Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 265 Demon Hunter Epic Enhancement

Lysa looked at the witcher's blue cat eyes and suddenly felt sad.

In order to hunt down powerful monsters that threaten humans, demon hunters have to take these very harmful medicines.

But after making such sacrifices, they are still being rejected by many humans, and are being conspired to harm and slandered by some nobles and wizards out of certain interests...

Mutants, monsters, freaks, creatures punished by the gods and contrary to nature...

The vicious curses were compiled into a book by the conspirators, treated as a joke by the ignorant, and regarded as the truth...

The seeds of contempt and hatred are planted, but one doesn’t know what kind of flowers will bloom.

Obviously these people are the beneficiaries of the existence of demon hunters...

As she thought about it, her mood became even lower, but she didn't know what to say or what to do.

after all.

She is just an ordinary priest in the Temple of Meliteli.

Aylin looked at Lysa and looked at him with pity inexplicably because of his two words.

The pity, sympathy and admiration in his eyes were as if he was terminally ill but still working hard for the future of his dog boss.

I couldn't help but scratch my head and think about where I had misunderstood those two sentences I just said.

After thinking about it for a long time, I had no idea. I could only sigh with emotion, "It's so difficult to understand a woman's mind." Then she changed the subject and said:

"What's for dinner tonight? I've been looking forward to it since I heard your voice across the small garden."

After hearing this, Lesa remembered what she was doing when she came here. She quickly collected her emotions and said with a smile:

"Today is not the food in the temple cafeteria."

"In the inner city of Elland, the owner of the Bearded Tavern asked Nannick to deliver the baby, and I was there to help..."

"After I finished, I saw that the black pepper sausages and raspberry jam bread made by the tavern were good, so I brought you one too..."

As she spoke she lifted up the clean white linen cloth from the basket.

An alluring aroma of meat fat and sweet food immediately hits your face, whetting your appetite.

"Ah," the demon hunter took a deep breath with some exaggeration, "it looks very good, I can't wait for it."

His meal in the iconostasis was indeed very good.

Lysa would often be like today, when she would go out to deliver babies or treat illnesses with Nannick, and she would think of bringing him a piece of delicious food whenever she saw it.

to be honest.

For so many days, except for breakfast, he had not eaten much food in the temple.

Although the food in the canteen is also very good.

"Hehehe~" Lesa smiled sweetly and handed the basket to him, "If you like to eat, I will buy it for you when I go out in the next few days..."

Then she seemed to suddenly remember something, paused, and asked hesitantly:

"You...can hear my voice across the small garden?"

The witcher took the basket, smiled and nodded.

"Then you...then did you...did you's..."

The little priest hesitated to speak, his cheeks turned red.

"The song is very nice," the demon hunter gave a thumbs up, "I didn't expect your voice to be so good..."

The words have not yet finished.

The blush on his cheeks instantly filled the little priest's entire face, even spreading to his slender and fair neck.

It is particularly suitable for the clouds behind her that are dyed red by the sunset.

"I suddenly remembered that there seems to be something to do at Nannick's place. I'll leave first..."

The little priest was silent for two seconds and quickly turned his head.

As if there was really something important to do to save the world, she took small steps and trotted towards the garden with her dress fluttering.

"This basket?"

"Forget it! I'll pick it up tomorrow morning..."

Lysa left, and after the witcher finished his lunch while it was hot, he continued refining.

In addition to the difficulty of strengthening corpse-eating creatures to Alchemy LV4, which requires the use of an alchemical technique to refine ordinary corpse-eating creature oil, it is somewhat difficult.

The rest of the decoctions and bombs are only of Alchemy LV2 difficulty.

So Aylin quickly processed all the materials and refined several copies.


Because it was already dark and there were many pregnant women in the temple, Aylin put away the refined bombs Moon Dust and Dragon Dream.

Wait until tomorrow to walk into the Mahakam Mountains and find a place to experiment.

For similar reasons, you have to wait until the next time you encounter a corpse-eating creature to try the effect of the enhanced corpse-eating creature oil.

After all, he couldn't go around looking for monsters just to try a potion.

Besides, ordinary ghouls probably can't tell the difference between ordinary corpse bio-oil and enhanced corpse bio-oil.


