Demon King Dad

: The second year story 037, the dry earth

[[[CPU:://file1./er/20104/1/1488571634057513234454410311442.jg]]] The village chief sat back in the chair, his complexion looked a little pale. The village chief sighed, and he didn't know whether it was because of the self-righteousness of the child in front of him, or he hated Feng Chushacheng for not caring about the situation in his village.

The village chief and Dahlia stopped talking, but seeing the idiot about to leave, the little girl named Marlene immediately grabbed a piece of meatloaf and stuffed it into her mouth in twos or twos. She patted her greasy hands, jumped off the chair, and rushed to the idiot's side.

"Wait a minute! Little brother! You want to tour the village, right? Then I will be the tour guide for you!"

"Marlene! What are you talking about! This little brother will return soon, what kind of tour guide!" Dai Liya shouted again.

Unexpectedly, Marlene stretched out her hands to grab the idiot's right hand, and dragged him out of the door without looking back. After escaping the door, the little girl immediately turned around and made a face at her parents——

"Hey~~~ I won't come back~~~! Little brother is very strong, but father said that he is very strong! Little brother, will you help us kill the **** of harvest Weimen, right? Isn't it?...well! If you don't answer, it means you default! Then let's go! I will show you a good tour!"

After speaking, Marlene didn't wait for her parents to scold her, and immediately grabbed the idiot's hand and rushed out of the house.


The small mountain village is not too big, but for Marlene, who is only eight years old, it may be a thrilling adventure. After she ran out of the house, she couldn't help pulling the idiot up the mountain. Seeing the slightly surprised eyes of the adults walking in the village, she seemed to feel more relaxed. Before long, she ran out of the small village and came to a nearby hillside.

"Call ...... call ...... call ...... well ...... so tired! I'm exhausted, really ...... I'm exhausted! Your little brother ...... ...... ...... some people in town that you also ...... Very tired...huh? Haha...I often...walk the mountain...but still...tired...and...!"

Marlene panted heavily, pressing her hands on her knees. But when she turned her head back and looked at her, she saw a peaceful face, with no sweat on her body, as if an idiot who had never rushed was standing behind her.

Marlene's mouth pursed, but she soon found a reason to excuse herself: "This is normal. You are a boy and I am a girl. You are the strong man who came to kill the harvest **** Weimen, I just An ordinary girl~~~!"

Marlene straightened her back. Thinking about it this way, she probably felt that it was normal for her to lose, and her heart eased.

The morning sun is not too intense, and the hillside where Marlene is standing is not dense with trees. Bathed in the morning sun, the little girl stretched a lot and took a breath.

"How? The air here is very fresh~~~"


"I heard that Windblown Sand City was built in the desert. Brother, what is the desert?"


"Little brother? Hey, little brother, can you talk? Hey~~~!"

The idiot just stared at her blankly. Marlene couldn't stand the idiot's always reluctant to say a word. She grabbed his hand and started to shake it up and down.

"Nah~~na~~~Brother, are you listening to Marlene? Why don't you have a little reaction? Tell Marlene more about things in big cities? I heard that there are many good things in big cities. Is the fun to eat real?"

The idiot stared at her, but after a while, he turned his head and cast his cold gaze towards the small mountain village below. Then, he saw the wheat fields next to the village, and many men were working in the fields.

"Little brother? Do you really know how to speak? But you said something just now?...Little brother???"

Marlene stood on tiptoe, reached out and shook her hand before the idiot's eyes. But in the end, she still failed to get an idiot's answer. Not only didn't answer, but after looking at the wheat fields for a few times, the cold-faced child raised his feet and walked straight to the wheat fields down the mountain.

Marlene, who had just climbed the mountain and wanted to spend more time in the mountain, was really annoyed. She squeezed her fists, stomped her feet a few times in succession, and strode to catch up: "Little brother! You ignore Marlene! Marlene wants you to play with me! Play with me! Everyone during this time Do not play with me, I want you to play with me!"

