Demon King Dad

Chapter 119: , The chapter of solution-start

119, the chapter of solution-the beginning

The idiot raised his head, that is, in that instant, the feeling in his right arm came back again. As if it were extremely natural, he raised his right hand and looked at it.

At this moment, Krause bowed to the idiot and ran to the depths of the sewer quickly. This dragon of time was once again afraid of hitting the pond fish, and found a place to hide. In a place that idiots don't know, expect him to be successful.

(Human kid, what's the matter? What about that human being? Why did he suddenly run away? And, what's the matter with you? Suddenly grabbed him and pressed him against the wall? It made my blood line expand for a moment, I think your "sexual interest" is different)

The idiot did not answer Dim Mie's words. He just looked at the magic sword in his right hand and was silent...

If Krause didn't lie, it means that he has been in this endless cycle of reincarnation for more than a thousand years, and the bread... has died nearly 100,000 times.

Was his runaway a good thing or a bad thing for this sword? Don't think about it, judging from its deliberate attempt to persuade itself, this is definitely a good thing for it.

This also means that I must never explain anything that I have just heard to it. Otherwise, it will definitely do everything possible to obstruct itself and let the bread die smoothly.

From now on...this sword will no longer be your own helper, but the object that needs the most high-level vigilance. In the 99999th reincarnation, you must...

(Hey, human boy, what are you doing? Don’t look at me like this~~~ I will be shy~~~ I know, if you want strength so much, I will definitely not embarrass you, let’s go to the street How about slaughtering three or five hundred people, and then I will give you the power of the fifth **** as a gift? How?)

Fist, squeeze tight.

The idiot staggered his footsteps and immediately rushed out of the sewer.

This time... it's different.

No matter if I made a mistake nearly 100,000 times before... But this time, it's different

This time, I have memories, I know the "future" that should never exist

So, this time...absolutely...

Definitely to this end that has already been determined and cannot be reversed...


Out of the sewer, the sunlight outside is still strong.

Looking at the fading sunlight outside, the idiot looked up at the sky and was silent for a moment.

So now... what is the first choice?

The idiot looked around the steaming street, and after a moment of contemplation...

Sad, will die...

So now the first thing is to go and look at An immediately to see what kind of connection she has with this incident.

Just do as he thinks, and the idiot's footsteps immediately walked towards the territory of the Nolius family. Under the scorching sun, in the right pupil of the idiot, the most bleak drop of ice was transmitted...drops...drops...

The red liquid dripped from the sharp edge.

As the sun sets, Ke Luo holds the knife in his hand in this alley that the sun can no longer see, and looks terrified, looking at the man in front of him...

——Don’t let me go, you... You bold Kira family, who allowed you to touch me? ——

Fragments, hovering in my mind.

Ke Luo's wrist was trembling, tightly pinching the self-defense knife in his hand.

——Hey, Miss Ke Luo, don’t do this~~~ I just want to do my part of the attached family. Don’t you usually be very close to the kid Bruce? I just...hehehe, I want to get in touch with you a lot in various ways--


The blood gathered at the feet.

The dripping blood exploded in the blood pool, giving birth to the most beautiful flower. The master of these blood twitched at last, and now he finally stopped moving.

——You... You let go, I am not allowed to touch me, I kill you... Touch me again, I will kill you——

Pala la...

The knife fell to the ground.

Ke Luo covered his mouth and took a trembling step back. Fear and shock have completely filled her small body, and the smell of blood that came out of her nose made her sick.

——Cut, the stubborn chick is really hot enough, and big lady. I like the eldest lady. It's kind of polite to call you the eldest lady. Who doesn't know that you are a burden in the Goodsey family at all? Everyone is afraid of you, and everyone hates you. According to my estimation, your future destiny is mostly to be used by the Duke as a tool of political marriage to win over some of our affiliated families, right? And like the Kira family, which is our exclusive assassination unit for your family, surely Lord Duke will take care of me very much, right? ——

Tears, overflow from the corner of the eye.

The little girl pulled up her torn clothes and tried her best to hide her naked body. Seeing that the overflowing blood was about to contaminate the skirt that was forcibly taken off, she quickly bent down, picked up the skirt, and walked back.

