The next morning.

The entire floating port has already woken up.

No matter what happened yesterday, the work that needs to be done must continue to be done today, and the money that should be earned must still be earned today.

The commodity trading market was blown up.

The merchants simply yelled for transactions on the dock, which made the entire floating port more lively.

In this world, nothing seems indispensable.

"Mom, where's dad?"

The girl's voice woke up Fulla Dolly who was looking at the ice clusters dreamily.

He looked down at his daughter's round face, which was more or less similar to her husband.

She was silent for a few seconds, touched her daughter's head, smiled with difficulty, and said:

"Little Aisha, this place has been so badly damaged. Dad has gone back to Vizima to report on his work. He will be back in a few months."

When the girl heard this, she immediately raised her head and looked a little unhappy.

Fula Dolly sighed when she saw this, but seeing that her daughter didn't cry, she didn't say anything more.

She looked up and continued to watch the ice clusters slowly melting, and took a deep breath.

The cold was biting.

But it seems to be full of the smell of her husband, his last lingering scent in this world.


Fulla Dolly also knew in her heart that this was not the scent of her beloved.

With the help of witchers and dwarves, her husband was dug out of the ice yesterday.

In order to prevent him from turning into a demon spirit, he was reduced to ashes under the blazing flames.

But she always felt that as long as the ice hadn't melted away, his soul would still be frozen in it.

"What a sin!"

John Kramer, the black-bearded dwarf, stood behind the bar.

He looked at this scene, and even though he boasted that his heart was as hard as steel, he couldn't bear to hear it.

The scholars at Cowburg were dipping their white bread in tomato stew and enjoying their breakfast.


A large glass of beer was thrown in front of Ernest, splashing drink in his face.

After being suddenly attacked, he immediately raised his head and looked at the dwarf in confusion.

"This is for you!" Blackbeard said angrily, "Drink it early and go to Nilfgaard to find the grand master of the Snake School!"

Ernest followed the dwarf's gaze to the door and sighed.

Why are you taking it out on me for what Wild Hunt did?

But free wine is nothing if you don’t drink it.

"It's not the Snake School," Ernest corrected as he raised his beer and took a sip, "I'm going to visit the Grand Master of the Viper School, Ivar Evil Eye..."

"Anyway, go quickly." Blackbeard waved his hand impatiently.

Ernest sighed, wiped the stew in the bowl with the last piece of bread, and put it into his mouth.

Then a letter was handed over.

"This is a letter to Grand Master Ivar Evil Eye. Please see if there is anything you want to add." Vesemir crossed his arms and said.

The food in front of the two demon hunters had been wiped out long ago, and even Mary finished her breakfast because she ate less.


Ernest unfolded the letter and read it carefully.

The content of the letter is divided into two parts.

Part of it was proving Ernest's identity and purpose.

Another section describes what happened before and after the appearance of the Wild Hunt yesterday, and invites the Viper School to join in the hunt for the Wild Hunt.

At the end is the date and Vesemir's signature.

"I didn't expect Vesemir's cursive calligraphy to be so good..." Ernest praised.

The corners of Vesemir's mouth curled up slightly.

This was a compliment to his heart.

He is one of the only demon hunters of the Wolf School who likes to read.

And except for the chief, there is no demon hunter of the Wolf School who can write better than him.

"There is no problem with the content," Ernest nodded and tapped the last signature with his index finger, "But..."

"If possible, it would be best if Master Aylin also signs his name below."

"Do I sign it too?" Aylin was stunned for a moment.

"Indeed, two masters are definitely more valued than one master."

The dwarf agreed with Ernest's idea with his simple values, then gave Vesemir a malicious look and said sarcastically:

"The youngest master witcher in the past is definitely not as good as the youngest master witcher now, right?"

Vesemir rolled his eyes, ignored him, patted Aylin on the shoulder, and handed Aylin the pen and paper.

Aylin shrugged and signed his name at the bottom of the letter of recommendation without comment.

"Okay," the black-bearded dwarf slapped the table, "Now that the meal is finished and the things are packed, let's set off quickly."

Ernest, who was full after eating, picked up his satchel, stood up and sighed:

"This is the first time that a hotel owner chases someone away..."

The black-bearded dwarf glared with thick eyebrows, and his black eyes as big as copper bells looked directly at the professor of occult science in Niubong:

"What, you freeloader, do you still have any objections?"

