Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 678: Intensified!

Old Man Aoki was stunned, and looked suspiciously at Jin Gu.

Because what Jin Jiu did at this time was completely different from the person he had imagined.

The person he thought was a famous killer and decisive, and it was not even appropriate to describe him as killing at a word. It should be said that his killing was done entirely by heart.

But Jin Jiu now...

He was obviously angry just now, but he didn't get angry?

In a daze, Old Man Aoki heard Jin Gu's confession:

"Then why are you?"

Jin Jiu's bluntness was not great, it was just obvious coldness, but it was also strange. When he heard his question, Ding Wuliang, a person who has never known what the rules are, unexpectedly shrank, and subconsciously answered:

"Of course I thought we were stronger."

After answering, Ding Wuliang realized the strangeness he was just now, and a wicked light flashed under his eyes, and he shot at Jin Jiu, squinting his eyes, as if he wanted to see what evil methods Jin Jiu had just used.

But before he can find out, Jin Jiu chuckles disdainfully:

"Then you are even less qualified to carry the Profound Sky Token."

"Although Li Qi's strength is not too strong, but somehow he also killed the high priest's avatar, what can you do?"


As soon as Jin Jiu said this, let alone Ding Wuliang and the others, even Yan De and the others who stood aside watching the excitement were suddenly startled, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Li Qi...

Kill the high priest Tiandao clone? !

Is this true?

The crowd was in a commotion, and everyone looked shocked.


The news was so terrible that they were in shock and had not woken up for a long time.

Li Qi, has killed the Heavenly Dao clone of the high priest?


Wasn't he just entering the world a few days ago, how could he have such a powerful combat power?

The message is wrong?

Li Qi is not the strongest Venerable Six-Star, but Venerable Heaven? !

Do not!


According to the rules of the land of origin, it is impossible for Venerable Heaven to enter. This heaven and earth repels Venerable Heavenly Dao extremely strongly, just like the monarch of the immortal realm.

Even the high priest has been incognito here for decades, and I don't know how many powerful people have been secretly controlled, and with the help of the demon seed, he has stepped onto the level of the heavenly master in one fell swoop.

Only a few days after Xiao Lang came in, has he become Venerable Heaven?

As for?

If he was a half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse before, and was only one line short of Heavenly Dao Venerable, would he need to take such a big risk to enter the Origin?

You know, the place of origin is not a place of peace, and even the danger here is far more than some recognized dangerous places in Lihuo Great World!


Everyone was shocked, their brains swiftly worked, trying their best to digest the news. Suddenly, Ding Wuliang's eyes flashed sharply, as if he had suddenly thought of something, his expression was excited, and he almost jumped from the ground.


"you are lying!"

"Hahaha, if you want to lie, you must find a good reason. It is really funny to make up such a lame lie."

"How could he be the Venerable Heavenly Dao! If he was promoted to the level of the Heavenly Dao, how could we, including this world, not even have the slightest feeling!"

Ding Wuliang laughed loudly, as if he had discovered a big secret, his face was full of arrogance and madness. This posture is indeed unpleasant, but when he heard his analysis, everyone around couldn't help but frown, and their eyes on Jin Jiu were full of suspicion.


Ding Wuliang was right.

The birth of a Heavenly Dao Venerable, heaven and earth must have a vision, not only in this world, even in the great world of Lihuo, the birth of a Heavenly Dao Venerable cannot be so unknown.

This shows that Li Qi is not the Lord of Heaven at all!

However, in the face of everyone's suspicion, Jin Jiu's face did not show the slightest embarrassment that a lie was exposed, raised his eyebrows and sneered, looked at the smug Ding Wuliang mockingly, and smiled.

"Your ear heard me say that Li Qi is the Venerable Heaven?"

Ding Wuliang was taken aback, and subconsciously refuted:

"You said it."

"You just said that Li Qi killed the Heavenly Dao clone of the high priest, that's not..."

Ding Wuliang said in a word, but before he could finish a sentence, he was stunned again, as if he realized something, his complexion changed drastically, his mouth grew and bigger, his face was full of shock, almost aphasia.

"No... impossible!"

"He is not the Venerable Heavenly Dao, how can he kill the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone? This is not common sense!"


In an instant, the crowd boiled!

They faintly guessed this even when Jin Jiu made a mockery, but when Ding Wuliang said the only thing that made sense, the whole crowd burst in an instant.

Li Qi, not Venerable Heavenly Dao, but killed the Venerable Heavenly Dao clone of the high priest!

Is this possible?

Even if they are in the 18th giants, they are considered to be worthy figures, but when these messages came into their minds, their first reaction was the same as Ding Wuliang—


That is the clone of Venerable Heaven!

Even if it's just a clone, how can it be comparable to a powerhouse at the half-step Heavenly Dao level?

This made them unable to help but think of the battle more than two years ago. After decades of precipitation and planning, the high priest was finally promoted to become the Venerable Heavenly Dao. World War I!

It was also that battle that let them know firsthand how powerful a Heavenly Dao Venerable is.