--how about it? Anyway, as long as I ask the Lord Duke for you, the Lord Duke will certainly promise. Instead of continuing to be angry and squeezed out of that family, it's better to follow my wish quickly, how about? I want you to promise, miss you, from now on, you will be treated like a princess, as long as you... can make me get what I want once--

——Don't click.

The body that had lost its life fell in a pool of blood.

Blood was splashing, and blood-red foam was splashing everywhere.

At this time, there was some commotion outside the alley. It seemed that someone had heard the commotion here just now and wanted to come in and take a look. Ke Luo was taken aback, and quickly raised his head, looking at the dead body in front of him.

No... can't call out the knife... the knife with the family crest...

Ke Luo lowered his head and saw that the knife had been immersed in the blood flowing over. She quickly picked up the knife from the pool of blood in a panic and shook off the blood on it slightly. Listening to the increasing commotion coming from behind, she rushed forward along the L-shaped alley, clutching her torn clothes, and ran away.

What to do... What to do update~ The most~ Kuai Ke Luo hid the knife in his arms, lowered his head, avoiding anyone in front of him.

Now... what should I do? he...what will

Running in panic, running.

Perhaps, because of being too panic, Ke Luo's hurried footsteps finally hit a person's arms. When I looked up, the person in front of me was no one else, but the young father of the common girl who liked to eat hot peppers.

The idiot clutched Ko Luo's little shoulders with cold eyes.

From just his fingertips, he could feel the little girl's body trembling. Moreover, one of her hands was hidden behind her, and a moment of panic appeared on her face.

Don’t worry, absolutely...Never rush to calm down, Ke Luo, the more you encounter this kind of time, the more you have to calm down this person... This person is Bread’s father, and Bread has **** with the violent female of Nolius’s family. Ok... so... so this thing must never be let him know... absolutely... absolutely

"Hello, brother."

The idiot's eyes became colder in an instant. Because in the past, Ke Luo always called himself a commoner when he saw himself, and he had never had such a courteous smile on his face. And now...

Look at the tumultuous crowd around you, and think about the guard knight who just ran past him.

"Is there anything? If it's okay, please forgive me."

Ke Luo smiled.

The back of the hand with the knife was behind him, and the brightest smile appeared on his face. But maybe because of the experience just now, she still has a little psychological shadow about being put on her shoulder by a big man. The footsteps naturally couldn't help but step back, trying to break free.

The idiot looked at the sky, it was already evening, and if he didn't go to the Nolius family, he might not be able to go in and see people. So at this moment, the idiot's hand was released...

Ke Luo felt happy, her golden pupils expanded her footsteps because of being saved, and she was about to pass by the idiot right away...


The idiot's hand, after letting go, grabbed her shoulder again

Ke Luo's originally dilated pupils quickly shrank at this moment, the disgusting figure of the man just now suddenly overlapped with the idiot in front of him. An inexplicable horror and panic immediately rose from the bottom of her heart, and the right hand holding the knife was also trembling. The idiot looked at the little girl, and the shoulder under the palm of her hand seemed to tremble even more. And judging from the swimming degree of the clothes in the palm...

Has her clothes been torn apart? Now, I just barely put it on my body...

Seeing the trembling of the little girl in front of him, the idiot slowly bent down. He knelt in front of Ke Luo on one knee, took out the handkerchief Mili in his arms prepared for him to wipe off sweat, gently pressed it on Ke Luo’s neck, and wiped off the sweat from her temples. The body is tight.

She gritted her teeth, and although there was still a smile in her golden eyes, she was almost unable to hide the fear in her eyes.

The right hand holding the knife, trembling...

As the idiot kept wiping off her sweat, she endured... endured... endured again...

at last

She couldn't bear it anymore, her right hand... moved


The wide palm, like iron tongs, jammed Kolo's shoulder...

Ke Luo's knife finally could not be pulled out from behind. Compared with that of an idiot, her strength is too small and too weak...

But, just as the little girl closed her eyes, tears were almost gushing from the corners of her eyes, crying loudly...

Idiot, but stood up.

He retracted his handkerchief and gently touched the soft blond hair of the little girl. After that, he let go of his hand without saying a word, and walked past Ke Luo. X

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