Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 101: Go to war

"Xiao Lang!"

Qing Muyu glanced at Yun Zishan, then turned and chased after the door. No one knew that Xiao Lang walked away silently as if he hadn't heard his call. I saw a group of people in the room staring at each other, and Yun Zishan and the others looked gloomy.

Xiao Lang has always been crazy, but at this moment in the Soul Destruction Hall, facing the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, he is actually so crazy? If it weren't for the above explanation, there must be no conflicts, there must be someone who wants to teach him a lesson.

Qing Muyu sighed and stopped talking. He knew that Xiao Lang was as stubborn as a donkey. Although the Lost Temple had been restoring the relationship between the two sides, the cracks had already occurred, and Xiao Lang couldn't help him without giving him face.

Xiao Lang walked out of the Soul Destruction Hall in silence, and then returned to sit down beside the Western Warrior. He didn't have the slightest interest in the **** hunting squad for him. It would be better to bring a strong Westerner to fight, and Yun Zishan provoke him to leave with excuses.

He began to quickly communicate with Xiao Moshen Wuhen Tiandi and others about the situation. When he learned that Pavilion Master Wangyue turned out to be a human-shaped beast, he was also taken aback. After learning about the horror of the outer world demon, his face also became darkened. He shared a few words with Mushan ghost Ouyang Cuicui and others, and received countless congratulations. Xiao Lang sat up in silence and began to cultivate profound stones to improve his strength.

He still has hundreds of millions of profound stones, and there will be no more in Xumi Jie, so it's better to refine. Anyway, as long as it does not reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor level, the ancient gods can enter the forbidden land. It is not easy to reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. Xiao Lang estimated that billions of profound stones would be needed to guarantee the bottom.

Xiao Lang remained silent, and the rest of the warriors stopped talking, all practicing silently to gain strength. Qingmuyu didn't come out again, let Xiao Lang go in or something.

A few days later, Qingmu Jade came out, greeted Emperor Leng Yefeiyang, Larch Crescent Moon, and Emperor Yefeiyang to lead the team to the battlefield of the demon. Ling Emperor Demon Emperor and others also quickly brought people back. When everyone saw that the people brought by Ling Emperor Demon Emperor Xiandi did not exceed half of them, they took a breath.

They had more casualties than the first batch? If this continues, I am afraid that after a few rounds, the human emperor martial artist will die...

Ouyang Cuicui hurriedly sent a message to inquire and found that they had all encountered high-level demon, and now the high-level demon led the team. Emperor Ling and the others had no time to do so and could only fight against high-level demon. Needless to say, those middle-level demon caused their people to suffer heavy casualties.

The atmosphere in the square outside the Soul Extinguishing Hall suddenly became heavy, but many bigwigs were secretly upset. Because the powerhouses of the six major forces have not been used yet, and obviously they have not been dispatched this time. Needless to say, Emperor Leng must have suffered heavy casualties...

Regardless of whether Xiao Lang continued to practice, after waiting five days, a group of powerful men finally emerged from the Hall of Soul Destruction. Yun Zishan Mietian and the others were on the list. Obviously, the hunting squad sent out into the battlefield of demons to hunt high-level demons and reduce the casualties of ordinary warriors.

What surprised everyone was that Yun Zishan turned out to be the captain of the hunting team? Did she reach the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor? This speculation scared everyone, how big is Yun Zishan? In your early twenties? Is the divine body really so powerful?

Yun Zishan glanced at Xiao Lang coldly, and walked away in the wind with a light touch of his legs. The movements were graceful and elegant, and the hearts of a group of young men were surging.

Qingmuyu did not follow, but stood still and spoke to Xiao Lang: "Xiao Lang, his father and the Lord of Soul Destruction have already explained to the hunting team, they must not conflict with their own people, nor can they kill their own people, otherwise they will kill them. Pardon. So you can safely lead the team to kill the demons. I hope you will not cause trouble if you encounter the hunting squad..."

Xiao Lang nodded, and when Qing Muyu left, he continued to practice quietly.

Ten days later, the half-month period came, and Qingmuyu greeted the first batch of warrior and fierce beasts to fly towards the valley, and encountered Emperor Leng and the others at the fork of the valley, as well as the blood tower and Zhang Ge and other sea beasts.

