Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 266 Blood and Fire

After that.

Both wizards were silent.

The mountain wind howled, bringing the sharp chill that only belongs to the night.

The robes of the two wizards were blown and rustled.

"Could it be the little king who did it?" The wizard in the starlight robe asked, "The court of Ade Kalai has always been a little restless."

The middle-aged wizard asked:

"Then why do you think they captured Thomas More and Macao alive at this time, Shaquille?"

"Maybe to vent their anger?" Shaquille was a little uncertain, "Thomas More is the leader of the radical faction of the academy. Maybe the little king was oppressed by the nobles they influenced?"

Seeing that the dean was somewhat noncommittal, he thought for a few seconds and then said:

"It could also be the nobles of Aedirn. They have been restless recently and have not concealed it."

"And doesn't Radek, the target of Thomas More and Macao, have a relative in Vengerburg in Aedirn?"

The dean was still silent.

Shaquille was a little helpless at this time.

Ben Ade has been above all the major forces for many years.

In the peak period, even the king had to listen to them to keep the throne. It is conceivable how arrogant Ben Ade's wizards were before the big trouble of the king's death.

Therefore, Ben Ade's secret enemies, those with bad intentions, and forces that would take advantage of the situation are countless.

So it's not that he can't say that there are other forces that may plot to harm Ben Ade.

It's just that there are too many such people.

Even the Wolf School, which has always been neutral and honest and upholds the pedantic chivalry spirit, is suspected.

Moreover, this does not include Thomas Moreau and Macao's own enemies...

To be honest.

They can do such a thing so neatly and have the ability to cover up the traces so well.

The one with the greatest suspicion is not even the little king who is suspected of having a grudge against Ben Ade for killing his father...

But his own people in the academy.

Experimental funds, research results, teaching positions, political ideals...

Which one is not worth being stabbed in the back by his own people.


Secretly knowing the itinerary of Thomas Moreau and Macao, dealing with the fighting power of two wizards in a neat and tidy manner, and covering up the traces so skillfully...

Those two wizards are both experienced and powerful warlocks.

It is not easy to achieve each of these three items.

The possibility of internal strife is the greatest.

But Shaquil naturally couldn't say that in front of Hen Gedimidis.

And the dean knows much more about the possibility of internal strife than he does.

So after thinking about it, Shaquil made up a lie in a respectful manner:

"The sorceress of Aretuza is also suspected. Aren't they competing with us for the position of magic consultant of Kaedwen recently?"

"And they have always been very interested in some research projects of Ban Ade..."

Before he finished speaking.

Hen Gedimidis, the dean of Ban Ade, raised his hand and interrupted Shaquil.


An orange-red portal appeared in front of him.

Shaquil was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Dean, are you not going to continue investigating?"

"Vergen is not far from here, maybe there are some clues there. If that doesn't work, let's go back to Ban Green Fortress to have a look..."

"There are only two places where the Pontar River can pass."

Hen Gedimidis shook his head when he heard this: "The shadow of war is right in front of us."

"Under the watchful eyes of the public, it is not appropriate for the academy to make some eye-catching moves at this time..."

"A large-scale search for the two missing wizards will only expose our weaknesses in front of those who are interested..."

Thinking of the messy relationship with the Kaedwen royal family and the division and restlessness within the academy, he sighed deeply in his heart.

He didn't understand...

Why was Ban Ade, which was previously calm, now feeling a little precarious just because a fighting competition was held?

"But the radicals have been asking for an explanation..." Shaquille hesitated, "Thomas Moreau has always been an important member of that side, so..."

"Humph!" Hen Gedimidis snorted coldly and scolded, "They dare to ask for an explanation after the situation has become what it is now!"

"Janes was bewitched to study the intersection of the celestial spheres in private, and I haven't settled the score with them yet..."

Hen Gedimidis looked at Shaquille: "You can tell them the following sentence intact..."

"If they make trouble again, when the war breaks out, I will drive them all to the front line!"

"I know, Dean." Shaquille nodded when he heard this.

"Yeah." Hen Gedimidis nodded slightly, then walked towards the portal.

