Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 642: Seven stars, eight stars?


Who is there?

The four Master Nianhua instinctively followed Xiao Lang and swept thousands of miles away in an instant, but their spiritual thoughts have spread thousands of miles away. "Looking at" the desolation and solitude around them, everyone saw the confusion in each other's eyes. And suspicious.

Then, these suspicions and confusion fell directly on Xiao Lang.

No trace to be found.

At least they didn't find any traces.

However, when they saw Xiao Lang standing tall and full of confidence, they couldn't help but start to doubt themselves again.

Is it because he and others are not so careful to inspect?

Ever since, they inspected it again.


Still no one!

Seeing that Xiao Lang still swept away in a certain direction with a certain expression on his face, the four masters of Nianhua were stunned and realized a possibility--

"Could it be that he is the strongest Venerable Seven Stars?!"

They guessed that the reason why Xiao Lang swept into the distance so confidently and said that he had found traces of other people was most likely because the scope of Xiao Lang's divine consciousness was far above them!

The four of them are the six-star strongest sages, so if Xiao Lang's divine consciousness surpasses them, it means that the latter's strength is also above them!

"Seven stars!"

Master Nianhua and the others followed Xiao Lang, glanced at each other imperceptibly, and saw each other's eyes with fear and surprise.

"Li Qi is the strongest of the Seven Stars... How could Tianfu Palace be so willing?"

Li Qi, an identity chosen by Liang Ping for Xiao Lang, has a trace among the disciples of the Tianfu Temple.

Master Nianhua and others had to be surprised.

Because although there are a lot of the strongest sages, there are definitely not many who reach the seven-star level!

The Seven Stars' strongest venerable one can compete against the immortal five heavenly monarchs. Such strong ones are also ranked high in the Lihuo Great World. They are precious enough!

If it is outside, there are not too many people who can kill him.

But it’s different in the place away from the origin of the Great World of Fire. The spiritual things here are much more cruel. Don’t talk about the Seven Stars in the early years. They are the strongest eight-stars who are only a short distance from the Venerable Heaven. !

Tianfu Palace, even willing to let such a strong person in?

Suddenly, their hearts moved.

"Could it be urgent?"

They are talking about the Tianfu Temple.

As the top leaders of the big wealthy families, they certainly know exactly what serious situation the Tianfu Palace is facing. The two passages of the Heavenly Demon Realm are locked, and even just thinking about this situation is enough to scare people!

Tianfu Palace sent Xiao Lang in, trying to get a chance?

Chance to preach?

Master Nianhua and the others fell into conjecture, and when they woke up again, they suddenly discovered that they had followed Xiao Lang for 500,000 miles, and Xiao Lang did not intend to stop!

Five hundred thousand miles!

This distance has long exceeded the limit they can perceive!

Even from the place where they started, it was already considered as the theoretical limit of the perception range of the Seven Stars' Strongest Venerable!

"Could it be..."

"He is not seven stars, but... eight stars?"

The hearts of Master Nianhua and others trembled, and they couldn't hide their horror, and their bodies trembled slightly. Even Jin Jiu, who had the coldest expression before, was a bit unable to suppress his facial expression at this time.

The strongest eight stars!

The legendary half-step heaven!

Is Li Qi a master at this level? !

Everyone can't help but feel the horror at the thought of the scene where they were hostile to each other before they waited, and almost triggered a big battle.

Seven-star Venerable Heavenly Dao is okay, the four of them can resist one or two together, at least there is no problem to escape, but if Xiao Lang is really the strongest Venerable Eight-star...

In an instant, the four of them probably didn't even know how they died!

"Eight stars?"

Master Nianhua and the others watched, Xiao Lang’s footsteps were moving towards the theoretical limit of the Seven-Star Strongest Venerable Spiritual Perception, and he was about to step into the Eight-Star Strongest Venerable, that is, the realm of the half-step Heavenly Dao level. At this moment, suddenly—

Xiao Lang stopped!

Suddenly stopped in the void, looked at a barren mountain in front of him, and smiled.


what happened?

Suddenly stopped?

Master Nianhua and the others were taken aback for a moment. They all raised their heads and looked towards Xiao Lang. When they found that Xiao Lang's gaze was directed at the barren mountain in front of him, he subconsciously probed, and this probe didn't matter--


Master Nianhua reacted immediately.

He found unusual traces!

Magic circle!

Someone actually hides here, making a method to cover up their breath and traces!

There are people!

People are found.

There is no doubt that this is good news.

But at this moment, Master Nianhua and others were totally unhappy.


Even, they couldn't help cursing in their hearts the man who hid his figure in the barren mountain.

"Where is it bad for you to hide, you have to hide here?!"

What they were speechless was that even at this moment, they still could not judge Xiao Lang's true combat power. Because the area where the barren mountain is located is still within the limit range of the Seven Stars' strongest Venerable Spirit's perception!

"Seven stars?"

"Or eight stars?"

They are curious, but they dare not ask at all.

"Oh shit!"

Master Nianhua was just feeling helpless and melancholy. Qi Fei was more than that. His anger started from his heart. Immediately, he vented the frustration in his heart directly on the person hiding in the barren mountain in front of him.


Qi Fei stepped out in one step, as if a **** descended, the coercion of the six-star strongest Venerable was not hidden, all revealed, violently pressed toward the barren mountain in front of him!

"Get out of labor and management!"

