Demon King Dad

: The second year story 033, absurd illusion

Recalling the bread, the idiot took the little girl's hand and pushed open the door of the principal's office. He didn't show any surprise or excitement for the walnut standing outside, as if he hadn't seen it, and walked past Walnut.

"Hey, did you realize that I was hiding outside the door? That's why you can be so calm?"

Walnut carried her hands on her back and walked backwards and said. The idiot did not respond to any of her questions, and still walked forward unhurriedly.

Walnut seemed a little dissatisfied with the idiot's indifference. The little girl snorted, suddenly raised her finger to his nose, and said loudly: "Okay! After the scar is gone, forget the pain? Did you know that you fell to the ground on the Peak of Enlightenment last time? , Who saved you? You are fine, you have forgotten all my kindness to save you!"

Walnut's memory is normal, and she will not forget everything that happened on the Peak of Enlightenment that day. But because of her dignity, she couldn't openly say that she was saved by the person in front of her, not to mention that he was an unidentified beggar. In addition, she is not a liar, she did call Principal Campa by yelling during the period after the idiot passed out. Well, that's right! Although I can't talk about direct rescue, I did a little bit of effort, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I saved him by myself~~~!

It's just a pity that her remarks did not stop the idiot's footsteps. In the blink of an eye, he turned the corner, came to the elevator, and pressed the button. Except for the small bread who stretched out his left hand that was not held by the idiot, and leaned towards her while whimpering, there was no response along the way.

No response was received anyway. Walnut really got a big fire. From childhood to adulthood, she has been spoiled, praised, and loved by everyone. But in the same way, she has also been scolded by her father and king, and her two brothers have been teasing her. But anyway, she has never encountered anyone who treats herself as air without even looking straight!

What is this person? When I first met, I was fierce and rude to me. Later, he kept cheating and intimidating me. Now it's alright, I finally apologized to him a little bit, and wanted to show that I helped him. Why is this person such a face again? How can I help? This person just died!

Out of anger, Walnut suddenly glanced at the corner of his mouth, stepped forward to the idiot and pressed the button. But while waiting for the elevator to come up, she couldn't help but glance at the mission briefing in the hands of the idiot.

He... got the task?

Wait a minute, wait a minute... Where did he... get the task from Mr. Campa? ! So... can't say...! A level task that even Mr. Goodsay can't get, he...? ? ? ! ! !

In an instant, Walnut's entire face became pale. At this moment, Xiao Bian stretched out his left hand while Walnut finally stood still, trying to grab her. But the little girl's fingers just touched Walnut's left hand, she lifted her left hand as if electrocuted, and pointed to the task brief in the idiot's hand.

"I now order you as a royal family to show me the content of this mission briefing!"

Finally, the idiot raised his head under the orders of the "Royal Family". After staring at Walnut a little, he finally handed out the briefing in his hand.


Walnut snatched the briefing a little unconvinced. If this person can really get the legendary level task, it would be a big joke! Without the help of Tian Lai, how could this person get a level task that even Dylau Goodsey, known as the messenger of genius and justice, could not get?

............ But, if he does get it...... what should he do?

Level quests have always been issued by Headmaster Campa himself, and he didn’t take over the task before entering the headmaster’s office, but he got the task after leaving the headmaster’s office... If... if he really got it... what should he do? do? !

Walnut noticed that his heartbeat began to accelerate. The thin task briefing held in his hands turned out to be so heavy at this moment. She took a breath, finally made up her mind, and opened the first page of the briefing--


".........Level task?"

The inkpad on the mission level was clear. The moment he saw this letter, Walnut suddenly felt a strange feeling of loss and satisfaction in his heart. She didn't believe it. Could it be that Headmaster Campa called the little pervert in just to give him a D-level mission that was almost plastered on the bulletin board?

With doubts, Walnut immediately opened the task description. The introduction inside is very short. Go to a small village called "Desapush" to kill a first-level monster named "Viemen"... gone?

"Really...D-class mission?"

After confirming it three times, Walnut lifted his eyes from the task briefing and glanced at the idiot in front of him. At this time, the elevator behind has also arrived, and the door opened with a "ding".

Walnut hummed and turned over the mission briefing. When she saw the idiot's signature on the back of the mission briefing, she finally couldn't help but smile.

"Idiot, idiot, you really are an idiot. I thought for a moment whether Mr. Campa valued you, and I was a fool. You are a complete idiot! How could it be possible to do such a big job? Give it back to you, tattered Bad D-class mission."

Walnut casually threw the task briefing at the idiot, and then finally relaxed into the elevator. She didn't wait for the idiot, but closed the door without authorization and took it down by herself.

"Hehe, it's really funny. Idiot, a big~~~white~~~idiot~~~. In fact, I'm also stupid enough. According to common sense, I should imagine it. How could he be able to take the level task? Why would you panic to confirm? Ahem, really."

It's almost the end, I don't know if Dai Lao is still waiting. But I should be waiting. Walnut couldn't help but get excited when he thought that Dai Lao was about to invite him to participate in the B-level mission he took over, hunting for dangerous items like three-headed three-level monsters. She began to think about what kind of clothes and hair should be worn on the day of hunting? For the Duke of Goodsay, one of the two major military families of the Bucks Empire, she, the princess, can't be too rude, she must dress more solemnly.

"............Huh? World of Warcraft...... Weimen............???"

At the moment when the elevator door was about to open, a name suddenly skipped from the little princess's mind.

"I always feel... where did I see this name? Where is it?"

The door opened, and Dai Lao really did what a most loyal light knight should do. He respectfully reached out his hand and took the walnut out of the elevator.

"Mr. Goodsay..."

"Your Royal Highness, please be sure to call your guardian knight's name from now on." Dai Lao bent down and gently kissed the back of Walnut's hand.


"It's an honor to serve you, my princess."

"Well, Dai Lao. Let me ask you, do you know a monster named'Viemen'?"

Dai Lao was startled slightly, with a confused expression on his face. The corner of his eyes turned slightly and glanced at Inselton behind. After thinking for a moment, Inselton spread his hands and shook his head.

"Hmm...Princess, is this beast important?" Dai Lao has secretly made up his mind. If the princess wants to hunt this beast, she must find it out by all means and release it on the day of the hunt. Enter the battlefield.

Walnut frowned. After a while, she still shook her head: "Forget it, it's just a monster whose name hasn't even heard of, why do you care so much?"

Inselton also came up with a smile and said, "Yes, yeah, your Royal Highness. What kind of beast, it is called "Viemen" such an inconspicuous name. It must not be a powerful beast."

"Well, first-level monster."

"What? It's only one level! Oh, that's incomparable to what Big Brother Dai Lao wants to hunt!" Felt yelled.

Walnut exhaled and saw that the elevator behind him had risen again. In order to avoid having to wait for the idiot to come down and then make trouble with Dai Lao and others, she immediately said that she would go back to the room. The three of them also responded politely and left the Glory Tower.





With a soft sound, the door opened. The cold darkness gushes from it.

In the darkness, a little baby girl was not swallowed by the darkness. On the contrary, the darkness gently wrapped her around, led her, and walked out.


It was late at night. Bun rubbed his eyes and looked tired. She grasped the idiot's hand, and her footsteps seemed a little shaky. After thinking about it, the idiot simply picked her up, let her lean on her chest like a baby, and fell asleep.

The stars in the sky flickered silently, and the trees on both sides of the road hummed softly in the night wind. The idiot looked at the darkness of the sky, in those dark pupils...

Reflecting the light of stars...


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