Before entering the orange-red portal, he suddenly seemed to remember something, paused for a moment, turned around and said:

"After you go back, ask someone to check Thomas Moreau and Macao's research in recent years... no... compile all the projects they have studied and send them to me..."

"And the list of wizards who have competed with them for funding..."

Hen Gedimidis' tone was cold, as cold as ice.

Shaquil stood up straight in a dignified manner:

"Yes, Dean."

"I'll arrange for someone to check when I get back."


The next morning.

Alin in the icon room woke up from meditation and sighed with both loss and relief.

After testing the combination of blizzard and giant ghoul decoction last night, he went to bed early.

It's a pity that I had no dreams all night.

Goddess Melitelli did not chat with him again.

So whether there will be danger and chaos on Cinco de Mayo remains a mystery.

"I wonder how Ianna's discussion with the old Duke went yesterday?"

Aelin muttered.

Then he got up and washed quickly, then sat next to the basket and waited for the little priest to feed him.

Talk about it.

Although Aylin has not escaped the attention of the evil god, he no longer has to stay in the icon room all day long, waiting for someone to deliver food.

But don't know why.

Neither the witcher nor the priest tacitly mentioned this.


The witcher's ears twitched.

"Deng Deng Deng~"

The footsteps came as promised.

But the next second Aylin looked towards the corridor in confusion.

Because besides the footsteps of the little priest, he also heard another footsteps.

It’s not Nannick, who hasn’t been here for a long time and has thoroughly taught the little priest the task of delivering food, but...

"Aunt Ianna?" The demon hunter looked at the high priest who appeared in front of the little priest and smiled kindly, and asked in surprise, "Why did you come so early today?"

The high priest glanced at the empty basket on the ground and said:

"Come with me, the old Duke is looking for you."

Old Duke?

The witcher was stunned for a moment.

Why is the old Duke looking for me?

Corpse-eating bio-oil recipe?

Or for Cinco de Mayo?

"None of them," the high priest saw through the witcher's thoughts from his expression and squinted his eyes to tell the truth, "But it's not a bad thing..."

"Let's go first. The old Duke is still waiting. You can have breakfast on the way..."

It's not a bad thing... The demon hunter glanced at the wrinkled face of the high priest and didn't ask further questions.

With her current expression, she couldn't get an answer even if she asked.


As he followed the high priest out, he looked at the little priest who had lowered his head since he came in.

Ailin knew that she was still embarrassed about what happened last night, so he said hello softly:

"Morning, Lysa, thank you for bringing me breakfast."

"Morning...morning..." The little priest seemed to be startled, and his tone was a little frustrated.

After hearing the witcher's voice, she quickly opened the white cloth on the basket and handed the three soft-boiled eggs that had been carefully peeled to the witcher.

The high priest noticed something strange about Lysa, his steps suddenly stopped, and he looked at the two people thoughtfully.


"We have nothing..." the demon hunter and the little priest said in unison.

The high priest was startled when he heard this, and then seeing that the two people still wanted to explain, he nodded meaningfully and interrupted:

"Okay, okay, nothing, nothing..."

Because the high priest acted like a villain, every time Aelin and Lysa wanted to explain, they pretended to be stupid and diverted the topic away.

As a result, along the way, except for Yianna who was smiling happily, the overall atmosphere was slightly awkward.


After the witcher finished his breakfast, Lysa quickly ran away with a blushing face.

"Aunt Ianna, is this fun?" The demon hunter looked at the high priest helplessly.

"Of course it's fun..." Ianna nodded vigorously, "I will serve the goddess in a few years. Among the few hobbies I have now, you rank first..."

So Lysa and I are your hobby?

What is this word?

The demon hunter opened his mouth, but in the end he just sighed and did not bother with this issue with an old man.

After all, although Yianna gossips, she won't tell others. She keeps it to herself... uh... and enjoys it openly and openly in front of the person involved.

Therefore, it will not affect the reputation of the young priest.

Therefore, the witcher did not bother about this matter anymore.

