Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 4: , Weird goodbye

Little Bread cried out almost in mourning. Especially after the tenderness of Zelens made a scream that couldn't tell whether it was pleasure or pain, she yelled, then covered her face, and quickly hid behind the ghost-faced woman, she didn't dare to look again. Emoji.

After the idiot, he didn't feel anything, he slowly got up and clapped his hands. The ghost face girl nodded at this side. As for Zelens, his high buttock was now lying flat again, and his mouth was drooling, unconscious.

"Bulldozer, I, excuse me."

The ghost-faced girl looked at the idiot, looked at Zelens, who was already unable to get up, suddenly said such a sentence, after speaking, she turned around and left. Although the idiot didn't think his behavior was so embarrassing, he couldn't help but step forward when he saw this senior sister and stopped in front of the deviation.

"Have you seen it, Master?"

Opening his mouth, the idiot asked such a sentence.

It's just a pity that Deviation shook his head slightly, and did not give a positive answer to this answer. However, looking at her appearance, it seemed that she finally decided not to leave so soon. She stopped and nodded at the idiot. Afterwards, looking at Zelens over there, it seemed that she wanted to say something, but due to her not very rich language, she hadn't worked out how to tell this fact.

"He, you, know?"

It took a long time to suffocate such a sentence. After thinking for a while, the idiot shook his head decisively. He doesn't need to know such a hemorrhoid. Now that the bread has bought the clothes, this guy should be able to roll decisively.

Therefore, the idiot picked up those clothes from the ground and threw them on Zelens. Afterwards, he flicked some more water to make this guy wake up. At the moment he just woke up, Zelens saw the idiot at a glance, and his eyes were filled with speechless panic.

"Give you."

The idiot took the hemorrhoid ointment from the bread and passed it to Zelens. Holding this hemorrhoid cream, Zelens was already in tears. He looked at the idiot viciously and wanted to swear, but due to the current **** problem, he didn't dare to speak out. Forget it, the hero doesn’t suffer from the immediate loss. Although I don’t know what these two people look like, based on their personal connections, as long as you do a little research to see who is such a ghost in this city, then you are probably in good standing.

"Thanks...thank you family..."

Thanks to his heart, Zelens gritted his teeth, squeezed out hemorrhoid ointment, pressed his **** and smeared himself. When the pain in his **** finally eased a little, he pulled up his pants and walked away.

"Baba, he is actually a good guy, right? 》

The bun holds the magic crystal card in one hand and the sign in the other. He seemed very happy. The idiot nodded and looked at Zelens away. Although there are still many puzzles on him that have not been solved, well...Forget it, he should never meet again in the future.

Pulling the bun, Idiot and Deviation began to walk side by side. This is not a walk, and the two actually didn't have much communication along the way, nor did they tell how they had been during this time. They are just walking. If it weren't for keeping the same pace, people might think that these were two strangers who didn't know each other.

The wind and sand in February mixed with winter and spring. The branches of the lake were all sprouts with green buds, but the air was still blowing the cold wind that refused to leave.

The breeze pulled across the horizontal surface and swept a ripple. The birds on the water float there, chasing each other, playing and eating.

Really... It's a scene of peace and prosperity.

Unconsciously, the deviant pace stopped.

Through that ghost mask, she looked at the shimmering lake, as if thinking deeply about something. She slowly tightened her cloak, wrapping herself tighter. And the silver-gray gaze projected from behind the ghost mask also flickered slightly hesitantly now.

The idiot didn't ask, because he knew how powerful his senior sister was. Moreover, she is very opinionated and knows whether to ask herself for help. She should also know that even if she asks for help, she may not agree to her.

Two adults and a child just stood by the lake, looking at the turbulent lake, thinking. From the afternoon to the evening, from the high sun to the sky full of stars. They no longer know how many people have passed by, nor how many couples have begun to play with each other behind them.

Now, the only thing they are still going on is still such silence and such calmness.


No, maybe, among these three people, one of them didn't keep calm all the time.


As the night began to deepen, her body began to slowly shake. This is not like what would happen to someone with excellent martial skills. Moreover, the body under her cloak seemed to show a form of clamping her legs and enduring desperately. People can't understand.