Not everything that is refined cannot be tested...

"Adrenaline builds up faster until the enemy hits you..."

The demon hunter swung a dark red potion that looked like thick blood and murmured about the effects of the giant ghoul decoction.

I didn’t think so before.

After refining the giant ghoul decoction, the demon hunter suddenly had an idea and thought of the magic potion Blizzard.

When experimenting with this potion, it was also controlled by adrenaline to enter the "bullet time" state.


"If I drink the giant ghoul decoction first, and then drink the blizzard, what will be the effect?"

The witcher was curious about this.

However, due to the toxicity of the blizzard, he could only drink two bottles in a row.

Generally speaking, the toxicity of decoctions is far greater than that of ordinary potions.

So Aylin didn't know if he could withstand the poison of the giant ghoul decoction and the snowstorm.


After taking a deep breath, the demon hunter swallowed the thick decoction with a strong smell of rust.

The moment the potion entered his throat, he felt as if his throat was branded by a piece of iron, and the burning pain made him unbearable.


The pain flowed along the esophagus to the stomach.

It was like being flowed by magma all the way.


Alin frowned and couldn't help but groan.

Because the swamp witch mutation inducer in the swamp witch decoction is rare, after refining a decoction in Wengerburg, no new one has been split until now.

So after refining a portion, he didn't encounter too strong danger, so he didn't want to use it.

In fact, when facing the giant ghoul a few days ago, he was ready to use it.

Who would have thought that the monster ran away without fighting.

So this is the first time that Alin used the decoction.

Unexpectedly, this gave him a warning.

After entering the stomach, the burning pain was much reduced.

However, unlike ordinary potions, this decoction is digested very slowly. The demon hunter estimated that it would take at least three hours to digest it.

"So the duration of this decoction should be at least three hours."

Ailin thought.

The next second.

A stream of heat rushed directly to the kidneys on both sides of the demon hunter's waist, as if both kidneys were soaked in a slightly hot spring.

To be honest, it was not very comfortable.

Therefore, after the demon hunter carefully felt the changes, he had an idea.

Try to stimulate the adrenal medulla.

In the past, if there was no danger, it would take at least one second.

But this time.

The adrenal medulla almost instantly gushed out half more adrenaline than a few hours ago.

After a large amount of adrenaline was secreted, the demon hunter's breathing was obviously accelerated, and the heart and blood flow accelerated as if there was a river flowing in the blood vessels. .

The azure cat pupils not only became round, but also expanded by a quarter.

The demon hunter could feel that his strength, agility and reaction ability had increased by 20%.

Such a strong improvement has never happened before when stimulating adrenaline.

I don’t know if it’s because the demon hunter’s body is much stronger than ordinary people and has been transformed.

In the past, when Ailin stimulated the adrenal medulla to secrete adrenaline, the maximum increase was only one percent.

Although the amount of adrenaline secreted this time was only half more, it was like crossing a certain threshold and increasing drastically.


“Let’s not talk about other effects, just the improvement in overall strength, this giant ghoul decoction can be called a miracle medicine…”

The demon hunter was a little excited.

More importantly, this improvement effect can last for at least three hours.


Ailin tried to use the seal and ice spear spell again.

The power was improved, but it was only the effect of improving the attributes.

It was not like in the game, after using a seal, consuming one bar of adrenaline, and instantly releasing another seal.

As for the “survival from death” in the game, when the health value drops to 0%, adrenaline is consumed immediately to restore a certain percentage of health value.

Because of the incredible effect of the Giant Ghoul Decoction, some hot-headed demon hunters thought about it and took the initiative to lower the temperature of their brains...

Didn't dare to try.

But even if there were no cheating effects in the game, Ailin was satisfied.

The strength was improved by at least one-fifth...

Three hours!!!

What else do you need?

Besides, the formula of the Giant Ghoul Decoction is much easier to obtain than other decoctions that take several months to split a mutation-inducing substance.

The giant ghoul bone marrow obtained by Ailin from killing the giant ghoul is almost enough for him to refine two or three hundred bottles of decoction.

"Tsk tsk, the world is so different!"

The demon hunter felt it again, and the sense of power brought by the gushing adrenaline could not help but sigh.

