Demon King Dad

Chapter 146: , Starry Night

Star Snow Night

"Hey, violent woman, why are you back?"

Ke Luo looked at Li Luo who had crawled back dingy, puzzled. But Lilo blushed, put the ice cube in her hand on the table again, clutching her hot cheeks, and shrank in the corner without moving.

"The reason for her return, I probably know."

Apricot used her hearing again and spoke. Since she pulled the hat wider this time, she heard it more clearly. Naturally, it is more important to point out when recounting. But it didn't matter if she didn't say this. When she said that, Ke Luo's face flushed, shut up and stopped talking.


(Baba, are you going to fall?)

Bread was lying on the chair and carefully watching the situation over there with wide eyes. In her young heart, some emotions that didn't know whether it was excitement, hesitation, or both feelings were slowly brewing. And the result of this kind of feeling brewing was that she stopped interfering, but looked at her Baba and Krause with a little excitement, blushing at the look of the two staring at each other.

"Hope, you can continue to maintain it. In this way, I will not lose my pains."

Having said that, Krause stood up. He unhurriedly pulled up the magician's cloak, put on his hat, and picked up the old suitcase. Afterwards, the earthly magician walked out of his seat and smiled at the two of them.

"Well, for this world, chaotic time and space are still superfluous. I love humans and their festivals. Because their time is limited, humans can live more wonderfully and spectacularly. . Their holiday fireworks will be more dazzling and bright."

"Boss, your time, if nothing happens, is close to infinite. But on the other hand, your time is still limited. And to your almost pale and boring time is a limit, allowing you The reason why his life has become more complicated and diverse, I hope you can cherish it. Because next time, there will be no more rebirths of 100,000 times. The dice thrown will never have the chance to be taken back again."

The idiot nodded in agreement. No matter how noisy Dimie was in his mind, he didn't answer when asked what happened between him and the Dragon of Time. Just remember this sentence silently...

Next time, there will be no reincarnation.

"Then, let me say goodbye. In the last three days, I want to visit the Holy Eve Festival in the human world again and enjoy this year's peaceful Holy Eve blessing in this country. Finally..."

"Silver, you will seal me. How about? I will tear the cracks of time. You will seal me in the cracks of time."

Quilin was taken aback, and said: "Time crack? If you are sealed in that place, you..."

"I know. But only in this way can it be guaranteed that no one can steal my power while I sleep. Whether it is a human being, another person, even the boss... it's impossible."

The last sentence was addressed to the idiot. At this moment, the idiot finally exhaled, showing an expression of giving up completely, and nodded.

Seeing the idiot nodding, Krause knew that he had got the answer he wanted. He is tired... and he also believes that his responsibility has been completed. The Third Age will continue, he, it's time to rest.

"Thank you. Three days later, Yin, I will go to you."

After leaving such a simple sentence, Krause left.

His figure walked into the boundless snow, the golden dragon of time, at this moment, like any ordinary person, leaving footprints on the white snow. Say hello to the uncles and aunts around, take the last money I just earned to have fun and enjoy his last holiday.


Holy Eve Festival, this perfect night is like mourning something, with thin snow drifting.

It is strange that the snow should be cold, but tonight, it is not very cold.

People lamented the snow, which is not cold, and cheered for the coming of this peaceful festival again. May the new year bring good luck to people again.

In the residence of the Duke of Norius, the grand holy night festival ball is unfolding. This party was so grand, it was not so much to appease the survivors, but rather the whole family was trying to please one person.

This person's body is too weak, even after escaping from the ghost gate, he has been recuperating for several months. Now, I can finally get out of bed and walk around.

Because of the massacre that took place in July, everyone in the residence of the Duke of Norios was frightened. It was also a long time before the Duke of Norios thought of the deported child and his red hair. After thinking that he was not dead and was still secretly monitoring himself, the attitude of the entire Duke's Mansion towards the girl naturally changed one hundred and eighty degrees. After all, no one wants to die. No one wants to be another object of anger. Because under that strength far beyond that of ordinary people, their so-called strengths simply exist for making people laugh.

At the ball, people discussed and greeted the lady. At the same time, there was a conversation without a word, which bored the lady.

"Ms. Norius, look, this is the latest costume. How does it match you?"

"Cousin, come and have a look here. How about this pair of earrings? They must look beautiful on your ears."

