Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 242 Family and Heroes?

The Wild Hunt has thoughts on his apprentice?

Vesemir was stunned for two seconds and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The East where the Wild Hunt disappeared not only contained the wars between Kaedwin and Aedirn, but also the celestial convergence of Ben Ard and the Curse of the Dark Sun..."

Aylin saw Vesemir's amber cat eyes shrink instantly, and then said:

"Master Vesemir."

"The Wild Hunt is not attracted by the smell of war, but to spread disaster..."

"They sensed the celestial conjunction and came for me."

Upon hearing this, Vesemir took two hurried steps forward, grabbed Aylin's arms tightly with both hands, and said anxiously:

"Are you sure, Aelin?"

"Are those damn monsters really here for you?"

He seemed to be aware of the distrust expressed in his tone and actions.

"Sorry," Vesemir retracted his hands and laughed apologetically:

"I'm not suspecting that you are lying, it's's's just that this is too ridiculous..."

In Vesemir's mind, the Wild Hunt has always been just a legend that is difficult to falsify.

Even if we actually encountered it today, it would be more like a ghost-like monster driven by some natural phenomenon.

Came here for Aelin...

Judging from his tone, these monsters flying in the sky seem to be intelligent.

And the celestial spheres converge...Wild Hunt...

How are the two connected?

But seeing Aelin's solemn expression, Vesemir swallowed.

Unlike other children, although Aylin is still young, he has never lied or joked about major matters.


The master witcher thought about it carefully.

Aelin had never lied to him, no matter what.


Vesemir's heart sank suddenly like a weight.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

Aylin lowered his head and pondered for a moment, but instead of replying immediately, he suddenly changed the topic.

"Master Vesemir, do you know what the Wild Hunt is?"

The Master Demon Hunter, who was waiting for a binary answer of yes or no, was stunned for a moment, and instinctively expressed his thoughts:

"Virtual shadows, flying sky, naked bones, hatred for living things, and powerful magic power..."

"It should be a ghost-like creature, and it should be the most powerful among ghosts!"

"Elves..." Aylin shook his head, "These Wild Hunts are all a group of elves!"

"What!" Vesemir's eyes widened, "How can those long-eared people hiding in the Blue Mountains and lingering on their last breath have such ability?"

"It's not those Iron Sheedies hiding in the Blue Mountains." Hearing Vesemir's insulting remarks, Aylin laughed and then explained:

"But it's not irrelevant..."

"Those Wild Hunts are Ayn El, the kin of Ayn Sheedy thousands of years ago."

"But unlike Ain Sheedi who settled in this world, Ain El, who has the ability to travel through time and space, has always been a militant conqueror..."

"They ruled every new place they arrived..."

"But suddenly, they seem to have lost the ability to travel through the world..."

Apart from the key parts related to the Demon Hunter's Notes and the Gate of Al-Ghath, Aelin had no intention of hiding any information from the trustworthy Vesemir.

He directly revealed all the information he had obtained from novels and game settings in his previous life.

Vesemir was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and the look he looked at Aylin became more and more strange.

The identity of the Wild Hunt is one aspect.

What's more important is...

He was certain that Kaer Morhen's library contained no such information.

Maybe not even Ban A'd and Aretuza would exist, otherwise with the wizards' thirst for knowledge, it would be impossible for these knowledge, which is just history and does not contain magic, to spread.

The legend of the Wild Hunt that has been around for thousands of years would not have spread so widely without anyone coming out to explain it.

Even after knowing that the Wild Hunt is an elf that travels through the world and conquers the world, even the selfish kings of the Northern Kingdom cannot tolerate it.

There must be some big moves.

"Aelin, where did you get all this knowledge?" Vesemir asked hesitantly.

"Part of it was obtained from Francesca when we were in Kaedwen." The young demon hunter said.

Did you know it from the elf?

Vesemir nodded.

He knows this.

He also knew that the female elf gave Aylin a set of expensive elf magic props.

After a pause, Aylin continued:

"The other part is like a dream..."

Dream... Vesemil suddenly became serious.

"One day in the future, the King of the Wild Hunt will lead his army to attack Kaer Morhen in order to regain the ability to travel through time and space..."