"Hahaha, that's not possible!" Ernest laughed.

In fact, Blackbeard also waived the accommodation and meal expenses for not only Ernest, but also Elin, Vesemir, and Mary.

The reason is that there will be no customers in the tavern anyway if there is such a big mess.

But in fact, many travelers came, but they were all rejected by Blackbeard because the tables and chairs in the store had not been arranged.

After a few more laughs, they planned to leave.

Ernest was on the same boat with Aylin, Vesemir, and Mary.

It was just that the witcher and the sorceress would disembark at Bayerli Most.

Ernest continued to sail with the ship until he reached the free city of Novigrad, then found a ship to go out to sea and travel to Nilfgaard via the sea trade route.

Vesemir and Ernest chatted as they walked out of the tavern. When they were about to pass by Fula Duli, they subconsciously stopped talking at the same time.

"Mr. Ernest, I'll leave everything to you."

Fula Duli seemed to hear the footsteps, and turned back to bow deeply to the professor of mysticism in Niubao.

Ernest quickly gave way and said seriously:

"Don't worry, I will do my best to invite the witcher of the Viper School."

Fula Duli looked at Ernest gratefully and nodded.

Then she bowed in the direction of Aylin again, saying:

"Thank you, thank you..."

Then tears flowed down.

Then the little girl also started crying loudly.

Vesemir sighed, patted Fula Duli on the shoulder, and advised earnestly:

"We will find a way to avenge the dead, although it will take time..."

"But the living are more important..."

"Live well, live well..."

Vesemir glanced at the ice cluster:

"I think this is his greatest wish, isn't it?"

Fula Duli covered her face with her hands, crying, and just bowed.

Big drops of tears seeped out from between her fingers, wrapped by the dust on the ground, and rolled towards the ice cluster.

Vesemir shook his head and sighed again.

But this time he didn't say anything. After nodding to Arlin, he led Yennefer and Royce to the horse from the stable and followed Ernest to the dock.

Mary was the last one to pass by Fula Duli, biting her lip and looking at her.

Then she left in a hurry without saying anything.



Ernest led Aylin and his party to a huge and beautifully decorated merchant ship.

A thin middle-aged man in dark red clothes was standing in front of the merchant ship, directing the dock coolies to move the cargo boxes onto the merchant ship.

Before they got closer.

The middle-aged man seemed to have discovered the group of people, waved to the man who looked like a servant, asked him to arrange the work of the dock coolies, and then walked over with a big laugh:

"Ernest, this should be the Master Vesemir you mentioned, right?"

Ernest smiled and nodded, introducing the two sides:

"Master Vesemir, Master Aylin, Ms. Margarita..."

"This is Radu Kuhn, the eldest son of the Kuhn family. The Kuhn family is one of the founding families of the Free City of Novigrad, with a long history..."

The middle-aged man Radu Kuhn waved his hand and interrupted :

"You're overpraising me, overpraising me..."

"Free City was established only more than 30 years ago, and it can't be said to have a long history in front of the Demon Hunter Master..."

Ernest shook his head helplessly and said:

"Don't listen to his nonsense..."

"The Kuhn family was already famous in Redania and Temeria before Novigrad became a free city."

"During the Seven Years' War, they were able to sell goods to the courts of two hostile countries at the same time..."

"The strength of the Kuhn family should not be underestimated."

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly and did not refute.

However, the slightly raised corners of his mouth proved that he was still very interested in Ernest's boasting about his family.

Ayling also noticed it at this time.

Although Radu Kuhn was modest, he did not deny the title of the Kuhn family, the founding family of the Free City.

"Mr. Radu," Ernest continued to introduce:

"This is Master Vesemir, whom I told you about before. I'm sure you've heard of him before, so I won't introduce him any further."

Radu Kuhn smiled gently, nodded slightly, and saluted to Vesemir:

"Although I'm far away in Novigrad, I've heard of Master Vesemir for a long time."

"In the past hundred years, the youngest demon hunter master, the monsters killed can be piled up into a mountain..."

"Hahaha," Ernest took a step to Aylin and laughed:

"It's rare that your news is out of date..."

"This is the youngest demon hunter master today, and should also be the youngest demon hunter master in history..."

"Master Aylin of the Wolf School, although he only passed the demon hunter trial this year, has killed six large monsters, two of which were even killed independently..."

So young is a demon hunter master?