"Hey, miss, do you know? The capital of the Dark Deer Empire was recently renamed. The name was changed from sleet to Yufeixue. Isn't it weird? Hahaha"

But that person, because he couldn't deal with the celebrities and nobles who kept coming to greet him, fled to the balcony and saw the bread and idiots lying on the balcony.

"What's wrong with you? Xiao Bai."


Tonight, she is dressed more formal than the princess.

The long evening dress and loose skirt make her more beautiful than ever. The backless design allows her to reveal a touch of unique **** in her dignity. She was already in good shape, but now she was girded, and her chest was even more magnificent. She looked like she was no longer sick, but became **** and moving.

Bread sat on the guardrail, shaking his feet. After seeing An, she wowed a smile, then pointed at the stars in the night sky...


Can you actually see the stars on this snowy night? And that... rare in winter, the Milky Way?

The idiot glanced back at her, nodded, and then continued to turn his head to look at the falling snow and the night sky full of stars. She shrugged her shoulders, as if to hide her completely bare back, she leaned on the guardrail, covered her chest with her long gloved hands, tilted her head upside down, and stared at the stars and the flying snow.

In the Ducal Palace, melodious music is playing. Through the window, I could still hear some faintly.

On the balcony, the bread was sitting, the idiot was lying on his stomach, leaning sadly. The three of them just watched the wonderful music played in the sky tonight and said nothing. Just like that, they kept watching, watching...until...

Tears, falling from the corners of the dark eyes.

The heroine tonight sobbed. Although Xue is not cold, she still clasped her arms and lowered her head involuntarily. The tears in the eyes are in, contrasting the stars, exuding light.

The idiot looked at her, then took off his coat. He put these coats on Duan's shoulders and pulled them up.

what happened to you? Why are you so good to me suddenly? "

The idiot did not speak, but looked at An's eyes that were dazzling like flames. At this moment, Xiao Bian saw the idiot not speaking, so he wrote two lines of words and raised the sign--

"Baba is doing it for him. He will not want you to catch a cold. 》


Anan hesitated, stretched out his hand, and pulled the clothes on his shoulders.


Unconsciously, tears rolled down again. The girl quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled: "It's weird... Ever since I got better, I always cry inexplicably, sad inexplicably... I'm sorry... let you see the joke."

The idiot shook his head. At this time, his attention shifted to the bottom of the balcony, and Tolan had already walked in with a large package. He nodded, and then said goodbye to An. After a while, he returned to the balcony with the long cloth wrapped thing in his hand and handed it to An's hand.

"what is this?"

"Gift. Congratulations, get back to health."

"Give me a gift at the Holy Eve Festival? Does it have any special meaning for you?"

He smiled sadly, holding this thing and looking left and right. However, instead of taking it apart immediately, she called her maid, Maria, to get her things. After a while, a large package also appeared on the balcony, touched Little Bread's head sadly, and passed the package over.

"Happy Holy Eve Sacrifice, Little Bread. This thing is for you as a gift for your willingness to show your face to attend our holy Eve Sacrifice Party. Open it?"

With a whirr of bread, he jumped off the guardrail and began to unpack the package. After a while, a ribbon, two wristbands and a female belt appeared in the package. Bread looked at these things suspiciously, obviously not knowing what it was for.

"Do you like it? This is my latest research product called Lightning. Don't look at it now. It can be turned into a speeding skateboard. Originally I wanted to make it for Xiaobai, but later I thought Think, Xiao Bai is a man, and a big man always uses this kind of thing to run away is really too cheap. And our little bread is a girl, if you encounter any bad situation, you can run away immediately. In order to cooperate with women I have spent a lot of energy on decorating the child and miniaturizing it. Come, try it?"

Seeing these strange things, Bread immediately cheered. She untied the ribbon that tied her hair and replaced it with the ribbon inside the package. Then, she put on the wristband and belt, and followed An's instructions. A pink skateboard immediately appeared in her hand, making the little girl excited.

"Ah oh oh oh oh"

The excited bun quickly put down the skateboard and prepared to move. But unfortunately, this little girl is not a good athlete. Before she could step on her feet firmly, her people fell off the skateboard and threw her feet upright. With tears in her eyes, this little girl rubbed her sore butt, and got up again unwillingly. But this time, Anan stopped her and said with a smile: "Go home and try again. This balcony is not too big, you can't rush into that hall, right?"

Bread nodded heavily, and then she restored the skateboard to its parts again, dressed it, and ran into the ballroom happily, and went to play with Liluo.