Aylin stared into Vesemir's amber cat eyes and added softly in his mind:

It was also on that day that the last link holding the Wolf School together disappeared.

"Is this your prophecy?" Vesemir frowned as he looked at Aylin's suddenly sad expression.

"No! This is a future that can be reversed!"

Aelin looked firmly into Vesemir's eyes, and then continued:

"So we need the Viper School and the help of Ivar Evil Eye."

"Alas~" Vesemir sighed, "The matter between Haxor and Ben Ad has not been resolved yet, and another Wild Hunt appears?"


Vesemir tilted his head and glanced out the window.

The temperature in the floating port in April is not high, and only a small part of the ice clusters left by the wild hunting during the day have melted.

A huge black shadow stood outside the window, like a ferocious monster crawling in the darkness.

Can Master Ivar Evil Eye really have a way to deal with the Wild Hunt who can use such magic at will?

After being distracted for a while, Vesemir felt Aylin's gaze, and looking at his confident expression, he felt a little more confident in his heart.

He nodded slightly and said:

"I see."

“Just go ahead and do it!”

"I will support all your decisions!"

Aylin nodded vigorously and said with a smile:

"There is nothing to do for the time being. We will go to Elland as normal, then return to Kaer Morhen, and wait for Ernesto to send the letter to Grand Master Ivar Evil Eye."


After Vesemir made a nasal noise, he planned to go back to his room.

But after taking a few steps, the master demon hunter suddenly turned around.

He patted the young demon hunter's shoulder hard and looked at Aylin's blue cat eyes seriously:

"Don't forget, Aelin!"

"No matter what happens, the Wolf School will always be your home and your most solid backing..."


"Don't make your own decisions, don't do stupid things, you know?"

Ai Lin was stunned on the spot, and his heart felt warm.

Knowing that Vesemir was worried that he would leave without saying goodbye and risk being hunted by the Wild Hunt alone.

"Don't worry, Master Vesemir."

"I know."

Aelin nodded slightly.

The Master Demon Hunter observed him carefully for a few more seconds, and after confirming that Aylin was not perfunctory, he nodded slightly and left.


The door was closed.

Ailin's whole body relaxed.

"I'm not a child, how could I leave without saying goodbye!"

The young witcher couldn't help but secretly complained in his heart.

Although he was an orphan in both lives and had no relatives.

But even he who grew up in an orphanage knew...

Families rely on each other and support each other. There is no such thing as one dragging down the other or dragging the other down.

If you bear everything alone, you may end up dragging down the people closest to you.

At least Aelin experienced a lot of that in the orphanage.


He gradually regarded Kaer Morhen as his home, and Vesemir, Vera and Mary as his family. He never thought of bearing the consequences of the intersection of the celestial sphere alone.

Just like when Guhai Fortress was facing the crisis of destruction, he never thought of escaping with Ms. Vera.

But the Wild Hunt…

Aylin walked to the window sill and looked up at the huge black shadow under the night sky that was still emitting an awe-inspiring cold air.

Recalling that it was just the aftermath of magic, it not only exploded his and Vesemir's Quen Seal, but also seriously injured them both.

A strong sense of crisis came to my mind.

"It's outrageous!" Aylin sighed as he felt the chill that made his hair stand on end. "I can't bear the aftermath of a casual blow. How on earth should I deal with such a monster..."

Recalling the scene in the previous game where he killed the King of Wild Hunt in different genres, Aylin shook his head.

Compared to the Demon Hunters, the strength of the Wild Hunt Soldiers in the game is like the Master Demon Swordsman, who has better melee sword skills, but can be easily defeated individually.

And the total number of people in the Wild Hunt is only a few dozen in the game.

When he was playing, he was still complaining to people on the forum about how Wild Hunt could conquer so many different worlds with such little strength.

Unexpectedly, when he really traveled to the world of the witcher and saw the true strength of the Wild Hunt, he was stunned.

"The combat power of Wild Hunt in the game no longer has any reference value."

Aelin thought.

That's why he needs Ivar Evil Eye, the grand master of the Viper School who has seen the Wild Hunt conquer countless other worlds and has thought about how to deal with the Wild Hunt for decades.