But just because he doesn't pester doesn't mean that Yianna doesn't gossip.

"Priest or sorceress, which one do you like?" she asked curiously.

The demon hunter didn't want to answer, but he couldn't bear the high priest staring at him, which was creepy.


After sighing helplessly, he looked at the high priest seriously and said:

"Aunt Ianna, since you know that I am the child of miracles, you shouldn't ask such a question..."

"Be aware that the time of sword and ax is near, it is the time of cold wolf, storm and snow."

"The world will die in the frost and be reborn under a new sun."

"Ess'tuath esse! This is what is necessary! Watch for the signs!"

"If you want to know what the signs are..."

"First, Filius Miraculi - the Miracle Child - was born in a bitter cold land."

"Death and rebirth, the inhuman brings blood and fire."

"I know..." The high priest immediately stopped smiling, "This is the prophecy of the Elf Sage Islin."

"But what does this have to do with you, Lysa, and Mary..."

The witcher stopped and bowed his head in silence for a while.

"I have personally witnessed blood and fire, and I will bring blood and fire..."

"The blood comes from evil people and from good people..."

"It comes from poor people who can't control their own destiny..."

"The fire ignited the palace walls and burned the travelers' tents..."

"The pillars of the shack will be burned down..."

His tone was low, like the sultry thunder of summer, and at the same time, there was an unmistakable smell of rust.

It was the smell of blood, of war and death.

When Ianna heard this, she seemed to have thought of something, and her expression changed from serious to more pitiful.


The demon hunter paused and stared into Ianna's eyes:

"And for the foreseeable future..."

"The blood will form rivers without distinction between good and evil, and the fire will burn cities and villages without distinction..."

"So I don't want to think about these private matters until everything is settled."

After listening to the witcher's words, Ianna sighed.

This is the child of miracles...

She gently stroked the witcher's hair and murmured softly:

"Good boy, it's not your fault, it's not your fault..."

Aelin felt the heat in Ianna's rough palm.

I don't know why my throat suddenly... became a little tight.

"Let's go, Sister Ianna..." The demon hunter abandoned those strange feelings and took a step forward to avoid the high priest's hand. "The old Duke is still waiting for us..."

"By the way, does he have anything to do with me?"

The high priest didn't pay attention to the witcher's dodge.

She calmed down her emotions, squinted her eyes again and smiled kindly:

"It's a little surprise, you'll find out when you get there."

To this.

The witcher could only shake his head and continue walking towards the temple entrance.

Go to the door and walk around the huge statue of the goddess Meritele.

On the avenue where the heavy shade of trees was mixed with spots of light, the old Duke stood outside the temple, in the same position where he stood two days ago.

He stood with his hands behind his back, and his body was as straight as an old man in his sixties or seventies.

Aelin was curious sometimes.

As a great nobleman and the ruler of Elland, Duke Mason is so old. If there is something he cannot let his subordinates do, he has to do it himself.

The witcher felt that there should be other driving forces behind this.

As for this driving force...

He glanced at Yianna, who was about the same age.

Although the high priest is not young, and his face is crisscrossed with grooves and traces of time, it seems that he has not taken care of himself.

But overall it is indeed very elegant and elegant.

If you don't squint your eyes, at first glance, it looks like Ms. Vera looked like when she was old.

So it doesn't seem surprising that the old Duke would have feelings of admiration.

"Are you thinking of something very rude?" Ianna suddenly said, startling the demon hunter.

Before he could quibble.

The high priest narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a smile.

"It's a pity that I am a priest of the goddess. I am not able to read minds like a sorceress like Vera..."


"I must pry your cute little head open to see what's going on inside?"

The demon hunter could only sneer and speed up towards the old Duke, who had his back turned to them, as if he was showing off.

At this time.

The old Duke seemed to hear their voices and turned around.

After seeing the demon hunter and the old priest, he stated his purpose very directly in his usual style.

It was just beyond Aylin's expectations.

The old Duke really didn't come here for the sword oil, nor because of the possible risks of May Day.

His first words were:

"Witcher, have you seen the Wild Hunt?"

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