"Then, let me see what my present is. By the way, Xiaobai, is such a long thing an iron rod? Or a crowbar?"

The idiot didn't answer, but Anni smiled and opened the package outside the gift. Wait until she pulls the last piece of cloth...

A red spear appeared in front of her.

The stars flashed on the other side of the sky.

The tears that I thought had stopped, once again condensed in the dark eyes.

She suddenly hugged the spear tightly and stroked it lightly. The body sobbed again, tears rolling down his cheeks.

She was crying.

Slowly, the crying turned into grief. Even though she herself didn't know why such sorrow suddenly rose in her heart, she couldn't help crying bitterly, letting the tears fall from her eyes uncontrollably, and howling loudly.

The idiot did not comfort her, because now crying is normal and needed.

She needs to vent, she needs to vent all the inexplicable sadness accumulated in her heart during this period of time. Only after crying so loudly can she recover. Talent... Complete recovery.

"Xiao ask thing..."

For a long time...Afterwards, the sad crying finally gradually ceased. She stroked the long gun in her hand, brushed her finger over the barrel of the gun that had already been touched so smoothly, and choked up--

"Do you this world...really...are there...angels...?"

The idiot exhaled, and he stretched out his hand, carrying the snowflakes that fell from the sky. When a piece of flying snow fell on his palm and melted...

"I believe."

"So... do you think... angels are hypocritical... cruel... selfish... don't care about others at all...? do you do you ask them...they do I won’t come to help you...I will only look at you coldly...Beside...fing for itself...?"

In the sky, a meteor flashed across, and then...the second, the third.

The rain composed of meteors began to sweep across the dark and bright sky. The fleeting meteors were reflected in his black pupils, and he slowly said--

"Angels are beautiful."

"They also have things they want to protect. Sometimes, cruel and selfish, it is because the things they want to protect are too heavy, forcing them to be so selfish. However, for the people they care about, even It is to give their lives, and their brows will not be frowned. They can even leave with a smile."

(Hey, human boy, what are you doing? Don’t tell me that you think angels are a very good job now and want to change jobs? Don’t forget, they are your enemies, even if they are not against you. On the same front as you)

I know. )

(Know? You still make that kind of evaluation?)

(Evaluation is evaluation. When it is necessary to beheaded, I will never show mercy. As long as their existence poses a threat. I will never be merciless.)

(Hahaha, yes, it's fun, but never show mercy in a formal confrontation. But it can correctly evaluate the opponent without any prejudice. Well, I admit that I agree with what you said, so those guys from the Protoss Doing things is disgusting. Let me tell you, some of the Protoss do things even more disgusting. It’s so disgusting that it makes you nauseous. Do you want to hear it? I can introduce you to a three-day and three-night hahaha)

Of course I didn't know that the idiot's mind was communicating. She just held the spear in her arms with a smile on her mouth. After that, she pulled away the cloth strip that wrapped the spear, and pulled with both hands, the gun had already drawn a ray of light in the night, and she was tightly pinched in her hand.

"Xiaobai, what you said is a good gun. In my heart, angels are the same. Although sometimes unreliable, angels will always protect me and take care of me at critical moments without hesitation. You just said It's in my heart."

Ok. "

"How did you get this gun?"

"From someone."

"Really? Is there a name?"


"Then... Since this gun is red, when you see red, you think of flames. When you think of flames, you think of the sun. In this case..."

"From today onwards, you are called'Sunshine'."

The idiot glanced at the stunned person holding the spear, faintly, her appearance somewhat overlapped with Keritzer.

"Why not call it'Lieyang'. This name is more bold."

"No, it's called ‘Sunshine’."

He raised the spear with a sad smile, looked at it, and touched the barrel of its gun that felt very comfortable, and said--

"The name'Lieyang' seems too domineering. I believe that the original owner of this gun must not be a domineering person. He must be a person who can bring me warmth and comfort at any time. It is not overbearing, does not emphasize possession, but it is indispensable, but silently warms the world when others are not aware of it. Therefore, I named it'Sunshine'."

The idiot nodded and did not comment. He just continued to prop up on the handrail of the balcony, looking up at the falling snow and the meteor shower above the snow. At this moment...

An An embraced the sun, suddenly leaning against him, his eyes closed slightly.

She fell asleep...?

The idiot looked at the smiling face in his sleep, stretched out his hand, put his arm around her shoulder, and let her lean on it. Silently, continue to appreciate the scattered meteor shower under this holy night...A

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