Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 652: Take control!

Xiao Lang did not change his appearance. Sun Wuji captured his existence at the moment he emerged from the crack in space.

I didn't dare to recognize each other, but not only because of his appearance, but also because of the fighting power that Xiao Lang broke out at this time!


Violent coercion blooms!

Sixth Heaven of Immortality!

Comparable to the aura of the strongest venerable eight stars!

This is a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable level!

Xiao Lang, when was this strong?

Even in the midst of a big battle, Sun Wuji couldn't help but feel a turmoil in his heart at this moment, making it difficult to keep his mind. Just because the reality in front of him was so unexpected to him, he was dumbfounded.

Xiao Lang is here!

Moreover, his martial arts aura has reached the sixth heaven level of Immortality!

What happened in the past two years?

Sun Wuji, dumbfounded!

For the cultivator, what happened two years ago is as clear as it happened yesterday. He still remembers that when Xiao Lang walked out of the ancient proverb star ruins, Xiao Lang at that time was just as good as reaching the epoch level. It's just fighting power.


From then on, he no longer knew a little bit of Xiao Lang's information.

When Xiao Lang suddenly disappeared with Huang and others, he naturally searched for a long time, nearly three months

From the bottom of his heart, of course he hoped to continue searching, because he had a hunch that Xiao Lang was definitely not dead. However, the battle facing Tianfu Palace left him lacking in skills.

In the end, he chose the overall situation as the most important--

Into the origin!

Xiao Lang's guess was correct. He really wanted to achieve the position of Venerable Heavenly Dao in the original land as quickly as possible. Even if he knew it, the possibility was remote.

But no way.

This is the end of the matter, and the celestial devil world has established the tunnel in front of its own door. What if you don't fight for it?

After that, he also cut off Xiao Lang's news, completely unaware that Xiao Lang had already demonstrated the strength to crush the two-star's strongest venerable when Red Yan star rescued Ning Fu'er and the others.

Of course, even if he knows it, I am afraid that there will be no less surprises and shocks now.

How big is the distance between the strongest two-star Venerable and the Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Dao? He is also the number of paths the Venerable Heavenly Dao walked. How can I know?

Back then, when he decided to embark on this road of martial art, merge the Dao, and become the strongest venerable two-star...

"That was tens of thousands of years ago, right?"

A trace of confusion flashed through Sun Wuji's eyes.

In tens of thousands of years, he went from the two-star strongest to the five-star strongest peak. In the past two years, due to special opportunities, his realm and combat power have been advancing by leaps and bounds, but this opportunity is not a good opportunity. It's better to say it's a last resort.

But Xiao Lang--

"Two years?"

Thinking of his own hardships over the years, Sun Wuji's heart vibrated even more, and the corners of his mouth became more bitter.

It's so maddening!

Nothing compares.

Without Xiao Lang's words, Sun Wuji could also guess that Xiao Lang's disappearance for such a long time would definitely have countless opportunities, otherwise he would not have improved so much.

However, these are things to follow.

The most important thing now is the battle in front of you!


Seeing Xiao Lang's disagreement, he slammed directly at the man in black. Sun Wuji was shocked and finally woke up, suppressing the shock in his heart, and quickly reminded:

"Disciple, be careful!"

"He is the third demon puppet under the high priest's sect, and his strength has reached the level of a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable. You must..."

However, before he could fully say his words, a scene that shocked him even more appeared——


Break the sky with one punch!

Xiao Lang rushed into the sky like a thunder, leaped into the air, blasted out a punch, and slammed it down on the long knife that was instinctively blocked by the so-called third demon puppet.


The fist and knife collided, and there was a roar of gold and stone!

Sun Wuji was amazed to see that the third demon puppet that had been in the upper hand in the fight against him just now was like being hit by a fierce mountain. The whole person flew upside down in an instant, and the chest collapsed and the blood mist sprayed!

A face-to-face!

The third magic puppet was defeated?

Even if Sun Wuji was on the sidelines and saw clearly that Xiao Lang's punch did have a sneak attack factor in it, but the power of his punch still shocked him.


Especially when he saw that Xiao Lang's fist and face were undamaged and his energy flowed, Sun Wuji couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Indestructible Sixth Heaven?

Xiao Lang was able to smash the third demon puppet with one fist, and he was still unscathed. There is no doubt that his physical strength has definitely reached the level of the sixth heavenly immortal body!

"How did you do it?"

Sun Wuji was shocked again.

You know, the physical strength is not like the martial art realm. In the case of coincidence, a martial artist's martial arts cultivation base can indeed advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, reaching a heinous increase.

But the physical body is different, it needs years of tempering.

Therefore, Sun Wuji was confused.

Of course he could not have thought that Xiao Lang had a body-tempering artifact called the Tiantian Coffin. The body-tempering speed was almost a thousand times stronger than that of ordinary people. It contained the power of the heavenly life, and there was no need to worry about the body being overloaded. It could be within two years. Reaching the sixth level of the immortal body is naturally not difficult.

But it was only for a moment, and Sun Wuji's eyes widened suddenly, excited and unbearable, killing intently.

"Disciple, kill him!"

"I'll help you!"


As Sun Wuji said, his aura was shaking, and he was about to explode again, and together with Xiao Lang, he would take down the third demon puppet. This time, he seemed to be even more unreserved, the power of life and the power of souls rushed, the hurricane swept, and the spear burst out with a breathtaking divine light.

Two to one!

There is nothing to worry about in the battle of life and death.

Xiao Lang's brows trembled.

Sun Wuji still wants to make a move?

