Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 679: Shock the heroes!

The real trouble is coming!

When Qing Mu heard Ding Wuliang’s excited voice, he realized that things were no longer so simple, especially when he saw that Luo Zifei and others in Penglai Wonderland also had a tendency to move intentionally. It seemed that Ding Wuliang had moved his heart, and he couldn't help his spirit. Shocked, subconsciously mobilized all his powers, ready to fight.

Because he can accurately guess the thoughts of Ding Wuliang and others--

Jin Jiu exposed Li Qi (Xiao Lang)'s combat power. Instead of suppressing these people in front of him, it made their sense of crisis stronger!

An existence that can defeat the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone!

Is this kind of existence really something they can resist personally?

Certainly not!

Ding Wuliang also realized in an instant that if Xiao Lang Jinjiu still controls the right to select the team, as the person who first proposed to let Xiao Lang hand over the Profound Sky Order, he was very likely to be excluded from the team that entered the land of inheritance. outer!

So he panicked!

It is absolutely impossible for him to let this happen!

Not only himself, after he reminded him, the four evil sects thought of this, and immediately proposed seconding.

As for the tendency of Luo Zifei and others to move intentionally, the reason is similar.

I am afraid that none of them can limit Xiao Lang's combat power. Therefore, in their view, they are powerless to break the rule that once they enter the land of inheritance, they cannot shoot or take anything.

Who wants to obey such constraints?

No one wants!

People are greedy.

Even now it seems that the situation is quite unbearable for them. Even leaving here and returning to the world of Lihuo has become a big problem. They are still thinking about coveting more...

Thus, the trend was triggered.

The contradiction is clear, and stronger than before, there is a feeling of tension!


Elder Aoki couldn't analyze more for a while, and instinctively prepared for the battle. However, at this moment, when he was still focusing all his attention on Ding Wuliang, Luo Zifei and others, he did not see that in a courtyard not far away, at some point, a teenager came out. .

Between raising your hands and waving, the colorful brilliance pervades, covering the void!

At this time, the veteran Qingmu suddenly discovered that someone had actually attacked Ding Wuliang and others!


One shot, it even covered the entire crowd!

This person is--

Li Qi?

Not bad.

It is Xiao Lang!

Li Qi is just a name that Liang Ping rearranged for him to enter this place. After all, his original name was too sensitive. As early as when there was noise outside, Xiao Lang noticed the movement outside and observed the successive developments of the situation, especially when Ding Wuliang stood on the commanding heights of "morality and destiny" just now, loudly preaching and bewitching the Profound Order When he belonged, Xiao Lang realized that he had to stand up.

The situation seems to be out of control soon.

At this time, if he does not stand up, Jin Jiu is likely to be in danger!

After all, this order of magnitude is not a joke, for more than a hundred and a half steps, Venerable Heavenly Path!


Five Elements Town Prison!

A huge mighty force that could not even be ignored by the Venerable Heavenly Dao for half a step suddenly came. In an instant, the crowd rioted, and the power of various fusion avenues rose to the sky. Wanting to contend with this huge force, he looked at Xiao Lang in surprise. Direction, saw him.

"Li Qi!"

Like Old Man Qingmu, they guessed Xiao Lang's identity in an instant, and they were even more surprised. They never expected Xiao Lang to be so decisive and decisive.

This is their home court!

At least, from just now until now, it has been their group of people dominating the situation. Jin Jiu and others have been at a disadvantage. At this moment, Xiao Lang did not hesitate to choose to shoot against them. What is this? of

Decisive and domineering?

However, to different people, the significance of Xiao Lang's hands-on at this time is completely different.

Just when most people were still horrified by Xiao Lang's strength and strength--

"Dare the thief!"

Ding Wuliang's eyes lit up in an instant, bursting with fiery spirits, as if he had seen some hope, in an instant, a violent and breathtaking might erupted from his body!


The billowing flames soared into the sky, like turbulent waves, wanting to sweep the world and burn all things, the power of the six fire system avenues will be integrated, bursting out a strong momentum, violent and terrible!

From him, everyone felt an extremely dangerous aura!


Ding Wuliang exposed his murderous intent, his murderous intent against Xiao Lang!

He wanted to kill Xiao Lang and seize the Profound Sky Order!

And, he is not alone!

At the same time, as in the tacit understanding of so many years of intercourse, behind him, Hou Tao, Liu He, and Ran Bin chose to burst out almost at the same time. Although the four are not one, at this moment, their auras are connected and magnificent. , The crowd behind them immediately became agitated, and their faces changed suddenly.

The war is about to start!


"It's stupid!"

Everyone's heart is full of evaluation, but this evaluation is not directed at Ding Wuliang, but at Xiao Lang. In their opinion, Xiao Lang's choice to stand up at this time is really stupid.

If he does not stand up now, even if Jin Jiu and others are dead, as long as he still holds the Profound Sky Order, then he still has the greatest right to speak and can determine the fate of everyone.