It's all to blame for the person hiding in the barren hills in front of him, destroying their curiosity, how can Qi Fei not be angry?

At this moment, his killing intent was violent, and when he had a big disagreement, he was going to kill him, destroying the entire barren mountain into an empty space.

at last--

"Don't don't!"

"Don't kill me, I will go with you, I will go with you!"

A panicked voice came, and at the same time, a thin figure swept out of the barren mountain, perhaps showing his sincerity, he didn't even dare to breathe out even the slightest breath, his face pale as paper.

Not the kind of bleak who was scared, but the bleak who was seriously injured!

Everyone, including Xiao Lang, can easily see that this person's state is not right, and even the foundation of the martial arts has been greatly damaged!


At least Xiao Lang didn't know this person.

Xiao Lang immediately turned his head to look at Master Nianhua and the others, only to see that they also frowned, their faces full of thought.

Don't even know?

Isn't he a member of the Bloody Flower Tower, the Buddha Kingdom without Phase, the Temple of War, and the Hall of Qiyun?

Nor is it Tianfu Palace!

Because Liang Ping once said that as long as he refines the token and enters the original place, once he encounters a person in his own Tianfu Temple, he will immediately feel it.

But at this moment, he clearly felt nothing.

While he was observing the changes in the expressions of Master Nianhua and others, Master Nianhua and others were also observing him. Of course Xiao Lang understood what it meant and shook his head lightly.


Master Nianhua narrowed his pupils slightly and stood up decisively.

"Who are you?"


Of course Xiao Zhan was extremely nervous at this time.



There is even more regret.

He regretted that he would hide in this barren mountain, and was discovered by others.

Thinking of that incident more than a year ago, he couldn't help being frightened, even scared of his courage. At this time, Xiao Lang and others came to the door. His first reaction was to expose himself. Facing Master Nianhua’s question, how could he hesitate?

He had to answer subconsciously.

But at this moment--

He found that because of the fear in his heart, he couldn't say a word!

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die!"

Xiao Zhan only felt his knees soft, and fell to his knees abruptly, his mind full of scenes of his tragic death. But this scene stunned Master Nianhua and others.

what's the situation?

So courageous?

I just asked and you fell down?

What about the dignity of being the strongest person of the five elements?


They could see that even though Xiao Zhan's martial arts foundation had been faintly traumatized, he was indeed the five-star strongest venerable, and this Master Nianhua and others could still tell.

An embarrassment appeared on Master Nianhua's face, and he hurriedly stepped forward and continued:

"Fellow Daoist is not surprised, Daoist Qi Fei is really anxious, but we have absolutely no malice."

"Lao Na's flowers come from the country of Buddha without phase, can you know Taoists?"


The master of flower-handling in the Buddha Kingdom without phase?

Xiao Zhan's body was noticeable. Obviously, he had heard the name of Master Nianhua.

Seeing this scene, Master Nianhua relaxed slightly.

It's easy!

Master Nianhua is still very confident in his reputation abroad. He has not been stained with blood throughout his life. It has really made him a lot of friends. He is very open in the whole world of Lihuo, and he is a little bit thin everywhere.

In his opinion, Xiao Zhan in front of him knew his identity, and he would definitely know everything.

But what he never expected was--

Xiao Zhan's body trembled suddenly, and he raised his head in astonishment, his face was full of shock and horror, and said:

"Master Nianhua?"

"Even you, obeyed them?"



Master Nianhua's expression froze.

What does it mean?

Although he didn't understand, he still felt a strong fear and fear from Xiao Zhan's words.

Old man, is it so scary?


Very embarrassing.

However, Master Nianhua quickly reacted and realized that Xiao Zhan should have misunderstood, and quickly explained:

"Friends of Taoism misunderstood."

"Lao Na just arrived not long ago today. Why was he instigated?"

"Do you have forgotten that fellow Taoist, today is the day when the tunnels of this origin place were opened?"

Xiao Zhan's face became stiff, with holes in his eyes:

"Yongdao, open...?"

Xiao Zhan's state is not right!

Not only Master Nianhua, Xiao Lang and others also noticed it. Just as they frowned, they saw Xiao Zhanru suddenly awakening to something, their eyes widened suddenly, revealing endless brilliance.

"You are new here?"


Before Master Nianhua could react, Xiao Zhan suddenly bounced from the ground, like a stream of light, lasing from the ground. The speed was astonishing. Where is the slightest injury?

Master Nianhua hasn't reacted yet, already--

Xiao Zhan directly hugged his thigh...


No assault.

No sneak attacks.

It just hugged the thigh.

Xiao Zhan burst into tears for an instant, crying loudly, and still yelling in his mouth:

"Master Nianhua, I finally waited for you!"

"Does the people outside know what is happening inside and come to save us?"

"It's hard for me to wait!"


Such a scene greatly exceeded the expectations of Xiao Lang and others, everyone was stunned.

What's happening here?



Could this happen to a five-star strongest person?

What about dignity?

If it were in other places, Xiao Lang and others would absolutely not believe that a person with the strongest five elements would have such a great emotional breakdown, but now—

Hearing the message revealed in Xiao Zhan's words, Xiao Lang and others' expressions immediately became serious.


These simple words are enough to make them expect the unknown.

What happened in the Land of Origins that would make Xiao Zhan say these two words?

For a while, everyone's eyes were solemn and their minds gloomy.

An ominous hunch steamed from each of them...


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