Demon King Dad

: The second year story 038, only one step away

"Brother, can you go to my house for dinner? Mom should also make a lot of croquette. You only eat biscuits and mix with water, but you are not willing to touch our house at all. People in the village think I am Dad is too stingy."

At a young age, Marlene seemed to understand her father's situation. She said it was impossible if she didn't hear the noise last night. At that time, because of Dahlia's protection, these children did not run down and stand in front of her father. But listening to those villagers saying that their father is not willing to worship, and only cares about themselves, this is simply a more uncomfortable thing for the children than themselves.

The idiot glanced at her...

Looking back, continue to let the bread eat the melted compressed biscuits.

Finally, Marlene, who has been selectively ignored by idiots, couldn't help it. She stepped forward and grabbed the water bottle in the bread hand, raised it above her head, and yelled at the idiot——

"Little·brother·brother! You haven't said a word to me since this morning! Would you like to talk to me~~~!"


Well, Marlene's efforts finally paid off...The bread was taken away from her mouth, and she started to sob involuntarily. She opened her big eyes to look at the idiot. Then she looked at the warm cup of water in Marlene's hand. The big tears started to fall in her eye sockets, and she was about to fall anytime.

"………………………Bring it."

The idiot stretched out his hand and made a gesture to make Marlene return the glass. But at least he had already spoken, and could no longer avoid answering Marlene.

"Huh, brother, it's really hard to talk to you. Give it back to you."

Marlene handed over the kettle, the idiot put it back into the bread hand, took her hand to straighten up, and faced Marlene. And Marlene is with her hands on hips, a gesture of victory.

"You don't know anything, so there is nothing to say."

The idiot's tone was very plain, as if he was asking for directions with a stranger, without any emotion. But even though he said so, those eyes were staring at Marlene closely at this moment, and any slight change on her face could not escape the cold eyes.

After hearing these words, Marlene became anxious. The little girl obviously couldn't bear this feeling of being despised, and immediately said loudly: "I know! I know everything!"

"No, you don't know. You don't even know what the "Harvest God Weimen" is in your village name."

"Huh! Of course I know! The **** of harvest, Weimen is a big bad guy! It doesn't let our farms have a harvest, it's a downright bad guy!"



"…………………………anything else."

"Also? Hmm..." Marlene's face was a little embarrassed. She squeezed her small fist and stomped her foot fiercely, desperately trying to recall some information about the harvest god. But she is still only eight years old, and she knows very little. After two minutes, the little girl's face was flushed, and the sentence "and...and..." was held in her mouth like this, and she couldn't spit it out.

The idiot looked at her quietly, waiting for her to finish her words. Seeing that she had nothing to say anymore, the beggar turned around immediately, dragging the bread to leave...

"Wait a minute! Brother, wait a minute!"

The idiot stood still, but didn't look back.

"Um...little brother, do you really want to... um..." Marlene has learned to behave. She looked around and made sure no one was paying attention before reaching the ear of the idiot, and whispered, "little brother , Can you really kill the **** of harvest, Master Weimen?"

The cold pupils were filled with a thick mist, and the voice without emotional ups and downs slowly said: "Yes."

"Okay!" As if to increase her confidence, Marlene jumped three steps away, put **** at the bread, and said with a smile, "Brother! Just watch it! I will let Dad I'll tell you everything! I also believe that you will be able to help our village get rid of this difficulty! Right?!"

The idiot looked up at the sky, the summer sun hanging above his head. In the scorching air, did the ice and snow on his face melt slightly?

With Marlene's promise, the idiot finally lost a bit of worry about the task. From this day on, Marlene pestered the village chief and Dahlia every day, asking them to tell idiots about the **** of harvest. And the idiot didn't leave immediately as the village chief had imagined. On the contrary, he stayed at the village chief's house.


More than half a month's time passed in a blink of an eye, and if you didn't pay attention, the time was already in the middle of July. As the days approached, the faces of the village chief and his wife became more and more haggard. Especially the village head, he could be seen walking around at first, but then he sat on the sofa, sighing from the morning until the evening, with a sad face.

During the stay, apart from borrowing the room from the village chief's house, the idiot still has no change in his personality that has always been rejected. His words were still so few, he still resolutely refused to eat any food from the village chief's house, or even a sip of water. Marlene often sees scenes of idiots walking around the village holding bread, holding compressed biscuits or wild vegetables picked from the mountain, and eating them with dew. Forget it for the idiot. What surprised her was that bread could also solve the food problem in this way. Is the stomach of this small body really that tough?

Do not.

Compared with children of the same age, the bun is obviously much thinner. Obviously, this is the problem of malnutrition. But even if the idiot knew that the bread was malnourished, he would not accept the milk that Dahlia brought over.

"Little brother, why are you so stubborn?"

This sentence is the most heard sentence in this home. The idiot doesn't care, he often listens while pulling the bread and gnawing on the biscuits.

In the past two months, he has traveled to every corner of the village. With the help of Marlene, he can enter any residential house. Every time I go in, I can see the mother with the child sitting in the corner of the house. But no matter what Marlene asked, these people only brought out food to entertain them, and would not say anything about the God of Harvest.

Finally, the time came to July 29th-


The idiot squatted in the northeast corner of the village, which looked like a garbage dump. He was standing in the middle of the garbage dump, both feet sinking into the smelly swill, pushing away the garbage, looking for something.

This is the 15th time he has come to this garbage dump since he came to this village. Since discovering this hidden garbage dump, he has been searching here for fifteen consecutive days. Occasionally, he picked up a brick. Occasionally, he picked up a chicken bone with meat. The little mouse who used to live in the sewer doesn't care about the rancid surroundings at all. He just uses his sense of smell to search for what he wants to search...

"What are you looking for?"

The idiot took out a square black stone from the **** pile, one broken and the other neat, about the size of a palm, and after a slight glance, he threw it away.

"Hey hey hey, I will ask questions and you will answer. Isn't this what we said yes?"

The idiot straightened up and glanced at the little bread lying on his back. Before confirming that she hadn't been awakened by the sour smell of the garbage dump, he turned around and slowly walked out of the garbage dump.

"Human kid..."

"You know what I'm doing."

The idiot interrupted Dim Mi's words very rarely, and Dim Mi's voice stopped for a while, but soon it sneered again: "Interesting. So what are you going to do this time?"

The idiot didn't answer, he just lowered his head, wiped off the dirt on his hands and feet with the weeds on the roadside, and then slowly left.


"Hey, go ahead. When do you plan to do it? Which method do you use?"

"…………not the right time yet."

The idiot looked back at the bun again, the sleeping face had no flaws, full of trust. It was as if a small boat had left the stormy ocean and stopped into a peaceful harbor...

Not yet...

There is one last thing...

Only after the last thing is confirmed, can we really judge what should be done...

to this end……

With a creak, the door opened. The idiot with a little swill stuck to his body stood like a ghost in front of the village chief’s family who was having lunch, his tone was cold--

"Tell me about the harvest **** Weimen."



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