Moreover, the high priest defeated them at the same time!

He condensed three avatars, divided his troops into three groups, and launched a surprise attack on the stronghold of the eighteenth!

That battle changed the world!

Countless strong people shot.

In their opinion, even if they are not the true Venerable Heavenly Dao, but as an absolute leader among the Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, facing the avatar of the Heavenly Dao, they still have the hope of escape.

What's more, they are not fighting alone.

However, when the Heavenly Dao clone of the High Priest really came, they realized how outrageous they were.

World War I.

Extremely miserable!

They were the survivors of that battle, but they did not think that this was because of their strength. On the contrary, each of them knew that this was because their fellow sect and comrades sacrificed their lives. Only then did I create the possibility of escape from birth.

Their life was completely recovered!

From that day on, the battle began, the power of the high priest, as the Venerable Heavenly Dao, was like a brand, deeply imprinted in their hearts, and could no longer be erased, and could not be forgotten!

Venerable Tiandao, too strong!

Even just a clone is enough to kill all the people in one of their strongholds!

This is also the main reason why they have been fleeing and avoiding these years, and they did not dare to return to the stronghold to seek revenge against the high priest.

In addition, these years, whether it is reality or legend, they have revealed a concept to them——

Venerable Tiandao, almost invincible!

If you have not reached the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, even the clone of Venerable Heavenly Dao will not be able to beat him!

But now--

Li Qi did it?

He actually killed the high priest's avatar in the realm of Venerable Heavenly Dao in half a step? !


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ding Wuliang also forgot to find the fault, and Old Man Qingmu also forgot to look for the figure that existed in the legend from Jin Jiu's body.

Everyone was shocked by the news that Jin Gu confided at this time.

For a long while...


Ding Wuliang finally woke up, still seeming to be unbelievable, subconsciously questioning. But what greeted him was Jin Jiu's more and more cold irony:

"Such an opportunity was once in front of you, but it's a pity that you are all **** and can't catch it. Now that someone has done it, you choose not to believe it?"

"It's okay, just ask the Profound Master Heaven. The Profound Master Heaven was by the side at the time, and he can prove the authenticity of all this."

Even witnesses!

And he is still the Profound Master of Heaven!

Ding Wuliang shivered suddenly, his face pale. He suddenly discovered that even if he wanted to question again, he didn't seem to find any tricky angles.

This is a fact!

A fact that is almost irrefutable!

What else can I do?

Could it be that Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu really have to control this matter?

Xiao Lang, or Li Qi, definitely has this qualification!

After realizing that what Jin Jiu said was an unquestionable fact, the crowd rioted, but this time, what floated on their faces was no longer doubting, but conviction and approval.

Since Xiao Lang really had this strength, of course he was qualified to lead them and choose the entire team. Even Ding Wuliang subconsciously thought so.

However, when he looked up blankly and saw Jin Jiu's eyes full of disdain, his mind suddenly trembled. If he thought of something, his face suddenly turned pale, and he roared:

"Do not!"

"Who said that the strongest is qualified to select a team?"

"We are not his servants! Since this matter determines the fate of each of us, then we must decide on the candidates and quotas!"

Ding Wuliang let out a loud roar and awakened everyone present. Everyone looked at him in surprise, not knowing what he was suddenly mad at the whole time.

However, what they didn't expect was that the next moment--


"Brother Ding is right. Of course, we have to choose our own destiny!"

Behind Ding Wuliang, Hou Tao, Liu He, and Ran Bin suddenly agreed.

Not only that!

Everyone was stunned to find that even Luo Zifei, Qin Yi and others, who regarded them as the leaders of their own wealthy families, showed some hesitation in their eyes, and it seemed difficult to choose.

what's the situation?

The strong is respected, isn't this an axiom in the cultivation world?

Since Li Qi has the strength to kill the high priest's avatar, isn't he the most suitable controller?

What are you still hesitating?

Some people were at a loss, and some people with sensitive minds turned a little serious, and faintly smelled the surging waves of wind and rain.

In front of Jin Jiu.

Of course Aoki is a wise man. When Ding Wuliang suddenly roared and said such high-sounding words, he guessed what Ding Wuliang was thinking in his heart. At the same time, his complexion was cold, his body couldn't help tightening.

Because he knew what Luo Zifei and others were hesitating, what it meant to him and Jin Jiu.

Jin Nine's point of understanding Xiao Lang's combat power did not make the whole situation easier to control, on the contrary, it was even more dangerous!

Are you really going to fight?

Aoki is ready to fight.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about Jin Jiu's hidden identity. Even if Jin Jiu's identity is pure and not what he thinks, the orders of the Blood Flower Tower make it impossible for him to just ignore the matter and watch. Jin Jiu died.

But at this moment, when Aoki's heart was absolutely unrelenting, almost determined to die, he wanted to preemptively, suddenly--


A colorful ribbon descended from the sky, dazzling, covering the audience!

The old man Aoki was taken aback for a moment, surprised.

Someone actually shot before him? !


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