Isn't this looking for death?

Although he didn't know what happened to Sun Wuji, which made his combat power soar in the past two years, but the latter's life force, the power of the soul, the crazy escape, made him feel awe-inspiring and difficult. rest assured.

Can't continue!

If you continue, Sun Wuji might die!

"You keep resting and let me come!"

"He is not my opponent!"


The colorful rays of light descended and formed a cage, which firmly sealed Sun Wuji.

Five Elements Town Prison!

Sun Wuji was shocked. He never expected that Xiao Lang would actually take action against himself, but when he sensed the rich vitality and soul essence contained in it, his spirits shrank and he immediately understood Xiao Lang's mind.

Xiao Lang is helping him!

But, with Xiao Lang's combat power, is it really possible to fight alone?

As if to prove himself.


Xiao Lang twisted his waist and walked through the cracks in the space. He approached the third demon puppet in an instant, and slapped him with a palm. The gray fog passed through the wind and rain, and fell on the long knife that the latter instinctively set up.


The third magic puppet vomits blood again!

Sun Wuji's pupils shone brightly.

There is a play!


Xiao Lang arrived, and although he had only made two shots, he had already demonstrated the fierce strength to control the entire battle!

Although Sun Wuji couldn’t see how Xiao Lang did it, he could crush an Eight-Star Strongest Venerable head-on, but seeing all this in front of him, he couldn’t help letting his heart go, his mouth lifted up and he smiled with relief. , Never refuse Xiao Lang's kindness anymore.

If you are a disciple, what can your husband want?

"Good apprentice!"

"Don't kill him, lest he jump the wall in a hurry. When I recover, I will kill him with you!"

Sun Wuji didn't hesitate any more. He swept down the battlefield and settled on the top of the Yanshan Mountain, which had long since disappeared. Sitting cross-legged, he frantically swallowed the life force and soul essence in the Five Elements Prison, replenishing his power.

Fighting violently.

Sun Wuji was not too far away from the battlefield, and even still wrapped in wind and rain, the danger was still there. But seeing this scene, Xiao Lang's expression was obviously lighter.



He has absolute confidence in his five-element prison, as long as the third demon puppet is not attacked and killed directly, he will never break through the guardian of the five-element prison.

And he is on the battlefield, does the third demon puppet have a chance to threaten Sun Wuji?

Absolutely not!


Fist shadow breaks the sky!

The power of the reincarnation heaven lingers around the body, the power of the life inside roars, the power of death and life in the fist is violent and ruthless, destroying everything!

Xiao Lang is now crushing people with force!

Hit the whole time!

The power of the Heavenly Dao is far more powerful than the power of the Great Dao. Even if the Third Demon Golem has already merged with the eight water-system avenues and is violent, but with the power of the Reincarnation Heavenly Dao, Xiao Lang doesn't care about the wind and rain that swept through.

Reincarnation comes to the world, washes all laws!

It was precisely by controlling the space that Xiao Lang reached the sixth level of the immortal body's physical strength and keen soul perception to fight, and he did not even use the power of the great spirit body.

No need!

That's enough!

Bang bang bang!

Fast speed, strong body, sufficient strength, high realm!

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, the third demon puppet has almost invincible existence, but in front of Xiao Lang, all aspects of him are being crushed!

The crazy shadow of the boxing fist attacked the third demon puppet like a violent storm, most of which, the latter could still rely on superb swordsmanship to block it, but the part that could not be blocked had caused him brutal trauma!

Splash of magic blood!

At this time, the third demon puppet, where is the previous rage?

He was like a fighting beast trapped in a cage, trapped in the shadow of Xiao Langtiantian's fist, unable to break free. From Xiao Lang's first punch, the horror and astonishment on his face has never diminished.


iron plate!

"Sun Wuji, there are such apprentices?"

"Who is he?"

"When did you come here?"

"Why did the master never remind me?"

The heart of the third puppet was in chaos.

The strength that Xiao Lang showed was too strong, making it difficult for him to resist. Hearing Sun Wuji's exhortation to Xiao Lang before he rested, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Does Sun Wuji really need to take action?

I am afraid that before he wakes up, he has already died tragically under Xiao Lang's iron fist!


He felt the icy cold of death!

Under Xiao Lang's lightning-like speed, he could hardly even think of fleeing.

too strong!

Crushed to death!

"I'm dying?"

If it is an ordinary person, facing this situation, I am afraid that he would have been frightened and rushed to give up his dignity and plead for life.

As long as we can live, what is dignity?

But the third golem is different.

Feeling the breath of death from Xiao Lang's fists and feet, what he thought of for the first time turned out to be--

His mission!

The task Xu Jianyang gave him!

"He is not dead!"

The third demon puppet flew upside down, vomiting blood in his mouth with a punch by Xiao Lang, but there was no pain on his face, and he didn't even glance at Xiao Lang. With blood-red eyes, he stared at Yanshan. Sun Wuji sitting cross-legged at the top!

Not bad.

Sun Wuji is the purpose of his trip!

This task is like a brand, deep in his heart, even more important than life and death!

The fact is also true.

Because he knew that if Sun Wuji were still alive, it would pose a big threat to his supreme master!

"Do not!"

"He must die!"

"That thing must not stay on him!"

A touch of cruelty enough to make Xiao Lang feel heart palpitations emerged from the eyes of the third demon puppet, red as blood. At this moment, he seemed to have made a certain decision. While flying backwards, even Xiao Lang who was chasing by the wind did not It was discovered that the palm of his hand hidden in the black robe was lit up with a dark and red intertwined blood...


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