Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 1: , How to pretend (IQ punishment begins...)

How to pretend (IQ punishment begins...)

In February, the cold winter has not completely passed. But this winter does not seem harsh. As a result, some cold-tolerant plants in the wind-blown sand sprout early, ready to grow in the new year.

The atmosphere in the city is gentle and comfortable, there is no major struggle, and there is nothing to worry about. For the rulers of the country, this kind of situation where the people live and work in peace and contentment should be the most ideal state.

At this time, the wind and sand inside the citizen library. The idiot and Bread are sitting on the seats in the library. The idiot is holding a copy of "The Archives of the World's Famous Serial Killers", turning page by page, while Bread is frowning, looking at the math exercise book in his hand. Slightly unhappy.

"Ah woo~~~~"

"You can go only after you finish it."

The idiot turned a page and said--

"Xingli leaves, you no longer have a teacher. Without her supervision, you can't stop studying."

Of course bread knows. Just like every child knows that learning is a good thing, but if you really have to face these exercise books happily, it will become very depressed.

The idiot turned the page again and carefully looked at the criminal experience of the serial killers described in the booklet, and the general description of the killing methods. Xiao Bread glanced at the book in the hands of the idiot, and to be honest, compared to boring mathematics, this kind of book really interested her. Thinking of this, she immediately jumped down and crept to the shelf to find if there was any book of interest.

"Your homework."

The idiot raised his head and stared at the bread. In this regard, the bread is justly erected a sign——

"Why should I read these cookie-cutter exercises without an exam?" Ba Ba, your teaching level is not at the same level as what Sister Xing Li taught."

The idiot's brows frowned slightly. In fact, what I really want to say is true. Most of the books about students in the library are taught in accordance with the curriculum, and there are many mechanical exercises. The same problem, the same solution process, the only difference is probably some trivial figures. But in real daily life, there are almost no recurring problems that can be fixed.

Thinking of this, the idiot finally nodded and agreed to bread to read. With this permission, Bun immediately rolled the complicated exercises aside, and then went to the bookshelf to browse enthusiastically.

Although I said I wanted to read a book, Little Bread really didn't think about what book to read for a while. She wandered around in the entire library, looking here and there. Finally, she suddenly found a book "How Teens Are Acting" on the bookshelf of sociology. She immediately took it down and ran to sit in front of the idiot. Next, he looked at it with relish.

I have to say that the time for reading really flies quickly. Otherwise, who said that books are a bridge that can transform the human soul?

It didn't take a while before noon had passed.

Bun lifted his head from the book, and exhaled very contentedly. After that, she closed the book, and after thinking about it, she yelled at the idiot.

"what's up."

The idiot lifted his head from the book and looked at the bun.

"Baba, if someone utters wild words in front of you, and then yells who and who I am, who and who my dad is, then what should I do to successfully pretend to be? 》

The idiot glanced at the book in Bread's hand, shook his head, looked not very interested, and said, "Generally speaking, unless there is a problem with the other person’s brain, even if he has a background, he will not scream like this. Because of this scream. There is only one consequence, and that is to be caught by others and violently resisted. Under normal circumstances, people with background will speak out their background in private, that is, in a relatively secret place, to those who want to oppress. Not Under the public."

The bread was a little bit understandable. After thinking about it, she raised the sign again—

"So Baba, this book says that people who pretend to be forced need to maintain their calmness and at the same time use the most gentle way to provoke each other. Even if you clearly know that you are wrong, you still have to make yourself seem to be right, and turn the other person into anger. What does this mean? 》

The idiot simply put down the book and took the book in Bread's hands. After taking a look, he closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"Bread, let's go."

"Where to go? 》

"Teach you how to pretend."

The idiot picked up the book, took Little Bread's hand, and went out of the library together after going through the loan procedures for the book.

Along the way, the idiot simply flipped through the book. In fact, after a little look, I found that the title of this book is a bit grandiose. In fact, the content in the book is a bit like a survival manual on social occasions. Tell you who should hide and who should turn in. How to use your limited advantages to bring down some people who seem to be better than you in all aspects at first glance, and let yourself be favored by the boss in your career and life, it seems omnipotent.

