Demon King Dad

Chapter 120: , Broken memory

120, Broken memories, Ke Luo stopped and looked back.

She looked at the figure that was gradually leaving in the sunset, and her whole body instantly relaxed.

What does it feel like?

——What do you mean? Did you mean I was wrong? ——

Why... suddenly want to cry?

——I just think you are wrong. Besides your fault, whose fault is it? ——

Ke Luo held his head, the fragments in his mind tumbling. She felt the place where the big hand was touching her head just now. This place... During the day, that pepper girl had also touched... Within a day, both of them touched the top of their heads... No one touched this yet. Where have been...

——Okay, I worked so hard, but you blamed me for all the mistakes? I don’t want this family anyway, this child won’t be a climate anyway, that’s it, you take her to get out of—

Why... Tears will fall down unconvincingly?

Not because of fear, not because of sadness. At the moment just now, on the contrary, there was a more reassuring feeling... the big hand touching her head... the chili girl with a grinning face but actually full of bad ideas... why... why Being with her...instead...will be so

——Why should I go? Have you paid anything for this family? I spent a lot of time drinking and drinking, ruining my body, and coming back from so many diseases outside. You know, it’s different if you don’t have an old lady yourself. Even with a tow oil bottle, you can still marry your old lady. What about you You have been destined to not give birth to a son in your entire life. Even the other people in the family see you as if they saw the plague. Now, sign this agreement to me, give me my youth loss, and then Keep your useless daughter. Otherwise, I will tell you all the things that you have not lifted, so that everyone can observe and observe——

Don't... don't... don't say any more... please... don't say any more...

The sunset slowly fell, but Luo Huai was holding a knife, covering his head, and walking slowly towards home.

The dust-covered fragments started to piece together at this moment. She clutched her head and quickly ran towards the territory of the Goodsey family, hoping to use running and fatigue to stop her brain from remembering those things, don’t Thinking of the things she had planned to forget forever

——Come on, good girl. Tell me, do you like Dad better? Do you want to stay with dad? Mom, I actually had a hard time. Maybe I don’t have so much time to take you. So, you will follow Dad from now on, okay? ——

——Don’t listen to this woman saying that the child must be brought by the mother before she can be a girl. In fact, you have been the closest to your mother, right? Dad is fierce and always socializing outside. It is better for you to be with your mother, right? ——

——Good girl, stay with Dad. Often go to social gatherings, see the world more often——

——No, I should be with my mother. You are all women and have more common topics——

——With dad——

——With mom——





"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Suddenly, walking in the Los sunset can suddenly cried

The shout made everyone around him startled. They all looked at the weird girl in the Goodsey family costume with weird eyes, and whispered.

And with the yelling in this life, the fragments in Ke Luo's mind finally disappeared at this moment, she panted, leaning on the wall, and looking at the gravel road in front of her.


"Why are you here? What's the matter."

At that moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from the side, and Ko Luo suddenly raised his head. The first thing that caught his eye was nothing else, but... it was the badge of the Goodsey family and the luxurious carriage that often only the duke could ride.

Dai Lao opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at Ko Luo outside. After seeing the desperate look of this sister, he sneered and opened the door.

"Come up."

Ke Luo was still panting, and after hesitating, he finally nodded and got into the carriage.

The wheels rolled, and the comfortable and cool carriage gradually calmed down Ke Luo's mood. In front of Dai Lao, the girl kept her head down, clutching her torn clothes. On the other hand, Dai Lao held his head with great interest, and smiled and looked at the younger sister in front of him. The golden pupils were shining with unpredictable and unclear light.

"Brother...I...I'm rude..."

This apology was to apologize for losing the face of the Goodsea family by shouting loudly in the public, and also to apologize for the untidy clothes at the moment.

"What's going on. Who did it."

Dai Lao asked with a smile, the expression on his face very relaxed. It seemed that because he was in a very good mood, he only used an understatement about his sister's experience at the moment.

Ke Luo opened his mouth, wanting to tell the situation of the Kira family. But when the words came to her lips, she swallowed the words again, shook her head, but did not answer. After a long time, she replied to raise money——

"I...think of Dad... and Mom..."

"Oh, those two people"

Dai Lao waved his hand casually and looked out the window. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am different from the previous Patriarch. I will not worry about the death of one or two members of the same race. It's you, I hope you don't forget your identity."

Ko Luo lowered his head and said nothing.

"You were adopted by me. For you, among blood relatives, I am your immediate guardian and closest family member. You should be very clear about the rules of our family. I don't like to keep useless people around. Since I take you in, it means that I am optimistic about your abilities. If I remember correctly, your parents... The strength of the year was definitely not weak. If they two work together, they may be fully written~ I can beat the one two or three years ago. Me. But when you were only six years old, you could kill your parents instantly. This is the most fundamental factor that I value you."

Dai Lau lowered his head and glanced at Ko Luo in front of him from the corners of his eyes that were almost narrowed. As soon as Ke Luo came into contact with these smiling eyes, he immediately shrank his neck, not daring to speak.

"The strength hidden in your body is what I am most interested in. As long as you have the strength, even killing fathers and mothers is not a big deal. But... I certainly can't wait indefinitely. Five years have passed. , But you have no intention to use your strength on that day at all. If this continues..."

