Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 651: I will fight him!

Who is behind the black man?

What happened between Sun Wuji and that person in the past?



Xiao Lang smelled the conspiracy, not against him, but Sun Wuji! This made him frown tightly, his expression solemn.

It is not only the conspiracy that may be hidden in the words between Sun Wuji and the other party, but also because--

The aura of the black man's coercion at this time!

Furious, ruthless, and cold!

Even if Xiao Lang hides in the cracks of space, surrounded by the power of space around him, but at this moment, he still feels tremendous pressure, and it gives him the feeling that he has returned to the Five Elements Continent, Zhong family ancestors and the Five Elements. The battle between the ancestors!

Of course, it is not that powerful, but it still should not be underestimated.

"Half a walk of heaven?"

"The Eight-Star Strongest Venerable?"

Xiao Lang knew that in this place away from the origin of the Great Fire World, there must be a super power, but he did not expect that he would meet him on the first day he came here.


Sun Wuji's state is very strange!

When he confirmed that the face hidden in the cyan glow belonged to Sun Wuji, Xiao Lang discovered this. Because before coming here, he had heard Liang Ping say more than once that Sun Wuji's soul lamp was getting weaker and weaker, and his condition was getting worse and worse.

But now, how could Sun Wuji look weak?

He is stronger than two years ago!

But strong weird!

The power of life and the power of divine soul continue to overflow, as if burning life. Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at the soul lamp belonging to Sun Wuji in the storage ring, only to see that it was still dim, and his mind was shocked.

What is the situation?

The aura and momentum released by Sun Wuji are so powerful, why is his soul lamp so dim, like a dying person?


Uneasy emotions spread in Xiao Lang's heart.

And at this moment, when Xiao Lang was still immersed in the confusion in his heart and unable to extricate himself from it, the battle on the top of the Yanshan Mountain broke out!


There is no more communication, just a collision of eyes——


The spear smashed into the air, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger!

Sun Wuji shot with one shot, and the wild coercion broke out completely, and the shot was like a cloud, straight through the sky!

One word--


From this shot, Xiao Lang clearly felt Sun Wuji's unparalleled determination.

have nothing to say.

This battle must be divided into one you die!


Facing this shot, the black-clothed man sneered, and the wind was blowing as his sleeves were waving. On the side, Xu Zuo, who had no time to react to all the sudden changes in front of him, only felt a huge force coming, and he had been swept away by the wind thousands of miles away.


"Your mission is complete, go get the reward."

"Here, just leave it to the old man."



The black-clothed man shook his palm and greeted Sun Wuji's fierce shot relentlessly. Above the void, there was a thunderous explosion, and his sleeves suddenly shattered, and a brilliant blue light shining through the world.

a knife!

The water jet is like a ripple!

The heavy rain was like a tide, and it fell instantly. Obviously, the shots of the two super powers were enough to cause a shock in the sky, and the clouds above their heads poured down like the sky!

The wind is like a wave, the water is like a tide!

Wind and rain are intertwined, and the world is blurred.

At least in Xu Zuo’s eyes, the wind and rain obscured the world, making him unable to see what was happening inside. He could only see two illusory figures colliding in it, lightning flashes, and violent roars, as in another world. !


Xu Zuo's body trembled!

The aftermath of these shocks was not something he could resist. He only felt the joints creaking and the body trembling, and there was a faint feeling of falling apart.

Not an illusion!

It is real!

At this moment, he finally recovered from the shock

Waking up, stunned again and again, without even thinking about it, he swept away directly.

Can't wait!

He dare not stay here for half a minute!

Too violent!

The world has lost its color, the storm is surging, and the innermost murderous intent is heinous.

"My task...I'm done now?"

Xu Zuo, who had fled far away, was still in a daze.

What he didn't know was that, at the same time, just a few million miles away, three blood-robed men standing in front of the altar in the former stronghold of the Ming Dynasty were looking over here.

It is Xu Jianyang's trio.

Xu Jianyang was the first of the three, as if he was the first to perceive something, the corner of his mouth raised a smile with a win-winner.

"it has started."

There seems to be a slight gap between Feng Gu and Feng Jude and Xu Jianyang. They did not perceive anything. They were awakened by the words, and their spirits shrank suddenly. They looked at Xu Jianyang and said in disbelief:

"Brother, did you perceive it?"

"That guy still has eight-star combat power?"

In Xu Zuo's view, Feng Gu, Feng Jude, and Xu Jianyang seem to be equal, but in fact, no one knows that Feng Gu and Feng Jude are just followers of Xu Jianyang.

Similarly, no one knows better than them how terrifying Xu Jianyang's strength is?

The six-star strongest venerable peak?

That was Xu Jianyang's cultivation realm when he first entered this place more than thirty years ago, and at that time he had not yet met the high priest. As for now--

Even Feng Gu and Feng Jude can only use four words to evaluate Xu Jianyang——


But they knew that even with Xu Jianyang's martial arts cultivation skills, it was impossible to perceive things that were close to ten thousand miles away. The reason why he had discovered something was definitely because he had sensed the fluctuations in battle that came from ten thousand miles away.

The battle of Yanshan has begun!

And this also means--

Sun Wuji, there is still the power to fight!

Xu Jianyang heard the words, and a flash of recollection flashed in his eyes. It seemed that two years ago, when he swept the 18th stronghold by the order of the high priest, the steel gun in his hand stood standing between the heavens and the earth. A trace of admiration flashed through his eyes.

