Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 2: , Chrysanthemum Can

Chrysanthemum residue

Little Bread smiled and nodded, expressing understanding.

"Then the next step is to let the other party stumble on where we are most proud. However, we don't need to fight for no reason, so we will directly proceed with the follow-up operation, how to make our mistakes become others' mistakes."

"Understood Baba, that is to say, the reason why we are here now is completely the fault of this mustache? 》

"Yes. It was all his fault that we bothered him. Well... yes, it's because his third leg is too small."

"Sure enough, I think this brother's third leg is a bit short. It turns out that his legs are really short. 》

The moustache was already angry at the moment. He didn't care about anything anymore. He started to shoot the idiot one after another. The idiot took out the dark extinguisher from his arm, walked forward and said, "Hello, sir. . Actually, we belong to the Women’s Protection Association. Because in our records, your third leg is really very short, so we have doubts about your act of calling two ji women at once."

Muscles’ forehead had already popped blue veins, and he shouted: "What is the Women’s Protection Association? Are you deaf? You just figured it out, right? Also, where am I short? How did you get there? Have information on my third leg? What are you guys here for?"

"Yeah, we belong to the Women's Protection Association. Because your third leg is too short, and according to our files, you have had many bad records of premature ejaculation. Although these call girls have collected your money for you They do things, but there is no denying that they also have the right to sex. However, their right to **** is completely deprived of your hands. For call girls, this can be said to be the most unfortunate thing in the world. ."

"Yes, brother. Your legs are too short, and premature **** is already a crime. But we are also very nice. You just need to buy us and ask us to eat a lot of chili sauce, and we won't tell the truth about your infringement. 》

"Say a fart, you **** are so deceiving"

Roaring here, this mustache immediately rushed down holding the force gun. He saw that the idiot was obviously a superb person, so he immediately rushed to the bun, intending to hold her under the bun and see him rushing towards him, he was immediately shocked because now the moustache is completely naked, and he shook the one on his lower body. The short legs were just in line with Little Bread's line of sight. Seeing this scene, Little Bread immediately screamed and squeezed his right hand...


A punch hit the lower body of the mustache. But what really made this mustache stare out of her eyes was not Little Bread's soft and feeble fist, but the layer of ice wrapped around her fist...


The temperature in the air dropped sharply, and this mustache clutched his ****, lay on the ground, and began to twitch. But the bun is very agitated now, she scribbled a line of words, and held up—

"You uncle is really wretched to let me such a pure and pure girl look at this kind of thing? What if my beautiful heart is stained by your third leg? What if I have nightmares at night and dream of being chased by your sweaty leg? You have to compensate for my loss. My spiritual purity was still 100% just now, but now it is only 50% reduced by nearly half. If every percentage point is calculated by 100 sura, you have to compensate me for 5,000 sura. The pure compensation fee

The mustache twitched on the ground, foaming at the corners of his mouth, and he said fiercely: " can there be any...innocent...? me well...I will... someday... …Will give you...rape...ah——————"

As soon as the voice fell, an ice thorn was directly inserted into this mustache's ass. He yelled immediately because of the pain, the tragic sound was almost comparable to the most powerful sound of killing a pig

"I, I, I... My hemorrhoids. Pull out the hemorrhoids. Don't insert the hemorrhoids. My hemorrhoids—"

"Now that it's over, my heart has been tainted by your hemorrhoids, so filthy and unbearable, how can you compensate me for the compensation fee of 10,000 Sura?" There are few cute and innocent little loli in this world, and I was so innocent. But now you can no longer be innocent. How can you be responsible for the cute little girl who is missing another person in this world and everyone sees it rushing to hug? 》

"Ah...aunt grandma...aunt grandma wow-wow-my hemorrhoids hemorrhoids-stop bleeding if it bleeds"

"Say, what is the password of the Magic Crystal Card? 》

"Wow ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 54321 do not poke my hemorrhoids and it has cracked"

Bun took out the Magic Crystal Card from the wallet beside it, then took out the card swiper he carried with him, inserted the card number, pressed the password, and transferred all the money inside. Soon, the transaction was successful. As for this simple card swiping device, I learned it from Xingli. Carry the card reader with you so that you don’t cause trouble when you need it.

Seeing the more than three thousand Suras on his account out of thin air, Xiao Bread couldn't even close his mouth with a smile. Sure enough, the fastest money comes from robbery and extortion~~~ In this way, you can buy more chili sauce~~~

It's a pity that the excitement of the little girl did not last long after all. Because her actions were out of line, the idiot took the magic crystal card from her hand of course and stared at her from the stockings.


"It's too much. If you don't want to seal his mouth, he will retaliate."

The moustache who had **** fissure was already crying without tears. Because the icicle is still stuck in his ass, and because it is an icicle, it is now completely frozen with his skin, even if it moves slightly, it will hurt, let alone pull it out.

Little Bread finally recovered. She looked at the mustache on the floor, and then at the two unexpected service women over there who had been scared to death. After scratching her head, she raised a sign—

"So... kill your mouth, kill? 》

"Ah, Miss, please spare my life. If you want to insert my hemorrhoids, please continue to insert it. I will definitely not have any questions, but please spare me, please spare me"

For this problem, the idiot tried hard to think about it. After a while, he took out the "How Teens Pretend" and opened it, which happened to be the chapter about heroes saving beauty.

"Um... Generally speaking, if these villains are oppressing Liangjia women, in order to prevent the commotion from becoming too big, it doesn't matter if we bully a little bit. Well, oppressing Liangjia women... But we are now How can a hero save the beauty?"