Ke Luo hit a Ji Ling and immediately squeezed her two small fists, her lowered eyes began to show a kind of fear brewing from the depths of her heart, and her body could not help but began to tremble.

"Hahaha I'm kidding, don't take it seriously. How could I do anything to my lovely sister? Don't worry. In this world, I'm still your closest relative, Ko Luo. I'm still your good brother. , Good family. You don't have to worry about this at all."

Dai Lau suddenly laughed heartily. He patted Ke Luo on the shoulder and said comfort. However, he obviously didn't want to get an answer from Ke Luo. As I just said, he seemed very happy today, as if something good had happened. But now, he finally couldn't help it, and said--

"Kolo, after you go back, you will ask the maid to help you match the clothes and jewelry. It is dignified. In the last two days, we may be attending a funeral. I want you to dress as grandly as possible."

Ke Luo was taken aback, raised his head and asked: "Brother...Funeral...?"

"Ah, funeral."


"Do you know that girl named An in the Norius family?"

Ke Luo thought for a while, and said: "She...I've heard...the successor of Kuangzhiwu...also has congenital heart disease..."

"She's dying. It's probably two days. According to my guess, those guys in the Enorius family can't take that girl's life and death seriously. For the family, The incompetent members are totally a burden and a burden. Maybe they will cheer after the girl's death, and are happy that the family can save a cent."

Ke Luo shook her head down again, clutching the skirt tightly with both hands, listening to Dai Lao's next words in horror.

"People who are incapable are not needed. Since Norius and those guys don't value the girl at all, the funeral will probably not be too solemn. But at this moment, we suddenly went with a big fanfare and brought the newspaper and reporters to go. If you worship the dead and act more grief than the Norius family, and respect the passing of a life... Hahaha, just thinking about it, I find it very interesting."

With a smile on the corner of Dai Lao's mouth, he continued to lean on the seat in a very casual posture, his handsome face glowing like the sun, and smiled——

"At that time, the common people will be very strange. Then they will feel very angry and condemned for the'lack of humanity' of the Norius family. And our'goodwill' will naturally receive more support. Noriu The Si family is deeply entrenched in the Bucks, and it is not a matter of eradicating them overnight. My father and the dukes of the ancestors only knew that fighting in front of the superiors, compared with force and money. Sometimes, the people's will often Can better hit the target. Once the public opinion of the society is biased towards us during the confrontation between the two big families, then there will be a'excellent' help for your majesty to make various decisions. People in the palace should listen more to whom If you do, you don’t need to say more~~~~"

Ko Luo clutched the skirt tightly, his nails almost embedded in the flesh. After listening to Dai Lao's words, she swallowed unconsciously, and finally, plucked up courage, said--

"Brother... how do you... know... Eg... Norios... within these two or three days... will... will... die..."

The wheels are still on the bones, at this moment, the sun is finally completely sinking on the side of the mountain. Perhaps because of the absence of sunlight, the light in the carriage looked much dim. The only thing Ko Luo can see, seems to know that the white teeth exposed from the smile are shining in the dark...

"Yeah, why did I know? This question should be treated as your homework, so think about it. However, through the Norius family's treatment of Miss An, I hope you can be more clear ——"

In the darkness, Dai Lao's face moved towards Ke Luo's ear, softly and gently said--

"The useless people are left to be used by others and discarded. This is a little worthwhile. My lovely sister, you...should be of the kind who are useful..."


A soft smile, but it sounds like something is falling apart.

The noble brother gave his sister a light kiss on the forehead, returned to his seat, and smiled.

But Ko Luo, still lowered his head, the pupils of his eyes flickered violently. Want to cry...

But because I was too scared and horrified, and nothing... I couldn't cry anymore. The idiot had been lingering outside the Norius family territory for a long time.

As an uninvited guest, he knew very well that it was impossible for him, the college handyman, to enter the territory and see Anguish.

Therefore, he is waiting.

Waiting for the right time, until the evening, when the guards changed shifts, he climbed up the wall like a night cat by the night, turned over, and jumped into the territory.

As one of the two major families of Fengchusha, the domain of the Duke of Norius is really big and exaggerated. There are lakes, rockery, buildings and various small entertainment places. Fortunately, the idiot had visited once a few years ago, and vaguely remembered how to get to the villa of the dark. He waited in ambush for a while, and when the guards on patrol passed, he immediately rushed forward in the darkness.

Cross one road after another, through bushes after another. From a distance, the idiot could see the villa full of creepers. He catted to his waist, and after avoiding the two guards on patrol, he went in again. Fortunately, An's house is in a remote area, and there are not many guards, so the closer you are to the villa, the easier it becomes. After walking for a while, there was not even a guard on the road around, so that the idiot could walk on the road swayingly.

When he came to the villa, the idiot looked up and looked at the second floor. There is light in a window there, and it should be a dark room. The idiot looked around, one grabbed the wall, and climbed along the wall to the second floor. But just when he was about to see what was inside, a carriage rolled over, causing the idiot to hide in the dark immediately, not daring to show up. X

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