Radu Kuhn looked at Aylin's young face, which was obviously less than sixteen years old, and couldn't hold back the surprise on his face.

In this era, each school of demon hunters actually has its own hunting range.

Novigrad is located at the border between Redania and Temeria. Theoretically, it is the territory of the Griffin School.

Of course.

This division is to avoid disputes between schools and the unspoken rule of demon hunters killing each other.

But generally speaking.

Ordinary demon hunters have the habit of returning to the school’s residence every year to spend the severe winter, and the hunting range is actually fixed.

So although Radu Kuhn knows many demon hunters from the Griffin School, he does not know much about the Wolf School.

I only know that they are the largest school of demon hunters in the world.

So looking at Aylin's young face, I thought for a moment that the standard of the Wolf School's demon hunter master was lower than that of the Griffin School.

After all.

The youngest demon hunter master of the Griffin School is also in his seventies or eighties.

But when he heard the second half of the sentence "kill six large monsters" and "kill independently", he could only sigh.

"Master Aylin is really young and promising!"

"Mr. Radu, I haven't finished introducing you yet!" Ernest smiled.

Radu Kuhn was stunned for a moment.

"The news of the war between Kaedwen and Aedirn that I told you last night was actually obtained from Master Aylin..."

"He killed a big griffin that caused trouble in Vengerburg for Aedirn, and then he learned this news from the nobles of Aedirn as a reward..."

Hearing this, Aylin subconsciously blinked his eyes.

There is nothing wrong with what Ernest said in essence.

But there is a hidden meaning of stepping on Vesemir and pushing Aylin to the top.

He was not the only one who killed the griffin. Vesemir and Mary also contributed to it.

And although the hunting of the griffin was related to the news of the war, it was Mary's identity and Ms. Vera's potion that actually played a role.

Ernest ignored all these.

But when they chatted last night, the whole story was explained in detail at the dinner table.

Ernest couldn't have been unaware of it.


Aylin looked at Vesemir.

At this time.

Vesemir was also looking at him, his mouth moved slightly, and he said in a voice that ordinary people couldn't hear:

"Don't refute!"

Aylin felt warm in his heart, knowing that Vesemir was paving the way for him again.

The master of the demon hunter is different from ordinary demon hunters. Generally, big customers make appointments in advance, and naturally they are not restricted by the unspoken rules of regional division.

Of course.

On the other hand, it will also be affected by their interpersonal relationships and personal reputation.

In this era, no one helps to promote it, and no matter how powerful it is, no one will know and commission it.

The wealthy Redanian city-building family Quinn...

There is no doubt that it is a real big customer.

After listening to Ernest's introduction, Radu Kuhn's eyes sparkled.

"Big Griffin!!!" He stepped forward and held Ailin's hands:

"Great, great!"

"Master Ailin is the benefactor of our Kuhn Chamber of Commerce. If it weren't for your information, this trip to Aedirn would be dangerous, or at least there would be heavy losses..."

"The Kuhn Chamber of Commerce will repay a favor..."

"After boarding the ship, please allow me to toast you two glasses of wine. There will be additional rewards after the banquet..."

Ailin perfunctorily responded skillfully, and he was not awkward at his age in the ways of the world.

This surprised Radu Kuhn even more.

He exchanged back and forth with the young demon hunter master for a long time.

It was not until Ernest coughed lightly and signaled the last equally young girl with his eyes that Radu Kuhn reluctantly let go of his hand.

Ernest's introduction to Mary was simple:

"This is the sorceress Ms. Margarita, the apprentice of Ms. Vera, the bloody red fox..."

Before he finished speaking.

Radu Kuhn suddenly burst into greater enthusiasm.

However, Vesemir and Ernest were not worried that it would affect the future cooperation between Erin and Radu Kuhn.

After all.

Erin and Mary's positioning was different.


After the meaningful but boring social interaction, Radu Kuhn personally boarded the ship and arranged the six people in the best cabins on the ship.


Ernest took Vesemir away with Radu Kuhn, as if to discuss something.

Leaving Erin and Mary in the cabin.

In the cabin.

Yennefer took Royce to count fingers on the side.

Bored, Erin and Mary chatted about the potion refining method and the future development of the Demon Hunting Corps.

But not long.

Aelin suddenly noticed that Mary was absent-minded, which was very different from usual, so he asked:

"What's wrong, Mary?"

"Are you feeling unwell?"

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