But now, he showed up.

This also means that he lost his advantage.

What's more, people's hearts are turbulent now. Those who want to make a move but have not made a move are not only Ding Wuliang four. I don't know how many people have other thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, although in their opinion, Xiao Lang's choice to stand up at this time was a stupid choice, but for them, the stupidity of the opponent is not their best opportunity?


With the momentum of Ding Wuliang's four spirits, more people in the crowd also aroused the power of fusion in the body. They wanted to take action at the right opportunity to make the whole situation more chaotic and easier to fish in troubled waters.

But at this moment, a scene that shocked them happened—


Clear, clear, and simple.

Just an ordinary word rang in their ears, everyone in the crowd only felt the colorful light lingering around them trembling slightly, and the sense of oppression suddenly increased fivefold!


The sense of oppression brought by the Five Elements Prison was originally huge, but it suddenly increased by 50%, making them even more terrifying, making them, who are not good at physical tempering, feel even more pressured.

However, what makes them feel terrible is still behind——


They saw that in the center where the colorful brilliance was the strongest and most concentrated, where Ding Wuliang and Hou Tao were standing, when Xiao Lang whispered softly, Ding Wuliang's face suddenly turned pale, and their bodies trembled. , At this moment, they seemed to sacrifice their whole body power, but as a result—


The four people knelt on their knees almost at the same time, and their knees fell into the ground!


It was just suppression, and the four of them fell like this!

You know, even among the Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Dao, they are absolutely outstanding. They have a profound foundation and can be compared to the Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Dao. Even some of them have already realized the seventh. Kind of avenues, but they have not yet integrated all of them, and it is only half a step away from the real Venerable Heavenly Dao.

But even so--

"They... are not Li Qi's enemies?"



Scared silly.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their mouths grew wide, and they couldn't believe what was in front of them. They were dumbfounded. Even Luo Zifei and the others couldn't help shaking their bodies.

Although they are arrogant, they don't think that they can be much better than Hou Tao and others, but even so——

They were completely confused.

At this moment, who still dare to have the courage to shoot again?

One move to suppress!

And is suppressed out of thin air!

Li Qi, is it really so strong?

Xiao Lang is indeed not a **** of heaven. They can clearly sense this. Although the power of the five elements is violent, there is no will of heaven.

But even this is enough to make them feel throbbing.

They originally thought that Xiao Lang would be able to defeat the High Priest’s Heavenly Dao clone. There must be some strength, but there must be the blessing of luck and other opportunities. After all, the experience of the cultivation world lies here. Kill a true Venerable Heaven, right?

But now, they finally questioned the idea deeply imprinted in experience.

Is it true that Venerable Heavenly Dao can't defeat Venerable Heavenly Dao in half a step?

It seems that this truth has changed in Xiao Lang's body...


Ding Wuliang has been evil all his life. How can he be the kind of person who is willing to bow his head easily? I saw his face flushed and his eyes were full of humiliation and cruelty. Opportunity?

"Who else is not convinced?"

As always simple, clear, and...


As soon as this word came into their ears, everyone present immediately trembled, and the eyes looking at Xiao Lang were filled with awe involuntarily.

Respect the strong!

This is the axiom of the cultivation world, and no one can disobey it.

Especially, at this time Xiao Lang unexpectedly showed the ability to kill Ding Wuliang and wait for the four people in an instant. At this time, what did they dare to jump out and say?

But at this moment, obviously, someone has not given up yet—

"Luo Zifei!"

"What are you hesitating about!"

"He is now at the end of the captivity. This is his limit. Do you really think he can compete with all of us?"

"Kill him! This is the best chance!"

Ding Wuliang roared hoarse, still struggling for his own destiny, looking like a trapped beast fighting, trying his best to fight for every possibility of survival.

In fact...

He really bet right!

Before the words were over, Luo Zifei and the others clearly felt hesitating...

Really want to shoot?

Looking at the overall situation, Xiao Lang naturally noticed the changes in Luo Zifei and others' expressions, his brows were slightly furrowed, and a fist was already clenched under his sleeves.

The killing has started!

It's just that it wasn't against Luo Zifei and others, but the four Ding Wuliang who were suppressed by his Five Elements Prison!

However, just as he was still in hesitation and hesitated to kill at this time, someone seemed to see his hesitation. Suddenly, a cold laughter came from behind him:

"Ha ha."

"You guys, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"It seems that I am still not good at lobbying and admonishing... Sure enough, maybe only killing is the only method I am good at."


As soon as this remark came out, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but trembled. He couldn't help but look sideways. He suddenly saw that, at some point, Jin Jiu had already stepped out from behind him, took a leisurely step, and walked directly towards Ding Wuliang.

Jin Jiu?


This scene made Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned, but he didn't see that in the eyes of Old Man Qingmu, endless excitement and longing suddenly surged...

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