Demon King Dad

: The second year story 040, the night of the festival

Time is running out. There will always be things in this world that will make you feel that the sun is rising and setting too fast.

There are so many things to prepare in just three days. During these three days, the village chief personally moved the surplus food stored in the warehouse as tribute, and continued to survey the terrain with idiots, preparing for the final day of battle.

"My child, you are still too young, so the task of the last blow is left to me. Although...this task is dangerous, can you take on the job of bait?"

Late at night, there are only two days left before August 1. The village chief spread out the map near the village and lay on the table, pointing to the southeast of the village while asking.

The idiot looked in this direction. From the map, the terrain is very flat. After a little thought, he nodded.

The village chief showed a little bit of joy and began to point to the terrain and explain in detail: "Very good. When that night, you only need to push the tribute up the mountain. There is a sign that three huge rocks are stacked. I will take you. I've seen it. Just put the tribute in front of the mark and wait. When the monster shows up, you yell and throw stones at him. Then, you try to lure him into this place. (Pointing to a steeper area on the map)."

"This is a gorge. For the size of the monster, it is too narrow. I took advantage of it when it was stuck in the gorge and jumped from the top of the gorge, and directly pierced it with this spear. heart!"

The village chief snapped the map and turned his head. In the corner of the room, there is a spear that can be polished smoothly. The sharp spear head exudes a gloomy color, and it seems that it can take the life of any creature at any time.

The idiot looked at the map carefully, then he raised his head and slowly said, "You...know its heart? Weimen...what does it look like."

This should be a very simple question, but the village chief could not answer it. He looked very hesitant and a little alarmed. His eyes flickered, and he could see that it was a look looking for an excuse.

"Then...that fact, what it really looks like is..."



Without any accident, the village chief lowered his head and sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry, child. I can't tell the appearance of the **** of harvest... He has always just appeared in our dreams. Even in the past, we flee immediately after the general ceremony. So, and I don’t know what the **** of harvest looks like..."

The idiot stopped talking. But when the village chief wanted to pack up the map and prepare to replenish his energy, he suddenly spoke again--

"Take me to see the tribute."

The village chief agreed and led the idiot to a temporary storage room in the corner of the hall. Opening the door, what appeared inside was a two-wheeled cart. The car was filled with various wooden boxes, and many fruits and wheat could be seen in the alleys that hadn't had time to cover them. The unique fresh scent of food makes people tempted to move their index fingers.


Even the bread on the idiot's back reacted to the smell.

"Child, do you think... do we need to put a little poison in the tribute? After the monster is poisoned, we will be better able to kill it?"

The village chief’s suggestions were habitually ignored by idiots. He walked to the cart, opened a medium-sized box that seemed to have been used for the longest time, and took out all the food in it. He looked at it and found that there was a step-like protrusion on the bottom of the box, and it was solid.


The idiot's hand slowly raised. He stuffed the food back into the box and placed it as it was. The child finally turned his head, and slowly walked past the village chief...


"Everything is ready."


"After two days, start working."

The weak body flashed past the village chief. He walked out of the storage room, the lights in the hall pulled his shadow very long, very long...In those eyes swallowed by darkness and coldness, something was brewing, preparing for the arrival of the day of judgment ...




It's eleven o'clock late at night.

Today’s night is very quiet, so quiet that you can’t even hear the wind.

The night tonight is very dark, and there is no light in the dark.

The sky was obscured by a thick layer of clouds. The sunny weather for a long time suddenly became stingy this night, and no longer sprinkled the blessings of the three-wheeled moon on the earth.

The pitch-black mountains are like monster ribs, drawing horrible curves. The mountains and forests are dark and quiet, and even the birds seem to be shocked by something today and dare not speak. The nocturnal creatures converged from their usual "wildness" and obediently hid in the "safe" cave, waiting for something to come...

Who are they... waiting for?

Little figure...

Standing in the lobby of the largest room in the village. There was no light in the room, everything was swallowed by darkness and silence. The wall clock on the wall made clicks, clicks, and clicks. These were the only sounds, boring and mechanically striking the darkness.

The whole Desapush village was shrouded in something, and everyone was hiding in bed, covering their heads, expecting and fearing something. Once a year, the summer shrouded in heat has long been forgotten by the people here. For them, summer does not mean hot and cold water, nor does it mean people’s enjoyment at night and the sky full of stars for several days. This represents coldness, represents darkness...

The darkness was shrouded in a strong breath of death.

The little beggar stood in the storage room, and he stood there, staring at the cart of food. On his back, he carried the little baby girl who had already fallen asleep. She fell asleep, allowing him to move more freely and more comfortably.

Wow... Wow...

The chain squirmed slowly in the dark. The open red pupil exuded a **** luster in the dark. It grinned, it was a very cheerful grin. As the time on the wall clock gets closer and closer to midnight, and as August 1 gets closer and closer, its laughter becomes more cheerful!

In an instant, the laughter disappeared. The cold black pupils turned to the back, and the village chief appeared with the flashlight in his left hand and the spear in his right hand.

"Let's go."

The village chief's complexion was a little pale, and he seemed a little nervous. The hand holding the spear trembled slightly, and a faint perspiration appeared on the place where the handle of the gun was touched.

The idiot nodded, his right hand squeezed slightly, and he walked towards the village chief. next moment……


Softly. A drop of blood dripped from the head of the pitch-black blade, smashing a blood flower on the ground. In the endless darkness, the village chief lowered his head...

He saw his chest.

I saw the black long sword running through my heart.

I saw the arm that was **** with chains, and the eyes...




Hand out.

The person in front of him slowly fell. He did not make a cry for help, because his death came too suddenly and too quickly. Death was so cold that even his last shout was frozen. This person clutched his heart, his face twisted in a pool of blood, staring at those eyes full of surprise, doubt, and anger, and twitched a few times...

Not moving anymore.

The night is quiet...just as quiet as before.

The smell of blood permeated the room, but the bun had not been awakened by the smell of blood, and he was still asleep. But her expression seems a little uncomfortable. Is it because she can't lie down to sleep and feel dissatisfied?

Time, ticking, ticking, and walking. After the person in front of him had completely changed from a "person" to a "thing", the idiot squatted down, inserted Diane into its neck, and pulled it. Then, he raised its hand again, and cut it down at the elbow joint with a darker. He divided this "thing" into six parts, and then cut the other parts except the head in two again.

The blood pupil was smiling grinningly, frantically. This laughter was crazy in the child's mind, as if it could completely destroy a person's spirit! But for this world, all of this is quiet. There is no extra sound here, only the sound of cutting "things" bit by bit.

Cut, the idiot put away the dark. He wiped the blood off his face, turned around and opened the box he had seen last time, and poured out the food and fruit. Then, he put the separated "things" neatly in. It's a pity that this box is too small to fit all in. He had no choice but to leave his head and part of his body behind and put the lid back on.

Pushing the cart, the idiot walked out of the storage room. But in the ticking of the bell, he did not leave quickly. The child placed the trolley in the hall, then turned and walked up the stairs. And when he stepped onto the second floor...

The black long sword that had been washed away from the blood had already appeared in his hands again.


The door opened, and in the darkness, a little girl walked out of the room with her sleepy eyes rubbing. She still didn't notice anything, she just wanted to go to a toilet, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the dark appearing in front of her, just casually raised her hand, and smiled reflexively——

"Brother, you also get up to pee..."

The sword blade draws a black parallel line in the air. The little girl's head was flying in the air, and after spinning a few times, it rolled into the corner of the corridor. Her face still had that wistful smile, and the "?" was still on her lips, as if she could say it at any time...

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