Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 100: Local tyrants, let's be friends!

The speed of the Supreme Chariot was not fast, and Xiao Lang led the human emperor warrior of the Northern Ming and Southern Barbarian Eastern Regions only so fast, so it took at least half a month for everyone to reach Xiliang Mountain.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry. He just broke through the seventh stage of the Heavenly Demon's combat skills and needed to be stabilized, and he also needed to adapt to the stronger body and soul.

Let the Supreme Chariot fly in a straight line, ignoring the hostile gazes of some emperors of Bei Ming and Nan Man. Xiao Lang refined some profound stones and found that his body could absorb the energy of the profound stone. At this moment, he didn't need to use the ice emperor's big formation. The energy in the profound stone was first transmitted to the soul, and the ice emperor soul would absorb it. That small part of the energy that the soul can absorb is turning back for the body to absorb.

I practiced tens of thousands of profound stones at random, and a few days passed, and Xihuang arrived.

Looking at the vast land ahead, Xiao Lang put away the Supreme Chariot, and leaped downwards, like a giant gun, constantly leaping up, testing the speed of his body.


Relying on the strength of his body and the inexplicable energy in his body, Xiao Lang's speed can be easily compared to the God of Heaven. What surprised him was that his speed was a bit stronger than that of the ordinary emperor, and the powerful power contained in his body also gave him strong confidence and easily defeated the ordinary emperor.

The Heavenly Emperors of Bei Ming and Nan Barbaric saw Xiao Lang bounce continuously like a beast king, and they all showed surprise expressions. Because Xiao Lang's speed was obviously faster than that of the ordinary Heavenly Emperor, they didn't see Xiao Lang using any supernatural powers, so it showed a problem, Xiao Lang...the Heavenly Demon's combat skills have reached the seventh level.

No one in the history of Tianzhou has been able to cultivate to the seventh level of the Heavenly Demon Combat Skills, and Xiao Lang was only 23 years old. At such an age and strength, many Heavenly Emperors' faces were hot. Mo Tu and others also completely gave up their revenge on Xiao Lang, because all the emperors in Beiming combined were not enough for Xiao Lang to play...

There are not many areas in the Eastern Region, and there are generally no great spiritual veins in the area, so the strong are rare, and there is only one area with the emperor. The powerhouses of the Eastern Region looked at Xiao Lang with worship, because Xiao Lang came from the Eastern Region and was the pride of all the people of the Eastern Region.

"The demon's combat skills will become stronger and stronger after training..."

Thinking of the words of Emperor Tianmao, Xiao Lang thoughtfully, tested it, and took out the chariot to control the chariot to fly straight to the west. He closed again and practiced profound stones at the fastest speed.

He still has a lot of profound stones. Since he can continue to cultivate and increase his strength at this moment, he naturally will not sit stupidly. Qingmuyu said that the extraterritorial celestial demon may destroy the Tianzhou, and it must be very powerful. It is always good to increase the strength by one more point.

As a result, a scene that made the accompanying Beiming Nanban Dongyu dumbfounded appeared.

Xiao Lang used the state of being out of his body, and began to refine the profound stones at full speed. His body mechanically continued to take out the profound stones for refining, and each time he took out hundreds or hundreds of them. His body is very strong now, and the speed of refining when his soul is out of his body is also very terrifying. Everyone saw the piles of profound stones in Xiao Lang's hands continuously popping up, and then turning into pure energy into his body, and then another pile of profound stones came out...

Behind him are all powerhouses above Human Sovereign Level 5, and profound stones are not the same thing to them. But refining like Xiao Lang still frightened them. It's just that nearly one hundred thousand profound stones disappeared in an hour, and they actually refined a million in one day...

Seeing that Xiao Lang had been in retreat, the profound stone disappeared like flowing water and disappeared for a few days. Even Motu Tiandi didn't feel like it anymore. The poor territorial warriors of the Eastern Region kept swallowing their saliva. They wanted to hug Xiao Lang's thigh and say, "Typical tyrant, let's be friends!"

What is a local tyrant?

