Demon King Dad

: The second year story 041, a staggered conspiracy

The small body stumbled a few times. In the darkness, it was no longer clear what color the thing ejected from the incision was. Holding the sword, the idiot walked by the little body with a cold face, opened the door, and walked in. At this moment, the girl's body finally fell to the ground, twitching a few times, and stopped moving.

Cold and dark.

There is no emotion on his face, those black pupils just stare at everything he has done very plainly. These eyes watched his own hands lift up the dark, and thrust its blade into the sleeping Daliya's chest. These eyes watched the sword plunge into the heads of the other two boys. It enjoys the baptism of blood to the fullest, and the jet-black blade emits a darker color that is more dazzling than the darkness around it. With the end of the last life in the family, its pupils, who had already tasted five lives, instantly widened, and it made the most crazy laugh in the mind of an idiot...


Time: 11:30.

The idiot pushed the cart and walked silently on the small village road without anyone. There was still blood stuck on the wheel of the trolley, and blood was still overflowing in a box. The gurgling voice ran across the ground, and two traces of dark red, along with the **** footprints, slowly extended to the southeast of the village.

Soon, the place of worship arrived. The idiot put the wheelbarrow in front of the three stones. Then, he turned around and hugged the bread behind his back, looking at her sleeping little face...


A drop of unwiped blood dripped on the corner of Little Bread's right eye. The dark red drop of blood slowly slipped from her right eye, pulling out a blood stain...

The idiot reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her eye with her clothes. Seeing that the time was almost up, he quickly spread his feet and ran to another hill. He picked a small hill where he could see the whole village of Drapes, sat down, and waited quietly.

45 points...

55 points...


When the pointer points to the last midnight, when the date changes from the late night of July 31 to the early morning of August 1, the idiot waited for more than a month for the answer, and finally... appeared.


A terrible roar suddenly came from the sacrifice place. The sound of this roar was so amazing that even an idiot who was observing from afar could not help being shaken by the roar! With the roar, a creature almost twenty meters tall pushed aside the boulder and descended from the night! It breathed a light green gas, spread its wings at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the quiet small village!

"Humans! I gave you a second chance, but you still insulted me like that! Do you think that a corpse can be forgiven by me? No! My tolerance for you has reached the limit! Now, let you do it. Your own greed and shamelessness, take back everything you got! Pay the price you deserve!"

That is a bat-like monster! The huge body rushed into the village, and with just one catch, it smashed a country house second only to the village chief's house! Suddenly, the village that had just been shrouded in darkness finally woke up. The sound of bells, crying, and surprise intertwined into the sonata of this night, the truth of blood, opening its most real scene!

"The **** of harvest...the **** of harvest is angry!"

"What should we do? Isn't it... Isn't the village chief's plan successful?!"

"Ah——! The **** of harvest is here! Help! Help——!!!"

A festival called destruction officially began. The bat flapped its bone wings, staring at its two green eyes and violently destroying the village. The death toll of the village name immediately began to rise, and some of those who could not escape were either crushed into a pool of meat sauce by the rubble and the giant claws, or caught by the bat, threw it into the mouth with a chuckle, and bit it into pieces.

"No way! Weimen is really angry! Counterattack! Counterattack quickly! As long as you stab it in the heart, you can kill it!"

The men in the village changed their spirit of not daring to resist, and threw their spears at the bat's chest. But under the wings of the **** of harvest, those spears were all shot off without exception. However, the voices of people participating in the war also formally foretell the life and death battle of "man vs. God", and the curtain has truly begun!

In the distance, on the hillside.


The idiot sits on a rock, holding bread. He just watched quietly what was happening in the village, did not move, didn't speak, and didn't mean to pull out the dark to join the war quickly. He just watched, it seemed that what happened before his eyes was not a "Warcraft disaster", but just a drama, a song and dance, an epic performed by bards.

"Um... Although there are many questions I want to ask you. But there are too many things to ask, and they are too complicated, so I can't figure out what to ask you first."

An Mie stopped laughing wildly, staring at the idiot with satisfaction, and sneered.

"......You know what I'm thinking." The idiot responded coldly, and continued to watch the desperate battle over there.

"No, no, I should have said that under normal circumstances I cannot connect to your brain and manipulate your thinking. And I am stupid, no~~~ often stupid. If you don’t tell me anything, I’m afraid I will I can't sleep~~~~~"

The idiot glanced at the blood pupil. Is it stupid? Does it know nothing? This is really the most unbelievable words in the world.

"Hey hey, if you don’t answer, then I will treat you as agree. Then first I will ask two major premise questions. First, what do you think of your mission this time. Second, you are What do you think of the village chief's family that was good for you but was wiped out by you in a blink of an eye."

Dim Mie was waiting, grinning grimly. The fighting there has become fierce, the number of dead and wounded is increasing, and many women and children have become victims of death. The smell of blood permeated the air, making it extremely comfortable.


"...I can wait for you. But our time is limited, I still hope you can answer as soon as possible."

"...The task, the condition is to kill the **** of harvest, Weimen. The process is not required. There is no special statement. We must kill Weimen on the premise of protecting the village."

"Hahaha! That's right! The mission is just the monster. It doesn't matter how the village is. As long as the mission can be completed, what does it matter if you use the client? Even though it is the client and the entire village The lives of all people."

"Second..." The idiot lowered his head and looked at the bread in his arms. Under the cold of midnight, she seemed to shrink tighter...

"If someone treats you well, then you have to be careful. If someone treats you very well, then that person is going to use you. What he tells you contains absolutely fatal lies."

An Mie snorted coldly, and said, "Yes, you never believe anything that anyone says. You never believe in any benefit that anyone gives you. Therefore, you never drink during this period of time. This family’s water does not eat this family’s food. It’s really hard for you to eat your compressed biscuits so calmly when you can face those big fish and meat. Interesting. Then since you don’t believe the respectable Village chief, might as well tell me where did you start to find it strange."

"…………first day."

"Oh? The first day you came here?"

"The drive is too far."

"Hehe, keep talking."

"As a village that gathers people, it must exist for three reasons. First, it is close to the water source. Second, it is rich in products. Third, the transportation is convenient. However, Desaps Village is not close to the water source, and the farmland is not much cultivated. More importantly, the station of Mingming Magic Train is very shabby, and it seems that it has been set up for several years. But I haven't seen any artificially reclaimed passages that can facilitate people to enter and exit the village. This is very strange. It is like this village. The people deliberately didn't dig a passage, as if it was inconvenient to get in and out on purpose."

"Yes! This is the question we discussed on the first day when we came here. But these are not enough. You haven't clarified the key to the problem. That is the main reason why you killed the village chief. ."

"The reason is that he lied and wanted to use me and bread to accomplish what he wanted to do."


"That person told me that because he didn't sacrifice half of his family's life to the **** of harvest last year, the wheat harvest this year was bad. Then the next day I took a look and it was true that many wheat fields in the village were all withered. death."

"What's wrong with this?"

"Very wrong. When I arrived here the night before, I saw someone drying wheat stalks in front of my house. Judging from the freshness of the wheat stalks, it was definitely harvested and dried that day. But here comes the problem. Why at that time the wheat stalks I saw were full of texture, round and shiny, but all the wheat I saw the next day withered and died?"

"Hmph, this is the first big lie that the village master spoofed to deceive you about the death of crops. But he did not expect you to get the information that the crops are growing well at the beginning. Instead, he exposed his unhealthy intentions prematurely."

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