Demon King Dad

: The second year story 036, the village chief’s abandonment

The village chief raised his head with some excitement and glanced at the idiot in front of him. The man snorted and said, "Tell you? My child, I advise you to go to bed obediently. I was expecting some powerful and powerful people, even if they are the least helpful, they will be from the Divine Grace Academy. The students from the High School of Longitudinal Stones came here. Wherever I thought, it turned out to be...! Cough... My head hurts... Don't talk to me..."

As he said, the village head held his head, as if he didn't want to speak any more.

"Heh, it seems that this old guy really has a broken heart. Boy, what are you going to do?"

Dim Mie sneered in his mind.

"According to what I said, I suggest you don't rush for the task now. Anyway, August 1st is still early! Fire dragon tongue can't run long legs. You have been busy and tired for a day, do you still want to The head monster’s information is now forced out, and then go to slaughter it overnight, and then take the night snack car back?"

It is difficult for an idiot to use it once if it is darkened. He raised his head, feeling the soft hair at the back of his neck rubbing against his skin, and a small amount of weight lying on his shoulders from beginning to end. At this moment, he finally closed those cold eyes and sighed...

Maybe, I was really impatient about this matter. Because she can't talk...

I have always been a little anxious, but at this moment it finally quieted down slowly. An idiot is not a person who is used to being impatient. Once his mind is sorted out, he will once again become a ditch mouse that relies on calmness and activities. Yes, after a long journey, he is tired. Now that you are tired, take a good rest...

Finally, the idiot did not refuse Dahlia's invitation. He walked upstairs with bread on his back, and followed the woman's guidance to a guest room. Although Dahlia repeatedly said that this is the worst room in her house, I hope the idiot will not mind. But the environment here is still many times stronger than that of his cabin.

"Then please take a good rest."

After speaking, the door closed. Dahlia's footsteps gradually moved away. The idiot put her ear on the door and made sure that the woman did not eavesdrop outside the door. After she really left, she put her bag on the ground, took the bread, put her on the bed, and pulled her over the bedding.

The temperature in the mountains slowly drops at night. Looking outside the window, under the dazzling sky of stars, there is the curvy figure of the mountains undulating in the dark. The black curtain grabbed the mountains and united them with itself. Even if it showed people a bright starry sky, the darkness between the peaks could not even be illuminated by the stars.

Little Bread is still sleeping. As soon as she touched the soft bed, she straightened her limbs, kicked her legs twice, and fell asleep again. Looking at this carefree little face that only knows about eating and sleeping, the idiot shook his head, turned off the light, lay on the bed in his clothes, hugged the girl, closed his eyes..................

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that once you relax, it will be really relaxing! Why? Lost the vigilance all the time?"


"Hahaha...hahahahaha! Interesting, it is so interesting! Sometimes I find that you don’t talk more intriguing than talking! What are you thinking? Come on, there is still time before the August 1st festival, just Let me see how far you can achieve during this time!"


the next day.

After a long day's journey yesterday, the bun was very tired. It was already past six o'clock, but he was still sleeping. This is a bit helpless for the idiot who always rests strictly according to the schedule. But when the idiot touched the chain on his right arm and got up, he remembered that he was no longer in the sand city, and of course he did not need to perform daily street sweeping tasks.

So, what are we going to do today?

The idiot was sitting on the edge of the bed with the mission resume, and then he turned the blanket over the little girl's body and looked at it. The village head yesterday asked him to leave today, but this is impossible. Didn't complete the task, didn't bring back the heart of the monster, how can I get paid to buy the fire dragon tongue to cure the illness?

He has read this mission resume many times, but no matter how many times he has read it, he can't find more useful information from it. The idiot raised his head, and through the sunlight leaking through the window, he could see that the time had passed seven. He closed the resume, tied the bread back to his back, opened the door, and went out.

"Child, are you up already?"

Going downstairs to the hall, unexpectedly, the village chief and his wife Dahlia were all there. The village head was still tired while sitting on the sofa, while Dahlia was preparing breakfast in the kitchen on the edge of the hall. After a while, a scent diffused out of it.

"My dear, is that kid up?" During her busy schedule, Dahlia poked her head out of the kitchen. After seeing the idiot, she immediately gave a kind smile, "Small, wait a while. Breakfast will be ready soon. Honey, can you help me put the knife and fork? And, can you help me by the way? The children cried out?"

