Demon King Dad

: The second year story 034, a quiet village with hidden crisis

It took two days for the idiot to settle all the preparations for the salute and dry food. This is the first time he has left Fengchusha City in a year, and it may last more than two months. Of course, it is impossible to leave the bread alone in the school during these two months. Be sure to take it with you.

On the day the idiot set off, the gate of the campus was like a sea of ​​flowers. Many maids held flower pots and sprinkled flowers into the air. A total of two hundred private soldiers were divided into two teams and lined up on both sides of the school gate. The red carpet extends directly from the teaching area to the outside of the campus, leading to a luxurious carriage.

The fragrance is overflowing, and the iron armor is bright. Of course, this is definitely not for sending off idiots. He does not have this qualification, let alone such a pomp. This scene of thriving scene is entirely to send off the heroic knights and princesses on the carriage to perform the B-level tasks that the elementary students have never performed before. Moreover, it is a B-level mission of the fighting system.

This has opened a precedent for the Royal Academy of Divine Grace. But this kind of pioneering is well deserved. No one would doubt the strength of the first-class young rookie Dyer Goodsay, whether it is his wisdom, strength, or family background, it provides people with great confidence that he can complete this task. This is a kind of glory, a glory that belongs only to genius and noble blood!

The idiot carried the rucksack and left his hand holding the bread. He walked out from a narrow side door specially provided for servants to enter and exit, and headed to the magic train station.


Starting from Fengchushacheng, the most common paved train is taken. The hardware environment of the D-level task looks like this, but for an idiot, such hardware equipment is much better.

Think about the first time I took the magic train before, it took a lot of effort, and I haven't been able to buy a direct ticket to the destination. This time he was able to reach the destination in one stop, even if he didn't have a sleeping berth.

The train drove east, and after leaving the cliff barrier, the desert appeared again. But after only three days of opening, the surrounding scenery turned into summer green again. There are more towns along the way, and more people get on and off the bus. On the way, I passed several large cities. Although it was not as prosperous as Windblown Sand City, it was much better than Senag, the birthplace of the idiot.

After the seventh day, the surrounding cities began to decrease, and the train also drove up the mountain road. The surrounding hills are ups and downs, the interval between parking has also become longer, and travelers who pick up and drop off passengers no longer move so frequently. Finally, on the tenth day, at the moment when the whistle sounded, the idiot had taken the bread by the hand and stood in a very simple country station.

"Leaving the wind and blowing sand city, came to such a border place. But it seems that the environment here is pretty good? There are mountains and waters, and the environment is beautiful? The small village called Desapush that lives here has lived in it Not bad." Dimie sneered.

The idiot opened the map, and after scanning it slightly, he immediately walked along a mountain path with the bread.

The path is long.

The road up and down along the hillside is as messy as the tangled ball of thread.

The criss-crossing roads occasionally pass through that piece of woods, and occasionally cross the swift river. The idiot no longer knows how much time he has been walking since he got out of the car. He only knows that the little bun who was originally very excited, walking and jumping has fallen asleep on his back because he was too tired. I only know that the sun originally hung in the middle, but now it is gradually emitting a golden sunset.

The air was filled with the smell of heat, and the idiot scooped out some water from a stream to fill the kettle, wiped the water stains from his mouth, and looked forward. The damp heat in the mountains and the dryness in the desert is a completely different feeling. It seems that the whole body is compressed by a lot of water vapor, and the sweat cannot be discharged is really uncomfortable.

The idiot turned around and looked at the bun. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. The idiot hugged her after thinking about it, loosened one of her coats for her, and continued to walk into the woods with her back on her back.

"Actually I have had a problem since I got here. Do you know what it is?"

The idiot's footsteps moved slowly, dimming and opening the blood pupils, the red light contrasted with the afterglow of the setting sun, dyeing the surrounding air into blood red.

"Haha, don’t stop talking. Actually, I guess, you already know what the problem I’m talking about is. Although it’s not a very meaningful thing, and we don’t get too much information now, so there’s no reason to mess around. Guess. But now you are idle and idle, why don't we chat with each other? You know, a long and boring journey is easy to make people crazy. The best way to prevent going crazy is to find someone to talk to ."

