Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 87 Beyond Your Imagination

Alin shook his head, and his swollen heart returned to normal again.

He took down the pure white cotton towel hanging on the rack and wiped the water stains on his body.

The sorceress really prepared everything, even folded the new clothes and spread them on the bed.

"Does Ms. Vera treat me as her own child?"

Alin changed into white silk pajamas and lay on the bed.

Feeling this almost meticulous care, he really felt like he had an extra mother.

Although he was an orphan in both his previous and current lives and had never felt maternal love.

But in his imagination, his mother seemed to be like this.

She would arrange everything in life in an orderly manner, worry about his future, and be happy about his achievements...


Alin sighed.

Is this just his extravagant hope, or is it a common regret in two lives?


The sorceress may really think so now and do so, but what about the future?

Raise him when he is interested, and ignore him when he is not interested.

He had seen this situation many times in the orphanage in his previous life...

Orphans who were sent back often never recovered.

Fortunately, he had a place to live in this world and the ability to survive, and he did not rely entirely on the favor of the sorceress.


"How can I repay such a heavy favor?" Ailin couldn't help but sigh again.


The next morning.

Ailin woke up on time.

The biological clock he had developed over the past month or even a few years made him wake up on time.

Better than all the alarm clocks in his previous life.


The door on the balcony was opened.

The biting cold wind, with the unique freshness of the forest and snowy mountains, blew the pajamas and instantly filled the dim room.

The dirty air accumulated overnight was instantly cleared.

Ailin slowly took two steps forward, gently held the gray-white marble railing, and looked up into the distance.

The sky was blue.

The satin-like clouds floated leisurely.

They floated between the mountains, between the woods, and in front of the terrace.

You can hold them with your hand.

After a few days of heavy snow, the mountains and forests were painted white, like a kingdom of ice and snow.

"It's so beautiful!"

Ailin couldn't help but admire.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let the breath of the mountains and forests take away his thoughts.

He suddenly discovered that another benefit of affinity with water elements is cold resistance.

Five points of affinity allowed him to stay in the wind for at least two hours even in his pajamas.


The sound of wooden sticks knocking, accompanied by a light shout, interrupted Ailin's understanding of nature.

He opened his eyes and looked down.

On the wooden stake for apprentice training, a figure wearing leather armor, with his eyes covered, was avoiding the wooden stakes that collided back and forth.

It was Xius.

To be honest, this kind of apprentice training is no longer useful for demon hunters like them who have experienced the Green Grass Trial.

Xius must know this truth.

But every move he made to dodge and swing his sword was very serious and focused.


Alin sighed, without saying anything, and turned back to the room to wash and tidy up.

About ten minutes later,

Alin changed into the new clothes prepared by the sorceress and the leather armor that had just been cleaned, and left the room.


On the wooden stake for apprentice training, Hughes was still training with his eyes covered.

But looking at his relaxed movements, it was obvious that the effect was not great.

For Hughes, this kind of training can only keep his pace level from decreasing, that's all.

For demon hunters, there are only two ways to improve their strength.

One is that as they grow older, the demon hunter's mutant organs will grow, naturally transform the body and improve attributes.

Or they can keep sharpening their skills between life and death. It can not only improve the level of various skills, but also stimulate the mutant organs and speed up the improvement of attributes.

This method has no other disadvantages except that it is easy to die early.

Alin watched from below without saying anything.

He knew why Hughes was doing this useless work.

He discovered it yesterday when he was on the ship.

Although Hughes has always been the same as usual, with Aylin as the core, constantly providing emotional values ​​such as amazement, praise, and envy.

But his words clearly contain negative emotions such as loss, powerlessness, and hatred of weak strength.

Hughes grew up with Aylin and experienced life and death together.

For Hughes, Aylin is his brother and his only relative in Kaer Morhen and even in this world.

For Hughes, abandoning his loved ones and fleeing in embarrassment due to lack of strength is not something he can accept calmly.

Even if this is Aylin's order.

Even if no one will blame him.

After the training, Hughes took off his blindfold and saw Aylin smiling at a glance.


"Why are you here?"

Alin pointed upwards in the direction of his room and said:

"After waking up, I happened to see someone training, so I came down to take a look."

Xius felt a little embarrassed and said:

"Did I disturb you?"

Alin shook his head, looked at Xius's green cat eyes, and asked seriously:

"Xius, do you want to improve your strength?"

Xius was stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

Alin didn't urge him, and he just gave Xius an appraisal.

[Name: Xius]

[Attributes: Strength 6.4, Agility 7.6, Constitution 8.2, Perception 8.4, Mystery 4.3]

Too weak!

Aelin sighed inwardly.

With such strength, he is not even a qualified demon hunter.

At least Quen, released mysteriously in 4.3, can't even withstand an ordinary blow from the water ghost.

"Of course I want to, but don't you only have a silver sword?"

Hughes' eyes wandered to Elsa, with anticipation on his face.


Aylin coughed twice, pulled back his right foot slightly, blocking Hughes' longing gaze, and said quickly:

"Not a weapon."

Hughes looked disappointed, but then asked curiously:

"What's that?"

Aylin smiled mysteriously and took out a crystal bottle from the pocket where the medicine was kept.

The liquid in the bottle was light red and slightly viscous, as if it were some kind of oil.

This is the heart essence of the water ghost.

Hughes regarded him as a beloved relative and friend.

Aylin also values ​​​​the child he has seen since he opened his eyes.

Hughes, including Bunt and Fred, are his roots in the Wolf Faction.

The protagonist Geralt in the story still has to call on his friends when he faces unpredictable monsters and difficulties.

How could Aelin not know that in the world of demon hunters?

People are the greatest strength.


He has long had the idea of ​​improving the strength of those around him, and his first choice was Hughes.

Even though his talent is the worst among the three.

On the one hand, Hughes trusted him the most and almost obeyed him.

On the other hand, maybe there is also the influence of the predecessor.

After all, Aylin accepted all the memories of his predecessor.

Although the memories of thirty years in the past life can completely cover the memories of just a few years.

But when I dreamed back at midnight, many of the perspectives in the dream were from my previous life.

Train, drink medicine, train, drink medicine…

Gradually it was as if they were one.

It's like he is from the past life and I am from this life.

Therefore, Aylin naturally retains some feelings for Hughes.

Although very light.

"Is it the same potion as the killer whale?"

Hughes curiously took the water ghost's heart essence.

At Aylin's nod, Hughes drank the essence in one gulp without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Aylin made another appraisal.

[Name: Hughes]

[Attributes: Strength 6.5 (+0.1), Agility 7.6, Constitution 8.4 (+0.2), Perception 8.4, Mystery 4.3]

"Ai Lin! Is this a magic potion that instantly restores physical strength?"

After taking it, Hughes shouted in surprise.

Aylin smiled softly, glanced at the data beside Hughes, and said meaningfully:

"Hughes, it works much, much better than you think..."

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