It’s much better than he thought?

Isn’t it good enough to be able to instantly restore physical strength?

Xiu Si looked surprised and was about to close his eyes to experience it again.

Ailin took out five more bottles and motioned him to drink them now.


The crystal bottles knocked against each other, making a slight sound.

Out of trust in Ailin, Xiu Si took the crystal bottle and drank all five bottles of “magic potion”.

In an instant,

A warm current started from the stomach and flowed to every corner of the body.

The muscles of the limbs were slightly numb and itchy, as if they were growing.

His ears and eyes were refreshed, and even his breathing was much smoother than before.

Without the influence of the instant recovery of physical strength, Xiu Si felt the effect of the “magic potion” more clearly.

“I… I seem to have become stronger?”

Xiu Si lowered his head and clenched his fist. The veins on the back of his hand were visible and invisible, and a sense of power far beyond the previous one came from the palm.

Ailin smiled at this scene and gave him another appraisal.

[Name: Xiu Si]

[Attributes: Strength 7 (+0.5), Agility 7.6, Constitution 9.4 (+1), Perception 8.4, Mystery 4.3]

One bottle of essence only increases the attribute by 0.3. Under the effect of restoring physical strength, you may not feel anything.

But after drinking five bottles of essence.

The increase in strength and physical attributes even exceeded one-tenth of Xiu Si's own.

This effect is very obvious. You can clearly feel that your strength and physical fitness have increased.


"I seem to have really become stronger!"

Xiu Si came back to his senses and looked at Ailin excitedly.

The hot gaze almost set his hair on fire.

Ailin smiled and nodded, saying:

"Don't doubt it, you have become stronger."

"This bottle of magic potion can gently improve your strength and physical fitness."

Xiu Si's excitement became even more intense when he heard this.

He couldn't wait to run to the training stake, blindfolded himself, and moved around.

The sense of power and fluency in his movements were obviously improved a lot.

After swinging, spinning, and chopping with the wooden sword for three or four minutes, he came back thoughtfully.

His head was lowered, as if he was thinking about how to get more bottles.

"There are only five bottles today, come back at this time tomorrow..." Ailin said with a smile.

It is certainly convenient to replenish Hughes' attributes at once, but the source of so much essence is a problem.

Creating an alchemical formula within a few days can be explained by genius.

But creating so many potions out of nothing is not something that can be fooled by the word genius.

Besides, the mountain trial has ended, and the defense of Kaer Morhen is unknown.

But if it is going to happen soon, relying on the heart essence of the water ghost alone in a few days, Hughes and his strength will not be improved.

If there is still one or two years, it doesn't matter if these few days are needed.

Therefore, Ailin will only give Hughes six bottles of essence now.

After opening the treasure chest in the afternoon, upgrading alchemy to level 4, and unlocking the essence formula, he will decide tomorrow's gift based on the amount of refining.

"No need!"

Xiu Si came over and interrupted Ailin with his head down.


Ailin had never expected Xiu Si to refuse.

He was stunned for a few seconds, looking at Xiu Si, whose face was full of entanglement and inferiority, and seemed to understand something.

"Ai Lin, this potion is very expensive, right?"

"So... you should use it yourself... I... I don't deserve such a good potion?"

As expected... Ai Lin thought.

He patted Hughes on the shoulder and explained:

"Don't worry, this is my own formula, and the materials are everywhere, so it doesn't cost much."

"And I've used it a long time ago, and it doesn't work anymore."

Hughes looked up and asked a little embarrassedly:


"Of course it's true, and this potion will not only be given to you, but also to Bont and Fred."

The young face showed a cheerful smile again, and said:

"Alin, you are so good to me, and it was the same during the mountain trial... I don't know how to repay you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Will you not come to help me when I'm in trouble?"

"How is that possible..."

Hughes was anxious and denied it repeatedly.

Hughes felt warm in his heart, smiled and touched his head, and comforted him a few more times before Hughes calmed down.

Then they chatted for a few more words, and after Hughes told him the story of the formula of the essence liquid, he said goodbye to him and left.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard Hughes's young but firm and powerful voice behind him.


"If you are in trouble, I am ready to die for you at any time!"


Southwest corner of the Ancient Sea Fortress.

No matter how sunny the weather is, the demon hunter's apprentice dormitory still gives people a gloomy feeling.

The snarling dead wood, the cold gray stone walls, the rotten and dilapidated wooden doors...

Every element is resisting the arrival of outsiders.

Fortunately, Alin is not an outsider.

After silently praying for the souls of the dead apprentices to protect him, Alin sat quietly on his former bed, looking at the twenty-four treasure chests in the inventory, and took a deep breath.

[Ding! The Water Ghost King's treasure chest*12 is opened]

As the prompt sounded, six white lights flashed.

Experience bead*1

Experience bead*1

Experience bead*1...

Six consecutive treasure chests were filled with experience beads, which made Ailin nervous.

"Is it going to be a disaster today?" Ailin muttered.

He was not so nervous when facing the old spearhead and the water ghost king.

Large monsters are really too difficult to fight.

Although Ailin's strength has improved a lot, if he does not take shortcuts and does not rely on Vesemir's assistance, he basically cannot kill a monster like the old spearhead head head-on.

Just as he was worried, the light of the treasure chest continued to flash.

White, white, white, blue, white, purple.

Still... okay!

At least it's not all blue sky and white clouds, and the experience beads are also very useful...

Ailin can only comfort himself in this way.

Or the expectations of the two double yolk eggs last time were too high, otherwise if he opened a purple one when he just crossed over, he would be so happy that he couldn't sleep all night.

After the purple light disappeared, darkness fell.

The pale ruins of a decaying city gradually appeared in the darkness.

As Ailin was curious, the city suddenly enlarged in front of him and rushed towards him.

Before he could close his eyes, the perspective suddenly changed.

An old man with gray hair was fiddling with some bones and flesh on the ground, as if he was offering sacrifices.

A circle of ragged old and young women and children tightly surrounded the old man, and there was no adult male in sight.


the old man placed the bloody offerings, walked to the center surrounded by the offerings, and knelt down.

His dry and cracked lips kept murmuring, as if praying, and seemed to be begging.


The surrounding flesh dissolved, the bones suddenly broke into powder, and the minced meat and bone powder suddenly seemed to have consciousness, crawling on the ground and clinging to the old man's body.

After a while,

the hideous and terrifying flesh and blood giant appeared.

It glanced at Ailin, glaring, as if seeing a blood feud, and rushed towards him fiercely.

In the next moment,

it turned into flying ash.

[Ding! Obtain: Experience beads*10, Heart essence of the Water Ghost King*1, Ritual: Flesh and Blood Giant]

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