When he played games in his previous life, he never used the Giant Ghoul Decoction.

He was not a high-level player. Unless the level was suppressed, it was not easy to kill a monster without injury.

I didn't expect that after traveling through time, the effect of the Giant Ghoul Decoction would be so much stronger.

After calming his breath, the demon hunter took out a bottle of blizzard from the reagent bag on his waist.

Immediately afterwards.

After thinking for a few seconds, he took out a bottle of white honey and put it beside him.

The toxicity of the giant ghoul decoction and the magic potion blizzard should not reach his limit of anti-toxicity.

However, in order to prevent the toxicity from rising sharply after the two magic potions are combined.

The demon hunter still put the white honey that can purify the toxicity and eliminate the effect of the potion in a place where he can reach it easily.



The moment the blue magic potion was swallowed, the demon hunter's temple suddenly swelled as if it was about to burst.

This made Ailin groan, but after getting used to it, he could still bear it.

Then the whites of the eyes around the azure cat pupils quickly turned ice blue again.

"It works!"

The demon hunter cheered softly with joy.

He could feel that the energy of the blizzard in his mind was a quarter higher than the last time he used it.

And as soon as he thought about it, adrenaline surged at the same time.

The "bullet time" state switches almost seamlessly, and the "time" slowing down effect seems to have increased from one-twentieth to one-twenty-fifth of the original flow rate.

"The giant ghoul decoction and the magic potion Blizzard are a perfect match!"

After carefully understanding it, the demon hunter excitedly recalled the process of hunting monsters in the past.

There is no doubt about it.

In this state, he can hunt the Great Griffin on his own without relying on the assistance of Vesemir and Mary!

After a few more attempts, the blizzard's energy disappeared.

But the side effects of the potion, the swelling and pain in the temples and brain, did not disappear.

This is a warning that the toxins accumulated in the body are approaching a breaking point.

"It would be great if in reality, there were various resistance talents..."

The witcher couldn't help but sigh as he felt the slowly metabolizing toxins in his body.

There is no need for other effects of the alchemy school. As long as it can light up the talent of quickly metabolizing toxins, the demon hunter doesn't know how strong he can be after drinking the full effect of the potion...

Think of this.

He couldn't help but think of Thomas Morew, who should be in the dungeons of Kaer Morhen.

“Although there is no talent for enhancing toxicity tolerance in the secondary mutation skill tree in the game…”

"But it can be seen from the effect of the giant ghoul decoction that some effects in the game will basically have functional changes that are consistent with reality in reality..."

"So the secondary mutation will inevitably enhance the poisonous tolerance of the demon hunter in reality..."

"I just don't know when I can get the information about the second mutation from Thomas Moreu..."

at the same time.

The cliff beside the Pontar River, beside a branch road less than one kilometer away from Vergen.

"Dean, as far as I can find, the last traces of Thomas Moreu and Macao are here..."

A wizard wearing a black robe with stars on his head stood up from the ground after hesitating for a few seconds.

A bright silver arrow-shaped magic glow immediately disappeared into the soil.

Respectfully still at the side of another middle-aged wizard.

The middle-aged wizard remained silent and looked at the place where the arrow disappeared for a long time.

The evening wind in the mountains howled and blew his black robes.

"Someone deliberately erased their traces." The middle-aged wizard said.

This is a yes, not a question.

And without waiting for the other wizard to reply, the middle-aged wizard analyzed himself:

"They were not dead, but their traces were deliberately erased."

"And with such a clean method, even you can't predict where to go..."

"It's because I haven't studied my skills deeply enough..." The wizard bowed humbly.

The middle-aged wizard waved his hand and interrupted:

"I'm not blaming you..."

"Concealing traces is easier than tracing. It can show fluctuations that even I can't detect. There may not be any warlocks in the entire northern continent who are better than you and the trace-finding spell..."

"I'm just weird..."

The middle-aged wizard paused.

"What is the dean wondering about?" another wizard asked.

"Who would take the risk of offending Ben Ad and attack our people..." The middle-aged wizard lowered his head and pondered for two seconds before murmuring:

"Dead people are always easier to cover their tracks..."

"So what did Thomas Moreu and Macao know..."

"Which one would rather take the huge risk of being discovered and capture them alive?"

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