The idiot still walked step by step. He lifted the bag in his handle, and the iron chain that bound his body made a rattle as he kept going up and down the hillside. At this moment, he is climbing towards a hillside.

"...Hey, hey, talk about it. Don’t be like a maiden who is afraid of seeing a lover. Isn’t it tired if you keep a straight face all day? The hosts in front of you will get me within two years , But I have long used my power to turn the world upside down. It's fine if you don't believe me. You are too lazy to say this kind of topic that is completely irrelevant to privacy. Isn't it too outrageous?"

The idiot took hold of a small tree growing on a vertical **** of ninety degrees, and with a little bit of force, his body had already moved up the **** gently and skillfully.

"..................Same as you said."

"Oh? Are you finally willing to speak? Interesting. So, what do you think of this issue?"

"………………There is not enough information to judge."

"Yes, yes, I certainly don't want you to judge right away. Just guess, guess."

"......I don't guess."

A few short words immediately turned down the darkened conversation.

The life of a sewer rat lingers on the brink of death all day long. There is no such thing as luck in a dirty and humble mouse. Idiots never believe that they will be favored by Goddess of Luck, because the occasional chance will never become your main bargaining chip to survive in this world.

guess? This is really an extravagant act of thinking. Young mice have seen too many big mice who have paid their lives for the so-called speculation. For people like him, guessing is not an interesting social activity. You get a prize if you guess it right, and there is no punishment for a wrong guess. For an idiot who has lived in that environment since he was a child, it’s okay to make wild guesses, but if it doesn’t, the price paid...

It may be your life.

Dim Dee, who is chatting with no one, can't stand the loneliness, and is still chatting endlessly. The idiot walked up the hillside, pushed aside the bushes blocking his vision with his hand, and said faintly--

"We have arrived."

Dim Mi stopped, her blood-red eyes glanced down the hillside. In the valley blessed by the afterglow of the setting sun, a small village composed of hundreds of families is quietly embedded there. A wisp of blue smoke floated from the chimney of the house, stretched out to the sky, and was blown by the wind, spreading...


It was late, and when the idiot walked down the mountain to the outside of the small village, the last rays of the sun had already hidden into the mountains behind. Several stars began to be dotted in the sky, and the idiot lifted the sleeping loaf behind him and walked into the village.




very quiet.

Quiet, a little scary.

Calculating the time, it was probably just after seven o'clock at this time, which should be the time for people to finish their meals. But when I walked in the village, the surrounding houses were all lighted out and quiet.

No one was walking around in the village, not even a dog barking. A thick layer of wheat stalks was sprinkled in front of the door of a household in the village to dry them, but now the wheat stalks are already dry, but the owner does not come out to clean them.

The idiot stopped and looked around. He bent down, picked up a straw and pinched it in his hand. The wheat stalks are shiny and round, obviously not a few days ago, but only today. After thinking for a while, he threw away the wheat stalks and walked straight into the village.

Finally, in the innermost part of the village, there was a large family with lights on, and the voices of people talking were faintly heard from inside. It seems that the people in this village have not disappeared.

"Hey, it's boring. If it disappears, how good would it be? An empty village that is completely destroyed without a single person, then there can be too many things to do."

Dimie snorted bored and closed his eyes.

Seeing someone, the idiot exhaled. He didn't want him to spend so much time running here, only to rush out. He lifted his bag and walked forward. As the footsteps moved closer, he finally heard the voices coming from the big room. And listen carefully, there seems to be a lot of people, and they are still arguing fiercely.

"The village chief! You made this proposal at the beginning! What do you want now? Do you regret it?!"

"This...this proposal is indeed what I said! But...but... there must be other ways..."

"But? It's nothing but! This is a rule that everyone has set according to your wishes, and you must follow the village chief!"

"Right, right, right! Uncle Sabo was right! I thought Uncle Sabo did not say a word back then, and now it's your turn to be the village chief, and you are dragging it off again. How can this be done?

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