Thinking of the situation in Kaedwen, we still don’t know what it will develop into.

Aylin couldn't help but look at the night sky outside the window and sighed again:

“It’s really like one wave after another!”

"I don't know if the Wild Hunt will face Ben Ade if he goes east..."


As the name suggests, this is a spiral passage that rises and falls like the steps of a castle tower.

But it's different from the one in the castle tower.

In the spiral, there is no limit to either rising or falling, and both seem to lead to the deepest and densest darkness.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves echoed in the empty place.

A group of knights wearing blood-red armor and riding skeleton horses that breathed out blue breath were galloping through the spiral.

Although it is dark here, it is not without light.

Countless images flashed across the knight's sides from time to time, illuminating the ferocious skull under the knight's armor and the body that was so skinny that it looked as if it had been dried for thousands of years.

They are the Wild Hunt.

The Red Cavalry of the Alder People, the Lord of the Endless World, the Ghost that dominates war.


The leading knight glanced at his companion on the right who had just taken back his scepter. He seemed to want to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he could only make the sound of airflow.


A white light flashed on the scepter.

"I haven't been to Helix for a long time, and I have forgotten what it feels like to be a skeleton..."

After the knight sighed with emotion, he looked at his companion with blue will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes:

"Karanthir, you are doing unnecessary things again..."

The skeleton knight called Karanthir opened his bony mouth and seemed to be laughing:

"This is not unnecessary, Ileris."

"As a navigator, I must make sure I am in a good mood so that I can better lead the Red Cavalry..."

"In this dark spiral, the pressure faced by the navigator is getting greater day by day..."

Ileris also opened his mouth and said:

"So your way of relieving stress is to kill those ignorant mortals?"

"Don't you think this is a good way?" Karanthir was still "laughing", not embarrassed at all by being questioned.

Because he knows...

"That's true..." Ileris sighed, holding the handle of the giant hammer stuck on the saddle tightly with his right hand:

"The fragrance of the blood of the ignorant is always addictive, especially with the accompaniment of the skull being smashed..."

"The best perfumer in Tir Na Lia can't make such a fresh fragrance..."

"The best performer can't play such beautiful music..."


Caranthir's bare teeth and bones collided up and down quickly, as if laughing.

At this time.

A picture with fire appeared in front of him, which seemed to be a human city.

After the blue will-o'-the-wisp carefully identified it, it found that there was no towering scene described by the King of the Wild Hunt in the picture, and then waved the white-light scepter casually.


A blue light shot out from the scepter and fell into the brightly lit city.


A violent explosion sounded in the spiral.

At the same time, there were also human screams.

The next second.

There was a commotion behind Caranthir and Ileris.


Dozens of light balls flew out from the Red Cavalry Regiment before the scene disappeared in the spiral, turning into deadly meteors and smashing into the city.


The heart-wrenching roars and cries became louder.

"Da da da da da~"

Caranthir laughed.

The whole Red Cavalry Team was filled with the sound of bones "clacking".

"It's great to know magic..." Ileris listened to the screams in his ears, gripped the hammer handle tightly, and smacked his lips enviously:

"You really look like the characters in the heroic opera that was popular in Tir Na Lia in the past..."

"Oh? Which hero?" Caranthir asked curiously.

"No, not a hero..." Ileris bared his teeth, "It's the biggest villain in it..."

Caranthir was stunned for a moment, and then laughed "da da da".

For a long time.

Ileris touched the handle of the hammer again, feeling a little itchy.

"Caranthir, how long will it take to find it?" he asked.


Caranthir was perfunctory and careless.

Ileris didn't care.

He stared at the flashing images on both sides, hoping to find the human city with tall towers as soon as possible.

That's it.

The picture turned from black to white, and then back to black, and I don't know how many times it went by.

Ileris seemed to have found the target.

So he tilted his head and was about to let Caranthir identify it together...


Caranthir spoke.

"Illeris..." He looked at Illeris with his eyes that flashed with blue will-o'-the-wisp, and said hoarsely:

"Perhaps we are indeed the biggest villains in the heroic opera..."

"But it doesn't matter..."

"The people of Alder will sing praises to our heroic epic in the future paradise without white frost!"

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