Idiots think that there is no need to learn how to compete for things. However, how to interact with people, how to pretend to be coercive, or how to keep one's own character advantage, the idiot thinks that there is still something to be taught. This will definitely help her in her future life.

The idiot left the library. But at this moment, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at the library door.

Little Bread was weird, and yelled twice, pulling on the idiot's clothes. The idiot shook his head and continued to walk forward.

(Did you admit the wrong person...? Just now, I seemed to see that person... forget it.)

In the past eleven years of Xiao Bread's life, there were four teachers.

Xing Li is responsible for teaching knowledge, and Hugh is responsible for teaching combat. Although the princess Walnut doesn't appreciate it much, but unfortunately, she still taught the justice and love that don't need it. This made this girl very clear before the big issues, instead of being unrelenting in doing small evils as usual. In this case, the fourth teacher is of course the idiot himself, and what he is responsible for teaching is naturally society. Moreover, it is the simplest and most direct sociology.

After a while, he took the little girl to the *** in Fengchuusha. It's only daytime at the moment, so this *** doesn't look very good yet. Just after noon, many pubs and hotels have not yet opened, and the ladies have not yet come out to stand on the street. The rascals who are responsible for collecting protection fees are probably still sleeping.

"Ba Ba? What are we doing here? 》

Bread had doubts, but the idiot did not answer directly. He looked around and waited for a while while holding a small bread. After a while, five or six hooligans walked out of the tavern over there, surrounded by a man who was about the same age as an idiot and had a moustache, and walked towards the inn.

"Next, let's learn the calmness that pretends the most."

The idiot patted Bun's head lightly, and then took her hand and followed the people. When they entered the hotel, the idiot also took the small bread into the hotel and went up to the second floor. I saw the mustache holding the two exposed ji women and entering the room.

"what should we do? 》


The idiot patted the little girl's head lightly, and the two of them shrank in the corner and waited for a while. About fifteen minutes later, the idiot thought it was almost time, so he took a small bread and walked forward to the guarded room.

"Hey, you, get out of the way, do you hear me?"

Of course the idiot heard it. But the next moment, those bodyguards all fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. Little Bread looked at the idiot, and raised the sign with some doubts——

"that's it? 》

"No. Now, cover your face. From now on, I want to teach you what it means to make the other person angry and how to turn your own fault into the other person's fault. How to use your own advantages to defeat the other party's disadvantages. Cover your face well. If you do, just follow me."

Bun took a pair of female stockings from the sac on the belt and put it on his face. Hers is black, and the one on the idiot's head is flesh-colored. After finishing the set, the idiot took out the spare key from the counter, opened the door unceremoniously, and walked in.

Of course, the three men and women inside the door are doing repeated exercises on the bed. When the two masked men, one large and one small, came in at first glance, the man immediately panicked and quickly picked up a force gun from the bedside and pointed it at the idiot.

"Who are you guys?"

The idiot looked at the force gun, stared for a moment, and said, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mudu? Your Majesty Frederick. Have you seen it?"

"Your Majesty? You **** get out, come here, come here"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I confessed to the wrong person. I thought there was a guard outside, so your majesty is here. I'm sorry, I will leave now."

After all, the idiot retired immediately. The moustache also saw the five knocked-out people outside from the crack in the door, and his face changed color for a while and stopped talking.

After exiting, the idiot tightened the door and stood outside with Bun for ten minutes. Then...

"Are you here? Your Majesty"

The idiot rushed in again. And when he saw that the mustache and the ji woman were joining in the way of a female superior, he immediately rushed up, pulled the ji woman away, and pulled the mustache up.

"Well, you daring lady, you dare to attack your Majesty?"

That mustache is really hot now. He immediately hit the idiot's face with a punch in reverse, and the idiot grabbed his hand, tied it back, and pushed it onto the bed.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? This whole street is mine. As long as I yell, more than a hundred brothers will come to greet you, believe it or not."

Finally, the mustache became furious. In response to his scolding, the idiot nodded and said to the little bread next to him: "This is one of the prerequisites for pretending to be coercion. Let the other party declare their own family and show that they are powerful. Do you understand? If you can’t force the opponent to brag, then the pretense will be meaningless." A

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