The village head shook his head and did not answer his wife's words. But he got up and went upstairs.

The scent came out of the kitchen, and within a short time, the beautiful woman walked out with a pot of croquette and placed it on a dining table in the corner of the hall. She pulled the chair away and motioned for the idiot to sit down. But what answered her was a silence that made people unable to guess the meaning, and the figure that seemed to be welded to the floor motionless.

"Sit down, boy. Breakfast will be ready in a while."

The soft tone was full of tenderness, she was persuading. But those cold and emotionless pupils were still staring at her... After a while, he suddenly turned around and walked upstairs back to his room, carrying the bag in his left hand. Then, he turned out a small piece of compressed biscuits from his bag and finished eating in two mouthfuls with his kettle.

The bland and tasteless compressed biscuits melted in the mouth, and the coarse and slightly astringent wheat flour was mixed with water and turned into a slimy thing that filled the entire mouth of the idiot. He chewed, then swallowed the food in his mouth with saliva. It seemed to him that he was not in a small village at the moment, and the table downstairs was not croquette. He seemed to be in the desert, in the desert where he would starve to death and die of thirst at any time without saving food.

After eating, the idiot walked downstairs again. It was also at this time that he found that the village head and three children had been surrounded by the dining table. When he came downstairs, the three children immediately raised their heads and looked at him.

"Huh? Why did you go up again? Come on, boy, sit here and eat. There is nothing good to entertain you in the countryside."

The village chief pointed to the seat opposite to him. Afterwards, he smiled and said to his two sons and one daughter: "Children, come and see the master from the wind and sand city. Don't think he is only a few years older than you, but someone dared to take over. Kill the powerhouse of the harvest **** Weimen~~~!"

The village head smiled bitterly when he said these things, but the three children did not see the bitter smile at the corner of their father's mouth. Especially the eight-year-old daughter, when she saw this tattered body, her hands and feet wrapped in chains, and a girl younger than her little brother on her back, she jumped even more. stand up.

"Little brother! Are you so good?! Are you really, really able to help us kill the harvest **** Weimen?!"

"Marlene! What are you talking about!" The little girl who didn't know the seriousness of her words immediately exchanged for her mother in the kitchen to scold! Dahlia came out holding a pot of sliced ​​bread, glared at the little girl named Marlene with a serious face, and said: "The **** of harvest, Weimen, is our patron saint! What if you can't kill it? What should I do if I get angry with the gods and really exchange for his curse!"

Marlene was so drunk by her mother that she couldn't help but shrink her head and dared not speak any more. But she kept peeking at the idiot over there, constantly scanning his bracelets and ankles.

The idiot's gaze slowly swept across the table, which was filled with a rich breakfast. Then, his eyes turned to this hall.

The house of the village chief’s house is not very large, and the decoration is not so elegant. There is a coffee table in the center of the hall less than 30 square meters, and there are sofas around it. There is a stove directly opposite the gate. Photos, souvenirs and other things are placed on the stove, which seems to be a few years old. After thinking about it, the idiot went straight to the stove and stared at a square vase on it.


After a moment of contemplation, he picked up the vase. A square mark appeared under the bottle. The idiot thought for a while, put the vase down, and picked up the photo next to it. There are still stamps under the photo frame, and the surface is very clean. The photo shows a group photo of the village chief's family of five. After looking at it for a while, he put down the photo frame and again picked up a model souvenir that looked like a magic train next to it.

He read these things carefully little by little. At this moment, Dahlia also scolded her daughter, once again greeted the idiot to take her seat.

However, the boy immediately turned around and replaced the answer with leaving.

"Huh? Boy, are you going back so soon? Let's go after breakfast."

Seeing the idiot stepping towards the gate, the village head stood up and said.

The idiot's footsteps did not stop. As he walked, he said in a cold tone without any emotional ups and downs: "I, I have eaten. Now, go to the village."


The village chief and Dahlia were both taken aback. They looked at each other, and the village chief said first: "When did you eat it? Could it be that I didn't serve well and made you feel unpleasant to live in my house?"

The idiot stood in front of the door, after a little thought, dropped a sentence--

"I...I'm not here to stay, I'm here to complete the task. If you refuse to say, naturally someone will say."

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