: guess!

The one who broke the calm again was the master of flower twisting!

The murderous breath enveloped the surroundings, and he was the only one who was not wrapped in it.


Before the words fell, everyone's sights, including Xiao Lang, fell on Master Nianhua, and Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Surprised by the confession of Master Nianhua.

The disappearance of the stronghold guidance must hide a huge problem. For the situation, it means that the stronghold is lost. For individuals, the impact is more serious, which means that life cannot be guaranteed.

Xiao Lang also guessed that other people must have encountered the same problem as him. The reason they didn't say it was that they had such thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Master Nianhua was so direct and frank.

Isn't he afraid of death?

Seeing Master Nianhua's clear and childlike eyes, a gleam of light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on him, Master Nianhua quickly explained:

"Don't panic, fellow daoists."

"The old monk also encountered the same problem."

"Perhaps all of us have encountered the same problem and situation. In that case, why do we have to fight and kill, and separate one to die for?"

After speaking, I saw Master Nianhua flipping his wrist, and in the palm of his hand, a golden token appeared immediately, but the color on it was slightly dark, like a decadent old man, without any luster and vitality.

Stronghold token!

It's just a different color, the same stronghold token everywhere else!

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he guessed the intention of Master Nianhua, and his approval floated.


Older gingers are more spicy!

Master Nianhua is indeed a wise man. It is rumored that he will not suffer from life and death in his entire life, and indeed there are some other means. Wisdom is one of them!

The disappearance of the stronghold guidance means that the safety of everyone cannot be guaranteed. In this case, they are all at risk and full of vigilance.

It is not only the confusion about the situation, but also the vigilance of each.

However, when Master Nianhua reveals the truth and directly reveals the current situation of everyone, they are naturally not so wary of the same illness.

Because everyone is the same.

Don't suffer from lack and unevenness.

At this time, everyone is afraid of each other, isn't it because they don't know each other thoroughly?

In addition, Master Nianhua’s move has another meaning-


Even if Master Nianhua said that he had landed here because he didn't receive the guidance from the stronghold, no one would believe it.

Lie, who won't?

Someone believes it only after showing evidence.

Master Nianhua took out the token to prove it. In this case, other people must also take out their tokens, because only in this way can they prove that they are not a black hand hiding in the crowd!

one stone two bird!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but admire the wisdom displayed by Master Nianhua at this moment.

It's really amazing!


Not only Xiao Lang thought of this, but others also thought of it. Looking at each other, the first to respond to Master Nianhua's actions was Qin Hao from the Temple of War.

I saw him with a big smile:

"I'll come first!"

"Just as Master Nianhua said, I did not feel the guidance of the stronghold of the God of War, so I fell here."

Qin Hao flipped his wrist, and a khaki token appeared, the color also dim.

There is the first, there is the second.


Qi Fei also responded.

"me too."

Xiao Lang did not speak, but condensed the token, and suddenly, the suspicion gaze on him was much less. The eyes of the four fell on Jin Jiu.

Although Jin Jiu had a perverted personality, he was not a stupid person. He knew that if he didn't do this, he would really become a target. His face was cold, and a token disappeared in the palm of his hand.


When the token in Jin Jiu's hand flashed, Xiao Lang clearly felt that the atmosphere among the people immediately relaxed a lot, and the pressure was obviously reduced.

All one

Grasshopper on the rope!

Their tokens are all invalid!

"it is as expected."

Master Nianhua faintly became everyone's talker, and took the lead to summarize, but although the atmosphere became less depressing, everyone frowned and confused.

Why did the breath of the stronghold disappear?

What happened?

Was destroyed?

It seems impossible, right?

Xiao Lang fell into thinking about paying.

He remembered that before coming, Liang Pingxin vowed to say that the stronghold of Tianfu Palace in Origin Land was suppressed by super artifacts and could not be destroyed.

Not only the Tianfu Palace, but also the other eighteen giants.

But now...

"Damn, someone is secretly tricking!"

Qin Hao's character was obviously like his figure, violent and decisive, and he cursed directly.


Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly, looking at Qin Hao, Yu Guang found that the others were the same.

This is the current situation. Whoever speaks first is the focus.

Someone is indeed making a ghost.

Anyone with IQ can tell, the key is whether this ghost is big or small!

"Little Brother Qin knows what?"

Master Nianhua squinted his eyes and asked.

Qin Hao obviously didn't have any scheming. In other words, he didn't bother to hide and tuck, glanced at everyone, and scoffed at the corner of his mouth, saying:

"Old man, don't follow me, I know the same as you."

"You have tasks too, right?"


Xiao Lang frowned and smiled.

It turns out that Qin Hao is also a bold and careful master, not as stupid as it seems on the surface.

Master Nianhua was stunned, smiled lightly, not angry, scanned for a week, and nodded:

"I do have a mission."

"Since the year before last, no one from the Buddha Kingdom has gone out from here. Today the Buddha Kingdom sent Lao Na to investigate one or two."

"Excuse me, is there any other gossip?"


All tentatively.

Halfway through talking, stop immediately.

