Demon King Dad

: The second year story 042, the game

"When I arrived that day, I heard them arguing outside the door. But when I went in and appeared in front of everyone, the argument stopped immediately. Then, after a long talk by the village chief, the villagers had no objection. Start to evacuate."

"Hahaha! Obviously, this is unnatural. It was so quarrelsome just now, why didn't you make a noise when you went in? Are you a big man? How can your eleven-year-old kid stop them? Arguing? It's fun, fun! So, so what?"

"...So, I started searching early the next morning. Finally, on the stove, I found the village chief's second lie."

"Vase! Hey, right? It seems that my luck is also quite high~~~!.........well, you continue to say, I will not interrupt."

"It's a vase. I checked those flowers and they are real flowers. But is it normal to put flowers on a stove that heats up? Of course, it's summer and the stove is not used often, so just put the original ones. Nothing. But when I picked up the vase, I saw a very clear trace on the bottom. And that trace must have been placed on a heavy object for a long time, and it has not been moved for more than two or three years. s things."

"After that, I checked the photo frames, decorations, etc. next to me. I found that the impressions underneath were all the same. If it was to put the vases, the place on the stove was actually very free, why not just put it up like this, but put it instead. How about replacing the objects there with vases? What is it that is placed here that must be removed so quickly? Besides, it was replaced with something similar in size and shape to cover it up?"

"Then, I started looking for all kinds of places to pile garbage. Finally, I was in that garbage dump, and I found what I was looking for—"

"A sculpture."

"Specifically, it is not a complete sculpture, but a sculpture with only a black base. It can be seen that there should be something on the base, but because it was destroyed, it cannot be distinguished. From the size and the staining traces left on the print Judging from it, it was obvious that this thing was originally placed on the imprint of the vase. However, the village chief took such a sculpture from his home to such a remote garbage dump to throw it away. The reason for this made me immediately suspicious. ."

"Why doesn't he want me to see the sculpture? What will happen if I see the sculpture? These two questions were answered in the next bonfire meeting."

"According to his statement, he began to resist Weimen as early as a year ago. Since he started to resist, of course he would not put a sculpture of the object of resistance in his home. Therefore, this is another big lie he told. Through the performance of a "hero loneliness, no one encourages" drama with all the villagers, let me deepen the impression that he has resisted for two years."

"Hahaha, in other words, the fact that you found the statue completely tore the mask of his rebels! Not only failed to eliminate your doubts, but it made your doubts more, right? Interesting. Then, please go on and talk about the village chief’s real intentions, what is it!"

"……………………His real intention...that is, the real sacrifice. For the real sacrifice, I am afraid it is neither the so-called food nor half the life span, but... …"

"One, the life of a young child."

Having said this, the idiot unconsciously lowered his head and looked at the bread in his arms. Amidst the hustle and bustle that shook the sky in the distance, her face was a little pale. Seeing this, the idiot couldn't help but hugged her tightly again, lowered his head, and pressed his forehead against her little face...

"During the days I lived in the village, I had never seen any children walking or playing on the road. When I went to their homes, I only saw the mother with the children huddled in the corner. After that, I remembered the time when I arrived. On the first night, the discussion I heard outside the village chief’s house said, “Last year so and so have made sacrifices. This year, you will be the village chief. You made this idea. There is no way now. It should be your contribution.' This kind of remark. Coupled with the three children of the village chief’s family who were all upstairs at the time, they looked like they were afraid of being taken away to judge..."

"Hahahahaha! It's really interesting inference, but it's not perfect. This doesn't mean that the sacrifice must be a child. You have to provide more correct evidence."

"The evidence is what Mr. Campa said before I left school—"

"A military blockade was carried out on the borders of the empire to find insurgents."

"The military blockade to find the insurgents only started this year. But why did the Desapush village, which was in peace last year, get into trouble as soon as it was blocked this year? In line with the lies of the village chief, the children and mothers To judge that the people who arrived in this village were me and the bread, rather than other adults or women, this village is very likely to be engaged in a transaction—"

"human trafficking."

The idiot said the word faintly, looking into the distance. There, the monster's chest was already full of throwing spears, but it didn't seem to care at all, and continued its killing.

"Why are the women in the village so beautiful? Why are so many beautiful women willing to marry in such a poor ravine? Then if you change your mind, they did not come voluntarily, but were abducted? If you think about it, you can be flexible. Can a child dedicated to Weimen, the **** of harvest, also be abducted?"

"In this case, everything can be explained. This village dedicated a kidnapped child to that monster every year, and the monster protects the village's land every year. It's not its own contribution. Children, that’s why the village chief’s house will place the statue of the beast for willing worship. However, due to the military blockade of the empire this year, they can no longer engage in human trafficking activities, so they will be so anxious when approaching August, for fear of showing up This scene is emerging now."

The bat stirred up the roof of a house and crushed a man with his head shivering inside under the rubble.

"These are just evidence of the situation. The most direct evidence is the box in which I filled the corpse of the village head. That box seems to have been used for many years, but it makes me wonder why it is not made into a square hole. And what about setting up a ladder? It's actually very simple. The answer is..."

"Put the child in, and the child can sit on the ladder to prevent the child from rolling around inside, right? Hahaha! You said it well, you are all on the point! But then again, that Mr. Village Chief is also a great actor. No, it should be said that the village itself is a collection of actors. After all, cross-border human trafficking is a big project. If it is not for the close cooperation of the whole village and the concerted efforts of the whole village, It really can't be done. Their concerted efforts should have been trained in this way."

Looking at it, two-thirds of the houses in the village have been destroyed, and the fire has begun to spread in the village. From a distance, the orange light rises in the darkness, just like the human soul ascends to the sky.

"Okay! Next, please tell me the reason you acted like this after knowing all the intentions of the village chief! Oh, yes, I don’t want you to destroy the village. As far as I am concerned, Your ability to destroy one or two villages at every turn is of course the thing I want to see the most. The only pity is that you did not use me to destroy the village, but with the power of that little thing, it made me feel a little itchy at the edge. I want to chop something."

The idiot paused, patted the bread, and slowly said, "My task is not to expose the human trafficking in this village, but to kill the harvest **** and retrieve its heart. As long as it is deliberately angered, it will I will definitely rush into the village and carry out the massacre, and the villagers will resist in order to survive. During this time, I can judge where the heart of the bat is.

The harvest **** Weimen had nearly a hundred spears inserted into his chest, but he was still standing, without the slightest intention of falling. Obviously, these wrong behaviors of the villagers have told him that the heart of this bat is not in the chest! And he doesn't need to risk his life to confirm this matter.

"Interesting, interesting! Use all the available resources around you to prepare for intelligence warfare! You really are getting more and more of the purpose of the'Six Swords'~~~ Don’t be gorgeous, just simple. Use your own damage The least method to obtain the enemy's intelligence to the greatest extent, to increase the chance of victory for my own victory. Suddenly I felt that you kid might be really hard to die because you would never allow yourself to enter a dangerous situation? Hahahaha!"

Dimie smiled, very cruelly. The idiot had already explained it. Through the "dedication" of the "blood and fire" of the villagers, he finally knew where the heart of the bat was. He stood up, tied the bread back to his back, the darkening of his right hand turned into a long sword.

"But one thing, if the village chief really wants to dedicate you and this girl to the bat, why doesn't he catch you and lock you up? This is compared to poisoning the whole village's farmland. It’s much easier for the whole village to do a show together."

"...Because he is a very calm and shrewd person."

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