This time the hunting squad took action. It was all the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and the Great Emperor. The high-level Heavenly Demon had obviously been eliminated a lot. Their casualties were obviously not as many as the previous batch, but only one-third of the people died.

"Xiao Lang, try more love, and your weird magical powers, such as grass and vines, to see if you can slay the demon on a large scale. If you can make a big contribution in this catastrophe, the entire Tianzhou creatures will be Thank you, we will also find ways to contribute to the grievances between you and Soul Destruction Hall in the future!"

Qing Muyu's biography sounded in Xiao Lang's ear, and Xiao Lang nodded lightly. With a wave of his hand, the powerful Westerners and others flew forward, and the morale of the powerful Westerners was like a rainbow, and their spirits were lifted. The return of their leader gave them full confidence.


Xiao Lang and a group of heavenly emperors took the lead to teleport to the battlefield of the heavenly demon. It was still the top of the mountain, and the surroundings were stained red with blood. The corpses of the heavenly demon and the warrior, stumped limbs and broken arms were everywhere, a scene of purgatory.


There are not too many heavenly demons around, only a few low-level heavenly demons are devouring the body of the warrior. Seeing someone teleporting over, he immediately roared and rushed towards this side.

"Kill the emperor!"

Xiao Lang let out a cold sigh, and the Killing Emperor's body immediately exploded. With a huge blade of sword in his hand, he swept away, instantly slicing the few low-level demons into pieces.

"Stand around in the formation, clean up the low-level demons, wait for everyone to send over, and scouts look around!"

Xiao Lang ordered it in an orderly manner, and the warriors in the west immediately followed Xiao Lang's instructions to disperse defensive exploration. Demon Xiao stood aside, lazily and relaxed.

He is undoubtedly a fierce general. He charges and kills the enemy without blinking his eyes, but it is very difficult for him to command the army. With Xiao Lang, he is naturally a lot easier, and Xiao Lang will just play wherever he wants.

Xiao Lang had learned some art of war from Duguxing before, although the art of war in Tianzhou had lost its effect, the powerful strength could crush everything. But he still commanded intentionally and reduced casualties to a minimum.


The teleportation array outside kept teleporting people over. There were originally 700,000 to 800,000 people in the west, but now there are less than 500,000. However, most of the dead were warriors of the fifth and sixth layers of the human emperor, which did not damage the overall combat effectiveness.

"Report to Palace Lord, there are many demon rushing to the left, probably at least tens of thousands!"

Before all the people have been transferred, the demon has arrived. Xiao Lang and Xiao Moshen looked at each other and shot them out. Xiao Lang's loud shout sounded: "Wuhen, you preside over the overall situation and arrange for defensive exploration!"

Demon Xiao flew directly, but Xiao Lang continued to eject like a fierce ****, unexpectedly faster than Demon Xiao. Soon the two saw a group of celestial demons roaring in the dimness ahead. There were not a few intermediate celestial demons, and there was also a celestial demons flying in the sky, apparently a high-level celestial demons.

"Devil, you first withstand the high-level demon, kill the emperor and assist the demon!"

To everyone's expectations, Xiao Lang didn't actually fight the strongest high-level demon. Instead, he rushed towards those middle-level and low-level celestial demons, and millions of grass and vines whizzed out behind him, and the love words circulated around him. A cyan long sword appeared out of thin air in his left hand, chilling.

"Meier, go!"

"Love in action!"

"Relentless sword spirit!"

Xiao Lang released three attacks at the same time, and the phagocytic ability of Grass Vine was beyond doubt. Emotion can tame ten thousand beasts. This devil looks similar to a fierce beast. Qingmuyu wants Xiao Lang to enter the hunting team because of the magical ability of Emotion.

Millions of grass and vines exuded blue light and turned into a formidable arrow, and the arrows shot away, and the one hundred thousand love characters also glowed with brilliant nine-color divine light, respectively hitting the low-level and intermediate-level demon.

Countless pairs of eyes locked here, excitedly waiting for magical things to happen.


The ending...but everyone can't believe it.

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