Obviously, at this moment, everyone is very cautious, it is impossible to achieve complete trust, even if they are in exactly the same situation now.

Xiao Lang's heart trembled slightly.

He also got the news from Liang Ping's words, but he didn't care about it at the time. After all, his purpose was only with Sun Wuji alone, but now it seems that everything today seems to be a sign!

did not go out.

There are only two ways to go out in the place away from the origin of the fire world——

One: After a hundred years, even if you don't want to go out, you will be expelled.

Two: The super artifact through that stronghold!

"This means that two years ago, the stronghold here actually started to have problems?"

Xiao Lang thought about it, and did not speak.

If you speak more, you will lose.

What's more, he was not so familiar with the origin of the world, even with Liang Ping's evil supplement, he didn't know much, and he was far inferior to the surrounding Master Nianhua and others.

Xiao Lang didn't say a word. In fact, his brain had already started to work quickly, analyzing everyone's words and actions, and even his expressions were not let go.

Jin Jiu was still cold and silent.

On the contrary, Qi Fei looked up, met the gazes of Master Nianhua and Qin Hao, hesitated, and said:

"My Qi Yundian also found these, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

"But, if something goes wrong with the stronghold, because they didn't die?"

"The soul lamp of my Qiyun Temple is still burning."

The soul lamp is not extinguished!

Qi Fei threw out some more information. The expressions of Master Nianhua, Qin Hao, and Jin Jiu were unusual, and they seemed to have known this. When Xiao Lang heard it, he couldn't help but startled.

Something is wrong!

According to Liang Ping, the place of origin is actually quite dangerous, and their stronghold is their greatest reliance on their lives.

The stronghold was broken, but no one


Could it be that--

In Xiao Lang's heart, a bold conjecture just emerged, only to hear Jin Jiu who had not spoken next to him speak.

"It's not a natural disaster, it's a man-made disaster."

"Some people are turning back and want to occupy the entire origin."


Jin Jiu's words were like a boulder falling into the lake, which immediately stirred up a thousand waves in Xiao Lang's heart.

Not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

This is exactly the same as what he had just guessed!

If these strongholds were really broken by the fierce evil spirits in the Origin, it would definitely be impossible for one to die!

Unless artificial!


Can this be done artificially?

Xiao Lang believed that the place of origin was so important that the eighteenth giants would definitely not take it lightly. Every time they were sent, they would definitely be strong.

Not only that, but there is also considerable research on the people dispatched by other giants.

Therefore, according to this kind of thinking, in the land of origin, the strength of the 18 giants is almost the same, and it is impossible to produce such a situation of crushing.

Destroying the stronghold of one party can make the latter one immortal. Such an achievement is not so easy to achieve.

"Someone teamed up?"

The giants teamed up to attack one, maybe it could be done, but the five strongholds were destroyed, and no one died... is this possible?


Even if they can destroy one stronghold, other strongholds must have received news, and if the super artifact can be used, they can go out and report the news.

However, within two years, no one sent it out...

The problem in this is huge!

Xiao Lang's complexion was solemn, and he felt like a mountain rain was about to come and the wind was all over the building, and the dark tide surged.

"The water in Origin Land is so deep?"

With clues, the information revealed by Master Nianhua and others, coupled with his own guesses, Xiao Lang's face was serious and his mind was gloomy.

Sun Wuji, is he also caught in this storm?

However, just as Xiao Lang was falling into his inner thoughts and unable to extricate himself from it, he suddenly felt his hot gaze fall on him, suddenly raised his head, and suddenly found that the sights of Master Nianhua and others were all cast over, with questions on his face. .

Xiao Lang's spirits shook, and he immediately understood the meaning of their silence.

"What did we say, should you tell me something?"

Disclosure is also a gesture of goodwill.

Xiao Lang believed that under this situation, if he didn't say anything, even if he wasn't attacked and killed by the four people, he would be pushed out.

But here comes the problem...

"You're all done, what did I say?"

Xiao Lang's knowledge of the original place is really too little. Compared with Master Nianhua and the others, it is completely insignificant. For a while, he really didn't know any useful information.

Xiao Lang shut up his mouth and clearly sensed that the eyes of Master Nianhua and others began to appear suspicious, and the pressure became heavier.

Xiao Lang helplessly shook his head.

Forget it.

Doubt, doubt it.

Anyway, I didn't intend to act with you.

However, just as Xiao Lang gave up speaking and was ready to find a reason to leave at any time, suddenly, his brow trembled, as if he had noticed something, and suddenly said:

"It's useless to guess so many."

"As for what happened in this original place, just ask someone to ask?"

Find someone?


Master Nianhua and others were taken aback when they heard the words.

I have to admit that Xiao Lang's method is indeed the best one, and it points directly to the source of the problem. But the key is--

Master Nianhua and the others immediately radiated spiritual thoughts, surveying the surroundings, and when the empty wilderness reflected in the bottom of my heart, the brows frowned deeper.

Where is anyone in this wilderness?

But at this moment--

"follow me."

Xiao Lang stepped out in one step and rose from the air, immediately stunned Master Nianhua and the others.

Xiao Lang, really found someone?


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