"Why are you an ordinary person who is strong enough to be recognized by this world?"

"Not only is he not dead, he is stronger."


Feng Gu's breathing was stagnant, and their pupils shrank slightly.

They followed Xu Jianyang back then, and of course they had also experienced the battle to clean up. Sun Wuji swept through all the strong figures with a single shot, and it was always imprinted in their minds, and they still cannot forget it.

"Then this battle..."

At this time, when they heard that Sun Wuji had become stronger, they panicked inexplicably, and even the words began to tremble.

Xu Jianyang smiled slightly, turned his head and glanced at the two of them, his eyes cold:

"What are you afraid of, it's just a waste person."

"What about stronger? As long as this battle begins, he will die."

Xu Jianyang's voice was calm. Feng Gu and Feng Gu were taken aback when they heard the words. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Sun Wuji, dying?

Where did Xu Jianyang's confidence come from?

"Big Brother..."

Xu Jianyang obviously didn't want to explain more, but when he saw the expectation in their eyes, he couldn't help sighing and continued:

"Wait to meet the younger brother."

"Since there is a third party following him, this trip must be worry-free."


When Feng Gu heard these two words, their eyes suddenly shook, and they were inexplicably horrified. They finally understood where Xu Jianyang's confidence came from.

Xu Jianyang even let the third follow Xu Zuo!

The battle is indeed stable.


When they thought of the meaning behind the word "third", the two of them couldn't help but change their expressions, their eyes looking at Xu Jianyang were even more surprised and even a little gaffe.


Isn't he a high priest? How could he be pointed out by Xu Jianyang?

Could it be...

Feng Gu had speculation in their hearts, and they set off a stormy sea, only to feel cold behind them. At this moment, Xu Jianyang seemed to

Hearing the voices in their hearts, the pitch-black eyes cast, freezing like a shuttle:

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask more."

"As long as you follow me honestly, I will definitely give you a satisfactory return."

"Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing!"

Xu Jianyang's voice was not high, but when it fell to Feng Gu's ears, it was like thunder and set off a raging wave. Hearing the warnings and warnings in Xu Jianyang's voice clearly, the two of them never dared to look at the latter again. They hurriedly bowed their heads, fearing:

"yes, Sir!"

Between the lines, an undercurrent looming.

Xu Jianyang seemed to be very satisfied with the attitude of the two of them. He smiled coldly, turned his head again, and looked into the distance. He seemed to see the void **** from thousands of miles away, and his smile was about to bloom. Suddenly, his eyes condensed suddenly, as if he had sensed something. Same, there was a little more confusion in the eyes.

"The third wave?"

"Why is there a third wave? Who shot it?"


Xu Jianyang waved his big hand, and a map was clearly displayed in front of him. When he focused on the location of the Yanshan marked on it, and counted the light spots gathered there, Xu Jianyang's expression suddenly became serious.

one extra!

In addition to the people he sent and Sun Wuji, there was another spot of light near Yanshan!

And, he also shot!

The tremor caused by the heavens and the earth even spread to here, thousands of miles away!


Xu Jianyang's complexion was solemn, staring at the extra light spot, his expression solemn and iron-green, an ominous premonition suddenly rose from his heart, feeling something wrong.

What's wrong with the plan?


In fact, his plan is totally fine.

Send people to find and kill them lurking.

Xu Jianyang did everything he could, and the plan was perfect. However, what he never expected was that he wouldn't be able to think of other people. In the original place, besides him, there is another person looking for Sun Wuji——


No one else, it is Xiao Lang!

Xiao Lang, let's go!


Time was pulled back to a few dozen interest.

Just when Xu Jianyang confidently said that Sun Wuji must die regardless of the outcome of this battle, Xiao Lang was hiding in the cracks in the space, and he also discovered the vision of Sun Wuji.


The sky and the earth roared, the wind and rain were steaming, and even Xu Zuo could not see through the confrontation between the two superpowers, but of course it could not stop Xiao Lang's exploration.

You know, Xiao Lang's current psychic perception ability has reached the eighth heaven level of Immortality!

Not the strongest venerable of the Eight Stars, but the Eighth Heaven of Immortality!

In Xu Zuo's eyes, the wind, rain, and fog of the moat seemed to be nothing to Xiao Lang. Ever since, he clearly saw the fierce collisions between Sun Wuji and the black man, and he also saw--


With every collision, Sun Wuji must have a blood mist sprayed out, before it is scattered, he has been drawn into the void by the wind and rain, and it is broken into invisible.

However, Sun Wuji's momentum has not weakened, on the contrary, he has become stronger and stronger.

More and more courageous?

What Xiao Lang saw was not this.

With the power of life and death, Xiao Lang's insight into life and death is stronger than anyone else. He can clearly sense that although Sun Wuji has not weakened his combat power for some reason, his vitality is crazy. Burning like weeds, behind the fierceness, there is endless vanity!



At this moment, Xiao Lang finally awakened from the full of suspicion, no matter how difficult it was to watch from the wall, he stepped out of the crack in the space with one step, the thunder light rolled, covered in gray mist, and he fisted at the black man with a thunderous sound:

"Master, retire!"

"I will fight him!"


With a violent blow, the space was smashed into the battlefield, and at the same time Sun Wuji and the man in black were alarmed, but when they saw Xiao Lang, their expressions were completely different.

Sun Wuji was stunned.

this is……

Xiao Lang?


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