Finally, the deviance still couldn't hold back. Amidst the dense love words from the lovers and the waves of touching each other, her body suddenly tilted and she was about to fall forward.

The idiot has quick eyes and quickly supports her. Through this thin cloak, he could almost feel the body underneath trembling slightly. And... is it an illusion? I always felt that her body seemed to be filled with a very good smell, sweet and fragrant.

Little Bread was a little worried when she saw Deviant be out of control. She screamed a few times and raised the sign in her hand—

"what happened? Betrayed sister. 》

The deviated head was lowered, and his breathing seemed very rapid. Seeing that she didn't answer, Bread, after thinking about it, jumped up and lifted the mask on her face. But I didn't know if I didn't lift it, and the expression that deviated from now appeared immediately shocked the bread. Even idiots are shocked by the deviation from the way they are now

She blushed.

No, it's not so much blushing, it's more blush.

Her eyes were slightly closed, her expression blurred. The little lips were half open and half closed, breathing constantly. Sweat had already rolled off her forehead, it seemed as if she was enduring something desperately.


Little Bread was right in front of Deviant, and she was holding her cloak in her hands. Suddenly, she felt that the cloak on Deviant's body suddenly became a little wet, and after a short pause, she quickly pulled up the cloak of Deviant and looked inside. After that, she immediately retracted her head, opened her mouth wide, and raised the card—

"Urine? Looking for the toilet? 》

However, when faced with the proposal of Little Bread, Deviation shook his head. Then, she raised her head slightly, and glanced at the idiot with a pair of sad eyes. Afterwards, she covered the middle of the tightly clamped legs with one hand, and stretched out the other tremblingly, slowly, as if she wanted to put it on the shoulder of an idiot.


Unclear words came out of her mouth intermittently. Of course, the idiot couldn't understand, he could only lower his head and look at the silver-haired girl under the cloak without saying a word.


At this moment, Deviance only said one word, and couldn't say it anymore. Only her waist was getting lower and lower, but the panting of breath lingered in her mouth.

"Ah, we really can't stand it anymore."

At this moment, a dozen women who also wore cloaks suddenly walked out of the trees and on the side of the road. They all wear masks just like Li Qiye just now. Two of them stepped forward to support Deviation, helped her move, and walked along the lakeshore. Others are surrounded by idiots and small bread, the well-trained formation, flawless footsteps, all show the extremely high martial skills.

"Sir, if it is convenient, please take a step to speak. Our eldest lady is a bit inconvenient now. As a gentleman, you certainly don't want to spy on the most embarrassing appearance of a lady, do you?"

The idiot glanced at the distant departure again, and finally, he nodded, took the little bread with these ghost-faced women, and left the lake.

They did not take the idiot too far, passing through the park occupied by various lovers, and the group came to the slightly brightly lit trading area in the park. Although all the shops here are closed and closed. But that bright street lamp is enough to let those lovers who seek darkness leave. To talk, this is really the best place.

Idiots stand still, and those women stand still. Eight ghost masks surrounded the idiot like a trial. Xiao Bread was a little scared by these ghost masks, and couldn't help tightening the idiot's clothes even more.

"Huh..." The woman who spoke just now looked at the idiot, and after staring at his face for a while, she sighed and said, "Why, don't you ask us why we brought you here? "


The idiot didn't answer. Since you brought me, you don't need to ask me, you will definitely tell the purpose.

"…………………… Well, it seems that you do have some courage. Then, please allow me to ask some questions now. Depending on your question, we will take different actions against you. I hope you can cooperate. "

The idiot has no choice but to nod. But Bread was even more nervously pinching the sleeve of the idiot, his body trembling.

"Then, the first question. Do you know the true identity of our eldest lady? Do you know our identity?"

Although from before to now, Li Qi has never told the idiot of her true identity. However, it was not the first time to deal with this secret force. Judging from various situations, he probably guessed the dignity of Deviance in this organization. It should belong to the decision-making stratum, or even higher leaders.

Therefore, the idiot nodded. V

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