The idiot was thinking, but Little Bread had a quick brain and had already thought of his idea first. The little girl immediately rushed to the two ji women, holding a frost ball in each hand, and smiling at them.

"How much does he cost you? 》

"Yes... it's two people... one day... a total of 100 sura..."

"Very well, hand in one hundred soula. 》

Bread took the money from the two women, turned around, stuffed it into the wallet of this mustache, and raised the card again—

"Baba, that's it. Because of this, this wretched brother had forcibly had a relationship with the two poor sisters, and belonged to the sex. It's a pity that we didn't arrive in time and let him succeed. But now that we have subdued him, he should be regarded as a hero to save the United States. 》

The idiot immediately clapped and touched Little Bread's head. how to say? Because this girl's head is really smart, she can think of such a compromise. It's really good~~~~

"Well. In this case, it makes sense."

The idiot raised Xiao Bao’s magic crystal card and said: “Our hero saves the United States and takes some condolences after defeating the evil forces as a pillar of life in the future. Well, sure enough, it’s exactly the same as written in this book. ."

"So...Baba? 》

The idiot nodded heavily and said solemnly: "Yes, we have successfully pretended to be forced. But bread, this is just a preliminary study, you must learn higher level of pretending to be skills in the future, you know."

"Know Ba Ba"

That mustache was already crying without tears. He wanted to spit loudly at the combination of father and daughter who are not like father and daughter, and siblings are not like siblings, but the icicle in the ** is so cruel at the moment, making him unable to move except lying on the ground and yelling. Besides, he can't do anything anymore. There were only endless tears, rolling down from the corner of his eyes.

"Is it here?"

"Here we are here"

At this moment, some noise suddenly came out from downstairs. Hearing the noise, the idiot immediately came to the window and saw a dozen rascals with machetes pouring into the shop aggressively. It looks like...

"Ba Ba"

Seeing the bread, she cried out. The idiot nodded and immediately found a way to request the transfer. But before the transfer...

He strode to the back of the moustache, his left hand caught the back of his neck and lifted it up, and his right hand grasped the icicle that didn't show any signs of melting, and pushed it a little bit inward, immediately, in exchange for this moustache Screams.

"If you don't want to be a red card in the male public relations club, just shut up for me. You dare to shout and I'll poke it."

The mustache is now turning white, tears streaming down his face.


The idiot grabbed this guy and came to the window. Little Bread climbed onto his shoulders. When all those with machetes rushed into the inn, the idiot immediately jumped off, and then in broad daylight, dragged the whole body with a stick behind his ass. The guy with the popsicle dashed up in front of all the neighbors in the neighborhood.

Originally, the idiot thought those who came with a machete were under this mustache. Therefore, he wanted to take this guy as a hostage and escape. But what the idiots didn't expect was that when the thugs saw the idiot and the mustache, they immediately screamed and screamed and rushed over. Moreover, the person in the lead unceremoniously threw out the throwing knife in his hand, ignoring the life and death of Mustache at all.


The idiot made a mistake and turned over in the air, avoiding the throwing knife. However, after such a pause, the thugs rushed over immediately. Moreover, they started yelling, not only the dozen or so people who rushed into the hotel, but also twenty or thirty people on the other side of the street rushed head-on. After seeing the moustache on the idiot’s back, they immediately began to swear loudly. Murderous, as if to kill immediately.

"Zelence Scarlett, your death date has come to this day, and you have to pay for what you did—"

A man with double knives yelled and rushed towards the idiot. The idiot was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately made a decision.

He put down the man called Zelens on his back, holding a small bread, and was about to leave immediately.

"Slow down you can't go, you absolutely can't go"

Zelens covered his almost splitting **** with one hand, and grabbed the idiot's feet with the other, and said loudly, "If you were the one who pulled me out, if you are not an accomplice of these guys, you will be responsible to me."

"Let go, I want to escape."

The idiot stretched his leg to pull it out, but to his surprise, this person's hand strength was surprisingly strong.

"What's a joke? I'm having a good time, now I'm playing with women, but you two guys suddenly ran out to disturb me and want to run now? My hemorrhoids... My hemorrhoids, you can't go. If you go, I'll be dead"

"If you want to die, go die, let go of Ba Ba"

Bread raised the sign and began to smash Zelens's head. Zelens just endured the sign on his forehead and refused to let it go. Seeing those people finally surrounding him, he became even more furious and said loudly--

"You bastard, if you didn't make my hemorrhoids look like this, I wouldn't take these people in my eyes. You made my chrysanthemum like this. You are responsible for my chrysanthemum. My **** is broken, so I can't stand up now, so I want to clap my hands and leave? Is there such a convenient thing in the world?"

Finally, the idiot and the bread were surrounded by those people. Without saying anything, these hooligans immediately drew out the knife in their hands and slashed them involuntarily. For them, Zelens and the idiot are together, so the idiot and the little guy on the back are naturally enemies. Cut it all together

The idiot flashed to the left and kicked the opponent's chest with his foot up. He didn't want to kill someone, because once he killed someone, he was really tied to this guy called Zelens. So now it is important to get rid of him immediately, so that you can completely get rid of this battle.

However, idiots can't kill people, with a small bread on their backs, and Zelens's foot is still clinging to one foot. Naturally, their mobility is seriously insufficient. And because Zelens is naked, the sight of the road signs on his buttocks is too eye-catching, and more and more people are looking around, so that he can't take him into the crowd A

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