This is the local tyrant. Xiaoyumen in the Eastern Region can harvest less than a few million profound stones a year, and the amount given to them is only tens of thousands of profound stones a year. All the profound stones on Motu Heavenly Emperor's body add up to 20-30 million. Xiao Lang has refined several million in a few days, and depending on the situation, he plans to refining all the way to Xiliang Mountain...

Xiao Lang didn't disappoint everyone, and he didn't stop practicing until he arrived in Xiliang Mountain for eleven days. And the profound stone that she refined has reached more than ten million, but he himself still feels that the time is too fast to refine the profound stone.

The people left by Qingmuyu opened the gate of Xiliang Mountain early, and everyone drove straight into the valley. Standing on the Supreme Chariot, Xiao Lang glanced around. When he arrived in front of the square of Soul Destruction Hall, his face suddenly became cold.

Because he saw the army of warriors in the west, unexpectedly... less than half a million people!

Sweeping his gaze, he saw Xiao Demon God Heshu Tiandi Wuhen Ouyang Cuicui and the others were fine. He breathed a sigh of relief and put away the body of the Supreme Fighter and shot down.

"Xiao Lang!" "My lord!" "Palace Master Xiao!" "See Palace Master!"

Seeing Xiao Lang coming from a long distance, countless people were shocked, especially Ouyang Cui Cuimu Mountain Ghost and the powerhouse in the west, Xiao Devil laughed a long time: "Haha, Xiao Lang, I knew you could not die. !"

Xiao Lang reluctantly smiled and said hello to everyone, and walked to Xiao Moshen's side and asked, "The extraterritorial demon is so terrifying? How many casualties are there?"

Devil Xiao laughed bitterly, and sighed, "After a while, it will be our turn again. You will know when you go in!"

"call out!"

Just when Xiao Lang was about to inquire about some situations, a bald head walked out of the Soul Destruction Hall and looked at Xiao Lang with a smile: "Xiao Lang, come in, father is calling you!"

Xiao Lang was stunned, but Ye Feiyang Larch and others showed slight dissatisfaction. Can Xiao Lang be summoned as soon as he arrives to enter the Hall of Soul Destruction? They can only sit on the spot outside. Why is the treatment so bad?

Xiao Lang didn't think so much, and followed Qingmuyu into the Hall of Soul Destruction. The decoration inside is very simple. The entire palace is built with the same stone as the cyan stone suspended in the air. The aura is very strong and there is no luxurious decoration, but it looks simple and atmospheric.

When there was no one inside the hall, Qing Muyu led Xiao Lang into a corridor next to him, and finally came to a side hall. Walking into the side hall, Xiao Lang met many acquaintances, and his eyes narrowed for the first time.

In the upper leftmost part of the hall, there was a woman in purple clothes, her eyes were locked on him, and Qiu Shui's eyes were full of hatred and complexity. Isn't Yun Zishan who is it? Below are the three black-robed men who are Mie Tian Mie Di, and below are Man He and a strange barbarian. On the other side, sitting at the top was the woman in white clothes from Hongmeng Xiaozhu, the two elders from the Mishen Palace below, and the mountain slave Xiao Lang had met. There is also a man wearing a Taoist robe, probably a cultivator from Mount Putuo.

"These are the sects of the six major demigods, and the strong are like clouds!"

Xiao Lang secretly marveled, Qingmuyu signaled Xiao Lang to sit behind the Shoushan Slave, who knew Yunzishan's voice faintly sounded before sitting down: "Master Qingmu, participating in the hunting team are all powerful men above the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. Right? Xiao Lang's strength, are you sure... he is qualified?"

The messenger of Mie Tian Mie Di raised his head slightly and showed a sarcasm smile, Man He and others also looked at Xiao Lang mockingly, apparently still thinking about things in the Man God Realm.

"This is my father's order..."

Qing Muyu was about to explain a few words, but Xiao Lang who was about to sit down immediately stood up, squinted and coldly swept Yun Zishan and the others, then... turned and walked outside the door.

He didn't say a word, but the cold eyes and silent silence were the greatest irony to everyone.

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