"Hehe, listen, that little girl is calling you. In's quite annoying. Should you just kill her? Anyway, this is in the mountains, and the corpse is easy to deal with."

Dimie sneered, these voices only exchanged for an idiot's squint. Then, he still quickened his pace and walked towards the wheat field. Marlene had no choice but to follow the idiot down the mountain and into the farmland.


The color on men's faces is not good.

They sighed, some were sitting beside the wheat field, and some were waving their sickles in the ground casually. No one has a smile on his face, and no one has a radiant look.

All this comes from a reason. Look at the wheat in the fields. The wheat that was about to be harvested is all emitting a dying yellow. The ears of wheat are drooping, looking small and short. A layer of black stripes faintly spread on the leaves that should have golden yellow luster. Some leaves still lack corners, and some even branches are unstable.

This is not bad. At least these wheat are still alive. But there are more places where the wheat has all died. The withered wheat stalks collapsed, layer after layer, in addition to emitting a rotten smell, it also gave the farmers a odor called "despair"...

"Ah...Last year, the village chief worshipped it, but he was greedy and didn't worship it. As a result, the **** of harvest, Weimen, became angry..."

The idiot walked into the wheat field, and several farmers with their heads drooped, talking quietly there.

"That **** old guy! If he hadn't coveted that little could life be so miserable this year?! Fortunately, the **** of harvest, Weimen, did not grant us destruction because of our piousness in previous years. Look at this year’s grain harvest...cough..."

"If the village chief still refuses to worship this year, what should we do? Does it mean that the year will be another year of no harvest?"

"What's more! The God of Harvest will kill all of us! And you know, this time the village chief has found someone to try to kill..."

"Shhh! You want to die! Say so loud!"

The idiots gradually approached, and when they saw the idiots coming, they nodded to each other and then scattered. Obviously, the identity of the idiot, the mission performer, was not accepted by the entire village.

"Huh! Say bad things about my father! These people are not good things one by one! Brother, you must be able to complete your task? As long as you kill the monster, they will believe you are not so useless , You must be very strong!"

Marlene blew her nose at the scattered crowd. When she turned her head, she found that the idiot had walked into the wheat field, squatted on the ground, folded a withered wheat stalk and placed it on her hand, and looked at it repeatedly. Seeing him doing this, Marlene also followed into the wheat field, jumped behind the idiot and looked at the straw with half of her head, and smiled: "What are you looking at? Brother, did you find something?"

Found... what?

Yeah, the idiot did find something. He threw down the wheat in his hand and looked up at this all withered farmland...

Was the Warcraft Weimen angry? Does it need to be enshrined? Because there is no worship, so it has the ability to make farmland poor?

…………What exactly is going on? That monster...A first-level monster...Can it do this?

" seems you already have the answer in your mind. Interesting, do you mind sharing our answer now?"

The idiot turned around, ignoring Dim Mie. He walked out of the farmland slowly, lowered his head, thinking quietly...but it was at this moment that the bun under the sun finally woke up, making a soft whimper.

"Ah! Your sister is awake!"

Seeing the bread wake up, open your eyes. Marlene yelled a little at once. She pointed to the bread's eyes, surprised that she had a pair of green pupils. To be honest, her yelling just made idiots feel too noisy.


Looking around at the bread, there was still some sluggishness on his little cheeks. After a while, she stretched out her little hand and slapped the idiot on the shoulder, making a sound.

The idiot took the bread from behind and let her stand on the ground. Then take out a thermos bottle and a small piece of compressed biscuits from the bag, turn the biscuits into powder, stuff them into the thermos bottle, and hand them to the bread.


Are these compressed biscuits more delicious than your own croquette?

Marlene looked at the scene in front of her with an expression that she couldn't believe. Seeing that the bun had no doubts and hugged the rough food that couldn't be rougher and drank it, she finally had the courage and gently pulled the idiot.

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